diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_counter_reject 拒絶する。あなたの提案は切実だが、それは戦士が受け入れるものではない。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_demand_get_off_my_land あなたの兵士たちが我らの土地にいる必要はない。彼らは我らの先祖の眠りを妨げる。失せろ!今すぐ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_demand_military_access 我らの戦士長は貴方達の土地を横切る必要があるという。恐れるな。彼らはあなたの人々を狩るのではない。同意してくれるか? False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_demand_regions あなたの土地の魂達は幸福ではない。土地を我らに授けろ。そうすれば我らは彼らを真なる精神にて供養することができる。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_demand_regular_payment 貴方は金の価値を大きく取る。我らはその理由を知りたい。そのため、時々我らに金を送ってはくれないだろうか? False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_demand_single_payment 貴方達は金の価値を大きく感じる。もしあなた達の金が我らの金になったら、良い意思の証となるだろう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_demand_technology 我等の首領達は、あなた方は世界の働きについいてよく知っていることを見ました!我々はあなた方が知恵を我等と共有することを願います! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_end_not_interested 不要な言葉はここで終いだ。我等はもう喋らない。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_end_rejection_friendly 我が心は深く沈んでいる。我々は相手が聞くべきことを話すことに失敗した。さらばだ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_end_rejection_hostile 貴様の舌は嘘でできている。そのような人と持つべき交渉はない。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_end_rejection_indifferent そして、我等は分かつ。今日はここで交渉の終わりにし、後日別の交渉を行うことにしよう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_end_rejection_unfriendly その嘘つきの舌は後日、我等が互いを痛みつける日、まで取っておけ False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_end_rejection_very_friendly 我等は違う道をあるく、良き友が時にはやらねばならないように。さらばだ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_generic_offer_demand 我等は貴殿らと交渉を持ちたい。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_generic_reject_1 我等は同意できない。貴殿らは我等を単純な人々と思っているかもしれないが、我等は愚かではない。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_generic_reject_2 我等は貴殿らの提案に同意できない。我等の民はもし同意したならば私をあざ笑うだろう! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_generic_reject_angry_1 違う場所ではあなたはその言葉を吐いた罪にて逆さに吊られながら生焼きにされただろう! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_generic_reject_angry_2 馬鹿馬鹿しい!私は狼に貴様の腸をくわせるべきだろう! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_offer_demand_alliance 我等の戦士長たちは賢い、そして最も勇敢な者とてと危険が近き日には友を要することを知っている。貴殿は我々と同盟を組むことに同意するか? False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_offer_demand_peace 女たちは失った息子たちの為泣き崩れている!今こそが平和を話す時だ、真の戦史達が戦いの終わりにて行うように。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_offer_demand_trade 時には男達は戦いではなく貿易を選ぶべきだ。今日は貿易にふさわしい日だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_offer_regions これらの土地は君たちのだ、もし君たちが望むなら。我等の人々はそこに済むことを好んでは居なかったし、我等の祖先たちはそこに平穏を見いだせなかった。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_offer_regular_payment あなた方は金をすべてのものより上におく。もし君たちが望むなら、我等は金を長き冬の間貴殿に授けるだろう
。もしそれが貴殿の望みならば。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_offer_single_payment 我々はそなたらが金をどれほどまで高く評価しているのか知った。故に、そなたらの金庫に収めるべき金を献上しよう。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_offer_technology 我々の人々は世界について深い知識を持っている、そこで我が首領はそなたらと知識を共有したいと思っている。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_receive_friendly 戦友たちと話すことは良いことだ。あなた方の言葉には力が篭っており、それは我々の物と等しき力だ。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_receive_hostile 話すが良い、だが貴様らの言葉に意味があるとは思うな。犬共のほうが貴様らよりも価値がある。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_receive_neutral ならば、話すが良い。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_receive_unfriendly 貴様らが歓迎されているとは思うな。しかしながら、我等は貴殿らの言葉に耳を貸す。話せ。我が忍耐が潰える前に。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_receive_very_friendly 友であり、偉大なる勇者である貴殿と話せることは光栄である。まずは交渉を、その後、雑談を。 False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_get_off_my_land 我々は貴様らの作る音に怯える狼でもコヨーテでもない!我々の戦士達の道は妨げられぬのだ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_last_region 我々は弱き者かもしれない、しかし、我々は長きにわたり貴様らをしのいできた。そうでなければ、きさまWe may be weak, but our patience with you is long. If it were not, your tongue would be ripped out for speaking such words! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_military_access 否、否、否! あなたが鉄の足音で土地の魂を妨げるならば、我々の先祖の呪いはあなた方に降り注ぐでしょう! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_protectorate 我等が部族の人々は弱い、それは真実だ。しかし、我々の戦士達の手に握られた鉄片は、依然鋭い。我々は、貴様のような駄犬に尽くす礼など持たぬ False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_regions すばらしい冗談だ!我々の戦士達はあなた方の馬鹿げた話を聞くことができたのならば爆笑するであろう!貴様らは我々から我々の土地を奪うことは出来ぬ!信じれぬなら試してみよ! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_regular_payment We will not pay women like you in gold. If you threaten us, we will pay you in lead - and sharp steel! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_single_payment Ha! You ask for gold! The only thing I give you is this: the contempt of a real warrior! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_demand_technology Our wise men do not share their knowledge with stupid coyotes! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_offer_demand_alliance No! I would sooner run with a hungry wolf pack than have cowards and women like you as allies! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_offer_demand_peace So! Now your coward ways are seen! Our war chiefs thank you! We do not stop a fight because you are afraid! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_offer_demand_trade Barter? With you? Why? Do I want my people to be cheated? False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_offer_regions We do not want your lands, given like a handful of cheap beads. When we want your lands, we will come and take them, like honest men! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_offer_regular_payment We are not your - whores? - to be bought and kept! We are warriors, and free men! Keep your trinkets! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_angry_offer_single_payment Even an old woman of our tribe knows better than to beg for a quiet life, like you do! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_get_off_my_land Our people will hunt where they will. Before you came these were our hunting lands, and our fathers are here. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_last_region Our people have suffered, but our hearts are still strong and true. We will not give up our last hunting grounds to you! Not now! not ever! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_military_access No. Our wise men tell us that the spirits of water, trees and rocks would be disturbed by your soldiers. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_protectorate Our people may have suffered, but they will not lie in the dust at your feet! We will not give up the freedom of our lands to you! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_regions The land, the spirits, our hunting grounds, the graves of our people - these we do not give away. No. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_regular_payment We will not give you gold in return for any of your promises. They are written in smoke, and disappear just as easily. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_single_payment Not one bead, not one buckskin, not one pelt will be paid to you. We do not buy peace! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_demand_technology No! Our wise men may know many secrets - but they are secrets that you were never meant to know! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_offer_demand_alliance No! We do not value your friendship quite as much as that. When the time comes, our warriors fight for our people alone! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_offer_demand_peace Why should we stop fighting? Our war chiefs laugh at the idea of not fighting you! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_offer_demand_trade Sometimes it is good that men trade rather than fight. This is not one of those times. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_offer_regions We do not need new hunting grounds, and do not want lands where you have walked and disturbed the spirits. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_offer_regular_payment You pay servants, do you not? We are free men, not women to be bought and ordered as you will. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_reject_offer_single_payment Thank you, but what would we do with your money? Our lands, a river full of fish, and the soft breeze are all that we need. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_state_gift We wish to honour you with a gift, one warrior nation to another. False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_too_many_counters Enough! Enough! The bargain changes with every word you speak! False
diplomacy_strings_string_tribal_both_war Our war chiefs have seen enough! War is the only path left open to us! You will soon meet your ancestors! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_accept_hostile Though it pains me to admit it, sir, we have a day's work here - and some good. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_acknowledge_accept Homespun wisdom makes for honest dealings. It's good that you have seen the right in what we propose. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_acknowledge_war Very well, sir, declare your war upon honest American souls. Honest American guns will be our answer! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_approach_friendly We reckon that it's worth our while talking for a spell with straight folk like you. There's matters need settling. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_approach_hostile Tie me to a skunk if I think it's a good idea treating with varmints like you, but we need to talk - well, like honest men, if you can do that! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_demand_military_access Sir, our larger aims require that you stand aside and allow American arms to cross your lands unmolested and unhindered, like sensible men! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_end_rejection_hostile Our dickering has been entirely profitless thanks to you, sir. Good day! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_receive_hostile I'd sooner be a matron in a Boston bawdyhouse than deal with men like you, so speak your piece and let's be done! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_protectorate Our nation, sir, was not founded so that we could bend the knee to bloody Tyranny! Your demands are insulting, sir! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_reject_angry_demand_regions Why do you hate freedom so? We will not send our people into bondage! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_reject_demand_military_access You may take us for simple folk, be we will not be bought or bullied! Your uniformed mercenaries cannot pass! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_reject_demand_single_payment Sir, not one penny in tribute! Not one penny I say! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_reject_demand_technology Good American ingenuity will not be traded away like a lame horse at the county fair. Knowledge is earned, sir, by honest toil. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_too_many_counters American patience has limits. A simple, honest fellow such as myself is unused to your endless sophistry, sir. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_monarchy_war Good, honest, American truth will always prevail, sir, which is why I gain some satisfaction in this declaration of war against you and yours. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_accept_hostile We have accepted for now, but the wind can change. A favourable breeze might take us far from your company. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_acknowledge_war Your petty threats don’t frighten us! Our Republic is built on the firm foundations of freedom! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_approach_hostile If I were here on my own account you, sir, would be staring at your own guts. But let us talk for a while afore I get to my pleasure. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_demand_military_access Americans, sir, are accustomed to going straight to a thing, not walking softly the long way around! Our armies will pass. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_end_rejection_hostile American honesty prompts me to observe that you, sir, are mulishly stupid, and there's an end of it. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_generic_reject_1 Sir, the American people may be a young nation by the standards of some, but we still see where there is no advantage in a bargain. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_receive_hostile Damn your eyes, I'd sooner treat with a dead beaver, so say your piece and be gone! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_reject_angry_demand_protectorate Do you think we will cast aside our glorious liberty? Freedom is seldom free - good and true men died for ours! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_reject_angry_demand_regions Our people have fought long and hard for the land they call home! Their freedom comes with a mother’s milk, not at your whim! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_reject_demand_military_access We are no gaming board for the stratagems of others! Take your army and stick it - in a place that good manners keeps me from naming, sir. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_reject_demand_regular_payment Not one penny in tribute to foul tyranny, sir. The Republic pays such demands in lead and cold steel! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_reject_demand_single_payment Our money is the product of good, honest American hard work! And it shall remain firmly in our treasury, sir. False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_reject_demand_technology American ingenuity, sir, will remain American! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_too_many_counters You may think me a simpleton, sir, but I can tell when a man is stalling! False
diplomacy_strings_string_united_states_republic_war Pull down your britches and prepare for a whipping! War it is, sir! False
effects_description_admin_cost_mod 行政経費の削減 False
effects_description_agent_admiral_refil_rate_1 提督の補充時間をやや短縮 False
effects_description_agent_admiral_refil_rate_2 提督の補充時間を短縮 False
effects_description_agent_cap_admiral 提督の最大数: %+n False
effects_description_agent_cap_assassin 暗殺者の最大数: %+n False
effects_description_agent_cap_eastern_scholar 学者の最大数: %+n False
effects_description_agent_cap_general 将軍の最大数: %+n False
effects_description_agent_cap_gentleman 紳士の最大数: %+n False
effects_description_agent_cap_missionary 布教者の最大数: %+n False