effects_icons2_diplomacy_Tooltip_b0043	Diplomacy	True
_title_frame_assassinate_Tooltip_630058	Despite the niceties of diplomacy and the notion of fair play you have decided the answer to your problems lies in assassination.||Before you start disposing of unwanted 'obstacles', you have to consider the potential risks and political ramifications of murder.||This panel will help you to decide whether this the right course of action - and if so who is the best target.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more details.	True
ffwd_Tooltip_35005f	Fast Forward||Click this button to speed up the game by x4.||Click the play button to return to normal speed.||Speeding up the game is useful when you have made a move that allows you to sit and wait.||For example, chasing down fleeing enemies.||Use this button carefully  - if you are in the middle of a complicated battle something might go wrong and speed by before you have chance to correct it!	True
effects_icons3_diplomacy_Tooltip_b0043	Diplomacy	True
string_NewState_Text_a0021	Back	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_580073	Order Buttons	True
no_growth_tx_negative_growth_Text_90068	Villages are not growing	True
CharacterAttribute_primary_land_command_Tooltip_610037	General	True
checkbox_down_Tooltip_53000b	If this box is checked construction will be managed automatically.||Construction will be managed for you according to your build policy.	True
nav_button_broadside_L_Tooltip_2004a	Toggle Broadside Left	True
tab_tx_text_Text_620029	Regions	True
button_fougasse_improved_Tooltip_6e000e	This is an upgraded version of Fougasse.||Added grenades provide a secondary explosion for even more carnage!||Sweep the enemy off their feet, along with anything else in the vicinity by using this defence.||Bury these mines under the ground and detonate them when the enemy is over them or nearby.||You must put these in position during the deployment phase.	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_3b0037	Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right of the theatre banner to switch theatres.	True
west_africa_Tooltip_3e0028	Ivory Coast||This is the trade theatre for West Africa.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here,these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.Trade is a cutthroat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
guns_Tooltip_7c0027	Number of guns for this unit.||Damaged guns can be repaired at sea or in ports.	True
CPU_moves_Tooltip_130020	If this is checked, visible CPU player's moves will be shown during the end turn phase.||This can help to keep a track on some of the CPU's locations and movements, but the end turn phase will also take longer.	True
dy_other_Tooltip_110002	Income gained from other sources such as payments from diplomatic negotiations and protectorates.	True
tab_enlightenment_Tooltip_10060	This is the philosophy technology.||Philosophy technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||These can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.	True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_690068	This is your Missions details panel.||From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire. All information on those missions will be stored here.||The panel is split between two tabs - your Active Missions and Missions Log. Click on these tabs to switch between the two.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more information.	True
map_globe_Tooltip_70018	Travel destinations map||The three large rectangled areas are the different theatres you can visit.||The circled areas are the trade theatres you can occupy.||Both these areas are linked by grey lines. These are your travel routes.||Sometimes you will need to travel through more than one theatre to get to your destination.||Select your destination and click on the tick button at the bottom of the map to move.||Each move will take one turn.	True
bar_Tooltip_66004b	Range level for this unit.||You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons. This can be done in the naval technology panel.	True
dy_building_title_Tooltip_690068	This is your Missions details panel.||From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire. All information on those missions will be stored here.||The panel is split between two tabs - your Active Missions and Missions Log. Click on these tabs to switch between the two.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more information.	True
button_unit_remove_Tooltip_54004a	Select to delete card	True
total_Tooltip_5d0014	This is your Total Town Wealth Growth.||This is the amount that your Total Region Wealth will increase next turn.||This number is the result of the negative and positive factors on your Town Wealth Growth.||Move your cursor over the  pips to the left for more information.	True
total_Tooltip_1d0055	Total Region Wealth.||This is the sum of all the factors that are contributing to the wealth of this region.||This value will increase each turn by the Town Wealth Growth total shown below.||Move your cursor over the pips to the left for more information.	True
marble_bar_Tooltip_4e0045	Recruitment queue||When you have selected a unit to recruit they are displayed in the queue here.||Once a unit has been recruited they will disappear from the queue and be added to the region's capital.||If the unit has been recruited by a general, they will travel to the general's position.	True
players_Tooltip_1a0070	This is the maximum number of players available for this map.||Each player will control a different army.||Some maps have more than two players.||If there aren't enough players for the battle you can use AI players instead.	True
gdp_icon_Tooltip_1d0055	Total Region Wealth.||This is the sum of all the factors that are contributing to the wealth of this region.||This value will increase each turn by the Town Wealth Growth total shown below.||Move your cursor over the pips to the left for more information.	True
power_dy_Tooltip_1f0028	Power is represented by military strength.||The nations with the largest army and naval presence will be seen as the most powerful in the eyes of the world.||A powerful nation will be useful to have on side but they could also be a threat to your nation - tread carefully!	True
label_tx_NewState_Tooltip_51004b	Check this for a depth of field.||This will replicate camera focus effects.||If your game is running slow you may want to uncheck this.	True
experience_new_0_Tooltip_6a0069	Post-battle experience||This is the experience this unit has gained in battle.	True
panel_heading_tx_army_Text_b0016	Army:	True
post_army_Tooltip_4d0066	This is the army minister.||He helps your military costs by adding bonuses to unit recruitment and upkeep costs.||The level of these bonuses are dependent on his management skill.||His will still carry his incompetence to his new post, but perhaps he will do less damage!||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel.	True
load-save_game_Tooltip_560054	This panel is where you load or save your campaign games.	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_36007f	Election Results	True
minus2_Tooltip_46002a	These are the negative factors on your tax rate.	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_4e0007	Unit Recruited	True
SingleLineCavalryRightFlank_Tooltip_180050	Single Line Cavalry Right Flank	True
time_label_Tooltip_300076	When this timer runs out, the button above will be selected automatically.	True
tx_atwar_NewState_Text_51003a	At War:	True
button_automanage_Tooltip_2a0049	Automanage all || Automates crew distribution and captured ship management.	True
head_tx_tx_Text_6c0032	Admiral	True
icon_rel_islamic_Tooltip_4d0021	Islamic||You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
head_tx_Tooltip_1f0053	This shows the income from each region and whether it is increasing or not.||Underneath the regions income there is a percentage, this is the region income tax.||Each region's income has an effect on your faction's income and as such you will want this to increase as much as possible.||If the region's income is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||Right-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Left-click to bring up the details for the selected region.||You can order this column according to the richest and poorest regions by clicking on this column's title.	True
effect1_Tooltip_30006a	Tax Efficiency	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_2b0069	Building Constructed	True
button_add_AI_Tooltip_590023	Add AI Player	True
advanced_options_Tooltip_4f0006	Select settings for your grand campaign here.||You can change these settings at any time during the campaign on the Game Settings panel.	True
panel_heading_tx_NewState_Text_1c0022	Chat	True
tx_banner_NewState_Text_1f0030	Treasury	True
lower_class_tx_default_Text_740034	Lower class tax	True
status_Tooltip_1c0063	This is the status column of your armies.||Here you will find a brief description of the armies location and what they are currently doing.||Left-click here to jump to their location on the main map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the general or colonel in charge of this army.	True
fac arrow L_Tooltip_f000f	Scroll through the minor nation buttons.	True
selector_Tooltip_30001f	This is your current selection.|| Use the arrows to the left and right to switch selection.	True
button_tx_technology_Tooltip_100013	Clicking this button will bring up the negotiation panel for technologies.||Technology is important for the development of your faction's buildings and armies, among other things.||The technology must have been researched to be offered or demanded.||Clicking this button will bring up another panel that has more details.	True
tx_policing_NewState_Text_4a0001	Town Watch	True
2_Tooltip_6b0056	Thoroughbred||Offer one of your thoroughbreds, a racing horse and a fine prize.	True
title_Tooltip_10060	This is the philosophy technology.||Philosophy technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||These can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.	True
title_dy_NewState_Text_7f0072	Land battle	True
advisor_Tooltip_5a0048	Check this box to receive gameplay tips from the in-game advisor.||The advisor will appear in the top left-hand of the screen.||If this is your first time playing the game, it is probably a good idea to have the advisor on.	True
TX_pop_killed_NewState_Text_240016	Population killed:	True
TX_At War_NewState_Text_710000	At War	True
TX_Battle Results_NewState_Text_4e001e	Battle Results	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_1a002b	Develop trade resources in each theatre to increase the flow of trade.||You can do this by taking regions with plentiful resource slots and developing your industry.	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_e0037	The type of shader model you can choose depends upon your graphics card.||If your game is running slow you may want to choose the next shader model down.	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_7f004d	This is your currently selected theatre.||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
tx_population_NewState_Text_7c006d	Population:	True
label_txt_NewState_Tooltip_4003c	Screen-space ambient occlusion||Check this to simulate ambient lighting and shadows around the edges of objects.||If your game is running slow you may want to uncheck this.	True
button_artillery_heavy_Tooltip_1d0039	Artillery heavy army	True
weather_NewState_Text_4e002c	Weather:	True
east_africa_Tooltip_460040	Straits of Madagascar||Trade theatre for East Africa.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
txt_building browser_Tooltip_720013	On this panel you can see what buildings you can build and how far you can develop them.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information.	True
total_Tooltip_660013	This is your total Population Growth rate.||This is based on the preceeding positive and negative influences.||This region's total population will increase by this percentage every turn.	True
total_Tooltip_7f000d	Your total income from trade exports.||You can increase this number by gaining more trade partners.||Negotitating a trade agreement with a faction will open up a trade route between you. You can do this in the diplomacy panel.||Trade income will contribute to your overall faction income.	True
portrait_frame_Tooltip_4c0060	This is your selected unit.	True
CharacterAttribute_primary_sea_command_Tooltip_6c0032	Admiral	True
string_NewState_Text_220046	Exit to Windows	True
radar_Tooltip_4c003b	This is your radar map, It provides you with an overview of the world.|| The map is seperated into three different theatres: Europe, America and India. Only one theatre can be displayed at a time.||All regions are shown on this map, and they are colour coded according to which faction controls them. ||Clicking on any area of the radar map will snap your main  view to that area.||Move your cursor over the other areas of the radar map for more information.	True
tab_title_Tooltip_60003c	Select this tab to display any abilities this unit has.||Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have.	True
ancillaries_Tooltip_210056	Character's entourage.	True
duel_Tooltip_350050	Duelling is the proper way to resolve disagreements and disputes.||This button will open up the Duel panel which will give you more tips about duelling and its use.	True
tx_ranking_filter_tx_overall_ranking_Tooltip_210060	This filter shows the overall prestige for the selected nations.||Click on the arrows to the left and right to switch to a new filter.	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Tooltip_160057	When this is selected your map will show what the selected nations attitudes towards other factions are.||Regions coloured green means friendly and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
button_txt_Tooltip_8004c	Select this button to take you to the gameplay options panel.||You can change these settings at any time during the campaign.	True
dy_theatre_Tooltip_7f004d	This is your currently selected theatre.||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_4b0023	Number of guns for this unit.||If these guns are destroyed during battle they will become unusable.||They will be repaired for the next battle as long as you have enough troops left in the unit to man the artillery.	True
txt_function_frontend_capped_Text_16003e	Unit cap reached	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_6f0075	Filter:	True
dy_annual-income_Tooltip_30005d	This will be added to your treasury next turn.||This is calculated from your incomings and outgoings as detailed above.	True
enemies_Tooltip_1002b	These are this faction's enemies.||A shared enemy is a sign that you are both on the same page and may prove useful in gaining this faction's trust.||On the other hand, if you are allied with one of their enemies you may be viewed with suspicion.	True
offer_access_Tooltip_e001f	This is your military access offer panel.||From here you can specify how many turns you want to offer the other faction access.||Military access is used when one army needs to move across another faction's region without trespassing and causing a war.||Offering the other faction a high number of turns shows a great deal of trust and good faith.|| This will improve relations between you,  but also make you vunerable to their armies if they decide to attack.||Once you have granted military access you can still cancel it at anytime.||However, backing out of an offer will not reflect well upon your faction and you could gain a reputation as unreliable and untrustworthy.||Select the nodes to choose how many turns you want to offer and then click on the tick button.	True
plus2_Tooltip_440020	These are the positive factors on your tax rate.	True
demands_title_faction_right_Tooltip_3d001f	Balance their offers against their demands to make sure you're getting a good deal.||If they are a rich nation any money offers should be generous.||If you are not happy with the offers you can make a counteroffer.	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_2d0038	Sea details	True
txt_surround_box_NewState_Text_74003a	Territories	True
cpu_moves_tx_Tooltip_130020	If this is checked, visible CPU player's moves will be shown during the end turn phase.||This can help to keep a track on some of the CPU's locations and movements, but the end turn phase will also take longer.	True
declare_war_Tooltip_6d007a	This is the declare war panel.||From here you can declare war on their faction and see allies for both sides.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more information.	True
dy_experience_Tooltip_c003b	Experience of this unit.||Units gain experience through fighting battles and both inflicting and gaining casualties.||Experience will improve certain statistics for units, so battle hardened units will be more skilled than a fresh unit of the same type.||If a unit is replenished with fresh recruits the experience of that unit will be reduced .||This reduction will reflect the ratio of inexperienced to experienced troops.	True
title_NewState_Text_190054	Voice Chat Settings	True
heading_NewState_Text_740045	Challenger	True