• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
dy_terrain_Tooltip_30040	Try to use each battle's terrain to the best of your advantage.||Gain the higher ground where you can, forcing the enemy to attack uphill, making them tired and vulnerable.||If you have troops that can hide in forests, have them lay in wait for the unsuspecting enemy before springing an ambush!	True
icon_siege_Tooltip_20008	In these battles you will play as either the defender or the attacker.||Attackers will need to siege and capture a settlement to achieve victory, whereas defenders will have to hold the attacker off until the time limit expires.	True
dy_funds_Tooltip_6e0037	You can change the available funds on the previous screen.||Funds are used for recruitment and adding experience.||Each unit has their recruitment cost displayed on their cards.	True
firepower_Tooltip_550022	This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True
firepower_Tooltip_750022	This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True
tx_trade_Tooltip_7a0056	Income gained from exporting your nation's resources to your trade partners via trade routes.||Throughout your regions you will have trade resources such as sugar, coffee and tobacco.||These are shipped in to your region's capital.||If the trade supply exceeds the demand, the surplus is exported through international trade routes to your trade partners.||To increase this income develop trade resources and make more trade partners.||You can see a breakdown of your supply and exports in the trade tab of this panel.	True
heading_txt_1_Text_750030	Waiting ...	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_d003e	Here you can see the overall difficulty of your nation and set the individual difficulty settings for your campaign and battle maps.	True
finances_Tooltip_29001a	Your regular incomings and outgoings are detailed here.||The total income for the next turn is totalled at the bottom of this panel.||Move your cursor over the details below for more information.	True
tx_atwar_Tooltip_7b0047	These nations may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
wind-gauge_Tooltip_150032	This shows whether the wind is in your favour or not.||This will depend upon the wind direction and whether you are sailing against it or with it.||Try to sail with the wind where possible as this will increase your speed.	True
tab_taxes_Tooltip_410041	Each of your regions are taxed on their wealth and this goes towards your nation's income.||From this tab you can set your tax levels.||Each different theatre has its own tax level.||You can also view details of your taxes and their effects here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details.	True
selector_Tooltip_52005b	Current selection	True
dy_number_Tooltip_d0011	Reinforcements are taken from any armies or navies nearby when the battle is declared.||If your force is not at full capacity you can augment it with reinforcements.||If you have a routing unit or fleet you can bring on a replacement.||Once brought on you can control a reinforcing unit much like any other unit.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time.	True
title_dy_Tooltip_7d0053	Choose a battle map from the options below.||The map description tab to the right will give you details on the selected map to help you make your choice.	True
human_tx_Tooltip_3e0050	If this is checked only battles between human players will be played on the battle map.||Battles between human players and the AI will be autoresolved.	True
60_tx_NewState_Text_3d000c	1 Hour	True
pay_once_Tooltip_6c0079	Offering money in this way is more likely to be accepted than smaller regular payments, as these could be easily revoked.||If you demand a one off sum you will want it to be a substantial amount of money.||However, if it is too large it may be beyond the other nation's means.	True
funds_tx_Tooltip_6e0037	You can change the available funds on the previous screen.||Funds are used for recruitment and adding experience.||Each unit has their recruitment cost displayed on their cards.	True
arrow_up_Tooltip_15001d	Scroll up	True
ranked_tx_Tooltip_5002c	When this box is checked, your battle will be ranked and you will receive points for it.	True
power_dy_Tooltip_1f0028	Power is represented by military strength.||The nations with the largest army and naval presence will be seen as the most powerful in the eyes of the world.||A powerful nation will be useful to have on side but they could also be a threat to your nation - tread carefully!	True
blue_bar_Tooltip_2b007b	Balance of power||This shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily make a superior force!||Your side are represented by the red, and the enemy is represented by blue.||If the enemies bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!||There is a version of this in battle that will reflect the fortunes of each side as the battle progresses.	True
descr_tx_they_Text_f0060	This nation has declared war on you:	True
shooting_Tooltip_2b0017	Challengers shooting skill	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5d005a	This determines the speed this ship can change course.||Different ships have different sailing characteristics.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_3b004c	This is the speed this artillery can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5b006d	You will have to pay this amount of money every turn that you have this unit.||If you are not using this unit it may be cheaper to disband it and recruit it again later rather than paying for its upkeep.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5f001a	You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_1f006e	You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons.||This can be done in the naval technology panel.	True
tech_demand_Tooltip_26006d	Here you can demand any technology the other nation has researched.||Technology is needed for certain units and buildings, as well as adding various bonuses to your nation.||There are three different types of technology to choose from - military, science and enlightenment.	True
ok_regions_Tooltip_720072	Accept	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_710060	To win the multiplayer campaign you must complete these objectives within the time limit given.	True
Ammunition_Tooltip_760059	Ammunition	True
heading_txt_0_Text_7b0025	New Screen Resolution	True
button_save_Tooltip_28000e	Save Army	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_200045	This section lists your games, turns played, date and time of saving.||You can sort them by name, turns and date by clicking on the column title.	True
east_africa_Tooltip_460040	Straits of Madagascar||Trade theatre for East Africa.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
experience_Tooltip_620014	Experience is gained through battle.||The more experienced your units are, the better they will perform in battle.	True
heading_txt_1_Text_28001b	Battle Deployment	True
dy_policing_Tooltip_25004a	Amount of money per turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble.||The more unhappy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel.||From this you can judge how much repression is needed.	True
button_back_Tooltip_180009	Previous	True
button_tech_Tooltip_1f000f	Research and Technology||This is the age of enlightenment, and as such new ideas and theories can help to inform your nation's development.||To see more information click on this button to bring up the Research and Technology panel.	True
marble_bar_Tooltip_660016	Recruitment queue||When you have selected a unit to recruit they are displayed in the queue here.||You can queue as many units as your money can manage, but only one of each type of unit can be recruited at the same time.||Once a unit has been recruited they will disappear from the queue and be added to the region's capital.||If the unit has been recruited by a general, they will travel to the general's position.	True
tx_cabinet_txt_Text_6d003b	Cabinet	True
button_back_Tooltip_180029	Previous	True
sabotage_Tooltip_1f000c	You have been given the option of sabotage - a chance to wreak some havoc!||Clicking on this will open up your Sabotage panel.||The Sabotage panel will help you decide whether or not this is the course of action you wish to pursue.	True
heading_txt_1_Text_2f0079	End Deployment	True
mini_flag_Tooltip_e007c	This player's nation	True
cmp_diff_tx_Tooltip_1e0019	Increase the campaign difficulty by moving the slider to the right, or decrease it by moving the slider to the left.||Player one is represented by the top slider, player two by the bottom.	True
button_send_Tooltip_75003d	Send proposal||When you have finished balancing your offers and demands, select this button to send the proposal to the other nation.||If you change your mind about any aspect of your proposal you can either left-click on individual offers and demands or press the clear offer button to the right.||Once you have sent the proposal the other nation will respond, either positively, negatively or with a counteroffer.||Their representative will make it clear how they feel about the negotiations and how your relations currently stand.||Just because they accept a proposal doesn't mean they are necessarily happy about it!	True
button_save_Tooltip_750062	Save Map and Armies	True
faction_foe_Tooltip_30059	Enemy	True
tx_route_Tooltip_1e007b	This displays whether the trade route is by sea or road.	True
btl_diff_tx_Tooltip_780025	You can increase or decrease battle difficulty with the slider.	True
dy_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f	Your prestige depends on how you measure up against other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in the technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
region_name_Tooltip_5a007f	Currently selected region.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch to your next region's details.	True
reloading_Tooltip_e005f	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||Gaining experience and researching sheet lead cartridges in naval technology will improve this skill.	True
BannerNaval_1_Tooltip_36002b	Men onboard	True
btl_diff_tx_Tooltip_6c007f	Increase the battle difficulty by moving the slider to the right, or decrease it by moving the slider to the left.||Player one is represented by the top slider, player two by the bottom.	True
button_kick_Tooltip_440011	Fire minister||Use this to fire a useless minister from his position on the cabinet.||Be warned however - he may be replaced by someone even worse!||If you are in an absolute monarchy the minister will be placed by one the candidates at the bottom of this tab.	True
dy_general_Tooltip_53002a	The enemy leader for this battle.||Their presence can help boost the morale of the other men and their own experiences and traits can affect the outcome of the battle.	True
button_tick_Tooltip_1f0049	Close	True
button_back_Tooltip_7c0061	Previous screen	True
sum_tx_default_Text_30034	Total tax percentage	True
west_africa_Tooltip_170049	Ivory Coast||Trade theatre for West Africa.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
navy_demote_Tooltip_2e000a	Demote admiral||Not all men are born to lead, and sometimes your ship may be helmed by an incompetent admiral.||Demoting an admiral will stop any negative effects he may be having on the fleet, and leave room to promote a more suitable replacement.||You may also want to do this to save on upkeep costs without scuppering the ship.	True
title_frame_Tooltip_2b0044	On this panel you can view a character's personal details, traits and entourage.||All of this is useful for judging a character and where best to use them.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more detail.	True
title_frame_Tooltip_7b001b	You can learn about the building's effects and background here.||Once constructed, more building effects may appear here.||Move your cursor over the sections below for more details.	True
tx_policing_Tooltip_25004a	Amount of money per turn to support your town watch.||To keep the peace, every settlement needs militia (or town watch) to enforce public order. This is known as repression.||Public order is kept by keeping your population happy and repressing any trouble.||The more unhappy a population, the more repression you will need.||Some settlements will need less repression than others and you can disband some units to save money.||Public order details can be found in your settlement details panel.||From this you can judge how much repression is needed.	True
button_halt_Tooltip_60002	Drop anchor||This will halt your ship.	True
assassinate_Tooltip_580079	You have a chance to use your assassination skills here.||Clicking on this will open up the Assassination panel.||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||The Assassination panel will provide you with the percentage chance of success.	True
power_dy_Tooltip_6d007f	Your power is represented by your military strength.||The nations with the largest army and naval presence will be seen as the most powerful in the eyes of the world.||The more powerful you are the less popular you will be with other nations.	True
navy_repair_Tooltip_240057	Repair selected ships||Ships can become damaged in battle and this will repair broken masts, holes in the hull and replenish its crew!||To repair a ship you must be in a port.||A damaged ship can still be used in battle but its effectiveness will be greatly reduced.	True
button_team_Tooltip_6b006f	When this is selected any messages you send will be only sent to players on your team.||To send messages to all select the all button.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_170000	This screen provides you with the battle map options for your chosen type of battle.||You can select a map, view its description, and set the finer details of the battle environment here.	True
dy_general_Tooltip_7f0034	Your leader for this battle.||Their presence can help boost the morale of the other men and their own experiences and traits can affect the outcome of the battle.	True
button_halt_Tooltip_36007b	Halt selected units	True
line_astern_Tooltip_2a0023	Line astern||This arranges your grouped ships one behind the other.||As the ships sail past the enemy they will fire off a broadside one by one.||If any of the ships' sails are damaged in this formation that ship will be dropped rather than slow the formation down.	True
button_kick_Tooltip_580067	Kick this player	True
button_tick_Tooltip_720052	Accept	True
button_load_Tooltip_70006	Load army	True
button_kick_Tooltip_700057	Kick player from this game	True
button_kick_Tooltip_76006f	Kick player	True
Experience_Tooltip_25003f	Unit experience||This will improve their performance in battle.||You can add upgrade experience by clicking on the upgrade experience button, but it will cost you some of your funds.	True
shooting_Tooltip_3b005e	Shooting skill||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_360027	Here are four different battle types and the saved battles option - choose from one of these and then adjust the settings to your taste!||Mouse over the five battle options to learn more details about them.	True
season_year_Tooltip_70076	Current year of campaign	True
button_zoom_Tooltip_260058	Toggle zoom||Once the map view is zoomed you can left-click and drag on the map to move the view.	True
label_txt_Tooltip_a005d	Choose what time of day you can start the battle in.||On the battle map time will pass - a battle starting in the morning can pass into evening if it lasts long enough!	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_370038	This screen enables you to play a battle immediately without having to play through a campaign.||Here are four different battle types and the saved battle option - choose from one of these and then adjust the settings to your taste! ||Mouse over the five battle options to learn more details about them.	True
button_duel_Tooltip_12001e	Duel||Click here once you have chosen your target.||Killing someone as part of a duel is not murder - it is a personal matter and as such does not have political consequences.||A more underhand nation may choose to use a duel to dispatch political enemies under the guise of a personal dispute, thus avoiding any diplomacy troubles.||If one was to choose this ungentlemanly path, then picking a target belonging to an enemy nation may prove beneficial.||If you suddenly get cold feet, or the odds are not favourable, click the top right button to cancel.	True
ok_payments_Tooltip_720052	Accept	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f	Your prestige depends on how you measure up against other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in the technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_77001e	Pick friends from your friend list below by checking the box to the right of their name.||When you have invited all the friends you want click the tick button.	True
button_zoom_Tooltip_5c0051	Zoom to your agent's location	True
tx_Military_Tooltip_790057	This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests.	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_160044	The ordnance tree concentrates on developing artillery and allows you to advance your cannons and rockets.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
button_zoom_Tooltip_5f006e	Zoom to location	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_3d007f	On this screen you can select the type of campaign, your battle and campaign difficulty and see victory conditions vital to winning.||Move your cursor over the different areas below to see more information.	True
dy_government_Tooltip_510001	政体は3種類あります:絶対君主制、立憲君主制度と共和制。||それぞれの政府は異なる能力を持ちます。幸福度、外交と経済は政府の種類により違う影響を受けます。||あなたの政体についての詳細は、政府か大臣タブにマウスを載せると分かります。	True
dy_government_Tooltip_b0055	それぞれの政府は異なる能力を持ちます。幸福度、外交と経済は政府の種類により違う影響をうけます。||あなたの政体についての詳細は政府か大臣タブにマウスを載せると分かります。	True
dy_home-region_Tooltip_7a007c	貴方の国の首都	True
dy_income_lower_Tooltip_1d000e	労働階級からの税収。||低階級の税率を変化させればこの数値は変化します。	True
dy_income_lower_Tooltip_6c0059	この地域で労働階級からの税収。||低階級の税率を変化させればこの数値は変化します。	True
dy_income_upper_Tooltip_360005	貴族階級からの税収。||貴族階級の税率を変化させればこの数値は変化します。	True
dy_income_upper_Tooltip_6c0059	この地域での貴族階級からの税収。||貴族階級の税率を変化させればこの数値は変化します。	True
dy_men_Tooltip_14005d	部隊の兵員数。||この部隊の最大兵員数はカッコに囲まれています。||復員ボタンを押すことで兵員を最大にすることができます。||ですが新兵は部隊の練度を下げます。	True
dy_miniflag1_Tooltip_560074	プレイヤー1	True
dy_miniflag2_Tooltip_550074	プレイヤー2	True
dy_navy-upkeep_Tooltip_710014	海軍の維持費。||船を解散させればこの数値は下がります。||海軍は船により構成されています。||すべての船は維持費がかかります。||任務のない船は金の無駄です。||解散させるか任務へと送りましょう。	True
dy_number_Tooltip_50062	この戦闘での敵増援||戦いが宣言されると、近くの軍や海軍が増援としてやってきます。||増援はあなたの部隊が敗走したり壊滅する度に持ち込まれます。	True
dy_number_Tooltip_d0011	戦いが宣言されると、近くの軍や海軍が増援としてやってきます。||軍勢の部隊数が最大に達していないのであれば、その空き枠に援軍が入ります。||敗走中の部隊もしくは艦隊がいれば、援軍はそれらと取って代わります。||一度運び込まれた部隊は他の部隊と同様に操作できます。||最大20部隊まで同時に戦闘へ参加できます。	True
dy_other_Tooltip_110002	外交交渉や保護者からの支払いのような通常とは異なる他の源から収入を得ました。	True
dy_other_Tooltip_610008	外交交渉からの支払いのような通常とは異なる他の源から収入を得ました。	True
dy_player_no_Tooltip_420077	これは同盟に入っているプレイヤー数とその限界数を示します	True
dy_policing_Tooltip_25004a	市民兵の維持費||平和を守るために、社会秩序を実施するためにあらゆる都市は民兵(または哨兵)を必要とします。これは抑制として知られています。||社会秩序は民の幸福を維持し、無用なトラブルを防ぎます。||民が不幸であるほど、必要とされる抑制は増えます。||中には他と比べて抑制しなくていい都市もあり、ユニットを解散してお金を節約することができます。||社会秩序の詳細は都市の詳細パネルで見つけることができます。||そこからどの程度抑制が必要かどうかを判断できます。	True
dy_Population_Tooltip_16001a	人口||人口が増加するとより多くのスロットが表示されます。||これらのスロットは領土の発展に伴う建築に使用できます。||成長部門の左のガイドはこの数値をどう増加させるかを助けます。	True
dy_population_Tooltip_73001c	これは貴方の国の総人口です	True
dy_Population_Tooltip_7e005a	人口||これは現在の地域の総人口です。||部門の左には人口増加に何が影響しているかを表示しています。	True
dy_prestige_Tooltip_3f000f	名声は、他国と比較しての結果によります。||それはキャンペーン間にあなたが成した業績を反映しています。||技術における研究と同様に征服は名声を高めます。||総合名声ポイントはキャンペーンの終了時に、あなたが他国と比較してどの立場にいるかによって算出されます。	True
dy_region_Tooltip_6a007b	選択した領土	True
DY_result_normal_defeat_Text_740062	敗北!	True
DY_result_normal_victory_Text_4e0023	勝利!	True
dy_sap_points_NewState_Text_30	0	True
dy_season_Tooltip_360064	セーブ時の季節	True
dy_state-religion_Tooltip_60023	国教は国の指導者によって決定されます。||国教と領土の宗教が異なるとき、個々の領土は彼ら自身の宗教が幸福度に影響します。||同じ宗教を持つ国は共通の基盤を見つけ、共に進みそうです。||これは外交に関わるときに重要な要因です。	True
dy_sum_credit_Tooltip_56005e	あなたの総収入。||維持コストは、次のターンの総収入から差し引かれます。||税、公益とその他の収入(詳細は上部に)がこの金額を決めます。	True
dy_sum_debit_Tooltip_4d0031	あなたの総支出。||これは、次のターンの総収入から差し引かれます。||陸軍、海軍と哨兵の維持コストがこの金額を決めます。	True
dy_tax-income_NewState_Tooltip_3f0066	これは領土の富に課す税から得る収入です。	True
dy_tax-income_Tooltip_7f0063	領土の富に課す税から得る収入。||この数値は現在の税設定を基に導かれます。||次のターンになる前に税率を変更したら、それに従いこの数値は変化します。||税率を変更したり、より多くの税に関する情報を見るにはこのパネルの税タブを見てください。||個々の領土の個別の税の詳細を見るためには、首都の詳細パネルを見てください。	True
dy_terrain_Tooltip_30040	最良の利点を得るために戦いで地形を使ってください。||高地を得れば、敵に坂を上ることを強い彼らを疲労させ、弱体化させることができるでしょう。||軍勢を森に伏せれば、油断している敵を待ち伏せ奇襲攻撃を敢行できるでしょう!	True
DY_text_Defeat!_Text_740062	敗北!	True
DY_text_Victory!_Text_4e0023	勝利!	True
dy_theatre_Tooltip_3b0037	現在選択されている地域||それぞれの地域には個々の税設定があります。||地域バナーの矢印を左と右に動かして地域を変更してください。	True
dy_time_Tooltip_19005c	前の画面で戦いの時期を変更できます。||徴集に利用可能な部隊は時期に基づきます。||後期の戦いはより多くの部隊が利用可能です。	True
dy_title_buildings_Text_5f006e	建設が完了した	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_1d005b	部隊消耗	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_2b0069	建設が完了した	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_2b0076	海上封鎖	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_2c0046	妨害工作が成功!	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_300076	特性と従者を会得	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_320004	工作員の雇用	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_36007f	選挙結果	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_390076	皇室の結婚	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_3c004e	暴動!	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_480067	技術の進歩	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_4e0007	部隊を募兵	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_4e0026	部隊が敗走!	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_520035	首都を失いました!	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_610035	決闘を申し込まれた	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_700068	暗殺が成功!	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_780072	革命!	True
dy_title_tx_ally_attacked_Text_70017	同盟国が攻撃された!	True
dy_title_tx_ally_declares_war_on_ally_Text_35007a	同盟国が同盟国に攻撃した!	True
dy_title_tx_ally_declares_war_Text_560020	同盟国が宣戦布告!	True
dy_title_units_Text_21001b	部隊の雇用が完了した	True
dy_total_Tooltip_5a006a	この金は次のターンであなたの資金に追加されます。||これは国の税収入の総額です。||どの税率でも変更されたら、この数字に反映されます。	True
dy_total_Tooltip_70004b	この金は次のターンであなたの資金に追加されます。||これは国の税収入の総額です。||他の地域のための総税収入に追加されたら、国のための総税収入を得るでしょう。||どの税率でも変更されたら、この数字に反映されます。	True
dy_trade_Tooltip_7a0056	収入は貴国の資源を通商路を通じて交易相手に輸出することで得ました。||領土の中で取引資源(例えば砂糖、コーヒーやタバコ)があるとします。||これらはあなたの首都に輸入されます。||供給が需要を上回れば、余剰は交易相手国へ国際通商路を通って輸出されます。||この収入を増やすために取引資源を開発して、より多くの交易相手国を見つけてください。||このパネルの交易パネルで供給と輸出の行き詰まりを見ることができます。	True
dy_treasury_Tooltip_7a0062	次のターン、これは収入(下部に詳細)に加算されます。||宝物庫はこのターンで建築や徴集への支払いに使用できる金の金額です。	True
dy_turns_Tooltip_550071	力ずくで都市を取るよりも、彼らへ退去通告を試してみるべきです。||このターン数彼らを包囲できれば、彼らは降伏するでしょう。||しかしながら、待機中に彼らや他の軍を攻撃することもできます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_10011	高い士気は問題に直面した時に部隊を敗走させにくくします。||戦場で経験を積むことでこの部隊の士気を改善できます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_180076	このスキルは部隊が白兵戦に入った時の攻撃命中率を決定します。||歴戦の軍隊は白兵戦の経験を積み、このスキルが上昇します。||銃剣を研究すると攻撃時のボーナスが改善します。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_1f006e	ライフル砲の研究をすることで大砲の射程を改善させることができます。||これは海軍技術パネルでできます	True
dy_value_Tooltip_20066	これは部隊が突撃する時に近接攻撃力を上昇させます。||新式銃剣を研究するとこのボーナスが改善します。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_250057	維持費とは異なり一度限りの支払いです.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_250077	維持費とは異なり一度限りの支払いです.	True
dy_value_Tooltip_2a0034	遠距離武器は敵を遠くから攻撃することができますが、武器は近距離でより効果的な傾向があります。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_3b004c	これは大砲の再装填速度と不発になる確率です。||このスキルが高くなると、装填速度が向上するとともに不発率が減少します。||これは戦いの経験を積むことによって上昇します。||不発率を減らすために、軍事技術で雷管を研究できます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_410033	これは敵を銃撃する公算を反映しています。||戦いで経験を積むことでこれを改善できます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_42004e	船殻の硬さはこの部隊が攻撃を受けたときに、どれだけの損傷に耐えられるかを決定します。||海軍技術を研究することで船殻を強化できます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_4b0023	この部隊の砲の数。||破壊された砲は戦闘の間使用できません。||砲を操る船員の配置できる数だけ、次の戦いのためにこれらは修理されます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_510060	これは大砲の再装填速度と不発になる確率です。||このスキルが高くなると、装填速度が向上するとともに不発率が減少します。||不発率を減らすために、軍事技術で雷管を研究できます。||これは戦いの経験を積むことによって上昇します。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_550022	これは砲が敵の目標に与える損傷量を決定します。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5b006d	毎ターンごとにこの額の金を払わなければいけません。||もしこの部隊を使用していなければ一旦解散してもう一度徴集する方が維持費よりも安上がりになります。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5d005a	これはこの船の旋回速度を決定します。||異なる船は異なる帆走特性を持ちます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_5f001a	海軍技術の銅船底を研究することで部隊の速度を改善できます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_6f0058	この部隊が戦いに持ち込める弾の数。||一旦これを使い果たしたら、部隊はそれ以後白兵戦モードに変更されることを余儀なくされます。||戦闘が終われば弾薬は最大まで補充されます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_710023	これは近接戦闘で部隊の攻撃命中率を決定します。||残念ながら、これは近接戦闘のみで弾丸からの保護は提供しません!	True
dy_value_Tooltip_750022	これは砲が敵の目標に与える損傷量を決定します。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_7c0027	この部隊の砲の数。||損傷した砲は海上か港で修理できます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_a0034	遠距離武器は敵を遠くから攻撃することができますが、武器は近距離でより効果的な傾向があります。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_c0016	高い士気は問題に直面した時に部隊を敗走させにくくします。||砲兵が敗走したら、彼らの砲を人手が居なくなり使えなくなります!||戦場で経験を積むことでこの部隊の士気を改善できます。	True
dy_value_Tooltip_e005f	これは大砲の再装填速度と不発になる確率です。||このスキルが高くなると、装填速度が向上するとともに不発率が減少します。||経験を積み、海軍技術の鉛板薬包を研究することでこのスキルを改善できます。	True
dy_weather_Tooltip_22004b	天候は明らかに戦い方に影響を及ぼします。||豪雨は火薬を湿らせ、結果射撃間隔や精度の低下を招きます。||湿った戦場は砲弾の跳ねを阻害し、進軍中の損傷を少なくします。||移動は特に影響を受けやすく、例えば豪雪環境では軍は雪に足を取られ進軍速度が遅くなります。	True
dy_wind-gauge_Tooltip_150032	これは風向きがあなたにとって有利か不利かを示します。||これはあなたが向かい風に向かって、あるいは追い風と共に航海するかによります。||可能な場合は追い風と共に航海することで速度を上げることができます。	True
east_africa_Tooltip_460040	マダガスカル海峡||東アフリカの交易地域。||交易地域の仕事は通常の地域とは異なります。||都市を発展させたり領土を取ることはここではできません。これらのエリアは交易のためだけです。||それぞれの交易地域は交易船を泊めるスロットが含まれています。||交易船をそのスロットに配置したら、あなたに新しい交易線をもたらします。||これらの交易所は海軍で防衛しなくてはいけません。||交易は殺人的なビジネスであって、競争相手は防衛されていない場所を奪うでしょう!	True
east_indies_Tooltip_6b0076	東インド||東インドの交易地域。||交易地域の仕事は通常の地域とは異なります。||都市を発展させたり領土を取ることはここではできません。これらのエリアは交易のためだけです。||それぞれの交易地域は交易船を泊めるスロットが含まれています。||交易船をそのスロットに配置したら、あなたに新しい交易線をもたらします。||これらの交易所は海軍で防衛しなくてはいけません。||交易は殺人的なビジネスであって、競争相手は防衛されていない場所を奪うでしょう!	True
effect1_Tooltip_30006a	租税効率	True
effect1_Tooltip_d0026	名声	True
effect2_Tooltip_63005b	鎮圧	True
effect2_Tooltip_b0043	外交	True
effect3_Tooltip_5b007a	大臣の効力	True
effect3_Tooltip_650057	陸軍維持費	True
effect3_Tooltip_6b0059	陸軍維持費	True
effects_icons1_army_research_Tooltip_80016	陸軍研究	True
effects_icons1_diplomacy_Tooltip_b0043	外交	True