button_mp_dropin_Inactive_no_steam_Tooltip_7b0062 Drop-in battles disabled. To enable drop-in battles, you will need to restart Steam in Online mode. True
button_txt_NewState_Text_10043 The Peninsular Campaign True
button_txt_NewState_Text_13002a The Spanish Campaign True
button_txt_spa_napoleon_Text_5f0062 Harass Army True
description_NewState_Text_3a0059 Find multiplayer battles online: True
dropin_land_Tooltip_710000 Check this box to add this battle type to your search. || Drop in on another player's campaign game for a quick battle. || You will will take on the role of the opposing AI in a single battle, taking an active part in the other's historical campaign. True
gov_type_tx_empire_Tooltip_4c006b Napoleon's empire is an autocracy built upon the Republican ideals of the French Revolution.||A relatively high level of repression is sustained while clamour for reform is considerably reduced.||Both classes are granted a small boost to happiness.||The Emperor maintains absolute control over his servants in government. True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_10043 The Peninsular Campaign True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_13002a The Spanish Campaign True
icon_align_anti_french_Tooltip_70021 Anti-French||Move provocateurs or priests into a region to start converting the population to your point of view. True
icon_align_pro_french_Tooltip_70021 Pro-French||Move provocateurs or priests into a region to start converting the population to your point of view. True
in_progress_tx_NewState_Text_50006a In Progress True
match_land_Tooltip_710000 Check this box to add this battle type to your search. True
match_sea_tx_NewState_Text_6004c Matchmade Sea Battle True
rogue_harass_army_Tooltip_5c005f Harass Army||A chance to wreak some havoc by pinning down an army and picking off those on its periphery!||Clicking on this button will bring up your Harassment panel. True
rogue_sabotage_army_Tooltip_260009 Sabotage Army True
status_icon_save_Tooltip_1a0043 Save game || This game requires a save game from the previous session. True
tech_bonus_tx_default_Text_b0068 Technology bonus True
time_limit_tx_NewState_Text_3c0006 Matchmade Land Battle True
tx_info_spa_napoleon_Text_11005e Liberation will return control of this region to its rightful owner. True
tx_info_spa_napoleon_Text_5d005e In recognition of your efforts to rid their lands of their enemies, a small force of local fighters will join your ranks to aid you in your campaign. True
tx_state-religion_spain_Text_80057 Alignment: True
tx_state-religion_spain_Tooltip_5f0069 Alignment to Great Britain or France is determined by the efforts of a provocateur or priest.||Individual regions have their own alignment which will affect their happiness and public order. True
tx_trade_spain_Tooltip_330059 Income gained from exporting your nation's resources to your trade partners via trade routes.||Protect your sea-borne trade routes out of the Peninsular in order to maintain your military supply lines within it.||These are shipped in to your region's capital. True