unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Mounted_Inf_Russian_Mounted_Rifles \n\nOrganised and equipped as light infantry with muskets and horses as mounts, these riflemen see themselves as an elite force. Chosen for initiative and intelligence, they fight without close supervision from their officers. Their uniforms set them apart in an age when soldiers dress like peacocks: they deliberately blend into the landscape, firing on the enemy from the safety of the undergrowth. If these men are forced into close combat they will suffer heavy losses, but their ability to fire both mounted and on foot makes up for this shortcoming.\n\nHistorically, the most famous riflemen, the British Greenjackets, carried infantry rifles designed by Ezekiel Baker. This muzzle-loading flintlock fired a small ball from a tightly rifled barrel to give superb accuracy, with accounts of riflemen holding targets for each other at more than a hundred paces! It was a slow business to load the piece properly and could take a minute or more to do properly, but the resulting shot was deadly over astonishing ranges. Baker even carefully supplied a long “sword bayonet” so that the overall length of his rifle plus bayonet matched that of a line infantryman’s bayonet-tipped musket. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Mounted_Inf_Spanish_Mounted_Cazadores \n\nThese men harass the enemy and, if possible, pick off important men in the enemy ranks. Unlike their comrades in the line and light infantry, they are mounted and can fight on foot if needed. They form up in a loose skirmish line, firing independently at their self-designated targets. The result is a constant barrage rather than a devastating volley, but a deadly one as officers and sergeants are removed from the fight.\n\nHistorically, Cazadores were trained to defend the border between Spain and Portugal, an area of much activity before and during the Peninsular War. In 1800, Napoleon and his Spanish ally, Manuel de Gordoy, demanded that Portugal ally with France. This was something that Portugal, a long-standing ally of the British, refused to do. In 1801 French and Spanish troops under Gordoy took the Portuguese town of Olivenza. Once the fighting was over, Gordoy picked oranges from a nearby grove and sent them back to the Queen to inform her of his victory, giving the affair the title of “The War of the Oranges”. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Mounted_Inf_Swedish_Mounted_Jager \n\nAlong with their horses, initiative, aggression and pace mark these men out from other infantry. Mounted Jagers carry standard smoothbore, muzzle-loading muskets, but they do not rely on massed volley fire: they deliberately aim at individuals within the enemy ranks. This unsporting and selective fire can be delivered on foot or from horseback. It can disrupt enemy formations or drive off enemy skirmishers. These men are trained to shoot, not fight in hand-to-hand battles, and will be worsted in a melee.\n\nHessian mercenary Captain Johann Ewald was a field commander of the Jager corps and a prolific writer. He documented his life as a soldier during the American Revolution and created maps of the areas he spent time in, with detailed information about the placement of troops and fortifications. Ewald was the son of a bookseller and began his military career at the age of sixteen, quickly attaining the rank of captain and given command of a group of Jagers. After taking part in several key battles during the American Revolution, it became apparent that Ewald had progressed as far as his social class would allow and he decided to join the Danish army, where he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Placeholder PLACEHOLDER False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Small_Brig \n\nIn the hands of a good master, a brig is a handy little ship, and can almost turn in its own length. The square-rigged sails allow precise control. A good helmsman can swiftly bob in and out of range of larger, deadlier ships whose cannons could demolish the brig’s weak hull. This manoeuvrability makes up for the light armament, which consists of only 6-pounder cannons, which have little real firepower in naval terms.\n\nHistorically, the United States Navy favoured brigs, particularly on the Great Lakes. Brigs, like the USS Argus, also gave a brave account of themselves against the Barbary Pirates along the North African coast. United States traders had suffered at the hands of the pirates after the Revolution; the Barbary Pirates had an agreement to leave British and British colonial ships alone, but after the successful rebellion, they considered the newly-flagged American ships to be fair game. Today, a brig is more commonly understood to be a ship’s prison cells, a usage that is probably due to the US Navy’s use of brigs as prison hulks. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Small_French_Corvette \n\nTheir size makes them ideal as a “skirmisher” against sloops and brigs, as they have the speed to keep up and the cannon range to do damage. They will not last long, however, against a larger vessel such as a ship-of-the-line: one broadside at close range from a rated ship would likely dash any corvette to pieces.\n\nCorvettes were a two-masted, French design for a ship very similar to a sloop-of-war; slightly smaller than a frigate with only a single gun deck. Like many French vessels, they were well thought out and beautifully constructed, with good sea-handling characteristics. Corvettes were ideal for the inshore waters along the English Channel where good sailing qualities were required. Other nations counted themselves fortunate if they took a French-built corvette as a prize. The term “corvette” was revived by many navies a century later for smaller warships. Indeed, a large number of modern navies use "corvette captain" (Korvettenkapitan, for example, in the Deutsche Marine) as a rank title, one step-up from lieutenant, indicating an officer suitable for an independent command. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Small_Galley \n\nIt is also heavily-armed, with 42-pounder cannons giving it a formidable weight of shot for each volley. It can also move directly into the wind, and even turn on the spot if the rowers on one side of the ship back water while their companions continue to row normally. These handy sailing qualities come at a price, though: the large crew of rowers are vulnerable to grapeshot; the hull and oars are weak compared to a ship of the line.\n\nGalleys tended to be employed in relatively sheltered waters, and close to a friendly port, the second due to the large crew of rowers. The life of a rower can be brutal and short. Some countries use criminals at the oars, and these men are chained to the ship to prevent escape. If the ship goes down, however, the rowers perish with it. They are always confined below the fighting platform of the ship, and are in danger from grapeshot and broken oars. Indeed, a good raking with grapeshot will cripple a galley as surely as firing chainshot into the masts of a sailing vessel. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Small_Sloop \n\nSpeed is the sloop’s weapon: a ketch-rigged sloop is capable of sailing very close to the wind, far closer indeed than many larger ships. This ability allows it to stay out of trouble, most of the time, if under a competent master. This is fortunate, as a sloop does not have the weight of shot, being armed with relatively light six-pounder cannon; or structural strength to last very long against a real battleship.\n\nA sloop was hardly ever the command of a post-captain, a man who was on the permanent list of naval officers. The commanding officer of a sloop was called “captain”, at least to his face, but his official title was usually “master and commander”; his rank, and pay, was that of lowly lieutenant. Commander as a naval rank, as opposed to job title, was a later development. This is why, somewhat confusingly to civilians, a naval commander is outranked by a naval captain, and it is still something that baffles Hollywood scriptwriters from time to time. Command of a sloop, however, was a chance for a young officer to get away from stuffy superiors and to shine in his own right as an aggressive and successful leader. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Special_Bomb_Ketch \n\n All sailing ships rely on having their masts and sails in positions that give them a balanced and evenly weighted push from the wind. Bomb ketches are not handy sailing vessels, thanks to their compromised rigging and the weight of the mortar and its mounting. The design needs to keep the forward portion of the ship clear for firing the mortar.\n\nThe strength of a bomb is in its mortar. This can throw an explosive shell high into the air to plunge down on enemies. The fact that the shell is explosive rather than solid adds to its deadly qualities: men and structures are equally shredded by the arrival of a shell.\n\nDuty aboard a “bomb” was not an enviable posting, and there was a good reason why bomb ketches were named after volcanoes, fire-gods or fearsome ideas. They had a nasty tendency to explode, thanks to the shells that they carried; fire aboard a mortar was far more dangerous than aboard any other type of sailing ship, as the ammunition as well as the propellant powder could go up! Despite this, all navies found them a useful ship to have, and the original French design was soon copied by all the sea-going European powers. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Special_Rocket_Ship \n\nThe ship is entirely given over to the business of launch ramps and rocket stands. Given that rockets are horribly inaccurate, the most effective way of using them is to fire a great many at a single target all at once. Such a peppering with rockets, some of which may still be burning, can cause a target to catch fire or even explode. There is also a risk of explosion aboard the rocket ship and, because of this inherent danger, most navies see little point in using good quality hulls to mount rockets. There is little need to reinforce the fabric of the ship, because the rockets do not create much recoil, but rigging chains (not ropes) and wetted sails are standard to reduce the risk of fire.\n\nMilitary rockets in Europe were the result of some very nasty surprises suffered by European troops in India, where rockets had long been used in warfare. In Britain, Congreve’s rockets were direct copies of Indian weapons although this made them no less fearsome. Rockets were made with all kinds of warheads from simple spears to explosive shells; proposals were even put forward for a variety of war gasses and chemicals, although these were rejected as barbarous and un-Christian by every government. On ships, explosive heads were preferred, as these did the most damage to wooden targets. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Steam_Ship_38 \n\nBy fitting a steam engine and all its machinery into an existing hull, naval architects created a small ship-of-the-line not entirely tied to the wind and tide. The results are moderately successful, as a steamship can sail independently of the wind, but still spend a good deal of time under sail to save fuel. Tactically, however, the steamship has another advantage: manoeuvrability. The 38 guns aboard can be brought to bear with ease.\n\nHistorically, steam shipbuilding owes a great debt to the British engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a man who built ships, bridges and railways. His first ship, the SS Great Western, made 74 Atlantic crossings during its life. Not content with this, Brunel designed and built an iron, screw-driven “liner”, the SS Great Britain. The first screw-driven ship to cross the Atlantic, she is now splendidly restored and preserved at Bristol Docks in England. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Steam_Ship_80 \n\nBy having a good weight of broadside that can be brought to bear regardless of wind conditions, this 80-gun ship is a significant force in any fleet. The ability to sail directly into the wind is something that no sail-powered vessel can ever match.\n\nThe idea of going into battle with a fire raging in his ship’s belly was not one that appeals to every captain. Fire was always a risk aboard a wooden vessel, and boiler explosions were not unknown. There was also the problem of coaling stations: while these ships carried sails, they did need regular supplies of coal. Steam was a tactical advantage, not a strategic one.\n\nHistorically, the first British ship to be designed and built from scratch to use steam was HMS Agamemnon, laid down in 1852; previous steam warships were conversions from sailing ships-of-the-line. Agamemnon was fitted with sails and carried 91 guns. She also had a short career as the Navy’s pride and joy, as she was paid off in 1862. She did, however, help lay the first Transatlantic telegraph cable in 1857-8. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Steam_Ship_British_Ironclad \n\nAn ironclad is an incredibly tough ship, able to withstand pounding by almost any comparable vessel. A thick outer skin of iron is riveted to a conventional wooden hull, and the two layers can defeat most solid shot except at very close range. Combined with a steamship’s ability to ignore the wind and go where the captain wills, this makes an ironclad a formidable opponent. This power is not without risk, though, as a boiler explosion will rip out the heart of any steamship.\n\nHistorically, ironclads first saw action during the American Civil War (1861-65). During the Battle of Hampton Road CSS Virginia made short work of the wooden ships in the river, but an encounter next day with USS Monitor ended inconclusively, as neither ship could knock out the other. These vessels were not, however, the first ironclad warships; they were heavy river gunboats or monitors, and almost incapable of going to sea. The first ocean-going ironclad warships were HMS Warrior and the French Navy’s La Gloire, launched during yet another arms race between Britain and France. Warrior was launched specifically to steal French thunder and make their ship obsolete, being commissioned and built while the French vessel was still on the slipway. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Steam_Ship_Frigate \n\nCarrying powerful 32-pounder cannon, this frigate is a valuable asset to any admiral. At close range, her guns fire a powerful broadside, but this does not make her invulnerable. No frigate has a hull that can withstand a broadside from a ship-of-the-line, and in this case the paddle wheels are vulnerable too. While a paddle-wheel powered frigate is not entirely at the mercy of the wind, it is not possible to carry enough fuel to cruise over long distances; steam is a tactical advantage, not a strategic one.\n\nPaddle wheels were a logical reversal of the idea of a waterwheel, simply reversing the idea of the water flowing past the wheel and providing energy. They were originally used in river-going craft, and it was not until 1819 that the first seafaring paddle-wheel ship, SS Savannah, made the first steam-powered crossing of the Atlantic, from Savannah, Georgia, to Liverpool in England. Savannah did run out of fuel off Ireland, but eventually made landfall and then, after refitting, pressed on to St. Petersburg in Russia, where the Tsar's government was so impressed that it made a cash offer for the ship. The valuation wasn’t good enough. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Trade_Ship_Dhow \n\nAlthough an ancient design, the dhow is an efficient craft and can be run very cheaply, allowing profit from trade to pour into the owner’s purse! Trade can be treacherous business on the high seas, and for this reason the dhow is armed with a small number of guns so the crew can protect themselves from pirates. However, the dhow is not a warship in any way; the crew are interested in survival, not glory. A trade dhow will never be a match for any warship.\n\nHistorically, Europeans tended to use the term “dhow” indiscriminately to mean any vessel rigged with lateen sails, although a Middle Eastern sailor would see such a generalisation as very crude and simplistic. Lateen sails were triangular and set at an angle to the ships mast, which made them manoeuvrable but somewhat difficult in stormy conditions. The dhow was used throughout the Arab world for trade and piracy, honest men and thieves favouring the craft for its good handling and relatively high speed. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Trade_Ship_Indiaman \n\nUnusually for a merchant ship, an Indiaman carries cargo, passengers, and a good number of guns. Intended to sail from Europe to the other side of the world and back carrying valuable, even priceless, cargoes, these ships have to be able to defend themselves. The Indiaman’s 9- and 18-pounders are sufficient to fight off smaller attackers, but it is vulnerable to boarding. Carrying a cargo does not help its speed either, and the added guns mean the upkeep has an impact on any profit made. However, a defendable trade ship is always more profitable than stolen goods or kidnapped passengers.\n\nHistorically, East Indiamen resembled ships of the line, both in their general configuration and paintwork. At the Battle of Pulo Aura (1804), the ambiguous appearance and aggressive handling of a squadron of British Indiamen completely humbugged the French admiral, Charles-Alexandre Linois. He withdrew in the face of “superior” forces. Commodore Nathaniel Dance, of the British Company fleet, received a knighthood and a handsome reward for his cunning. False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Trade_Ship_Merchantmen \n\nThis trade ship is neither blessed with speed nor firepower and can be outmanoeuvred by most naval vessels. It is built for trade, and its low upkeep costs mean a large profit from each journey. If trapped it can defend itself slightly and maybe even drive off very weak attackers, but merchants are not fighting men, and their low morale and the ship’s light guns are unlikely to last long against a real warship.\n\nBritish merchant trading was the strongest in the world during the Napoleonic era, and this position was protected by the Navigation Acts first passed in 1651. Trade with British colonies had to be carried out using “British bottoms” or British ships, not to mention British ports and mainly British crews, effectively squeezing out any competition. Other nations tried similar protectionist policies, but without as much success. Despite this legal help, British merchant owners were not without their difficulties; the Royal Navy used press gangs to recruit seamen for the ranks and experienced merchant sailors were the first to be targeted, forcing merchant owners to pay high wages for less able seamen simply to run their ships. False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_bad_marksmanship Poor shots False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_bad_reload Sloppy reloaders False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_cadenced_marching Cadenced Marching False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_campmap_stealth Paths seldom trod False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_can_trade Trade ship False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_canister_shot Canister Shot False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_cant_run Slow-moving False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_carcass_shot Carcass Shot False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_cold_resistant Resistant to cold fatigue False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_copper_bottoms Copper Bottoms False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_diamond_formation Diamond formation False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_disciplined Resistant to morale shocks False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_dismount Can dismount False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_explosive_shells Explosive Shells False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_fatigue_resistant Good stamina False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_fire_and_advance Fire and advance drill False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_fragile_hull Fragile Hull False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_good_defence Good Defence False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_good_firepower Heavy Firepower False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_good_markmanship Crack Shots False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_good_morale High Morale False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_good_reload Practiced Loading Drill False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_grappling_hook Grappling hook False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_grappling_hooks Grappling Hooks False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_grenades Can throw grenades False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_heat_resistant Resistant to heat fatigue False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_hide_buildings Can hide in buildings False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_hide_grass Can hide in long grass False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_hide_scrub Can hide in light scrub False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_hide_woods Can hide in woodland False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_inspire Inspires nearby units False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_light_infantry_behaviour Light Infantry Tactics False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_long_range Long Range Weapons False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_manoeuvrable Manoeuvrable False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_melee_vs_cavalry Melee bonus versus cavalry False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_percussion_shells Percussion Shells False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_pike_square_formation Pike Square Formation False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_pike_wall_formation Pike Wall False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_platoon_fire Platoon firing drill False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_plug_bayonet Plug Bayonet False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_policing_bonus Garrison policing bonus False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_quicklime_shells Quicklime Shells False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_rally_general Can rally routing troops False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_rally_unit Can rally routing comrades False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_rank_fire Rank firing drill False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_rifled_cannons Rifled Cannons False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_ring_bayonet Ring Bayonet False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_scares_enemies Scares enemies False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_scares_horses Scares horses False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_shrapnel_shot Shrapnel Shot False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_skirmish Can skirmish False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_snipe Remains hidden whilst firing False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_socket_bayonet Socket Bayonet False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_square_formation Can adopt square formation False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_stalk Remains hidden whilst walking False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_top_gallants Top Gallants False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_wedge_formation Wedge formation False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_bullet_text_wooden_stakes Can place stakes False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_bad_marksmanship There's only so much you can blame on the weapon… False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_bad_reload "Faster man! No, not like that, you've left the ramrod in!" False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_cadenced_marching Increases campaign map movement False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_campmap_stealth These men use every fold of the land to conceal the route of their march, and are harder to spot on the campaign map. False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_can_trade Can exploit resources when placed at a trade post False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_canister_shot A short range anti-personnel munition False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_cant_run This unit is unable to move at anything above a walking pace False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_carcass_shot An incendiary munition False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_cold_resistant These men suffer less fatigue when fighting in a cold climate False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_copper_bottoms Increases ship speed False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_diamond_formation An evolution of the wedge formation, the diamond formation is even more effective at disrupting enemy formations False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_disciplined These men are better able to resist the sudden shocks of combat without breaking and running. False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_dismount This unit can dismount to fight on foot then remount to quickly reposition False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_explosive_shells Explosive projectiles whose detonation is governed by a lit fuse False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_fatigue_resistant Superb stamina makes these men tire less quickly False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_fire_and_advance This unit can advance by rank, claiming ground whilst maintaining a steady rate of fire False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_fragile_hull A thin-timbered hull provides little protection against a sustained cannonade False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_good_defence These men are better than average at staying in one piece False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_good_firepower Packs sufficient firepower to trouble the heaviest opponent False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_good_markmanship Steady hands and sharp eyes make for fine shots False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_good_morale A strong esprit de corps unites these men, giving them high morale False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_good_reload Constant repetition shaves fractions from loading times and helps to eliminate misfires False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_grappling_hook placeholder False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_grappling_hooks These men are practiced in the use of grappling hooks to scale fort walls False
unit_info_card_abilities_strings_tooltip_text_grenades Can throw crude grenades to clear entrenchments and occupied buildings False