bar_Tooltip_5f001a You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology. True
bar_Tooltip_60001c Range level for this unit. True
bar_Tooltip_610068 The amount of hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology. True
bar_Tooltip_66004b Range level for this unit.||You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons. This can be done in the naval technology panel. True
bar_Tooltip_69001e Accuracy level for this unit.||This is how likely it is fired shots will hit the enemy.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value. True
bar_Tooltip_69003e Accuracy level for this unit.||This is how likely it is fired shots will hit the enemy.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value. True
bar_Tooltip_69005a Firepower level for this unit.||This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target. True
bar_Tooltip_6f0058 The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished. True
bar_Tooltip_710023 This determines the chance of your unit getting hit while in melee.||Unfortunately this is only for melee mode and will provide no protection from a bullet! True
bar_Tooltip_750022 This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target. True
bar_Tooltip_7f0077 Melee attack skill for this unit||This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack. True
bar_Tooltip_a0034 A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges. True
bar_Tooltip_c0016 A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||If your artillery routs, they will leave the artillery unmanned and unusable!||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit. True
bar_Tooltip_e005f This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||Gaining experience and researching sheet lead cartridges in naval technology will improve this skill. True
battle_deployables_panel_Tooltip_67002c This panel will appear if your army has remained stationary for a turn on the campaign map.||This has allowed them time to dig in and fashion some defences. True
battle_setting_auto_ai_Text_52006a Default: Autoresolve, Play as AI True
battle_setting_default_Text_76004e Default: Autoresolve, Don't Play as AI True
battle_setting_fight_ai_Text_13005d Default: Fight Battles, Play as AI True
battle_setting_fight_no_ai_Text_7b0003 Default: Fight Battles, Don't Play as AI True
battle_settings_Tooltip_75002d On this tab you can change settings such as weather, time period and army size.||The same options appear for every battle in every map.||Once chosen, you can save your settings and load them up at any time.||Move your cursor over the different settings for more information. True
battle_time_limit_Tooltip_450043 Check this box to impose a time limit on battles played on the battlemap.||Once checked, the time limit choices will appear below. True
battle_time_tx_NewState_Text_530023 Battle Time Limit: True
battles_tx_NewState_Text_4a0029 Battles: True
battles_tx_NewState_Text_630076 Battle Settings: True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_260041 This is your diplomatic relations scroll.||From here you can quickly see which factions are neutral towards you and who your enemies and allies are.||You can also open up diplomatic talks from here.||Move your cursor over the areas below to see more information. True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_320073 This is the Diplomacy scroll.||This is where you create and break pacts with other factions, turning allies into enemies and foes into friends.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information. True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_3b004f This is the unit exchange panel.||If this has appeared, it True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_570029 Travel destinations panel.||This panel helps you to move between True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_5a0073 This panel helps you to move between theatres quickly and easily.||This is triggered when you move into one of the transition zones between theatres.||Use the map below to select your destination and when you are happy click the tick button.||To cancel a move select the cancel button - this will return you to the map. True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_5c0051 If this panel has appeared, it means you cannot completely merge the two selected groups as there are too many units.||Instead, you can pick and choose which units will be moved into which army or navy.||You could take the best of both and create an elite force, or try to balance out both groups to equal strength.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information. True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_60067 Here you can quickly see which nations are neutral towards you and who your enemies and allies are.||You can also open up diplomatic talks.||Move your cursor over the areas below to see more information. True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_690068 This is your Missions details panel.||From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire. All information on those missions will be stored here.||The panel is split between two tabs - your Active Missions and Missions Log. Click on these tabs to switch between the two.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more information. True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_6a004e This is where you create and break pacts with other nations, turning allies into enemies and foes into friends.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information. True
Blank_EU_Tooltip_1e003b This shows the regions you control in Europe.||The regions in green are yours. True
Blank_IND_Tooltip_1c004a This shows the regions you control in India.||The regions in green are yours. True
Blank_US_Tooltip_67002a This shows the regions you control in America.||The regions in green are yours. True
blue_bar_Tooltip_2b007b Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your side are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by blue.||If the enemies bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!||There is a version of this in battle that will reflect the fortunes of each side as the battle progresses. True
bottom_Tooltip_11001a Use this slider to scroll up and down the panel. True
bottom_Tooltip_11003a Use this slider to scroll up and down the panel. True
bottom_Tooltip_59 Move this slider to scroll up and down the panel. True
bottom_Tooltip_7d0059 Use this slider to scroll up and down. True
box_24_Tooltip_1c0039 Your military prestige.||This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests. True
box_24_Tooltip_20046 This is your enlightenment prestige. True
box_24_Tooltip_240015 Naval prestige.||This is based on the strengths of your navies, your naval research into technology and your naval conquests. True
box_24_Tooltip_7d This is your economics and industry prestige.||Your economics and industry prestige is based on your industry and research and the level of development within your regions and cities and your wealth. True
box_Tooltip_1e0004 Battle time limit options True
btl_diff_slider_Tooltip_6c007f Increase the battle difficulty by moving the slider to the right, or decrease it by moving the slider to the left.||Player one is represented by the top slider, player two by the bottom. True
btl_diff_slider_Tooltip_7d0063 This is your battle difficulty.||You can increase or decrease the battle difficulty with the slider. True
btl_diff_tx_NewState_Text_200003 Battle difficulty: True
btl_diff_tx_NewState_Text_3 Battle Difficulty: True
btl_diff_tx_Tooltip_6c007f Increase the battle difficulty by moving the slider to the right, or decrease it by moving the slider to the left.||Player one is represented by the top slider, player two by the bottom. True
btl_diff_tx_Tooltip_780025 You can increase or decrease battle difficulty with the slider. True
btl_diff_tx_Tooltip_7d0063 This is your battle difficulty.||You can increase or decrease the battle difficulty with the slider. True
build_browser_Tooltip_2d0077 This button opens up the building browser.||The building browser shows all the buildings you have for each region.||Open up the building browser for more details. True
build_browser_Tooltip_5c000b Building Browser||The Building Browser panel shows all the buildings you have for each region.||Click on this to open up the panel for more details. True
build_demolish_Tooltip_210006 This is the dismantle button. Select a structure or building you want to get rid of and then click this button.||Dismantling is useful if you want to develop a new building chain in a slot that has already been allocated.||Demolishing the existing structure means you are free to reassign the slot to the structure type you wish and develop as you see fit.||This technique may be needed if you conquer a region whose cultural differences are so much that you cannot develop the exisitng buildings.||Sometimes devastation is its own reward - you may wish to adopt a scorched earth policy.||Raze buildings to the ground and then abandon the settlement, leaving any would-be-conquerors no resources to develop on!||Beware! Dismantling will get rid of the entire building chain. It will not simply drop back to the previous building on the chain. True
build_demolish_Tooltip_370040 Demolish||Select a structure or building you want to get rid of and then click this button.||Dismantling is useful if you want to develop a new building chain in a slot that has already been allocated.||Demolishing the existing structure means you are free to reassign the slot to the structure type you wish and develop as you see fit.||This technique may be needed if you conquer a region whose cultural differences prevent you from developing the existing buildings.||Sometimes devastation is its own reward - you may wish to adopt a scorched earth policy.||Raze buildings to the ground and then abandon the settlement, leaving any would-be-conquerors no resources to develop on!||Beware! Dismantling will get rid of the entire building chain.||It will not simply drop back to the previous building on the chain. True
build_repair_Tooltip_160077 This is your building repair button.||Buildings can become damaged through warfare or the actions of a saboteur intent on slowing your factions progress.||A damaged building will cease to provide its effects and bonuses until it is fully repaired.||If you select a building card for a building that needs to be repaired, this button will change to colour and become active. True
build_repair_Tooltip_7f0051 Repair||Buildings can become damaged through warfare or the actions of a saboteur intent on slowing your nation's progress.||A damaged building will cease to provide its effects and bonuses until it is fully repaired.||If you select a building card for a building that needs to be repaired, this button will change to colour and become active. True
building_browser_Tooltip_58004b This is your building browser panel.||From here you can see what buildings you can build and how far you can develop them.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information. True
building_information_Tooltip_390062 This is the information panel for the selected item.||You can learn about its effects and background here.||Once built or researched, more effects may appear here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details. True
building_Tooltip_240035 This column shows all the buildings you have within the selected region.||In the column below you can left click on a building to view its building tree and right click for more information. True
building_Tooltip_36 In the column below you can left click on a building to view its building tree and right click for more information. True
button_accept_Tooltip_6c001b Click this button to accept the current proposal. True
button_accept_Tooltip_720072 Accept True
button_add_AI_Tooltip_590023 Add AI Player True
button_advice_setting_Tooltip_610078 Advice settings True
button_advisor_land_battle_Tooltip_b Repeat advice True
button_advisor_strat_Tooltip_b Repeat advice True
button_advisor_Tooltip_b Repeat advice True
button_all_Tooltip_56002e When this is selected any messages you send will be sent to all players.||To only send to the players on your team switch to the team button. True
button_america_Tooltip_50043 The Americas.||America, Europe and India are True
button_america_Tooltip_650004 The Americas||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire. True
button_artillery_heavy_Tooltip_1d0039 Artillery heavy army True
button_assassinate_Tooltip_170049 Assassinate||Click here once you have chosen your target.||You will then receive the result of the assassination attempt.||Skilled assassins can get away with a stealthy kill and escape with their identity secret.||If this happens, the victim's nation will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and your nation will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two nations and play them off against each other.||However, if you are discovered it will affect your diplomatic relationship. True
button_assassinate_Tooltip_30042 This is your assassinate button.||When you have chosen your target click on this button to attempt an assassination. True
button_attack_Tooltip_2e007c Assault||Select this if you have little patience for sieges and wish to storm the walls! True
button_attack_Tooltip_3a007b Attack||Fight the battle on the battlemap.||You can choose to autoresolve the battle if you think the odds are in your favour.||However, you have a better chance at victory if you fight the battle manually. True
button_attack_Tooltip_7e0033 Assault True
button_attack_Tooltip_7e0056 Attack True
button_automanage_Tooltip_2a0049 Automanage all || Automates crew distribution and captured ship management. True
button_automanage_Tooltip_a0069 Automanage all||Automates crew distribution and captured ship management. True
button_autoresolve_Tooltip_2a0013 Autoresolve battle||If you have a clear advantage over the enemy it is likely an autoresolve will win you the battle and you can gain a quick victory.||You can choose to manually fight the battle on the battle map if you wish, and your chances at victory are better. True
button_autoresolve_Tooltip_360047 Autoresolve battle True
button_autoresolve_Tooltip_38002e Autoresolve assault True
button_autoresolve_Tooltip_6e0030 Autoresolve assault||If you have a clear advantage over the enemy it is likely an autoresolve will win you the assault and you can gain a quick victory.||You can choose to manually fight the assault on the battle map if you wish, and your chances at victory are better. True
button_back_Tooltip_180009 Previous True
button_back_Tooltip_180029 Previous True
button_back_Tooltip_5b004c Return to last screen True
button_back_Tooltip_7c0061 Previous screen True
button_balanced_Tooltip_270014 Preset Army || This will fill the army with the default balanced unit set. True
button_balanced_Tooltip_b000e Balanced army True
button_battle_details_Tooltip_28006f View Battle Statistics||This will open the Battle Statistics panel which goes into more detail about your force, including any experience gained. True
button_battle_details_Tooltip_2c0069 View battle details True
button_cancel_declare_Tooltip_6e0068 Cancel True
button_cancel_mouse_off_Tooltip_480010 Click here to exit this panel without loading or saving.z True
button_cancel_Tooltip_3e0026 This is the cancel button.||Select this button if you want to True
button_cancel_Tooltip_3f0028 This is the clear offer button.||Clicking this button will remove any offers or demands you have made from the panel above.||If you haven't any offers or demands to clear, it will cancel all diplomatic talks with the faction and take you back to the diplomatic options panel. True
button_cancel_Tooltip_48006a Click here to exit this panel without loading or saving. True
button_cancel_Tooltip_65003f Click this to cancel the merge. True