¬ Comments are marked with whatever character this is at the start ¬ There must be a comment on the first line if tag delimeters and comments are included in the rest of the file {strat} Strategy menu ¬ Mid line comment, just to test {strat_ed} Strategy editor menu {battle} Battle menu {battle_view} Battle view {battle_ed} Battle editor menu {overview} Overview menu {all} All menus {order_halt} Movement: halt {unit_zoom} Zoom: unit {orders_group} Group selected units {orders_ungroup} Ungroup selected units {general_zoom} Zoom: general {unit_track} Track: unit {end_battle} Quit battle {show_help} Show help window {general_chat} Send message {inc_scale} Radar: increase scale {dec_scale} Radar: decrease scale {faction_highlight} Highlight faction regions {save_stratmap} Quick Save game {load_stratmap} Quick Load game {speedup_ai} AI speedup {stop_character} Stop Character Walking {quit} Quit game {capital_zoom} Zoom to capital {undo} Undo last function {redo} Redo previous undo {delete_selected} Delete selected item {step_fwd} Camera: move forward {step_fwd_fast} Camera: move forward fast {step_bck} Camera: move backward {cam_up} Camera: move up {cam_down} Camera: move down {rot_l} Camera: rotate left {rot_r} Camera: rotate right {fov_dec} Camera: decrease field of view {fov_inc} Camera: increase field of view {rot_u} Camera: rotate up {rot_d} Camera: rotate down {step_l} Camera: strafe left {step_r} Camera: strafe right {speed_inc} Camera: increase speed {speed_dec} Camera: decrease speed {select_all} Cards: select all {select_prev} Cards: select previous {deselect_all} Cards: deselect all {select_next} Cards: select next {select_next_grp} Cards: select next group {select_prev_grp} Cards: select previous group {select_siege} Select all artillery units {select_infantry} Select all infantry units {select_cavalry} Select all cavalry units {select_melee} Select all melee units {select_missile} Select all missile firing units {save} Save {load} Load {zoom_in} Zoom in on map {zoom_out} Zoom out on map {display_standards} Display standards {pause_battle} Pause game {hide_gui} Toggle gui {formation_1} Unit Group Formation: Single line {formation_2} Unit Group Formation: Sorted single line {formation_3} Unit Group Formation: Double line {formation_4} Unit Group Formation: Sorted double line {formation_5} Unit Group Formation: Missile first 3 line {formation_6} Unit Group Formation: Foot first 3 line {formation_7} Unit Group Formation: Cavalry first 3 line {formation_8} Unit Group Formation: Column {fov_up} Field of view wider {fov_down} Field of view narrower {next_army} Select next army {toggle_character_labels} Toggle character labels {toggle_settlement_labels} Toggle settlement labels {show_waypoints} Show waypoints {toggle_run} Toggle run {assign0} Assign selected unit group as group 1 {assign1} Assign selected unit group as group 2 {assign2} Assign selected unit group as group 3 {assign3} Assign selected unit group as group 4 {assign4} Assign selected unit group as group 5 {assign5} Assign selected unit group as group 6 {assign6} Assign selected unit group as group 7 {assign7} Assign selected unit group as group 8 {assign8} Assign selected unit group as group 9 {assign9} Assign selected unit group as group 10 {select0} Select unit group 1 {select1} Select unit group 2 {select2} Select unit group 3 {select3} Select unit group 4 {select4} Select unit group 5 {select5} Select unit group 6 {select6} Select unit group 7 {select7} Select unit group 8 {select8} Select unit group 9 {select9} Select unit group 10 {bookmark1} Camera bookmark 01 {bookmark2} Camera bookmark 02 {bookmark3} Camera bookmark 03 {bookmark4} Camera bookmark 04 {bookmark5} Camera bookmark 05 {bookmark6} Camera bookmark 06 {bookmark7} Camera bookmark 07 {bookmark8} Camera bookmark 08 {bookmark9} Camera bookmark 09 {bookmark10} Camera bookmark 10 {bookmark11} Camera bookmark 11 {bookmark12} Camera bookmark 12 {bookmark13} Camera bookmark 13 {bookmark14} Camera bookmark 14 {bookmark15} Camera bookmark 15 {bookmark16} Camera bookmark 16 {bookmark17} Camera bookmark 17 {bookmark18} Camera bookmark 18 {bookmark19} Camera bookmark 19 {bookmark20} Camera bookmark 20 {bookmark21} Camera bookmark 21 {bookmark22} Camera bookmark 22 {automerge_units} Automerge units {accel} Increase Camera Speed {decel} Decrease Camera Speed {toggle_overlays} Toggle Colour Overlays {dec_formation} Decrease formation width {inc_formation} Increase formation width {inc_xp} Increase Experience (-cheat enabled) {dec_xp} Decrease Experience (-cheat enabled) {toggle_sfx} Toggle Sound Effects {toggle_music} Toggle Music {toggle_auto_link_up} Toggle Automatic Linking Up of Selected Unit(s) {toggle_unit_visibility} Toggle display of unseen units {unit_info_toggle} Toggle Unit information dislay {dec_rotation} Rotate unit clockwise {inc_rotation} Rotate unit anti-clockwise {intellizoom} Close up of the action {show_console} Show Debug Console {toggle_formation_tightness} Toggle unit formation (tight/loose) {toggle_fire_at_will} Toggle fire at will {toggle_skirmish} Toggle skirmish {toggle_defend} Toggle guard mode {toggle_special_ability} Toggle special unit ability {order_withdraw} Withdraw {construction_button} Open construction scroll {recruitment_button} Open recruitment scroll {diplomacy_overview_button} Open diplomacy overview scroll {finances_button} Open finances overview scroll {senate_button} Open Senate overview scroll {faction_button} Open faction overview scroll ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 22/03/2004 17:30:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {toggle_cam_mode} Toggle between TotalWar camera and RTS cmera ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 21/04/2004 17:30:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {default} Default Setup {fps} FPS Style Setup ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 13/05/2004 09:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {next_brush} Select Next Brush {prev_brush} Select Previous Brush {battle_replay} Battle replay {toggle_cam_mode} Toggle between Total War camera and RTS camera {toggle_move_fast} Toggle Camera Speed {battle_details_tool} Set Battle Details {edit_armies_tool} Create Army Mode {edit_units_tool} Edit Unit Mode {deployment_area_tool} Deployment Area Mode {heights_tool} Set Heights Mode {textures_tool} Set Textures Mode {place_settlements_tool} Place Settlements Mode {place_models_tool} Place Models Mode {victory_conditions_tool} Edit Victory Conditions Dialog {roads_tool} Edit Roads Mode {update_trees_tool} Update Vegetation {options_button} Show Ingame Options ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 03/06/2004 16:48:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 17/06/2004 13:01:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {unit_info_toggle} Toggle Unit information display ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* This particular divider does not denote a changes round. ¬* This is when the files were locked to be sent for Russian and Polish translation. ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 01/07/2004 09:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {radar_zoom_in_button} Radar: increase scale {radar_zoom_out_button} Radar: decrease scale ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 07/07/2004 17:15:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {camera} Camera {editor} Editors {misc} Miscellaneous ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 15/07/2004 17:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {default} Total War Style Setup {pause_button} Speed Control: Pause {play_button} Speed Control: Normal {ffwd_button} Speed Control: Double {ultra_ffwd_button} Speed Control: Triple {show_waypoints} Show unit destinations ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 22/07/2004 09:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 29/07/2004 09:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {reveal_advice} Reveal/Advance advice {dismiss_advice} Dismiss advice {toggle_speed} Toggle game speed (fast/normal) ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 05/08/2004 12:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {reset_rally_point} Reset selected settlements rally points {freelook} Free look mode ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 12/08/2004 09:53:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 19/08/2004 16:05:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {rot_l} Camera: rotate/strafe left {rot_r} Camera: rotate/strafe right {step_l} Camera: strafe/rotate left {step_r} Camera: strafe/rotate right {toggle_auto_link_up} Toggle unit group AI control {screen_grab} Grab screenshot {speedup_ai} Animation speed-up ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 01/09/2004 09:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬* ¬* THIS FILE GONE FOR LOCALISATION!!! ¬* ALL CHANGES & ADDITIONS MADE POST THE DATE SPECIFIED ¬* BELOW MUST GO UNDERNEATH THIS DIVIDER!!! ¬* ¬* ¬***** Changes made after 03/09/2004 09:00:00 ¬* ¬**************************************************************************************** ¬**************************************************************************************** {toggle_hires_radar} Toggle Fullscreen Radar {disband} Disband all selected units {dec_rotation} Rotate unit anti-clockwise {inc_rotation} Rotate unit clockwise {global_chat} Quick chat (global) {general_chat} Send message/Quick chat (team) {toggle_radar} Toggle radar visibility {toggle_buttons} Toggle button visibility {toggle_cards} Toggle unit card visibility {show_multi_turn_paths} Show all multi-turn paths {select_next_selected} Select next of object type selected {select_prev_selected} Select previous of object type selected ¬+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ¬******************************************************************************************************* ¬******************************************************************************************************* ¬* ¬* EXPANSION PACK TEXT BEGINS HERE!!! ¬* ALL TEXT BELOW THIS LINE SHOULD BE EXPANSION ADDITIONS/CHANGES ONLY!!! ¬* ¬*¬***** Changes made after 05/01/2005 15:18:00 ¬* ¬******************************************************************************************************* 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