avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_bad_omen1 \n %-n morale to all enemy ashigaru units. \n \n A man makes his own fate, sometimes. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_bandit_horse_thieves1 \n Enemy cavalry: %-n charge bonus. \n \n It's only theft if you are caught. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_blade_master1 \n %+n attack to all sword infantry. \n \n The sword must be one with the hand. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_blessed_kote_armoured_sleeves1 \n %+n armour to all monk units. \n \n Armour does not weaken the spirit. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_blind_bow_sensei1 \n %+n accuracy to all bow units. \n \n When the heart is pure, the arrow finds a way. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_camp_sickness1 \n Reduced speed for all enemy bow and matchlock infantry. \n \n The wise man runs with caution when touching cloth. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_cavalry_officer1 \n %+n morale to all cavalry. \n \n Men, like horses, need a firm hand. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_cold_snap1 \n %-n reload skill for all enemy bow units. \n \n Cold hands make strangers of familiar tasks. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_damp_powder1 Reduced reload skill for all enemy matchlock units. \n \n Rain, fog and water drive the devils from black powder. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_drill_square1 \n %+n melee defence to all naginata infantry. \n \n Drill is a battle without blood. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_european_gunsmith1 \n %+n accuracy for all matchlock units. \n \n The smell is sulphurous, the results: astounding! True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_european_horse_trader1 \n %+n%% speed for all cavalry. \n \n A stud is always useful. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_expert_gun_instructor1 \n %+n reload skill for all matchlock units. \n \n Guns are useless in the hands of idiots. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_famous_armoury1 \n %+n armour to all melee infantry. \n \n Protection is wisdom. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_forage_parties1 \n Increased fatigue resistance for all cavalry. \n \n Peasants cannot hide everything. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_garden_of_convalescence1 \n Your two most damaged veteran units will fully heal before the next battle. \n \n A garden soothes the soul. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_geisha_poisoner1 \n Increases enemy avatar cooldowns by %n0%. \n Cancels effects of enemy Metsuke Inspector retainer. \n \n There can be mercy in a dish of tea. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_benkei1 \n Naginata Warrior Monk Hero: %+n morale. \n \n "Here is Benkei! None shall pass!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_enryakuji_fugitive1 \n Naginata Attendants: %+n charge bonus, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_enryakuji_fugitive2 %+n melee attack. \n \n "Fall upon the enemy with the flames of Enryakuji in your hearts!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_honourable_attendant1 \n Sword Attendants: %+n melee attack. \n \n Technique and honour separate the warrior on the battlefield from the peasant in the rice field. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_ichirai_hoshi1 \n Katana Hero: %+n melee attack, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_ichirai_hoshi2 %+n morale. \n \n "Fight ME!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_junsatsushi_inspector1 \n Enemy Attendants: %-n morale True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_junsatsushi_inspector2 & %-n charge bonus. \n \n "Fools are always trapped by loyalty." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_monomi_spy1 \n Fortress gates in siege battles in which you are the attacker will be open at the start of battle. \n True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_monomi_spy2 Kisho Ninjas gain: %+n melee attack, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_monomi_spy3 %+n melee defence, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_monomi_spy4 & increased movement speed. \n \n "You ain't seen me, right?" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_nasu_no_yoichi1 \n Foot Samurai: %n melee attack, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_nasu_no_yoichi2 %n melee defence, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_nasu_no_yoichi3 %+n accuracy, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_nasu_no_yoichi4 %+n reload speed. \n \n A man cannot walk two paths at once. A choice lies at the start of every journey. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_shirabyoshi_dancer1 \n Avatar and all veterans: %+n morale. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_shirabyoshi_dancer2 \n Warrior Monks and Nuns: %+n%% recruitment cost. \n \n Lust and loathing are two sides of the same coin. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_sou_monk1 Warrior Monks and Nuns: %+n morale. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_sou_monk2 \n All veterans: %+n%% recruitment cost.\n \n "Ignore all earthly beauty. It fades." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_genpei_tajima_arrow_cutter1 \n Naginata Warrior Monk Hero: %+n armour. \n \n "Tajima... cut through those [arrows]... with his whirling naginata, so that even the enemy looked on in admiration." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_gokamon_bodyguard1 \n Avatar: %+n melee defence. \n \n A man at your back forestalls many problems. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_gosha_odosama_samurai_priest1 \n Avatar slightly decreases morale of enemy units in vicinity. \n \n There is solace, even for the warrior. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_hero_worshipping_boy1 \n Avatar: %+n hitpoints. \n \n Every boy would die for his hero. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_huntsmen1 \n %+n accuracy for Bow Ashigaru units. \n \n Men are the fiercest prey of all. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_indefatigable1 \n Warrior Monk units receive %n%% increased speed. \n \n Truth flies on swift wings. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_infantry_officer1 \n %+n morale to all samurai melee infantry. \n \n The mob is not an army. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_inspiring_orator1 \n %-n%% recruitment cost for all ashigaru units. \n \n Words can move a man's heart to sorrow, or anger. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_kacchu_mochi_armour_bearer1 \n Avatar: %+n armour. \n \n There is honour in serving well. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_katana_of_the_pure_land1 \n Avatar: \n Your Avatar and his bodyguard's melee attacks pierce armour. \n \n The cleansing stroke brings its own peace. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_lightweiught_gunjingura_war_saddle1 \n %+n%% speed for all cavalry units. \n \n Speed comes more readily to the rider with a comfortable seat. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_livestock_pestilence1 \n Reduced speed for all enemy cavalry units. \n \n Dull eye and drooping ear speak eloquently of the suffering within. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_lotus_sect_adherent1 \n %+n charge bonus to all monk units. \n \n There are many paths to heaven. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_loyal_fudai_shu_retainers1 \n Avatar: %+n hitpoints. \n \n Loyalty reflects well on the one who gives it. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_mark_of_fantacism1 \n Avatar: \n Your Avatar and his bodyguard have %+n morale. \n \n An honest faith armours an honest soul. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_metsuke_inspector1 \n Avatar's rally ability also causes %-n to enemy morale in radius. \n Cancels effect of enemy Shinobi Informer retainer. \n \n "You're nicked, my old beauty!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_military_storehouse1 \n Increased fatigue resistance for all melee infantry. \n \n Without stores, an army soon becomes a hungry mob. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_mochiyari_gumi_spear_bearer1 \n Avatar: %+n charge bonus. \n \n A samurai may need his weapon at any moment. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_mouldy_feed_stocks1 \n Reduced fatigue resistance for all enemy cavalry. \n \n A horse's stamina is only a good as the oats it is fed. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_mounted_scout1 \n Increased ability to spot hidden enemy units. \n \n Knowledge is better than rumour. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_ninja_jonin1 \n Allows player to field Kisho Ninjas. \n \n The hidden knife is no less deadly for being expected. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_open_basketwork_quivers1 \n %+n ammunition to all bow units. \n \n The arrow is no less important than the bow. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_ox_carts1 \n Allows you to field 1 siege engine (Fire Rockets, Mangonel or Cannon) \n \n Summer dust and heat, oxen bellow, drivers goad: doom rumbles onward. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_portable_shrine1 \n %+n melee attack for all monk units. \n \n The pure heart beats louder than any war drum. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_practice_grounds1 \n %+n melee attack to all melee cavalry. \n \n Nothing in battle should be a surprise. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_productive_rice_paddy1 \n %+n morale for ashigaru units. \n \n Wealth is a full ricebowl. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_rennyos_teachings1 \n Your units sacrifice attack power for greatly increased defence. \n All units receive: \n %-n melee attack True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_rennyos_teachings2 %+n melee defence True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_rennyos_teachings3 %-n reload speed True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_rennyos_teachings4 %+n morale. \n \n There is little wisdom in bringing pain to others, yet much in avoiding pain. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_sage_advisor1 \n All unit cooldowns reduced by 10%. \n Cancels effects of enemy Wizened Monk retainer. \n \n "Do not look for wisdom. It will find you." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_sake_peddler1 \n %-n enemy bow and matchlock accuracy. \n \n Strong drink is a comfort to some, a tool for others. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_scroll_of_inspirational_verse1 \n Avatar: melee attack %+n. \n \n "O! For a muse of fire…" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_shinobi_informer1 \n Reveals the deployment of all enemy units not hidden. \n Cancels effect of enemy Sage Advisor retainer. \n \n Secrets and lies travel in the same cart. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_shoguns_emissary1 \n Allows player to field Great Guard units. \n \n The blessings of heaven come in many forms. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_short_sighted_inspector1 Reduced reload skill for enemy European Cannon, Mangonels, Fire Rockets and Hand Mortars. \n \n Sometimes looking is not the same as seeing. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_skilled_weaponsmith1 \n %+n melee attack for all spear infantry units. \n \n The edge is where the moment is decided. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_spoiled_rations1 \n Reduced fatigue resistance for all enemy melee infantry. \n \n Food nourishes the spirit as well as the body. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_steppe_horse_stud1 \n Light cavalry: %+n melee attack. \n \n Careful husbandry always improves the breed. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_sticky_fingered_storemaster1 \n %-n%% ammunition for enemy bow units. \n \n "Ah! Those. Give me a day. I'll find some…" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_straw_practice_dummy1 \n %+n melee attack for Loan-Sword Ashigaru units. \n \n The first cut is the deepest. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_stricken_unholy_forge1 \n All enemy melee infantry receive %-n armour. \n \n The strongest steel will not serve in a worthless cause. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_supply_wagon1 \n %+n% ammunition to all bow and matchlock units. \n \n "Do not throw your bow when the arrows are gone!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_surgeon1 \n A proportion of each unit's casualties will be healed after a battle. \n \n "Brave wounds mend the quickest!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_target_range1 \n %+n accuracy for all bow units. \n \n A target stands; an enemy thinks. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_tetsu_bishi_caltrops1 \n %+n bonus versus cavalry for all spear, bow and matchlock infantry. \n \n To cripple a horse is to stop the warrior. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_trading_post1 \n %-n%% recruitment cost for all units. \n \n Trade is beneath a samurai; money is not. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_uma_i_horse_doctor1 \n Avatar: %+n% speed. \n \n A horseman is only as good as his horse. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_uma_jirushi_nobori_standard_bearer1 \n Avatar: %+n morale. \n \n A banner, floating on the breeze, is a noble sight. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_unbalanced_spears1 \n %-n melee defence for all enemy spear infantry. \n \n "Unbalanced? Nonsense! Next you'll be saying I'm unbalanced!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_untrained_fugu_cook1 \n %-n melee attack to all enemy sword infantry. \n \n Nothing ventured over dinner, nothing gained. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_water_carrier1 \n Increased fatigue resistance for all bow and matchlock infantry. \n \n Battle gives a man a powerful thirst. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_wavering_faith1 \n Enemy Warrior Monk units receive %-n morale. \n \n Doubt gnaws at even the smallest grain of faith. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_way_of_the_ikko_ikki1 \n Warrior Monk and Ashigaru units you command have %+n melee defence, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_way_of_the_ikko_ikki2 +%n%% recruitment cost & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_way_of_the_ikko_ikki3 %+n morale. \n \n The faith of the people is the strength of the people. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_wizened_monk1 \n Avatar: %+n morale. \n %-n morale for enemy avatar. \n Cancels effect of enemy Geisha Poisoner retainer. \n \n "There is no enemy: defeat your own fears!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_wooden_practice_spears1 \n %+n melee defence for Yari Ashigaru units. \n \n A sore head or bruised knuckles is fair exchange for one's life. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_world_weary1 \n Veteran units (including heroes) under your enemy's command receive: \n %-n melee attack, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_world_weary2 %-n accuracy & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_world_weary3 %-n morale. \n \n The burden of a lifetime bends a man's back. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_yabusami_master1 \n Avatar: %+n accuracy, \n %+n reloading skill. \n \n Horse and bow can be in harmony. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_yagyu_sword_instructor1 \n %+n melee attack for all sword infantry. \n \n "Do not cut at your enemy. Perfect the stroke!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_yamabushi_guide1 \n All units have reduced fatigue gain True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_yamabushi_guide2 and %-n% to standard speed penalties for crossing rough terrain. \n \n The sure-footed way is its own reward. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_yari_master1 \n %+n melee defence for all spear infantry. \n \n Even the simplest thing must be mastered. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_yumi_officer1 \n %+n reload skill for all bow infantry. \n \n Men must be lead in battle. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_zen_like_silence1 \n The range at which the enemy can spot hidden units is subject to a %n%% penalty. \n \n The calm heart does not beat like a drum. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_anc_zori_tori_sandal_bearer1 \n Avatar: increased fatigue resistance. \n \n No task is humble if it is done well. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_artillery_officers_handbook1 \n Allows you to field 1 piece of artillery (Wooden Cannon, Parrot Gun, Armstrong Gun or Gatling Gun) \n \n Make every shot count. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_bandit_horse_thieves1 \n Enemy cavalry: %-n charge bonus. \n \n It's only theft if you are caught. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_blade_master1 \n %+n attack to all sword infantry. \n \n The sword must be one with the hand. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_blind_bow_sensei1 \n %+n accuracy to all bow units. \n \n When the heart is pure, the arrow finds a way. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_british_naval_engineer1 \n Ironclad hull strength: %+n%% \n \n There are ironclad arguments as to why the Royal Navy rules the waves. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_cold_snap1 \n %-n reload skill for all enemy bow units. \n \n Cold hands make strangers of familiar tasks. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_crack_frigate_crew1 \n Frigates: %n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_crack_frigate_crew2 %n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n Even a frigate is only as fast as her crew. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_dreyse_needle_gun1 \n Elite infantry reload skill: %+n. \n \n The bullet is substantial. The needle is within the workings. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_eager_lieutenant1 \n Corvette reload skill: %+n. \n \n "54 seconds: not bad. Not outstanding either! Again!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_elite_ironclad_crew1 \n Ironclads: %n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_elite_ironclad_crew2 %n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n "Neatly done, Lieutenant. Carry on." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_enfield_musketoon1 \n Modern gunpowder cavalry reload skill: %+n. \n \n "Proven in combat, by the Confederate States of America, sir, among others." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_european_horse_trader1 \n %+n%% speed for all cavalry. \n \n A stud is always useful. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_experienced_gunboat_crew1 \n Gunboats: %n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_experienced_gunboat_crew2 %n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n Even a little ship well-handled can punch above its weight. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_famous_armoury1 \n %+n armour to all melee infantry. \n \n Protection is wisdom. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_fighting_captain1 \n Frigate accuracy: %+n. \n \n "Fire on the rise!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_flogging_officer1 \n Enemy line & elite infantry morale: %-n. \n \n "The men respect me for it." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_forage_parties1 \n Increased fatigue resistance for all cavalry. \n \n Peasants cannot hide everything. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_foul_bottom1 \n Enemy frigate movement speed: %n%%. \n \n "A foul bottom? How dare you sir?!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_french_naval_engineer1 \n Frigate movement speed: %+n%%. \n \n "A Frenchman, sir, builds a ship with a soul. Any Anglo-Saxon idiot can make an ironclad." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_garden_of_convalescence1 \n Your two most damaged veteran units will fully heal before the next battle. \n \n A garden soothes the soul. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_green_corvette_crew1 \n Enemy corvettes: %+n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_green_corvette_crew2 %+n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n "Is there an able seaman anywhere on this ship?!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_groom1 \n Modern gunpowder cavalry have increased fatigue resistance. \n \n Only a fool looks after his sword yet neglects his horse. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_gun_crew_drill1 \n Gunboat reload skill: %+n. \n \n When you've few guns, make sure you fire often. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_hero_worshipping_boy1 \n Avatar: %+n hitpoints. \n \n Every boy would die for his hero. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_improved_breech_mechanism1 \n Ironclad reload skill: %+n. \n \n Precision engineered for maximum efficiency. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_improved_gun_sights1 \n Corvette accuracy: %+n. \n \n Science removes the guesswork from gunnery. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_incorrect_calibration1 \n Enemy corvette accuracy: %n. \n \n "100 yards short again!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_inexperienced_gunboat_crew1 \n Enemy gunboats: %+n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_inexperienced_gunboat_crew2 %+n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n "Other side lads. 'The port is always left on the table', remember?" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_kacchu_mochi_armour_bearer1 \n Avatar: %+n armour. \n \n There is honour in serving well. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_light_infantry_officer1 \n Tosa Riflemen, Yugekitai & Sharpshooter movement speed: %+n%%. \n \n "At the double, men!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_livestock_pestilence1 \n Reduced speed for all enemy cavalry units. \n \n Dull eye and drooping ear speak eloquently of the suffering within. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_military_storehouse1 \n Increased fatigue resistance for all melee infantry. \n \n Without stores, an army soon becomes a hungry mob. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_minie_muzzle_loading_rifle1 \n Tosa Riflemen, Yugekitai & Sharpshooter accuracy: %+n. \n \n Simple, sturdy, and soldier-proof. Deadly, in the right hands, too. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_mochiyari_gumi_spear_bearer1 \n Avatar: %+n charge bonus. \n \n A samurai may need his weapon at any moment. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_modern_supply_corps1 \n Line & elite infantry ammunition: %+n . \n \n Victory can be decided on the pages of a ledger. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_monomi_spy1 \n Fortress gates in siege battles in which you are the attacker will be open at the start of battle. \n True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_monomi_spy2 Kisho Ninjas gain: %+n melee attack, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_monomi_spy3 %+n melee defence, True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_monomi_spy4 & increased movement speed. \n \n "You ain't seen me, right?" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_mouldy_feedstocks1 \n Reduced fatigue resistance for all enemy cavalry. \n \n A horse's stamina is only a good as the oats it is fed. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_mounted_scout1 \n Increased ability to spot hidden enemy units. \n \n Knowledge is better than rumour. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_muzzle_loading_carbine1 \n Enemy modern gunpowder cavalry reload skill: %-n. \n \n Accuracy comes at a price. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_muzzle_loading_muskets1 \n Enemy elite infantry reload skill: %-n. \n \n Tried, tested and out-dated. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_myopic_captain1 \n Enemy Tosa Riflemen, Yugekitai & Sharpshooter accuracy: %-n. \n \n "Oh, drat these spectacles! Was that a hit? Sergeant?" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_open_basketwork_quivers1 \n %+n ammunition to all bow units. \n \n The arrow is no less important than the bow. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_overweight_infantry_officer1 \n Enemy Tosa Riflemen, Yugekitai & Sharpshooter movement speed: %-n%%. \n \n "Phew! I'll catch you up, men." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_pedantic_gun_captain1 \n Enemy gunboat reload skill: %n. \n \n "All equipment to be correctly stowed BEFORE firing." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_poor_bloodstock1 \n Enemy modern gunpowder cavalry have greatly decreased fatigue resistance. \n \n "See what I mean? Too narrow across the withers." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_practice_grounds1 \n %+n melee attack to all melee cavalry. \n \n Nothing in battle should be a surprise. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_raw_frigate_crew1 \n Enemy frigates: %+n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_raw_frigate_crew2 %+n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n "Don't you lot know your starboard from your larboard?" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_rifled_barrels1 \n Enemy Tosa Riflemen, Yugekitai & Sharpshooter reload skill: %-n. \n \n Accuracy comes at a price. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_scratch_ironclad_crew1 \n Enemy Ironclads: %+n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_scratch_ironclad_crew2 %+n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n "Take that man's name!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_scroll_of_inspirational_verse1 \n Avatar: melee attack %+n. \n \n "O! For a muse of fire…" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_shinobi_informer1 \n Reveals the deployment of all enemy units not hidden. \n \n Secrets and lies travel in the same cart. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_skilled_gun_captain1 \n Gunboat accuracy: %+n. \n \n "Steady. Steady. Fire!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_skilled_weaponsmith1 \n %+n melee attack for all spear infantry units. \n \n The edge is where the moment is decided. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_skittish_mounts1 \n Enemy modern gunpowder cavalry accuracy: %-n. \n \n "YOU try standing still whilst someone fires a gun over your head!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_snider_breech_loading_rifle1 \n Tosa Riflemen, Yugekitai & Sharpshooter reload skill: %+n. \n \n A good reliable weapon, as you'd expect from Her Majesty's Government. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_spoiled_rations1 \n Reduced fatigue resistance for all enemy melee infantry. \n \n Food nourishes the spirit as well as the body. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_sticky_fingered_storemaster1 \n %-n%% ammunition for enemy bow units. \n \n "Ah! Those. Give me a day. I'll find some…" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_uma_i_horse_doctor1 \n Avatar: %+n% speed. \n \n A horseman is only as good as his horse. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_uma_jirushi_nobori_standard_bearer1 \n Avatar: %+n morale. \n \n A banner, floating on the breeze, is a noble sight. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_unbalanced_spears1 \n %-n melee defence for all enemy spear infantry. \n \n "Unbalanced? Nonsense! Next you'll be saying I'm unbalanced!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_unpracticed_gun_crews1 \n Enemy Ironclad reload skill: %n. \n \n "Gun practice Lieutenant? Not today, I have a headache." True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_unwaxed_cartridges1 \n Enemy line & elite infantry ammunition: %-n%. \n \n ...Click!... True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_veteran_corvette_crew1 \n Corvettes: %n%% to Overheat Engine ability cooldown & True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_veteran_corvette_crew2 %n%% to Fast Reload ability cooldown. \n \n A good crew is as one with their ship. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_von_clausewitzs_on_war1 \n Line & elite infantry morale: %+n. \n \n War is the school of warriors. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_well_schooled_mounts1 \n Modern gunpowder cavalry accuracy: %+n. \n \n Man and beast in perfect harmony. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_yamabushi_guide1 \n All units have reduced fatigue gain True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_yamabushi_guide2 and %-n% to standard speed penalties for crossing rough terrain. \n \n The sure-footed way is its own reward. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_yari_master1 \n %+n melee defence for all spear infantry. \n \n Even the simplest thing must be mastered. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_yumi_officer1 \n %+n reload skill for all bow infantry. \n \n Men must be lead in battle. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_zen_like_silence1 \n The range at which the enemy can spot hidden units is subject to a %n%% penalty. \n \n The calm heart does not beat like a drum. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_anc_zori_tori_sandal_bearer1 \n Avatar: increased fatigue resistance. \n \n No task is humble if it is done well. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_clan_imperial1 \n Reduced modern Imperial unit casualties. \n Increased Clan Influence Points gain. \n \n There is great honour in service to the Emperor. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_bosh_clan_shogunate1 \n Reduced modern Shogunate unit casualties. \n Increased Clan Influence Points gain. \n \n Tradition and honour are everything. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_clan_anc_bow1 \n Reduced bow unit casualties. \n Increased Clan Influence Points gain. \n \n Training is never wasted in life. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_clan_anc_horse1 \n Reduced melee cavalry casualties. \n Increased Clan Influence Points gain. \n \n Training is never wasted in life. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_clan_anc_spear1 \n Reduced spear infantry casualties. \n Increased Clan Influence Points gain. \n \n Training is never wasted in life. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_clan_anc_sword1 \n Reduced sword infantry casualties. \n Increased Clan Influence Points gain. \n \n Training is never wasted in life. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_dragonfly_cutting_spear1 \n Avatar: %+n charge bonus, \n %+n bonus versus cavalry. \n \n Everything can be perfected. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_flawless_mount_okage1 \n Avatar: %+n speed. \n \n The noble steed demands a noble master. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_hachiman_crest1 \n Avatar: aura radius increased and rally ability cooldown decreased. \n \n A noble sign brings terror to enemies' hearts. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_heavenly_banner1 \n %+n morale for all units. \n \n When men lift their eyes to heaven, their hearts follow. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_hideous_menpo_mask1 \n Enemy units close to your avatar suffer a %-n morale penalty. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_hideous_menpo_mask2 \nYour avatar has %+n morale. \n \n The God of Battles should show a hard face to the world. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_kawari_kabuto_helm1 \n Avatar: %+n melee defence. \n \n What use a general's brains if they are splashed to the winds? True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_legendary_kabuto_of_ykok1 \n Avatar: %+n hitpoints, \n %+n armour. \n \n "Yes Great Lord, truly a splendid helmet!" True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_masterwork_do_maru_armour1 \n Avatar: %+n armour. \n \n Sometimes age adds to the worthiness of a thing. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_masterwork_kote_armguards1 \n Avatar: %+n hitpoints. \n \n The wise man seeks out the very best of everything. True
avatar_ancillaries_descriptions_description_mp_legendary_tenkagoken_sword1 \n Avatar: %+n melee attack. \n \n Some swords will seek out worthy hands. True