• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
button_back_Tooltip_5b004c	Return to last screen	True
speed_NewState_Text_150052	Speed	True
button_txt_tx_Text_670023	Rematch	True
tx_Military_Tooltip_1c0039	Your military prestige.||This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests.	True
emblem_mil_Tooltip_42002b	This is the military technologies tab.||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||If you wish to improve your armies and navies you will want to steal something from here.||This tab is split between three different trees; military, ordnance and naval technology.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
string_NewState_Text_a0021	Back	True
string_NewState_Text_40025	Save	True
string_NewState_Text_b002d	Load	True
title_frame_Tooltip_6c0072	This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
string_NewState_Text_70033	Controls	True
string_NewState_Text_10042	Sound	True
tx_Filters_Tooltip_180006	This is the filter panel for the prestige tracker.||Use this to select which details you wish to view on the graph above	True
button_zoom_Tooltip_670062	Locate item	True
title_NewState_Text_2d0006	Game Settings	True
tx_Filters_Tooltip_180028	This is the filter panel for the prestige tracker.||Use this to select which details you wish to view on the graph above.	True
title_NewState_Text_27001a	Game Menu	True
title_NewState_Text_18002d	Graphics	True
title_NewState_Text_10042	Sound	True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_730015	This is your Prestige panel.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations.	True
title_NewState_Text_180027	Military	True
emblem_ind_Tooltip_78000c	This is the industrial technology tab.||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them.	True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_18006c	TW Style	True
title_NewState_Text_4a001e	User Interface	True
title_NewState_Text_39003c	Brightness and Gamma	True
range_NewState_Text_60059	Range	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_7c0077	The ordnance tree concentrates on developing artillery and help you to advance your cannons and rockets	True
title_NewState_Text_7d002c	Agriculture	True
title_NewState_Text_47006f	Episode I	True
title_NewState_Text_70033	Controls	True
title_NewState_Text_7e0051	Philosophy	True
pay_once_down_Tooltip_20	1	True
tx_Naval_NewState_Text_54	Naval	True
allies_NewState_Text_760072	Allies:	True
turns_NewState_Text_2a004a	Turns until surrender:	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_6c0072	This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
status_tx_wait_Text_780073	Please wait ...	True
power_NewState_Text_300055	Power:	True
head_tx_tx_Tooltip_4b0010	This column shows where this building is found within the selected region.||For example it could be within your region capital, a port or it could be a region resource.	True
technology_Tooltip_6c0072	This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery!	True
region_NewState_Text_620060	Region:	True
button_txt_tx_Text_43001e	Swap Sides	True
Exempt region.._Tooltip_66006f	Exempting a region from tax will be a massive boost to your population's happiness.||This is an effective way of dealing with an unruly region, and could stop any riots that have started or may be brewing.||Freeing this region from the burden of taxes will also help population growth within the region.	True
DY_text_Victory!_Text_4e0023	Victory!	True
wealth_NewState_Text_610078	Wealth:	True
descr_tx_they_Text_7b0064	You have elected to declare war on:	True
string_NewState_Text_220046	Exit to Windows	True
string_NewState_Text_740077	Exit to Main Menu	True
title_NewState_Text_b0043	Diplomacy	True
button_tx_war_Text_3a0006	Declare War	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_c0067	The metal tree will help develop factory machinery and improve your trade resources.	True
string_NewState_Text_770027	Options	True
title_NewState_Text_e0026	Episode III	True
pay_tx_NewState_Text_110038	Payments	True
"Effects"_NewState_Text_770033	Effects	True
accuracy_NewState_Text_e0033	Accuracy	True
defenses_NewState_Text_30017	City Defenses:	True
killometer_Tooltip_5c005b	This represents the balance of power between the two sides.||It shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily mean a superior force!||Your armies are represented by the green, and the enemy is represented by red.||As the battle goes on this meter will change to reflect the losses on both sides, use this to keep an overview of who has the upper hand.||If the enemies red bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them!	True
"Income"_NewState_Text_640047	Income	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_5002f	Password: (optional)	True
button_tx_peace_Text_450066	Request Peace	True
morale_NewState_Text_6b0053	Morale	True
heading_NewState_Text_740045	Challenger	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_c004b	Gamma	True
button_tx_trade_Text_740025	Request Trade Agreement	True
location_NewState_Text_9000e	Location:	True
defence_NewState_Text_630029	Defence	True
heading_txt_load_Text_61002a	Load Battle Setup	True
men_tx_NewState_Text_5f0023	Men:	True
enemies_NewState_Text_5c003a	Enemies:	True
string_NewState_Text_5b0068	Quit Battle	True
string_NewState_Text_2d0006	Game Settings	True
full_tx_NewState_Text_70040	Full User Interface	True
button_tx_access_Text_490072	Military Access	True
string_NewState_Text_18002d	Graphics	True
string_NewState_Text_39003c	Brightness and Gamma	True
string_NewState_Text_5f0068	Resume Game	True
army_fort_inactive_Tooltip_4a	You are unable to build a fort.||Building a fort requires a general and you must be within your own region.||You also need the sufficient funds and enough open ground to build upon.||If you have a general and are in one of your own regions, you need to either raise enough funds or choose a clearer area to build upon.	True
army_fort_Tooltip_12006e	Build fort||Building a fort requires a general and you must be within your own region.||If your army is on the move and vulnerable to attack, it may be wise to build a fort for protection.	True
army_order_panel_Tooltip_380026	Available units for this battle.||Click on a unit to add them to your setup.||They will be placed in the slots below.||The recruitment cost is shown on each units card.||These units are specific to the time period of the battle.||You can change the time period on the previous screen.||Later periods will have more units to choose from and the battles will be more complex.	True
army_promote_inactive_Tooltip_3a003f	You cannot recruit a general at this time.||You have either insufficient funds or there is no space in your army for the general's bodyguard unit.||You will need to raise the funds or disband a unit to make room for the bodyguard unit.	True
army_promote_inactive_Tooltip_400032	You cannot recruit a general at this time.||You have either insufficient funds, there is no space in your army for the general's bodyguard unit or you are a rebel army.|| Rebel armies cannot recruit generals. || If you are not a rebel army you will need to raise the funds or disband a unit to make room for the bodyguard unit.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_25004a	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and add a general's bodyguard unit.||Generals allow you to replenish armies, build forts, add morale bonuses in battle and recruit units on land.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_280044	Enlist a general || This button opens up the Enlist New General panel where you can recruit a general and add a general's bodyguard unit for your army. || Generals allow you to recruit and replenish units in the field, greatly increase campaign map movement speed and can inspire and rally units in battle.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_430044	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and change a unit to a generals bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_5a0061	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and add a general's bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
army_promote_Tooltip_7a0025	Enlist a general || This button opens up the Enlist New General panel, where they can be recruited and a general's bodyguard unit added to your army. || Generals allow you to recruit and replenish units in the field, greatly increase campaign map movement speed, and can inspire and rally units in battle.	True
army_replenish_Tooltip_300028	Replenish selected units||Each unit can hold a maximum number of men.||If some of these have been lost in battle you can replenish units with fresh recruits.||Fresh recruits will not have the experience of battle hardened men and may reduce the units overall experience as a result.	True
army_size_Tooltip_260048	This displays the funds available to each player for recruiting their force. || You can sort this list by clicking on the title. || Larger funds mean larger forces, so use this column to find a battle size to your liking.	True
army_size_Tooltip_580077	This displays the available funds each player has to recruit their force. || You can sort this list by clicking on the title. || Larger funds mean larger forces, so use this column to find a battle size to your liking.	True
army_size_Tooltip_60048	This displays the funds available to each player for recruiting their force. || You can sort this list by clicking on the title. || Larger funds mean larger forces, so use this column to find a battle size to your liking.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_11006d	Next theatre	True
arrow L_Tooltip_4c007e	Click this arrow to cycle to the next filter option.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_62006b	Previous region	True
arrow L_Tooltip_630049	Next theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_6a0056	Previous theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow L_Tooltip_6a005b	Switch map context	True
arrow R_Tooltip_180072	Previous theatre	True
arrow R_Tooltip_4c007e	Click this arrow to cycle to the next filter option.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_630069	Next theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6a005b	Switch map context	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6a0076	Previous theatre view||The world is divided between three theatre views: Europe, America and India.||This map will only show you the theatres where you own regions.	True
arrow R_Tooltip_6b0074	Next region	True
arrow_down_Tooltip_73006c	Scroll down	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_10050	Next build policy	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_110016	Next	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_220010	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards front of reinforcement queue.||Units at the front of the reinforcement queue will be the first brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time, so you may want to have the strongest units at the front of the queue.	True
arrow_L_Tooltip_5b0049	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards the front of the reinforcement queue.||Units at the front of the reinforcement queue will be the first brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at one time, so you may want to have the strongest units at the front of the queue.	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_180029	Previous	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_310005	Shuffle unit||Move the selected unit towards back of reinforcement queue.||Units at the back of the reinforcement queue will be the last brought into battle.||There is a maximum of twenty units allowed in battle at once, so you may want to move the weakest units to the end of the queue.	True
arrow_R_Tooltip_8004f	Previous build policy	True
arrow_up_Tooltip_15001d	Scroll up	True
art_title_tx_NewState_Text_50045	Artillery	True
assassinate_Tooltip_580079	You have a chance to use your assassination skills here.||Clicking on this will open up the Assassination panel.||The opportunity to dispose of a potential threat or competition can be risky.||The Assassination panel will provide you with the percentage chance of success.	True
At War bar_Tooltip_7b0047	These nations may attack you at any time - guard your territory, armies, navies and trade routes with care!||To make peace with your enemies, or to see more information, see your diplomatic details panel.	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Text_750078	Other nations attitudes towards selected nation	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Text_f0025	Other nation's attitudes towards selected nation	True
Attitude_dy_other_nations_Tooltip_d003a	Regions coloured green will be friendly toward the selected nation, and red will be unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Text_180001	Selected nation's attitude towards others	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Text_1b0025	Selected nations attitude towards others	True
Attitude_dy_thier_attitude_Tooltip_30005c	Regions coloured green means the selected nation is friendly towards this region and red means unfriendly.||Click the arrows to the left and right to switch between the contexts.	True
attitude_Tooltip_330041	Click to sort by attitude.	True
auto_Tooltip_280020	If this is checked, all battles will be autoresolved on the campaign map.||Battle outcomes will be judged on each side's statistics.||However, if both sides are closely matched you may want to play the battle manually as you have more chance of victory.	True
auto_tx_NewState_Text_360047	Autoresolve Battle	True
auto_tx_NewState_Text_7a0039	Autoresolve all battles	True
heading_txt_txt_Text_320065	Enter Password	True
kills_tx_NewState_Text_50054	Kills	True
title_NewState_Text_e006f	Episode II	True
button_tx_forces_Text_7f0051	Forces	True
weather_NewState_Text_4e002c	Weather:	True
lost_tx_NewState_Text_1b003f	Lost	True
terrain_NewState_Text_440029	Terrain:	True
heading_txt_txt_Text_170027	Host Campaign Game	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_610035	Duel Challenge Received	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_320004	Agent Recruited	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_300076	Traits & Ancillaries Gained	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_700068	Assassination Success!	True
heading_txt_save_Text_6e0022	Save Battle Setup	True
label_txt_NewState_Text_44	Radar	True
button_txt_ready_Text_1004a	Ready	True
dy_title_NewState_Text_390076	Royal Marriage	True
TX_save_game_Load_Text_210009	Load Game	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_410060	Camera Type	True
heading_NewState_Text_a0059	Defendant	True
label_tx_NewState_Text_310003	Mouse Wheel	True
tx_trade_NewState_Text_520017	Trade Income	True
tx_other_NewState_Text_110055	Other	True
button_close_Tooltip_56005e	Close this panel.	True
auto_tx_Tooltip_280020	If this is checked, all battles will be autoresolved on the campaign map.||Battle outcomes will be judged on each side's statistics.||However, if both sides are closely matched you may want to play the battle manually as you have more chance of victory.	True
background_title_NewState_Text_690047	Background	True
Banner_1_Tooltip_370070	Men in unit	True
Banner_naval_1_Tooltip_4c0071	Men on board	True
banner_Tooltip_560019	Your government's head of state.||Your head of state adds bonuses to your prestige, diplomacy and economic growth.||These bonuses are dependent on the level of their management skills.||Right-click to bring up their character panel.	True
banner_tx_emperor_Text_670035	Emperor	True
banner_tx_monarch_Text_6d0039	Monarch	True
BannerNaval_1_Tooltip_36002b	Men onboard	True
bar_graph_window_Tooltip_1a006c	This displays the number of prestige points awarded in each area, depending on your filter view.	True
bar_Tooltip_10011	A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
bar_Tooltip_180076	This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack.	True
bar_Tooltip_1f006e	You can improve the range of your guns by researching rifled cannons.||This can be done in the naval technology panel.	True
bar_Tooltip_20066	This increases a unit's melee attack when charging in.||Researching a new model bayonet will improve this bonus.	True
bar_Tooltip_2a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
bar_Tooltip_3b004c	This is the speed this artillery can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.	True
bar_Tooltip_410033	This reflects the likelihood of hitting the enemy by fire.||Gaining experience in battle will improve this value.	True
bar_Tooltip_42004e	The hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology.	True
bar_Tooltip_510060	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||To reduce the chance of misfires you could research the percussion cap in military technology.||This will be raised by gaining experience in battle.	True
bar_Tooltip_550022	This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True
bar_Tooltip_5f001a	You can improve the speed of this unit by researching copper bottoms in the naval technology.	True
bar_Tooltip_6f0058	The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished.	True
bar_Tooltip_710023	This determines the chance of your unit getting hit while in melee.||Unfortunately this is only for melee mode and will provide no protection from a bullet!	True
bar_Tooltip_750022	This determines the amount of damage your guns will inflict on an enemy target.	True
bar_Tooltip_a0034	A long range enables you to hit enemies from a distance, but weapons still tend to be more effective at shorter ranges.	True
bar_Tooltip_c0016	A unit with high morale is less likely to rout in the face of trouble.||If your artillery routs, they will leave the artillery unmanned and unusable!||Gaining experience on the battlefield will improve morale for this unit.	True
bar_Tooltip_e005f	This is the speed this unit can reload and the chance it has of misfires.||The higher this skill, the faster your reload speed will become and your guns will be less likely to misfire.||Gaining experience and researching sheet lead cartridges in naval technology will improve this skill.	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_15004e	Friedland	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_190041	Trafalgar	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_4a001a	The Pyramids	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_60004f	Austerlitz	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_60028	Lodi	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_6003a	Borodino	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_64002b	Dresden	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_7003e	Waterloo	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_70052	Ligny	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_78004e	Arcole	True
battle_label_NewState_Text_7b002f	Battle of the Nile	True
battle_mode_tx_NewState_Text_4e0001	Default battle resolution	True
battle_setting_auto_ai_Text_52006a	Default: Autoresolve, Play as AI	True
battle_setting_default_Text_76004e	Default: Autoresolve, Don't Play as AI	True
battle_setting_fight_ai_Text_13005d	Default: Fight Battles, Play as AI	True
battle_setting_fight_no_ai_Text_7b0003	Default: Fight Battles, Don't Play as AI	True
battle_settings_Tooltip_23000d	This column shows the default settings for battles.||In instances where players can't agree on whether to autoresolve or manually fight a battle, the game will default to this setting.||You can sort this column by clicking on the title to find your battle preference.	True
battle_settings_Tooltip_75002d	On this tab you can change settings such as weather, time period and army size.||The same options appear for every battle in every map.||Once chosen, you can save your settings and load them up at any time.||Move your cursor over the different settings for more information.	True
battle_time_limit_Tooltip_450043	Check this box to impose a time limit on battles played on the battlemap.||Once checked, the time limit choices will appear below.	True
battle_time_tx_NewState_Text_530023	Battle Time Limit:	True
battles_tx_NewState_Text_4a0029	Battles:	True
battles_tx_NewState_Text_630076	Battle Settings:	True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_5a0073	This panel helps you to move between theatres quickly and easily.||This is triggered when you move into one of the transition zones between theatres.||Use the map below to select your destination and when you are happy click the tick button.||To cancel a move select the cancel button - this will return you to the map.	True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_5c0051	If this panel has appeared, it means you cannot completely merge the two selected groups as there are too many units.||Instead, you can pick and choose which units will be moved into which army or navy.||You could take the best of both and create an elite force, or try to balance out both groups to equal strength.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information.	True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_60067	Here you can quickly see which nations are neutral towards you and who your enemies and allies are.||You can also open up diplomatic talks.||Move your cursor over the areas below to see more information.	True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_690068	This is your Missions details panel.||From time to time you will be assigned missions which will help develop your empire. All information on those missions will be stored here.||The panel is split between two tabs - your Active Missions and Missions Log. Click on these tabs to switch between the two.||Move your cursor over the different areas below for more information.	True