missionary_mission_Tooltip_7a006e	Found Mission.	True
tx_Enlightenment_Tooltip_c0044	This is your based on your research into philosophy technologies.	True
repeatedly_tx_NewState_Text_280043	Pay repeatedly	True
player_rank_Tooltip_2b001f	Host's command rating	True
dy_policing_Tooltip_780020	This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble. The less happy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel. From this you can judge how much repression you need.	True
tx_policing_Tooltip_780020	This is the amount of money it costs each turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble. The less happy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel. From this you can judge how much repression you need.	True
title_NewState_Text_10042	Sound	True
TX_nation_name_DY_Tooltip_2f0020	Your nation's diplomatic details.||You can see your protectorates, allies, enemies and your trade partners at a glance here.	True
public_order_title_NewState_Text_7c0057	Population	True
government_screen_button_close_Tooltip_1f0049	Close	True
status_icon_saved_Tooltip_75006c	Save game	True
tx_ranking_filter_tx_military_Tooltip_5	This filter shows only the military prestige for the selected nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_4a0018	Land Units	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6d0078	Click this arrow to switch to your previous region.	True
"Wealth"_Tooltip_500013	In this section you can monitor the factors influencing your wealth for this region.||The wealth for this region, along with the wealth from your other regions, will contribute towards your overall income for your Empire.	True
defendant_Tooltip_630065	This is your agent.He is the defendant in this duel.||Below his portrait you will see his name and his abilities with a sword and pistol.	True
dy_description_Tooltip_2003f	This panel contains details on the battle about to take place.||It shows the size of both armies or navies, information on the location of the battle and any reinforcements either side may have.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information.	True
tx_enables_NewState_Text_b007c	Enables building of:	True
total_Tooltip_a0048	Total lowest class public order||This is based on the positive and negative factors to the right.||Mouse over the icon to the left to see the public order status for this class.	True
heading_Tooltip_290049	On this screen you can select your nation, battle and campaign difficulty and see victory conditions vital to winning the campaign.||Move your cursor over the different areas below to see more information.	True
mission_tx_Tooltip_30063	The mission you were issued.	True
button_retreat_Tooltip_760037	Retreat	True
txt_no_ownership_NewState_Text_790048	Nobody	True
mp_down_Tooltip_200070	These are the movement points for each of your armies.||Each army can only travel so far each turn and this column will show you which armies can still be moved.||The coloured bar will become emptier as more points are used.||All armies movements points will be fully replenished next turn.||Movement points are reset each turn, you can not accumulate them.||If an army still has movement points, have a look to see if there is anywhere you want to move them to before ending turn.||Left-click to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.||You can order your armies by movement points by clicking on this column's title	True
tx_upkeep_navy_Tooltip_710014	Amount of money per turn to support your naval fleets.||Disband ships to reduce this figure.||Fleets are made up of ships.||Each ship has an upkeep cost in its ship details panel.||Ships that are not doing anything are wasting money.||Disband them or move them where they will be useful.	True
maneuverability_Tooltip_3d004c	Maneuverability of this unit.||This determines the speed this ship can change course.||Different ships have different sailing characteristics.	True
shooting_Tooltip_3b005e	Shooting skill||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents.	True
tab_abilities_Tooltip_60003c	Select this tab to display any abilities this unit has.||Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6a0076	Previous theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6b0074	Next region	True
status_not_ready_Tooltip_450014	Player not ready||Waiting for player to click the ready button.	True
dy_Population_Tooltip_6d0027	This is the total population of this region.||As the population increases, more expansion slots appear. These slots can be built upon to develop your region.||The Population Growth section below will help guide you on how to increase this number.	True
vslider_Tooltip_490010	Move the slider to scroll up and down this panel.	True
pop_growth_icon_Tooltip_660013	This is your total Population Growth rate.||This is based on the preceeding positive and negative influences.||This region's total population will increase by this percentage every turn.	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_5c001c	Army Setup	True
build_demolish_Tooltip_370040	Demolish||Select a structure or building you want to get rid of and then click this button.||Dismantling is useful if you want to develop a new building chain in a slot that has already been allocated.||Demolishing the existing structure means you are free to reassign the slot to the structure type you wish and develop as you see fit.||This technique may be needed if you conquer a region whose cultural differences prevent you from developing the existing buildings.||Sometimes devastation is its own reward - you may wish to adopt a scorched earth policy.||Raze buildings to the ground and then abandon the settlement, leaving any would-be-conquerors no resources to develop on!||Beware! Dismantling will get rid of the entire building chain.||It will not simply drop back to the previous building on the chain.	True
label_tx_NewState_Tooltip_530003	Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion	True
dy_region_Tooltip_6a007b	Selected region	True
head_tx_Tooltip_540058	These are the movement points for each of your fleets.||Each fleet can only travel so far each turn and this column will show you which ones can still be moved.||The coloured bar will become emptier as more points are used.||All fleet's movements points will be fully replenished next turn.||Movement points are reset each turn, you do not accumulate them.||If a fleet still has movement points, have a look to see if there is anywhere you want to move them to before ending turn.||You can order your fleets by movement points by clicking on this column's title.	True
button_close_depress_Tooltip_76005e	Close this panel.	True
Experience_1_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_2_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_3_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_4_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_5_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_6_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_7_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_8_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_9_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_1f005b	Abilities	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_4f000c	Campaign Games	True
effects_icons1_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	Naval research	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_160050	Trade	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_3c007d	Brightness/Gamma	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_3e001c	Screen Resolution	True
"Effects"_Tooltip_360064	The icons below show the effects your current tax level settings are having on the two classes.||You will notice that the two classes are affected differently by tax levels.||High taxes for the lowest class reduce population growth as they make up the majority of the populace.||The upper classes are responsible for much of the wealth of a region, so taxing them at high rates will reduce town wealth and town wealth growth||Rich or poor, all are alike in one aspect - a shared dislike of taxes.||The higher tax levels are set, the unhappier both classes will be.||If you move the tax level sliders you will notice that these effects will change accordingly.||Move your cursor over the icons below to see the specific values of each effect.	True
swords_Tooltip_2b007b	Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your side are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by blue.||If the enemies bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!||There is a version of this in battle that will reflect the fortunes of each side as the battle progresses.	True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_210007	Other Claimants	True
experience_old_6_Tooltip_420030	Pre-battle experience: 6	True
checkbox_selected_down_off_Tooltip_53000b	If this box is checked construction will be managed automatically.||Construction will be managed for you according to your build policy.	True
txt_popularity_Tooltip_220068	This is based on your public's happiness.||You can check this by examining their public order.||Public order is made up from happiness and repression.||Though repression can keep your public under control, it won't make you very popular.||The lower your popularity is, the more likely a revolt or election will oust the current administration.	True
experience_old_7_Tooltip_430030	Pre-battle experience: 7	True
experience_old_4_Tooltip_400030	Pre-battle experience: 4	True
experience_old_5_Tooltip_410030	Pre-battle experience: 5	True
turns_tx_NewState_Text_210055	Turns:	True
upper_classes_txt_Tooltip_150022	The higher classes represent the very top of society.||Move your cursor over the pips below to see the positive and negative effects on their public order.	True
experience_old_2_Tooltip_460030	Pre-battle experience: 2	True
button_kick_Tooltip_3004c	Select this button to kick a useless minister from his position on the cabinet!||Be warned however - he may be replaced by someone even worse!	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_b0002	These are the factors having a  positive effect on public order.||A cultured region is a happy region. Opera houses and theatres will keep the elite amused.||No matter what they think, the higher class are not above the law. Improving government control through garrisons will curb some of their more decadent tendencies and help keep order.	True
experience_old_3_Tooltip_470030	Pre-battle experience: 3	True
recruitment_cost_NewState_Text_460011	Recruitment Cost	True
UC_button_increase_file_Tooltip_120010	Increase file	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_40051	Water	True
tab_title_NewState_Text_460009	Quick Battle	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_10055	Grass	True
Alliance2_NewState_Text_3c000f	Alliance 2	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_780072	Revolution!	True
experience_old_1_Tooltip_450030	Pre-battle experience: 1	True
vslider_Tooltip_59	Move this slider to scroll up and down the panel.	True
call_help_tx_Tooltip_7e0067	When this box is checked you will ask your allies to join you in war.||Note that this box is always automatically checked when you declare war.||Your allies may turn down your request, so don't declare war presuming you will have the full force of your allies backing you up!	True
emblem_enl_Tooltip_10060	This is the philosophy technology.||Philosophy technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||These can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.	True
button_tx_war_Text_3a0006	Declare War	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_7b002e	Shadows	True
heading_txt_NewState_Text_4e007d	Local Network	True
button_pay_ransom_unselected_Tooltip_54000c	Click to agree to pay demanded ransom	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_170042	Trees	True
panel left_Tooltip_5a0021	This panel is seperated into three tabs: Units, agents and	True
IND_map_Tooltip_640051	Any green areas on this map show the regions that the selected nation already controls.||This is important to know when choosing which nation to play as, as it will affect how you develop your empire.||Have a look at the other theatres - America and Europe - to see other regions the selected nation may own.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_310062	Sound Channels	True
your_allies_tx_NewState_Text_55007a	Your Allies	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_200070	Particle Effects	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_180049	Ships	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_130042	Sound Variation	True
tx_Enlightenment_Tooltip_20046	This is your enlightenment prestige.	True
battle_setting_auto_ai_Text_52006a	Default: Autoresolve, Play as AI	True
panel_heading_tx_Tooltip_60010	Choose a game name, password, number of spectators and mark your battle for ranking here.	True
tx_leader_tx_president_Tooltip_760012	The leader of your nation||Their abilities and traits will help shape your nation's future, good or bad.||Right-click on their portrait to bring up the character panel, or find out more on their governing abilities on the ministers tab.	True
title_NewState_Text_39003c	Brightness and Gamma	True
pause_Tooltip_2a0001	Pause.||Select this button to pause the game.||You can use the pause button to study the battle and plan your strategy.||While the game is paused you can still move the camera around and give orders.||Once the game is unpaused it the orders you have given will be carried out.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_180042	Time of Day:	True