button_back_Tooltip_5b004c Return to last screen True
speed_NewState_Text_150052 Speed True
button_txt_tx_Text_670023 Rematch True
tx_Military_Tooltip_1c0039 Your military prestige.||This is based on the strength of your armies, your military research and your military conquests. True
emblem_mil_Tooltip_42002b This is the military technologies tab.||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||If you wish to improve your armies and navies you will want to steal something from here.||This tab is split between three different trees; military, ordnance and naval technology.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True
string_NewState_Text_a0021 Back True
string_NewState_Text_40025 Save True
string_NewState_Text_b002d Load True
title_frame_Tooltip_6c0072 This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery! True
string_NewState_Text_70033 Controls True
string_NewState_Text_10042 Sound True
tx_Filters_Tooltip_180006 This is the filter panel for the prestige tracker.||Use this to select which details you wish to view on the graph above True
button_zoom_Tooltip_670062 Locate item True
title_NewState_Text_2d0006 Game Settings True
tx_Filters_Tooltip_180028 This is the filter panel for the prestige tracker.||Use this to select which details you wish to view on the graph above. True
title_NewState_Text_27001a Game Menu True
title_NewState_Text_18002d Graphics True
title_NewState_Text_10042 Sound True
tx_prestige_Tooltip_730015 This is your Prestige panel.||Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations. True
title_NewState_Text_180027 Military True
emblem_ind_Tooltip_78000c This is the industrial technology tab.||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_18006c TW Style True
title_NewState_Text_4a001e User Interface True
title_NewState_Text_39003c Brightness and Gamma True
range_NewState_Text_60059 Range True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_7c0077 The ordnance tree concentrates on developing artillery and help you to advance your cannons and rockets True
title_NewState_Text_7d002c Agriculture True
title_NewState_Text_47006f Episode I True
title_NewState_Text_70033 Controls True
title_NewState_Text_7e0051 Philosophy True
pay_once_down_Tooltip_20 1 True
tx_Naval_NewState_Text_54 Naval True
allies_NewState_Text_760072 Allies: True
turns_NewState_Text_2a004a Turns until surrender: True
heading_tx_Tooltip_6c0072 This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery! True
status_tx_wait_Text_780073 Please wait ... True
power_NewState_Text_300055 Power: True
head_tx_tx_Tooltip_4b0010 This column shows where this building is found within the selected region.||For example it could be within your region capital, a port or it could be a region resource. True
technology_Tooltip_6c0072 This is the steal technologies panel.||Sometimes the advancement of science needs a little helping hand, particularly helping hands with light fingers!||It may not be noble, but stealing another faction's hard earned research can help you keep up with their advancements.||Pick a technology you wish to own and attempt to steal it.||Of course, you can only steal what has actually been researched and there is always the risk of discovery! True
region_NewState_Text_620060 Region: True
button_txt_tx_Text_43001e Swap Sides True
Exempt region.._Tooltip_66006f Exempting a region from tax will be a massive boost to your population's happiness.||This is an effective way of dealing with an unruly region, and could stop any riots that have started or may be brewing.||Freeing this region from the burden of taxes will also help population growth within the region. True
DY_text_Victory!_Text_4e0023 Victory! True
wealth_NewState_Text_610078 Wealth: True
descr_tx_they_Text_7b0064 You have elected to declare war on: True
string_NewState_Text_220046 Exit to Windows True
string_NewState_Text_740077 Exit to Main Menu True
title_NewState_Text_b0043 Diplomacy True
button_tx_war_Text_3a0006 Declare War True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_c0067 The metal tree will help develop factory machinery and improve your trade resources. True
string_NewState_Text_770027 Options True
title_NewState_Text_e0026 Episode III True
pay_tx_NewState_Text_110038 Payments True
"Effects"_NewState_Text_770033 Effects True
accuracy_NewState_Text_e0033 Accuracy True
defenses_NewState_Text_30017 City Defenses: True
killometer_Tooltip_5c005b This represents the balance of power between the two sides.||It shows the relative strength of each side - larger numbers do not necessarily mean a superior force!||Your armies are represented by the green, and the enemy is represented by red.||As the battle goes on this meter will change to reflect the losses on both sides, use this to keep an overview of who has the upper hand.||If the enemies red bar is significantly larger than yours, it means they have the advantage and you will have to plan carefully if you want to defeat them! True
"Income"_NewState_Text_640047 Income True
label_tx_NewState_Text_5002f Password: (optional) True
button_tx_peace_Text_450066 Request Peace True
morale_NewState_Text_6b0053 Morale True
heading_NewState_Text_740045 Challenger True
label_tx_NewState_Text_c004b Gamma True
button_tx_trade_Text_740025 Request Trade Agreement True
location_NewState_Text_9000e Location: True
defence_NewState_Text_630029 Defence True
heading_txt_load_Text_61002a Load Battle Setup True
men_tx_NewState_Text_5f0023 Men: True
enemies_NewState_Text_5c003a Enemies: True
string_NewState_Text_5b0068 Quit Battle True
string_NewState_Text_2d0006 Game Settings True
full_tx_NewState_Text_70040 Full User Interface True
button_tx_access_Text_490072 Military Access True
string_NewState_Text_18002d Graphics True
string_NewState_Text_39003c Brightness and Gamma True
string_NewState_Text_5f0068 Resume Game True
auto_tx_NewState_Text_7a0039 Autoresolve all battles True
heading_txt_txt_Text_320065 Enter Password True
kills_tx_NewState_Text_50054 Kills True
title_NewState_Text_e006f Episode II True
button_tx_forces_Text_7f0051 Forces True
weather_NewState_Text_4e002c Weather: True
lost_tx_NewState_Text_1b003f Lost True
terrain_NewState_Text_440029 Terrain: True
heading_txt_txt_Text_170027 Host Campaign Game True
dy_title_NewState_Text_610035 Duel Challenge Received True
dy_title_NewState_Text_320004 Agent Recruited True
dy_title_NewState_Text_300076 Traits & Ancillaries Gained True
dy_title_NewState_Text_700068 Assassination Success! True
heading_txt_save_Text_6e0022 Save Battle Setup True
label_txt_NewState_Text_44 Radar True
button_txt_ready_Text_1004a Ready True
dy_title_NewState_Text_390076 Royal Marriage True
TX_save_game_Load_Text_210009 Load Game True
label_tx_NewState_Text_410060 Camera Type True
heading_NewState_Text_a0059 Defendant True
label_tx_NewState_Text_310003 Mouse Wheel True
tx_trade_NewState_Text_520017 Trade Income True
tx_other_NewState_Text_110055 Other True
button_close_Tooltip_56005e Close this panel. True