pdlc_description_pdlc_coalition_pack	A brand new pack featuring 6 elite units from the Napoleonic Wars and the Battle of Friedland, fought by Russia and France. Each unit comes with their own unique combination of statistics and abilities, and can be used in both single and multiplayer.	Falsepdlc_description_pdlc_coalition_pack	A brand new pack featuring 6 elite units from the Napoleonic Wars and the Battle of Friedland, fought by Russia and France. Each unit comes with their own unique combination of statistics and abilities, and can be used in both single and multiplayer.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Cav_Light_Prussian_Life_Hussars	Sabre-armed light cavalry, the Life Hussars are powerful on the charge and effective in melee combat.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Cav_Light_Prussian_Luetzows_Freicorps	Swift light cavalry, the riders of Luetzow’s Freikorps are excellent in melee and on the charge.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Cav_Light_Russian_Lifeguard_Hussars	This fast light cavalry unit is best used for dealing with skirmishers and artillery who can attack from long range.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Inf_Elite_British_Coldstream_Guards	Disciplined, well-trained and respected, these elite foot guards inspire nearby troops in battle.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Inf_Elite_Russian_Semenovski_Lifeguard	Immaculately turned out, these elite guards have excellent morale and are superb when used against skirmish troops and artillery.	False
unit_description_texts_description_text_Inf_Line_Austrian_Archduke_Charles_Legion	This highly-disciplined line infantry regiment excels at weapons drill and accuracy.	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Cav_Light_Prussian_Life_Hussars	\n\nLike other light cavalrymen, hussars have speed, “dash” and an elitist attitude towards their enemies and friends. The Life Hussars are, without exception, superb horsemen, and all have a certain independence of spirit that makes them ideal for chasing down widely scattered enemies and scouting duties. They carry curved sabres and, even though their charge is a fairly powerful attack, they are relatively weak when pitted against infantry in square and against heavy cavalry units.\n\nOne of Prussia’s most famous generals, Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, began his military career as a hussar. Swedish by birth, he joined the Swedish army at the age of 16 but transferred his allegiance to Prussia after he was captured in 1760. However, a slight tendency towards excess meant he was often passed over for promotion, leading him to resign his commission in 1773. Upon receiving this resignation Frederick the Great was reported to say “Captain Blücher can take himself to the devil.” He was blacklisted, and Blücher was unable to rejoin the army until after the death of Frederick. Once back, he distinguished himself, going on to play one of the key roles in the Allied victory at Waterloo.	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Cav_Light_Prussian_Luetzows_Freicorps	\n\nThe men of Luetzow’s Freikorps have immense pride in their regiment and as a consequence exhibit excellent morale. These fast, light cavalry are an effective fighting force whether charging home or fighting in close quarters. Their flexibility in battle makes them ideal for use against artillery and skirmishers, but will be of little utility against heavier cavalry in melee. As with any cavalry unit their biggest threat is infantry in square formation.\n\nA certain amount of romance is attached to Luetzow’s Freikorps. Following a crushing defeat on 17th July 1813, the Freikorps began recruiting in earnest; during this time a large number of intellectuals, artists and poets were drawn to Luetzow’s regiment. This was thanks in part to his reputation for personal bravery and the regiment’s reputation for derring-do. This reputation that was upheld by one of the Corps most famous members, Eleonore Prochaska: she disguised herself as a man and fought alongside her fellow soldiers until she finally met her end at the Battle of Goehrde. It was only as Prochaska lay wounded, still beating time on a stolen French drum, that she admitted her deception to her lieutenant. She was removed from the field and lived for three weeks before succumbing to her wounds.	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Cav_Light_Russian_Lifeguard_Hussars	\n\nLifeguard Hussars are members of Russia’s Imperial Guard cavalry, and all are elite servicemen. Dressed in impressive uniforms and riding the fastest of horses, they enjoy a high status in the Russian army, and are supremely sure of their abilities, sometimes to the point of arrogance. They have excellent morale and speed, making them exceptional when charging, and ideal for chasing down skirmishers or attacking artillery units. However, they sacrifice some strength for speed and are vulnerable if pitted against heavier cavalry in melee or infantry units in square.\n\nCzar Paul I (1754-1801) formed his own personal guard cavalry in the Lifeguard Hussars, Chevalier-Garde, Horse Guards and Lifeguard Cossacks when he was crowned. These new bodyguards replaced the existing guard cavalry created by his mother, Catherine the Great (1729 -1796). Disgusted by what he saw as the decadence and corruption of the old nobility, Paul I devoted his reign to renewing the medieval notion of chivalry through a reorganisation of the Russian hierarchy. Unfortunately, Paul I’s long-held fear of assassination was justified: he was soon murdered by disgruntled members of the nobility.	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Inf_Elite_British_Coldstream_Guards	\n\nThe Coldstream Guards are expensive to maintain, but for good reason: they are superb troops who can reload quickly, charge home with the bayonet and then give a good account of themselves in melee. Their overall competence and excellent morale inspire nearby troops to fight all the harder. However, in common with ordinary line regiments, the Coldsteamers are vulnerable to artillery bombardment and skirmishers’ sniping.\n\nAt the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, the Coldstream Guards defended Hougoumont. The farm was important for Wellington’s Anglo-Dutch army as it protected his right flank. Despite assault after assault, the Guards and their comrades managed to hold the place against the French.\n\nThe Coldstream Guards are still in service today and continue to celebrate their victory with the ceremony of ”Hanging the Brick”. A large stone from Hougoumont is marched through their barracks by the officers while the junior ranks attempt to steal it. Naturally, these utterly solemn proceedings involve wearing fancy dress and quite a lot of drinking!	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Inf_Elite_Russian_Semenovski_Lifeguard	\n\nThe steadiness displayed by the men of the Semenovski Lifeguard is amazing, and on the battlefield they inspire nearby troops to hold fast by their example. These men are incredibly disciplined, and they are excellent marksmen with fast reloading times, though their close formations leave them vulnerable to artillery fire and skirmishers. Being an elite unit, the regiment is expensive to recruit, but the men’s abilities more than justify the extra cost.\n\nThe Russian Lifeguards were famed for their fine appearance. They were hand-picked for looks and stature, and even had jackets padded around the chest and shoulders to enhance their impressive physiques. Lady Burghersh (wife of the Military Commissioner at the Allies’ Headquarters and a prolific letter writer) believed them to be “the handsomest of the empire… all gigantic; they are composed of the tallest men in Russia.” Even von Schubert was forced to concede that these men were “the focal point of the balls and every other kind of society.” However, their immaculate good looks did not imply equally good manners and, at a banquet held in their honour, Napoleon’s own guards were appalled to see the Russians tearing meat with their hands, draining glasses of wine in one gulp, and even vomiting to make room for more gluttony and drinking!	False
unit_description_texts_long_description_text_Inf_Line_Austrian_Archduke_Charles_Legion	\n\nAs part of the Archduke’s military reforms, these troops are trained in the latest military style in a bid to copy the success of Napoleon’s Grande Armée. This training improves accuracy, reloading and close combat skills. There is also a morale effect: the men are filled with a renewed confidence that makes them unlikely to rout. However, as with most line infantry, they have little defence against units such as artillery or skirmishing snipers and will be at a disadvantage against elite infantry.\n\nIn 1806, Austria was still reeling from her defeat by France at Austerlitz. Austrian conservatism and tradition had resulted in an outdated and outmatched army, and its defeat by the French forced them to accept the harsh terms of the Treaty of Pressburg. Archduke Charles, a highly respected field-marshal, recognised that the Austrian army needed modernising and introduced a number of military reforms. These improvements were tested during the Peninsular War period when the Austrians formed the Fifth Coalition against France. It was during this coalition that the Legion took part in the Battle of Aspern-Essling, Napoleon’s first defeat in over ten years.	False
units_on_screen_name_Cav_Light_Prussian_Life_Hussars	Life Hussars	False
units_on_screen_name_Cav_Light_Prussian_Luetzows_Freicorps	Luetzow's Freikorps	False
units_on_screen_name_Cav_Light_Russian_Lifeguard_Hussars	Lifeguard Hussars	False
units_on_screen_name_Inf_Elite_British_Coldstream_Guards	Coldstream Guards	False
units_on_screen_name_Inf_Elite_Russian_Semenovski_Lifeguard	Semenovski Lifeguard	False
units_on_screen_name_Inf_Line_Austrian_Archduke_Charles_Legion	Archduke Charles' Legion	False