pay_tx_Tooltip_4f003c Here you can pay or demand payment from another nation.||Money can be used as a gesture of goodwill, a way of negotiating difficult deals or just good old fashioned bribery.||Move your cursor over the area below to see more details. True
icon_rel_hindu_Tooltip_150059 Hindu||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area True
tab_tx_Tooltip_580028 This column lists your regions. The region's capital is listed underneath each region.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order your regions in alphabetical order by clicking on this column's title. True
income_tx_NewState_Text_640047 Income True
txt_function_building_owned_Text_720021 Right click for further information True
StatusIcon_Sinking_Tooltip_6c0033 Sinking True
button_naval_scupper_Tooltip_12007c Scupper ships||This will dismantle the selected ships and distribute the crew among your other ships, saving you money on upkeep costs! True
faction_right_Tooltip_39001f This panel contains all the diplomatic information of the nation you are negotiating with.||These details can help inform your diplomatic decisions.||Mouse over the areas below for more information. True
dy_attribute_title_Tooltip_1b0009 This shows the character's command on land or at sea. True
TX_ordered_by_NewState_Text_2b0065 Ordered by: True
offers_title_faction_left_Tooltip_120075 You can add offers by selecting the options to the left and remove them by left-clicking on them.||You can make as many offers as you wish before making the proposal.||Your demands are displayed on the right to make it simpler to balance your offers and demands. True
tech_icon_stealing_Tooltip_1b0034 Stealing True
markers_tx_NewState_Text_780029 Markers True
_title_frame_duel_Tooltip_1d007a This is your duel panel.||This is a civilised time, and brawls are left to the uneducated. A duel is a gentleman's way of dealing with problems that cannot be solved with words.||This panel will appear when you have the option of a duel challenge.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information. True
label_tx_NewState_Text_3d000e Game name: True
button_tx_trade_cancel_Tooltip_470023 Click this button to cancel a trade agreement.||This will close all trade routes between the two factions.||You will lose any trade income from this faction if you cancel this. True
label_tx_NewState_Text_430072 Selection Markers True
label_tx_NewState_Text_310003 Mouse Wheel True
"Population Growth"_NewState_Text_20001a Population Growth True
units_tx_NewState_Text_1a003c Unit True
button_continue_siege_Tooltip_63001f Continue siege True
victory_Tooltip_400058 You will need to complete these to win the game. True
ok_access_Tooltip_720052 Accept True
recruitment_cost_Tooltip_250077 Unlike the upkeep cost, this is a one off payment. True
status_ready_Tooltip_d0075 Player ready True
txt_ownership_Occupied_Text_59007d Held by: True
button_view_research_Tooltip_1d0009 View research True
label_tx_NewState_Text_3d000c 1 Hour True
tab_ships_Tooltip_4f007f This is the ships tab.||Select the ship you want to move and True
button_cancel_Tooltip_6e0068 Cancel True
checkbox_selected_down_Tooltip_660038 Manually managing taxes||Click to automanage taxes. True
button_tech_Tooltip_12001d Technology & research.||Clicking on this will bring up the Technologies panel.||This is the age of enlightenment, and as such new ideas and theories can help to inform your faction's development.||To see more information click on this button to bring up the technologies panel. True
head_tx_NewState_Text_4e0038 Head of State True
120_tx_NewState_Text_50022 Human player takes place of the AI True
cmp_diff_tx_Tooltip_1e0019 Increase the campaign difficulty by moving the slider to the right, or decrease it by moving the slider to the left.||Player one is represented by the top slider, player two by the bottom. True
tx_government_Tooltip_7f0001 The various aspects of government management are available here.||The panel itself is divided into four different tabs: national summary, policies, ministers and trade.||Each of these tabs focuses on a specific area of government.||You can change settings in some of these, whereas others are purely to provide you with information.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information. True
status_icon_no save_Tooltip_28000e Save game required True
tab_units_Tooltip_4b007b This is the units tab.||Select the unit you want to move and True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_7c0077 The ordnance tree concentrates on developing artillery and help you to advance your cannons and rockets True
button_tx_protector_cancel_Text_4a001f Demand Freedom True
swordfighting_Tooltip_57002f This is the challengers fencing skill level.||Check this before choosing your duelling weapon. If you can, pick the weapon you are more proficient in to increase your chances of winning. True
button_duel_Tooltip_12001e Duel||Click here once you have chosen your target.||Killing someone as part of a duel is not murder - it is a personal matter and as such does not have political consequences.||A more underhand nation may choose to use a duel to dispatch political enemies under the guise of a personal dispute, thus avoiding any diplomacy troubles.||If one was to choose this ungentlemanly path, then picking a target belonging to an enemy nation may prove beneficial.||If you suddenly get cold feet, or the odds are not favourable, click the top right button to cancel. True
TX_theatre_NewState_Text_410020 Theatre: True
time_period_tx_NewState_Text_7b0071 Time Period: True
tx_theatre_NewState_Text_410020 Theatre: True
details_title_NewState_Text_3c0013 Battle Statistics True
button_ready_Selected_Tooltip_20004a Ready! True
button_attack_Tooltip_7e0056 Attack True
effects_icons1_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_1a004a Army recruitment cost True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_3f0024 This setting selects the amount of detail for water.||The highest settings will have both reflection and refraction effects.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this. True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_51004b Check this for a depth of field.||This will replicate camera focus effects.||If your game is running slow you may want to uncheck this. True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_7d0067 The higher this setting the crisper and more realistic the game textures will appear.||If your game is running slow you may want to reduce this. True
list_box_Tooltip_70079 This section lists your games, turns played and date and time of saving.||You can sort them name, turns and date by clicking on the appropriate column title. True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Tooltip_d003a Regions coloured green will be friendly toward the selected nation, and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts. True
button_halt_Tooltip_36007b Halt selected units True
dy_income_upper_Tooltip_660016 This is the total Upper Class tax income for this theatre.||Changing the Upper Class tax level sliders will affect this number. True
reloading_Tooltip_e005f This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||Gaining experience and researching sheet lead cartridges in naval technology will improve this skill. True
120_tx_NewState_Text_3d007c 2 Hours True
map_Tooltip_3f0068 This is a map depicting the regions owned by your faction and the faction you are negotiating with.||Your faction's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Using this map you can see strategic positions more clearly.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Switch to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons below. True
diplomacy_panel_Tooltip_320073 This is the Diplomacy scroll.||This is where you create and break pacts with other factions, turning allies into enemies and foes into friends.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information. True
btl_diff_tx_Tooltip_7d0063 This is your battle difficulty.||You can increase or decrease the battle difficulty with the slider. True
tx_Naval_Tooltip_150075 This is based on the strengths of your navies, your naval research into technology and your naval conquests. True
melee_attack_NewState_Text_5e0012 Melee Attack True
army_fort_inactive_Tooltip_4a You are unable to build a fort.||Building a fort requires a general and you must be within your own region.||You also need the sufficient funds and enough open ground to build upon.||If you have a general and are in one of your own regions, you need to either raise enough funds or choose a clearer area to build upon. True
TX_next_technology_normal_Text_720038 Next technology under research: True
button_txt_NewState_Text_140001 Save date True
button_autoresolve_Tooltip_2a0013 Autoresolve battle||If you have a clear advantage over the enemy it is likely an autoresolve will win you the battle and you can gain a quick victory.||You can choose to manually fight the battle on the battle map if you wish, and your chances at victory are better. True
button_txt_save_Text_6e0022 Save Battle Setup True
tx_tradepartners_Tooltip_540008 The nations that you are trading with.||Your trade income comes from the resources you export to these nations via trade routes from your home region to their home region.||To find out more information on your trade, see your Trade tab. You can also make more trade relations on your diplomatic details panel. True
funds_Tooltip_7f0014 This is your total income for your faction for this turn.||These funds are what you use to recruit your armies and navies, develop regions and buildings and bribe the odd diplomat!||Your majority of your income will come from trade and taxes.||To see how this income is generated see the national summary tab held within the government panel.||Click on the show government details button to see this. True
zoom+_Tooltip_68001c Zoom in||Use these buttons to zoom in and out of your radar map view. True
box_24_Tooltip_7d This is your economics and industry prestige.||Your economics and industry prestige is based on your industry and research and the level of development within your regions and cities and your wealth. True
nav_button_broadside_L_Tooltip_710078 Fire broadside left||Click here once to load cannons and then again to fire once loaded.||Loading progress is shown by the ring around the button.||When the ring is fully red all cannons will be loaded and ready for firing.||If you click on the button before the ring is fully red it will cancel loading the cannons.||You can load and fire different shots for various effects. True
ok_regions_Tooltip_73002d Click this button when you have finished on this panel. True
dy_value_Tooltip_10011 A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit. True
bar_Tooltip_20ff8c Morale for this unit.||Having a stiff upper lip may not win any beauty contests, but itメs a better to have than a tail between your legs.||A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit. True
copy of button_accept_Tooltip_390037 Close movie True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_42006c Old Total War Cam True
leader_name_banner_Tooltip_48007f This is the leader of the faction you are negotiating with.||Right clicking on his portrait will bring up his character scroll, which will provide you with more specific details about him.||Much like your leader, his diplomatic skills may affect negotiations and the deals you are able to make. True
tx_regions_held_NewState_Text_4d0076 Listed victory regions held: True
title_frame_WarRequired_Text_50006 Declare War? True
swordfighting_Tooltip_30024 Fencing skill||Check this before choosing your duelling weapon.||If you can, pick the weapon you are more proficient in to increase your chances of winning. True
label_tx_NewState_Text_19001c Password: True
button_open_negotiations_unselect_roll_Text_250001 Open Negotiations True
button_offer_Tooltip_350057 Click here to make the offer. True
checkbox_ranked_Tooltip_5002c When this box is checked, your battle will be ranked and you will receive points for it. True
TX_university_normal_Text_7a0064 University: True
men_tx_Tooltip_14005d Number of men in this unit.||The maximum number of men you can have in this unit is shown in brackets.||If the unit is missing men you can use the replenish button to maximise the numbers again.||Fresh units will dilute the overall experience of a unit. True
tx_classes_upper_Tooltip_5f0048 The higher classes represent the very top of society. True
label_tx_NewState_Text_33003c Volumetric Effects (fog) True
button_unit_remove_Tooltip_d0054 Clear True
UC_button_move_backwards_Tooltip_4c0032 Move backwards||Hold this button to move the selected units backwards, single click to move backward a small amount.||The final position will be shown using green markers. True
SingleLineCavalryLeftFlank_Tooltip_700063 Single line cavalry left flank||All cavalry will be placed on the left flank of your grouped units. ||This can be used in attack or defence.||Use this formation to strengthen your left flank and use that flank to lead an attack.||If being attacked on the left flank use this formation to concentrate your cavalry there for defence. True
label_tx_NewState_Text_1c0012 SSAO True
town_wealth_icon_Tooltip_5d0014 This is your Total Town Wealth Growth.||This is the amount that your Total Region Wealth will increase next turn.||This number is the result of the negative and positive factors on your Town Wealth Growth.||Move your cursor over the pips to the left for more information. True
txt_function_frontend_army_panel_Text_560021 Left click to select, right click to remove. True
heading_tx_NewState_Text_b0010 Advanced settings True
ranked_tx_Tooltip_5002c When this box is checked, your battle will be ranked and you will receive points for it. True
lower_class_reaction_icon_Angry_Tooltip_3c0077 Lowest class public order.||Your lower class are currently angry and likely to riot.||Try increasing repression or exempting this region from tax to prevent rioting!||This is based on the factors to the left. True
nav_button_groupforms_Tooltip_280036 Toggle group formations panel||This panel can be used to arrange grouped ships into different formations.||To activate this button you must have some ships already grouped.||Move your cursor over the formations panel for more details. True