• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
message_event_text_text_new_town_1	The population of this region has increased sufficiently for a new town to emerge.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_new_town_2	The population of this region has increased sufficiently for the following new towns to emerge:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_new_town_1	この領土の人口は新しい町の出現に向けて順調に増加している。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_new_town_2	この領土の人口は新しい町の出現に向けて順調に増加している:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_null_new_line	\n	False
message_event_text_text_pirates_1	Yarrrr!" Pirates are attacking merchant shipping in this area, which in turn will affect the flow of trade income to your home region. Send a fleet to keep the trade route clear.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_port_1	This port has been blockaded by an enemy fleet, interrupting all movement of goods - and therefore all profits - to and from it.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_port_2	You have blockaded an enemy port, interrupting all movement of goods - and therefore all profits - to and from it.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_prestige_1	This nation is the strongest. They field a larger combined army and navy than any of their rivals, as well as the income to fund any campaign they so choose.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_prestige_2	This nation has a larger army than any other, giving them the ability to respond swiftly in any military situation.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_prestige_3	This nation has the largest population, giving them the potential to field more troops than any other.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_prestige_4	This nation has become the most advanced, attaining higher levels of technology and intellectual enlightenment.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_prestige_5	This nation controls more territory than anyone else, giving them an enormous resource of money and manpower to achieve their imperial aims.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_prestige_6	This nation has the largest navy, giving them effective control of the oceans.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_prestige_7	This nation is currently the wealthiest, making them a target for their more envious neighbours.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_protectorate_1	This nation has agreed to become a protectorate of another. This means they pledge a portion of their income, the loan of armed forces, and an oath of allegiance and subservience to their new masters!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_rebellion_1	この領土の民衆は武装し、政府に対して蜂起した! 公然と行われた反乱に隣接した領土が同調し革命に繋がらないよう、 早急に鎮圧しなければならない!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_rebellion_2	This nation's nobility are not satisfied by the response to their letter of demands. They have command of a rebel army, and have raised their standard against the government!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_rebellion_3	This nation's nobility are not satisfied by the response to their letter of demands. They have command of a rebel army, and have raised their standard against the government! Civil war has broken out in this region!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_rebellion_4	This nation's nobility are not satisfied by the response to their letter of demands. They have started a counter-revolution with a view to returning the country to its former state, commanding an army of rebels and raising their standard against the republic!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_recruitment_1	The following new military units have been recruited and are now ready for action:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_region_captured_1	自軍はこの領土を占領し、掌握している。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_region_captured_2	Your forces have occupied and taken control of this region - the heart of your enemy's empire.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_region_captured_3	この領土の支配権が他国に奪われた。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_republicans_lose_all_1	The capital has been successfully defended against the revolutionaries. Their leaders have been captured and executed, in a manner befitting their treachery.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_republicans_win_all_1	The capital has fallen to revolutionary forces. The old order has been removed and it's leading members publicly executed, a fitting end and an example to those who would plunge us back into tyranny!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_revolution_1	The popular rebellion within this nation has grown into a full-blown revolution - toppling the prevailing system of government and sweeping away the old way of life! For now there is only chaos and confusion as the republic struggles to put its revolutionary aims into practice, and calms the mass hysteria fostered by the old regime.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_revolution_2	The rebellion within your nation has grown into a full-blown revolution, toppling the prevailing system of government and sweeping away the old way of life! For now there is only chaos and confusion as the republic struggles to put its revolutionary aims into practice, and calms the mass hysteria fostered by your old regime.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_revolution_monarchy_republican_1	Dissatisfaction with the monarchy has erupted into full-scale revolution. A revolutionary army has been formed to sweep away the old order and replace it with a new republic. In the capital, troops loyal to the throne have ensured the city remains under royal control, but traitors within the army have defected to the rebel cause. Men who were once friends have taken up arms against each other, and the country is in chaos. Do you wish to continue as a monarchy and attempt to crush the revolutionaries, or take control of the revolutionary army and attempt to storm the capital?\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_revolution_monarchy_royalist_1	The ruling class' dissatisfaction with your current ruler has reached boiling point, and civil war has broken out in your home region. Although control of the capital city has been maintained, powerful nobles have formed a rebel army and aim to replace the monarch with a candidate of their choosing. To make matters worse, the army is split on this issue and treacherous elements within it have sided with the rebels, leaving the country in chaos. Do you wish to defend the monarch and crush the rebel army, or take control of the rebels and attempt to storm the capital?\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_revolution_republic_republican_1	The lower order's dissatisfaction with the republican government has triggered a full-scale revolution, with the aim of forming a new republic free from the corruption and rot they believe permeates the current regime. Although disorder in the capital has been put down, and the city remains under government control, a revolutionary army has been formed - making violent confrontation inevitable. To make matters worse, traitors within the army have rebelled, and the country is in chaos. Do you wish to defend the current government and crush the revolutionaries, or take control of the revolutionary army and attempt to storm the capital?\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_revolution_republic_royalist_1	The ruling class' dissatisfaction with the republican government has spilled over into a violent counter-revolution. Although the capital remains under government control, the old nobility have formed a royalist army who aim to restore the monarchy to your troubled land. To make matters worse, treacherous elements within the army have sided with the royalists and the country is in chaos. Do you wish to defend the republic and crush the royalist army, or take control of the counter-revolutionaries and attempt to storm the capital?\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_1	彼らの文化的アイデンティティーが占領者の文化に侵略されている事に 心を痛め、今やこの領土の民衆は通りで暴動を起こしている! 彼らは彼らの文化が揉み消されていくと強く感じており、 均衡が回復しない限り、更なる問題を引き起こすだろう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_10	Following continued heavy losses at the front, the people are now rioting in protest at the way the current conflict has been conducted. They have lost faith in the government, and are demanding that the minister for war be sacked immediately.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_2	As the strike has failed to bring about government acquiescence to their demands, the people are now smashing machinery and rioting in the streets! They are protesting at continued advances in manufacturing technology - achieved at the perceived expense of workers and their livelihoods.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_3	この領土の労働者は現在、より博学な社会階級が語る民主改革の 実行を求めて暴動を起こしている。 扇動的な大学教員たちの「進歩的」考えは 無学な労働者達にも浸透しているようだ。 尤も奴らは自分達が話している事の意味を理解していないようだが。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_4	The people are rioting in the streets at your current choice of ally. It is commonly felt that this nation does not represent the best interests of your own, and the alliance should be terminated at once.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_5	The population are now rioting in protest at the current conflict. It is commonly felt that your two nations should not be at war at all, and that steps be taken to assure lasting peace.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_6	The people of this region are rioting in the name of their religious freedom, which they feel is under threat from the oppressive policies of the current government. They are demanding greater liberty to follow their own religious choices, without interference from a church-controlled state.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_7	Following popular revolution in a nearby region, the people of this have begun rioting in sympathy for the revolutionaries and their cause. They are now demanding reform and empowerment in line with that of their neighbours!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_8	The emergent character and behaviour of the monarch has sparked much rioting in the streets, where it is seen as morally detrimental and damaging to your nation's image abroad. The rioters are demanding the immediate removal of the monarch from power!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_9	民衆は政府が課した高い税金に抗議して暴動を始め、 税金が「合格水準」に下げられるまで家に帰らないと主張している! このような裏切り行為の後に、 恩知らずの豚どもはまだ帰る家がある事を心から感謝すべきだ!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_riot_default	The people are rioting in the streets in protest against the government. Their discontent has has spilled over into ugly violence.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_siege_1	この都市は敵軍によって包囲された。 我々は勇敢な防衛隊が、援軍が到着するまで侵略者を 撃退できる強さを証明してくれると信じている。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_slums_1	Due to a large population and an absence of public buildings, a slum quarter has grown up in in this town. Unless the area is properly developed, poverty, disease, and villainy will rule here from now on.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_smugglers_1	Due to difficult economic conditions, smugglers are operating within this region. Their illegal "black" market can be combated by a combination of tax reduction and ensuring that slums do not emerge.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_1	敵のエージェントを発見したが、捕まえる事ができなかった。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_2	This man has been apprehended on your soil whilst in the employ of an enemy nation, and it is believed that he has been passing sensitive information back to his superiors. He will not escape justice for his crimes.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_3	領土の建物が破壊された。対敵情報活動報告によると、 これは他国のエージェントによって行われた破壊工作である。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_4	貴方​の​命令​に​よ​っ​て​隠密裏​に​行動​し​て​い​た​自国​の​エージェント​が​殺​さ​れ​た。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_5	自国のエージェントが極秘任務を遂行中に発見された。 彼は何とか生きて逃げ延びることが出来たが、 自国に対する疑念が生じた。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_6	自国のエージェントが極秘任務を遂行中に発見された。 彼は捕まえられて、拷問された後、処刑された。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_7	自国のエージェントが他国のエージェントの暗殺に成功した。 新たな指令を送るには次のターンを待つ必要がある。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_8	自国のエージェントが隠密裏に破壊工作を実行し、これに成功した。 新たな指令を送るには次のターンを待つ必要がある。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_9	自国のエージェントが敵に関する機密情報を手に入れる事に成功した。 新たな指令を送るには次のターンを待つ必要がある。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_spy_network_established	都市の暗部で幾人かの悪党と荒くれ者を懐柔するのに数週間を 費やしたことにより自国のスパイは地元の協力者による 確かな情報網を確立した。  彼は現在この領土の確かな情報を自国に供給できるでしょう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_1	この領土の民衆は彼らの国家アイデンティティのために用具を置おき、 ストライキに突入した。 彼等は国家によりそれが傷つけられたと感じている。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_2	The people have stopped work altogether in protest at the many new advances in manufacturing technology. It is widely felt that machinery is replacing the need for a human workforce - effectively taking the bread from their tables, and forcing their families into greater poverty.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_3	この領土の労働者たちは民主的改革が十分に行われていないとして、 ストライキに突入した。 どうやら他人の「進歩的」な考えが労働者どもの間で広まり、 扇動しているらしい。 奴らは物事の道理としての自らの立場を忘れ去ってしまったようだ!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_4	The population have stopped work in protest at your choice of ally. It is commonly felt that this nation does not represent the best interests of the country, and the alliance should be terminated with haste.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_5	The population have stopped work in protest at the current conflict. It is commonly felt that the government should not be prosecuting a war against this nation.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_6	As news of revolution in a nearby region reaches them, the people of this one have stopped work in sympathy for the revolutionaries and their cause. They are now demanding the social improvements enjoyed by their neighbours!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_7	民衆は収入が高い税金によって失われてしまう事に 抗議して仕事を放り投げた。 彼らは生意気にも税金が「合格水準」に下がらぬ限り、 仕事に戻らないと主張している。 彼らにはどん底の生活を遠ざけてくれる、 有給の仕事の有り難味が分からないのだろうか?\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_8	Following heavy losses, the people have gone on strike in protest at the way the current conflict has been conducted. They have lost faith in the government, and are demanding that the minister for war be replaced immediately.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_8	甚大な損害により、人民は現在の紛争に対するストライキに突入しました。彼らは政府に対する信頼を失い、早急な戦争大臣の更迭を求めています。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_strike_default	この領土の民衆は政府に抗議して、 仕事を放り投げストライキに突入した。 これは不満が危険水準に達した為です。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_suitor_1	This royal daughter has been offered as a potential match for your noble son.\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_suitor_2	この王子は貴方の高貴な娘の相手として見合いに出された。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_suitor_1	この王女は貴方の高貴なる息子の相手として見合いに出された。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_suitor_2	この王子は貴方の高貴なる娘の相手として見合いに出された。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_surrender_1	この都市は貴国の敵によって包囲され、もし敵の手に渡るようなことがあれば地域全体が敵の手に落ちよう。我々は侵略者が領土を破壊せず、人民を解放することを願うのみだ。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_tech_agricultural_1	この国は農業技術において主要な進歩が認められた。当分の間彼らはライバルより一歩先に位置するだろう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_tech_industrial_1	この国は手工業技術において主要な進歩が認められた。当分の間彼らはライバルより一歩先に位置するだろう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_tech_intellectual_1	この国家​は​そ​の​社会的、​或​い​は​経済的​イデオロギー​に​お​け​る​大幅​な​進歩​を​遂​げ、​目下​の​と​こ​ろ​ライバル達​の​一歩先​を​行​っ​て​い​る。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_tech_military_1	この国家​は​戦場​で​敵​よ​り​優位​に​立​つ​と​い​う​意志​に​よ​っ​て​更​に​軍事技術​を​発展​さ​せ​た。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_tech_prestige_1	この国は世界に先駆けて、上記の新技術体系の研究を終えた。相手国に対し一時的に優位に立つだろう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_tech_summary_1	以下の技術の研究を終えた:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trade_1	この国家は自国との通商条約を破棄した。 この決断に至った正確な理由は分からないが、 この場合外交と政治が事業の相互利益を不明瞭にしていたようだ。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trade_2	貴国の富を潤す新しい国際通商路が開けた。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trade_3	自国の艦隊が敵国の貿易路を封鎖し、 彼らの収入の生命線を断ち切っている。 この貿易路を使う全ての敵の商船が襲撃されるだろう。 この目的を支援する為に私掠免許が船長に発行されている。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trade_4	我が国​が​使用​し​て​い​る​交易路​を​敵艦隊​が​襲撃​し、​我​ら​の​重要​な​収入源​を​断​っ​て​い​る。​そ​の​区域​で​敵​の​活動​が​排除​さ​れ​る​ま​で、​こ​の​行路​を​使用​す​る​全​て​の​商船​が​敵​と​海賊​に​よ​っ​て​襲撃​さ​れ​る​だ​ろ​う。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trade_5	この国は貴方との通商協定を破棄することを強要された。これは貴国間の通商路の港の損失となる。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trade_6_nap	自国の陸軍が敵国の陸上貿易路を封鎖し、 彼らの収入の生命線を断ち切っている。 この貿易路を使用する全ての敵が襲撃されるだろう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trade_7_nap	貴方が使用していた通称交易路が敵国によって封鎖されており、重要な収入の資源が途切れている。このエリアから敵を一掃するまで、このルートは彼らによる略奪に曝されるだろう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_1	この男は最近以下の人物の特性を得た:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_10	この部隊は最近以下の特性を失った:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_11	この地域は最近以下の特性を得た:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_12	この地域は最近以下の特性を失った:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_2	この男は最近以下の人物の特性を失った:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_3	以下の人々は最近人物の特性を得た:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_4	以下の人々は最近人物の特性を失った:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_5	以下の領土は特性を得た:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_6	以下の領土は特性を失った:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_7	以下の部隊は特性を得た:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_8	以下の部隊は特性を失った:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_trait_9	この部隊は最近以下の特性を得た:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_unit_recruited_1	この部隊は新たに徴集され、教練には利用可能な最新の技術を使用している。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_unit_recruited_2	行動を取り、損失を出した上でこの部隊は改めて訓練された。数は最大の兵力まで戻っている。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_unmarried_1	この王室の娘に相応しい相手は見つからず、結果として彼女の出産適齢期はとうに過ぎてしまった。そのような公の生活から引退し、彼女は時間を過ぎ去った私の時間に捧げる。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_war_1	以下の国家間で戦争が勃発した:\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_war_2	同盟国が宣戦布告され、彼らは貴方に援助を求めてきました。彼らが困っている時にそばに立っていられると誓えますか?\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_war_3	この国は貴方のものに対して宣戦布告しました!\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_war_of_succession_1	この国は貴方の王座に対する要求に反抗している。生存権のために戦うほか仕方ない。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_wedding_1	王家の結婚式が開か、二つの偉大な王室の関係は強固なものとなった。彼らは多くの立派な相続人をもたらすだろう。\n\n	False
message_event_text_text_your_ally_attacks	同盟国が敵の軍勢から攻撃されている。自身が戦闘に参加し彼らの援軍となりますか?\n\n	False