town_wealth_heading_NewState_Text_390034 Growth in this turn True
town_wealth_icon_Tooltip_5d0014 This is your Total Town Wealth Growth.||This is the amount that your Total Region Wealth will increase next turn.||This number is the result of the negative and positive factors on your Town Wealth Growth.||Move your cursor over the pips to the left for more information. True
Trade bar_Tooltip_3d0078 These are the nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel. True
Trade bar_Tooltip_540008 The nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel. True
trade_partners_NewState_Text_350074 Trade partners: True
trade_partners_Tooltip_68001b Trade partners are nations with trade routes between them. True
trade_partners_Tooltip_6d0025 These are this faction's trade partners True
trade_partners_Tooltip_7c007c These are the factions that you are trade partners with.||These are the factions that you are trade partners with. True
trade_partners_Tooltip_c003d You have a trade partnership with these nations. True
trade_Tooltip_43001e This is your trade tab.||From here you can examine your imports and exports and the nations you have trade agreements with.||Mouse over the different areas to see more information. True
trait_list_Tooltip_40007d Every man in service is trained the same way, but that doesn't prevent them from having their own quirks and abilities.||Traits are earnt and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city,whereas others have are more at home on the battlefield.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects. True
traits_title_NewState_Text_540004 Character Traits True
traits_title_Tooltip_20051 Traits are earned and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city, whereas others are more at home on the battlefield.||Move your cursor over the traits to see their effects.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects. True
traits_title_Tooltip_40007d Every man in service is trained the same way, but that doesn't prevent them from having their own quirks and abilities.||Traits are earnt and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city,whereas others have are more at home on the battlefield.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects. True
travel_destinations_Tooltip_570029 Travel destinations panel.||This panel helps you to move between True
treasury_icon_Tooltip_6e0076 This is your total Treasury Income.||This value is the amount that your region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your Region Wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth. True
treasury_text_Tooltip_24007f Total treasury income||The amount that this region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your region wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth. True
treasury_text_Tooltip_6e0076 This is your total Treasury Income.||This value is the amount that your region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your Region Wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth. True
treaties_title_NewState_Text_400000 Current Treaties True
treaties_title_Tooltip_3f0073 These are the current treaties you have with their faction.||Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this faction it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it. True
treaties_title_Tooltip_57003f Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this nation it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it. True
treaties_Tooltip_3f0073 These are the current treaties you have with their faction.||Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this faction it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it. True
treaties_Tooltip_530070 Before making any offers or demands, you may want to check this section.||If you already hold treaties with this faction it may affect your choices in negotiations.||For example, if they have granted you military access you do not want to do anything that would cause them to distrust you, or you could lose it. True
TripleLineGrandBattery_Tooltip_12004e Triple line grand battery||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for ambushes.||The second line will put all artillery in the centre and any infantry on its flank to protect it.||Cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line.||This formation can be used in attack or defence.||Grouping your artillery together means you can concentrate your barrage on one area of the enemy.||You can use this to destroy specific units or cover an advance.||Defensively it can be used to protect a weak area of your army, any enemies attempting an attack will be mown down. True
TripleLineGrandBattery_Tooltip_3e0015 Triple Line Grand Battery True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_360074 Triple line intergrated artillery||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for ambushes.||Missile cavalry, line infantry and artillery will make up the second line.||Non-missile cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line.||This is a defensive formation as your infantry and artillery are arranged to support each other.||Artillery can not move with the same speed as other units, so using this formation to attack will leave vunerable holes for the enemy to exploit. True
TripleLineIntegratedArtillery_Tooltip_490006 Triple Line Integrated Artillery True
TripleLineStandard_Tooltip_7a0059 Triple Line Standard True
TripleLineStandard_Tooltip_f0064 Triple line standard||This arranges your grouped units into three lines.||The first line will be made up of light infantry and used to look out for hidden enemies.||Any line infantry and artillery will be placed in the second line along with missile cavalry.||Non-missile cavalry will be held in reserve in the third line to provide defence or launch an attack on the flanks.||If you are ambushed then the first line will take most of the attack while your stronger units will be safe and ready to counter-attack. True
turn_time_tx_NewState_Text_38000a Turn time: True
turns_center_Tooltip_40004a Construction turns left||You are currently building this item. True
turns_corner_greyed_Tooltip_58 You cannot build this at this time.||You either have insufficient funds or need to research a technology before building. True
turns_corner_normal_Tooltip_6f0027 Construction turns||This shows how many turns it will take to build this item. True
Turns_in_between_turn_Tooltip_750025 In between turn True
turns_NewState_Text_2a004a Turns until surrender: True
Turns_not queued_Tooltip_310033 Recruitment turns||This shows how many turns it will take to recruit this unit. True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_21004d Turns||Turns||This is the amount of turns it will take to steal this technology. True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_310039 Turns||This is the amount of turns it will take to steal or research this technology True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_460054 Recruitment turns True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_4d0070 Recruiting||This shows how many turns left to recruit this unit. True
Turns_start_of_turn_Tooltip_460012 Start of turn True
turns_Tooltip_550071 Rather than trying to take this city by force, you could try waiting them out.||If you can besiege them for this many turns they will surrender.||However, you could also be attacked while waiting, either by them or by another army. True
Turns_Tooltip_570003 Number of turns played in campaign so far.||Keep an eye on this to make sure you reach your objectives within the given time True
turns_Tooltip_6d0079 Click to sort by turns. True
turns_Tooltip_70079 This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title. True
turns_Tooltip_7c004b If you have chosen regular payments, this is where you select the number of turns they will be paid over. True
turns_tx_NewState_Text_210055 Turns: True
turns_tx_NewState_Text_2a0065 Turns left: True
turns_tx_Tooltip_3a0037 If you have chosen regular payments, this is where you select the number of turns they will be paid over.||Be realistic if you are demanding payment - the larger the sum, the more time the other faction will want to pay it off. True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_18006c TW Style True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_42006c Old Total War Cam True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_5c0007 Classic Total War Camera True
tx_aggressor_NewState_Text_330042 Aggressor: True
TX_Allies_NewState_Text_560048 Allies True
tx_allies_NewState_Text_760072 Allies: True
TX_Allies_Tooltip_100054 Your allies can be called upon in times of war, but may not necessarily join you.||Diplomatic negotiations will be easier with allied nations. True
TX_Allies_Tooltip_1b0076 These are the allies to your faction.||They can be called upon in war, but may not necessarily join you.||Diplomatic negotiations will be easier with allied factions. True
tx_allies_Tooltip_80014 You have a military alliance with these nations.||They should come to your aid in war, especially to defend you if attacked.||They may be less willing to join you in attacking others, especially if they have good relations with your target.|| To make or break allies, or to simply see more details, see your diplomatic details panel. True
tx_allies1_NewState_Text_760048 Allies True
tx_allies2_NewState_Text_760048 Allies True
tx_appointees_appointees_Text_660040 Candidates True
tx_appointees_appointees_Text_670049 Appointees True
tx_appointees_appointees_Tooltip_39000b If you fire any of your ministers from the cabinet, their posts will be filled by one of the candidates below.||Candidates will only appear if your nation is an absolute monarchy. True
tx_appointees_opposition_Text_710057 Opposition True
tx_appointees_opposition_Tooltip_45004e These are the opposition.||If there is an election they could replace your current cabinet.||This may be for the better, as they could prove to have stronger managerial skills and could add more bonuses to their various areas.||Right-click to bring up their detail panels. True
tx_appointees_opposition_Tooltip_78 If there is an election the opposition could replace your current cabinet.||This could be beneficial, as they may have stronger managerial skills and add more bonuses to their various areas.||Elections are held regularly, or you can click on the hold instant election button in the top-right. True
TX_At War_NewState_Text_710000 At War True
TX_At War_Tooltip_6d0054 These are the factions you are at war with.||Diplomatic proposals will be tougher work with these factions.||You could take this opportunity to make peace with these nations and open up trade negotiations or trade technology. True
TX_At War_Tooltip_7c0043 Diplomatic negotiations will be tougher with these nations.||You could take this opportunity to make peace with these nations and open up trade negotiations or trade technology. True
tx_atwar_NewState_Text_51003a At War: True
tx_atwar_Tooltip_640030 You are at war with these nations.||They may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel. True
tx_atwar_Tooltip_7b0047 These nations may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel. True
tx_automanage_NewState_Text_7f006b Automanage: True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_10029 Head True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_180038 Navy True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_1f0030 Treasury True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_620035 Justice True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_b002c Army True
TX_Battle deployment_Intercepted_Text_5c003a Intercepted! True
TX_Battle deployment_NewState_Text_28001b Battle Deployment True
TX_Battle deployment_Opportunity to intercept_Text_600064 Opportunity to Intercept True
TX_Battle deployment_Opportunity_Text_610018 Attack of opportunity! True
TX_Battle deployment_Regular_Text_28001b Battle Deployment True
TX_Battle deployment_Tooltip_2003f This panel contains details on the battle about to take place.||It shows the size of both armies or navies, information on the location of the battle and any reinforcements either side may have.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information. True
TX_Battle Results_NewState_Text_4e001e Battle Results True
TX_buildings_damaged_NewState_Text_680058 Buildings damaged: True
tx_button_taxes_normal_Text_2d Set tax rate True
tx_button_taxes_Tooltip_7c006e Sets tax rate across all your regions.||Selecting this will bring up the Government scroll taxes tab. True
tx_cabinet_Tooltip_90031 These ministers add bonuses to various areas of your nation depending on their management skill.||You can swap posts between ministers by dragging and dropping one portrait over another in the cabinet.||You may wish to do this if one of them is incompetent in their current post.||On the other hand it may be because they are better suited to another post.||A minister's competency will not change when re-assigned, so this is more moving the problem where it will cause the least damage. True
tx_cabinet_txt_Text_6d003b Cabinet True
TX_Captured Units_NewState_Text_4c0019 Captured Units True
TX_Captured_NewState_Text_30023 Captured True
TX_Casualties_NewState_Text_1b003f Lost True
tx_choose_NewState_Text_35001a Choose your Weapon! True
tx_choose_Tooltip_410063 A true gentleman cannot walk away from a duel challenge without being branded a coward, but he can at least choose the weapon he is most proficient in.||Your agent's abilities with a sword and pistol are shown underneath his portrait.||Pick the weapon most likely to give you an advantage over your challenger. True
tx_choose_Tooltip_670064 Here are your weapon options.||A true gentleman cannot walk away from a duel challenge without being branded a coward, but he can at least choose the weapon he is most proficient in.||Your agent's abilities with a sword and pistol are shown underneath his portrait. Pick the weapon most likely to give you an advantage over your challenger. True
tx_classes_lower_NewState_Text_50006b Lower Classes True
tx_classes_upper_NewState_Text_4f0075 Upper Classes True
tx_classes_upper_Tooltip_5f0048 The higher classes represent the very top of society. True
tx_commodities_NewState_Text_1d0044 Resources True