avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_ammo_quantity_0 近接攻撃の上昇。 \n \n ユニットの近接攻撃能力を強化します。 True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_ammo_quantity_1 矢玉の追加。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛はそれぞれ20本の矢玉を所持します。 \n \n 前提条件:弓の能力。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_armour_0 甲冑の上昇。 \n \n 近接攻撃と遠隔攻撃の両方に対してあなたのアバターと護衛の防御力を強化させます。 \n \n 前提条件:近接防御能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_armour_1 甲冑の上昇。 \n \n 近接攻撃と遠隔攻撃の両方に対してあなたのアバターと護衛の防御力を強化させます。 \n \n 前提条件:近接防御能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_armour_2 甲冑の大幅上昇。 \n \n 近接攻撃と遠隔攻撃の両方に対してあなたのアバターと護衛の防御力を強化させます。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_armour_piercing_arrows_0 装甲貫通矢。 \n \n あなたのアバターとその護衛は千枚通し型の、鎧を貫くように設計された矢を射る。 \n \n 前提条件:弓のダメージ能力に3ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_armour_piercing_arrows_1 装甲貫通矢。 \n \n あなたのアバターとその護衛は千枚通し型の、鎧を貫くように設計された矢を射る。 \n \n 前提条件:弓のダメージ能力に3ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_army_morale_0 陸軍の士気増加。 \n \n すべてのユニットの士気を増加させて、あなたのアバターの存在は全ての軍隊を奮い立たせます。 \n \n あなたのアバターが無力化されると、この効果は取り消される。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_army_morale_1 陸軍の士気増加。 \n \n すべてのユニットの士気を増加させて、あなたのアバターの存在は全ての軍隊を奮い立たせます \n \n あなたのアバターが無力化されると、この効果は取り消される。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_army_morale_2 強力な陸軍の士気増加。 \n \n すべてのユニットの士気を増加させて、あなたのアバターの存在は全ての軍隊を奮い立たせます \n \n あなたのアバターが無力化されると、この効果は取り消される。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_aura_radius_0 アバターの指揮範囲拡大。 \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲の中のユニットが、アバターに近いほど効果的に士気のボーナスを得ます。 \n \n 前提条件:再集結能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_aura_radius_1 アバターの指揮範囲拡大。 \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲の中のユニットが、アバターに近いほど効果的に士気のボーナスを得ます。 \n \n 前提条件:再集結能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_aura_radius_2 アバターの指揮範囲大幅拡大。 \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲の中のユニットが、アバターに近いほど効果的に士気のボーナスを得ます。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_aura_radius_3 精鋭アバターの指揮範囲。 \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲の中のユニットが、アバターに近いほど効果的に士気のボーナスを得ます。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_banzai_0 万歳の能力。 \n \n 能力が働いている時にあなたのアバターと護衛の近接攻撃と突撃ボーナスを上昇させ、短い時間の間不屈の士気を得る。 \n \n 前提条件:突撃能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_banzai_1 万歳の能力。 \n \n 能力が働いている時にあなたのアバターと護衛の近接攻撃と突撃ボーナスを上昇させ、短い時間の間不屈の士気を得る。 \n \n 前提条件:突撃能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_bodyguard_unit_size_0 アバターの護衛部隊の増加。 \n \n あなたのアバターの護衛部隊の人数を増やす。 \n \n 前提条件:対槍兵ペナルティの無効化能力。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_bodyguard_unit_size_1 アバターの護衛部隊の増加。 \n \n あなたのアバターの護衛部隊の人数を増やす。 \n \n 前提条件:対槍兵ペナルティの無効化能力。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_bow_damage_0 弓ダメージの上昇。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛の矢による攻撃能力を強化します。 \n \n 前提条件:弓の能力。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_bow_damage_1 弓ダメージの上昇。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛の矢による攻撃能力を強化します。 \n \n 前提条件:弓の能力。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_bow_damage_2 弓ダメージの大幅上昇。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛の矢による攻撃能力を強化します。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_bow_damage_3 精鋭の弓ダメージ。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛の矢による攻撃能力を強化します。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_charge_0 突撃ボーナスの上昇。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛が敵に突撃するときに近接戦闘ボーナスを強化します。 \n \n \n 前提条件:速度能力に1ポイントと近接攻撃能力に1ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_charge_1 突撃ボーナスの上昇。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛が敵に突撃するときに近接戦闘ボーナスを強化します。 \n \n 前提条件:速度能力に1ポイントと近接攻撃能力に1ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_charge_2 突撃ボーナスの大幅上昇。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛が敵に突撃するときに近接戦闘ボーナスを強化します。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_enable_bow_0 アバターの弓の能力。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛が馬上から弓を撃ちます。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_enable_bow_1 アバターの弓の能力。 \n \n あなたのアバターと護衛が馬上から弓を撃ちます。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_fatigue_resistance_aura_0 疲労耐性オーラ \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲にいる部隊の疲労化が緩慢になり、疲労回復が速くなります。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_fatigue_resistance_aura_1 疲労耐性オーラ \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲にいる部隊の疲労化が緩慢になり、疲労回復が速くなります。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_fatigue_resistance_aura_2 疲労耐性オーラの強化 \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲にいる部隊の疲労化が緩慢になり、疲労回復が速くなります。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_fatigue_resistance_aura_3 疲労耐性オーラの大幅強化 \n \n あなたのアバターの指揮範囲にいる部隊の疲労化が緩慢になり、疲労回復が速くなります。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_fire_arrows_0 火矢。 \n \n これが働いているとき、火矢が部隊の射撃の攻撃力を増加させ、木造の建物に火をつけることができる。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_fire_arrows_1 火矢。 \n \n これが働いているとき、火矢が部隊の射撃の攻撃力を増加させ、木造の建物に火をつけることができる。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_hitpoint_0 アバターの追加体力ボーナス。 \n \n あなたのアバターのダメージ許容量を増加します。 \n \n 前提条件:疲労耐性能力に3ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_hitpoint_1 アバターの追加体力ボーナス。 \n \n あなたのアバターのダメージ許容量を増加します。 \n \n 前提条件:疲労耐性能力に3ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_inspire_0 鼓舞能力。 \n \n これが働いているときはこの部隊は一つの部隊の士気と近接攻撃を上昇させることができる。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_inspire_1 鼓舞能力。 \n \n これが働いているときはこの部隊は一つの部隊の士気と近接攻撃を上昇させることができる。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_inspire_2 鼓舞能力の冷却期間減少。 \n \n これが働いているときはこの部隊は一つの部隊の士気と近接攻撃を上昇させることができる。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_marksmanship_0 精度の上昇。 \n \n Your avatar and his bodyguard shoot their bows with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires Enable Bow skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_marksmanship_1 精度の上昇。 \n \n Your avatar and his bodyguard shoot their bows with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires Enable Bow skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_marksmanship_2 精度の大幅上昇。 \n \n Your avatar and his bodyguard shoot their bows with greater accuracy. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_marksmanship_3 精鋭の精度。 \n \n Your avatar and his bodyguard shoot their bows with greater accuracy. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_attack_0 近接攻撃の上昇。Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_attack_1 近接攻撃の上昇。Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_attack_2 近接攻撃の大幅上昇。 \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_attack_3 精鋭の近接攻撃。 \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_defence_0 近接防御の上昇。 \n \n Increases the skill of your avatar and his bodyguard at defending themselves against melee attacks. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_defence_1 近接防御の上昇。 \n \n Increases the skill of your avatar and his bodyguard at defending themselves against melee attacks. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_defence_2 近接防御の大幅上昇。 \n \n Increases the skill of your avatar and his bodyguard at defending themselves against melee attacks. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_melee_defence_3 精鋭の近接防御。 \n \n Increases the skill of your avatar and his bodyguard at defending themselves against melee attacks. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_morale_0 アバターの士気上昇。 \n \n Improves the morale of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n \n Requires 1 point in Melee Attack skill and 1 point in Melee Defence skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_morale_1 アバターの士気上昇。 \n \n Improves the morale of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n \n Requires 1 point in Melee Attack skill and 1 point in Melee Defence skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_morale_2 アバターの士気大幅上昇。 \n \n Improves the morale of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_morale_3 精鋭アバターの士気。 \n \n Improves the morale of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_no_spear_penalty_0 対槍兵ペナルティの無効化。 \n \n Your avatar and his bodyguard ignore the penalty suffered by all other cavalry units when attacking enemies armed with spears. \n \n Requires Banzai skill and 2 points in Armour skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_no_spear_penalty_1 対槍兵ペナルティの無効化。 \n \n Your avatar and his bodyguard ignore the penalty suffered by all other cavalry units when attacking enemies armed with spears. \n \n Requires Banzai skill and 2 points in Armour skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_rally_0 再結集能力の冷却期間減少。 \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore routing units within your avatar's aura radius to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units within the radius that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_rally_1 再結集能力の冷却期間減少。 \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore routing units within your avatar's aura radius to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units within the radius that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_rally_2 再結集能力の冷却期間大幅減少。 \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore routing units within your avatar's aura radius to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units within the radius that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_rally_3 再結集能力の冷却期間大幅減少。 \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore routing units within your avatar's aura radius to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units within the radius that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_range_0 弓の射程増加。 \n \n Shot range for your avatar and his bodyguard is increased. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_range_1 弓の射程増加。 \n \n Shot range for your avatar and his bodyguard is increased. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_range_2 弓の射程大幅増加。 \n \n Shot range for your avatar and his bodyguard is increased. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_reload_speed_0 装填速度増加。 \n \n Increases the rate at which your avatar and his bodyguard shoot arrows. \n \n Requires 1 point in Accuracy skill and 1 point in Speed skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_reload_speed_1 装填速度増加。 \n \n Increases the rate at which your avatar and his bodyguard shoot arrows. \n \n Requires 1 point in Accuracy skill and 1 point in Speed skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_reload_speed_2 装填速度大幅増加。 \n \n Increases the rate at which your avatar and his bodyguard shoot arrows. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_scare_enemies_0 近くの敵の恐怖。 \n \n Enemies close to your avatar will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_scare_enemies_1 近くの敵の恐怖。 \n \n Enemies close to your avatar will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_scare_enemies_2 近くの敵の恐怖。 \n \n Enemies close to your avatar will suffer an even greater morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_snipe_0 狙撃能力。 \n \n If hidden already, your avatar and his bodyguard can shoot without betraying their position. \n \n Only works whilst stationary. \n \n Requires 2 points in Increased Range skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_snipe_1 狙撃能力。 \n \n If hidden already, your avatar and his bodyguard can shoot without betraying their position. \n \n Only works whilst stationary. \n \n Requires 2 points in Increased Range skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_speed_0 速度増加。 \n \n Increases the movement speed of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_speed_1 速度増加。 \n \n Increases the movement speed of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_speed_2 速度大幅増加。 \n \n Increases the movement speed of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_speed_3 精鋭の速度。 \n \n Increases the movement speed of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_speed_4 伝説的速度。 \n \n Increases the movement speed of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_stamina_0 疲労耐性増加。 \n \n Reduces the rate at which your avatar and his bodyguard become fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. \n \n Requires 1 point in Speed skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_stamina_1 疲労耐性増加。 \n \n Reduces the rate at which your avatar and his bodyguard become fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. \n \n Requires 1 point in Speed skill. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_stamina_2 疲労耐性大幅増加。 \n \n Reduces the rate at which your avatar and his bodyguard become fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_stamina_3 精鋭の疲労耐性。 \n \n Reduces the rate at which your avatar and his bodyguard become fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_stand_and_fight_0 死守能力。 \n \n これが働いている時はあなたのアバターは下馬して彼の近くの部隊を勇気づけ、彼らの士気と近接攻撃と装填速度を上昇させる。 \n \n この能力は取り消されるその時まで働き続ける。 \n \n 死守能力を使っている間はあなたのアバターは動くことができない。 \n \n 前提条件:鼓舞能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_stand_and_fight_1 死守能力。 \n \n これが働いている時はあなたのアバターは下馬して彼の近くの部隊を勇気づけ、彼らの士気と近接攻撃と装填速度を上昇させる。 \n \n この能力は取り消されるその時まで働き続ける。 \n \n 死守能力を使っている間はあなたのアバターは動くことができない。 \n \n 前提条件:鼓舞能力に2ポイント。 \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_whistling_arrows_0 鏑矢の能力。 \n \n When activated, whistling arrows reduce the morale, melee attack and reload speed of enemy units targeted by them. \n True
avatar_skills_description_avatar_skill_whistling_arrows_1 鏑矢の能力。 \n \n When activated, whistling arrows reduce the morale, melee attack and reload speed of enemy units targeted by them. \n True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_advanced_marksmanship_0 Improved Accuracy. \n \n Missile attacks are more accurate. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Accuracy. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_advanced_marksmanship_1 Improved Accuracy. \n \n Missile attacks are more accurate. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_advanced_marksmanship_2 Improved Accuracy. \n \n Missile attacks are more accurate. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_advanced_reload_0 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Reload Speed. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_advanced_reload_1 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_advanced_reload_2 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_ammo_quantity_0 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more arrows than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_ammo_quantity_1 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more arrows than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_damage_0 Increased Bow Damage. \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_damage_1 Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_fire_arrows_0 Enable Fire Arrows. \n \n When activated, fire arrows increase the lethality of this unit's shots and can also ignite wooden buildings. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_fire_arrows_1 Enable Fire Arrows. \n \n When activated, fire arrows increase the lethality of this unit's shots and can also ignite wooden buildings. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_guerilla_deployment_0 Kisho Training. \n \n During the deployment phase, this unit is able to deploy outside of the deployment area. \n \n May not deploy too close to a key building. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_guerilla_deployment_1 Kisho Training. \n \n During the deployment phase, this unit is able to deploy outside of the deployment area. \n \n May not deploy too close to a key building. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_marksmanship_0 Improved Accuracy. \n \n Missile attacks are more accurate. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_marksmanship_1 Improved Accuracy. \n \n Missile attacks are more accurate. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_marksmanship_2 Improved Accuracy. \n \n Missile attacks are more accurate. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_morale_1 Improved Morale \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_range_0 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_range_1 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_reload_0 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_reload_1 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_reload_2 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_snipe_0 Snipe Ability. \n \n If hidden already, the unit can shoot without betraying its position. \n \n Only works whilst stationary. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_snipe_1 Snipe Ability. \n \n If hidden already, the unit can shoot without betraying its position. \n \n Only works whilst stationary. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_speed_2 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_spot_range_0 Improved Spotting Range. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_spot_range_1 Improved Spotting Range. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_ashigaru_skill_stamina_2 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_clan_damage_0 Elite Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 1 point in advanced Bow Damage, 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_clan_damage_1 Elite Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 1 point in advanced Bow Damage, 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_damage_0 Greatly Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Bow Damage. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_damage_1 Greatly Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Bow Damage. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_marksmanship_0 Elite Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Accuracy. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_marksmanship_1 Elite Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_marksmanship_2 Legendary Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_reload_0 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Reload. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_reload_1 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_reload_2 Legendary Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_unit_spotting_0 Greatly Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Enemy Spotting. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_unit_spotting_1 Greatly Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_advanced_unit_spotting_2 Elite Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. \n \n Requires 5 clan tokens. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_ammo_quantity_0 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more arrows than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_ammo_quantity_1 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more arrows than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_armour_0 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_armour_1 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_cantabrian_circle_0 Swooping Crane Ability. \n \n When this ability is activated, the unit will wheel in a circular formation maintaining a steady fire on the target unit. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_cantabrian_circle_1 Swooping Crane Ability. \n \n When this ability is activated, the unit will wheel in a circular formation maintaining a steady fire on the target unit. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_damage_0 Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_damage_1 Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_marksmanship_0 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_marksmanship_1 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_marksmanship_2 Greatly Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_range_0 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_range_1 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_reload_0 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_reload_1 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_reload_2 Greatly Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_unit_spotting_0 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_cavalry_skill_unit_spotting_1 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_damage_0 Greatly Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Bow Damage. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_damage_1 Greatly Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_marksmanship_0 Elite Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Accuracy. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_marksmanship_1 Elite Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_marksmanship_2 Legendary Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_reload_0 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Reload Speed. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_reload_1 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_advanced_reload_2 Legendary Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_ammo_quantity_0 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more arrows than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_ammo_quantity_1 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more arrows than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_assassinate_0 Stealth Ability. \n \n When activated, this ability allows the unit to remain hidden whilst running for a short period. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_assassinate_1 Stealth Ability. \n \n When activated, this ability allows the unit to remain hidden whilst running for a short period. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_damage_0 Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_damage_1 Increased Bow Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_guerilla_deployment_0 Kisho Training. \n \n During the deployment phase, this unit is able to deploy outside of the deployment area. \n \n May not deploy too close to a key building. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_guerilla_deployment_1 Kisho Training. \n \n During the deployment phase, this unit is able to deploy outside of the deployment area. \n \n May not deploy too close to a key building. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_marksmanship_0 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_marksmanship_1 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_marksmanship_2 Greatly Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_rally_0 Rally Ability. \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore nearby routing units to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units nearby that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_rally_1 Rally Ability. \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore nearby routing units to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units nearby that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_range_0 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_range_1 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_reload_0 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_reload_1 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_reload_2 Greatly Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit shoots. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_snipe_0 Snipe Ability. \n \n If hidden already, the unit can shoot without betraying its position. \n \n Only works whilst stationary. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_snipe_1 Snipe Ability. \n \n If hidden already, the unit can shoot without betraying its position. \n \n Only works whilst stationary. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a bow specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_spot_range_0 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_spot_range_1 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_whistling_arrows_0 Whistling Arrows. \n \n When activated, whistling arrows reduce the morale, melee attack and reload speed of enemy units targeted by them. True
avatar_skills_description_bow_skill_whistling_arrows_1 Whistling Arrows. \n \n When activated, whistling arrows reduce the morale, melee attack and reload speed of enemy units targeted by them. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_accuracy_0 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit hurls firebombs with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_accuracy_1 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit hurls firebombs with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_accuracy_2 Greatly Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit hurls firebombs with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_ammo_quantity_0 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more firebombs than usual for this unit type. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Extra Ammunition. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_ammo_quantity_1 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more firebombs than usual for this unit type. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_damage_0 Greatly Increased Firebomb Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Missile Damage. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_damage_1 Greatly Increased Firebomb Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_range_0 Greatly Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Increased Range. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_range_1 Greatly Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_reload_0 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit prepares and throws firebombs. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Reload Speed. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_reload_1 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit prepares and throws firebombs. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_advanced_reload_2 Legendary Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit prepares and throws firebombs. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_ammo_quantity_0 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more firebombs than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_ammo_quantity_1 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more firebombs than usual for this unit type. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_blind_grenades_0 Blinding Grenades. \n \n Blinding grenades temporarily disable the target unit. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_blind_grenades_1 Blinding Grenades. \n \n Blinding grenades temporarily disable the target unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_damage_0 Increased Firebomb Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_damage_1 Increased Firebomb Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_guerilla_deployment_0 Kisho Training. \n \n During the deployment phase, this unit is able to deploy outside of the deployment area. \n \n May not deploy too close to a key building. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_guerilla_deployment_1 Kisho Training. \n \n During the deployment phase, this unit is able to deploy outside of the deployment area. \n \n May not deploy too close to a key building. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_morale_1 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_morale_2 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likelt to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_range_0 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_range_1 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_reload_0 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit prepares and throws firebombs. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_reload_1 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit prepares and throws firebombs.. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_reload_2 Greatly Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit prepares and throws firebombs. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_cooking_pot_firebomb_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_advanced_marksmanship_0 Elite Accuracy \n \n The unit fires with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Accuracy. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_advanced_marksmanship_1 Elite Accuracy \n \n The unit fires with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_advanced_reload_0 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Reload Speed. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_advanced_reload_1 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_ammo_quantity_0 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more ammunition than usual for this unit type. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_ammo_quantity_1 Increased Ammunition. \n \n The men of this unit carry significantly more ammunition than usual for this unit type. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_damage_0 Increased Projectile Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_damage_1 Increased Projectile Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_damage_2 Greatly Increased Projectile Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_fire_by_rank_0 Fire By Rank Ability. \n \n A more efficient firing drill. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_fire_by_rank_1 Fire By Rank Ability. \n \n A more efficient firing drill. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_marksmanship_0 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit fires with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_marksmanship_1 Improved Accuracy \n \n The unit fires with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_marksmanship_2 Greatly Improved Accuracy \n \n The unit fires with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_range_0 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_range_1 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_rapid_volley_0 Rapid Volley Ability. \n \n When active, greatly increases reload rate for a short period. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_rapid_volley_1 Rapid Volley Ability. \n \n When active, greatly increases reload rate for a short period. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_reload_0 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_reload_1 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_reload_2 Greatly Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_spot_range_0 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_spot_range_1 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_firearms_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_advanced_skill_charge_0 Greatly Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Charge Bonus. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_advanced_skill_charge_1 Greatly Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_advanced_skill_melee_attack_0 Greatly Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Melee Attack. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_advanced_skill_melee_attack_1 Greatly Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_advanced_skill_unit_spotting_0 Legendary Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. \n \n Requires 3 points in basic Spot Enemies. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_advanced_skill_unit_spotting_1 Legendary Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_armour_0 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_armour_1 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_banzai_0 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_banzai_1 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_charge_0 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_charge_1 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_inspire_0 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_inspire_1 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_melee_attack_0 Improved melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_melee_attack_1 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_melee_defence_0 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_melee_defence_1 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_morale_1 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_speed_3 Elite Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_speed_4 Legendary Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_stamina_3 Elite Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_stamina_4 Legendary Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_unit_spotting_0 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_unit_spotting_1 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_unit_spotting_2 Greatly Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_light_cavalry_unit_spotting_3 Elite Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_charge_0 Elite Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Charge Bonus. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_charge_1 Elite Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_charge_2 Legendary Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_melee_attack_0 Elite Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Melee Attack. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_melee_attack_1 Elite Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_melee_attack_2 Legendary Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_stamina_0 Elite Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_stamina_1 Elite Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_advanced_stamina_2 Legendary Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_armour_0 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_armour_1 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_banzai_0 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_banzai_1 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_charge_0 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_charge_1 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_charge_2 Greatly Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_inspiration_0 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_inspiration_1 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_melee_attack_0 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_melee_attack_1 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_melee_attack_2 Greatly Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_melee_defence_0 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_melee_defence_1 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_melee_defence_2 Greatly Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_morale_1 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_morale_2 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_scare_enemies_0 Scare Nearby Enemies. \n \n Enemies close to the unit will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_scare_enemies_1 Scare Nearby Enemies. \n \n Enemies close to the unit will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_melee_cavalry_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_armour_0 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_armour_1 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_bonus_vs_cav_0 Increased Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_bonus_vs_cav_1 Increased Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_bonus_vs_cav_2 Greatly Increased Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_morale_0 Legendary Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_morale_1 Legendary Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_replenish_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_replenish_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_warcry_0 Warcry. \n \n Grants this unit the Warcry special ability, allowing it to terrify and stun mearby enemy units. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_advanced_skill_warcry_1 Warcry. \n \n Grants this unit the Warcry special ability, allowing it to terrify and stun mearby enemy units. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_clan_skill_armour_0 Elite Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_clan_skill_armour_1 Elite Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_clan_skill_hold_firm_0 Hold Firm Ability. \n \n When active, boosts melee defence of the unit and up to 3 adjacent units and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_clan_skill_hold_firm_1 Hold Firm Ability. \n \n When active, boosts melee defence of the unit and up to 3 adjacent units and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_clan_skill_second_wind_0 Second Wind Ability. \n \n This ability restore the stamina levels of nearby friendly units. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_clan_skill_second_wind_1 Second Wind Ability. \n \n This ability restore the stamina levels of nearby friendly units. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a cavalry specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_attack_0 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_attack_1 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_charge_0 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_charge_1 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_defence_0 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the skill of your avatar and his bodyguard at defending themselves against melee attacks. \n True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_defence_1 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the skill of your avatar and his bodyguard at defending themselves against melee attacks. \n True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_defence_2 Greatly Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_defence_3 Elite Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_defence_4 Legendary Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_morale_1 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_morale_2 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_morale_3 Elite Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the movement speed of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the movement speed of your avatar and his bodyguard. \n True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_spotting_0 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_spotting_1 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spots hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_monk_cav_skill_stamina_3 Elite Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_advanced_marksmanship_0 Legendary Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 3 points in basic Accuracy. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_advanced_marksmanship_1 Legendary Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_advanced_reload_0 Legendary Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. \n \n Requires 3 points in basic Reload Speed. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_advanced_reload_1 Legendary Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_damage_0 Increased Projectile Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_damage_1 Increased Projectile Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_damage_2 Greatly Increased Projectile Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_damage_3 Elite Projectile Damage \n \n The amount of damage inflicted by this unit's missiles is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_marksmanship_0 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_marksmanship_1 Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_marksmanship_2 Greatly Improved Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_marksmanship_3 Elite Accuracy. \n \n The unit shoots with greater accuracy. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_range_0 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_range_1 Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_range_2 Greatly Increased Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_range_3 Elite Range. \n \n Shot range is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_reload_0 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_reload_1 Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_reload_2 Greatly Improved Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_reload_3 Elite Reload Speed. \n \n Increases the rate at which the unit fires. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_siege_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_bonus_vs_cavalry_0 Elite Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Bonus vs. Cavalry. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_bonus_vs_cavalry_1 Elite Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_bonus_vs_cavalry_2 Legendary Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_melee_defence_0 Elite Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Melee Defence. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_melee_defence_1 Elite Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_melee_defence_2 Legendary Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_morale_0 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Morale. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_morale_1 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_advanced_morale_2 Elite Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_armour_0 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_armour_1 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_banzai_0 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_banzai_1 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_bonus_vs_cavalry_0 Increased Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_bonus_vs_cavalry_1 Increased Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_bonus_vs_cavalry_2 Greatly Increased Bonus Versus Cavalry. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in melee versus cavalry. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_inspiration_0 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_inspiration_1 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_melee_attack_0 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_melee_attack_1 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_melee_attack_2 Greatly Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_melee_defence_0 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_melee_defence_1 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_melee_defence_2 Greatly Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_morale_1 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_rally_0 Rally Ability. \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore nearby routing units to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units nearby that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_rally_1 Rally Ability. \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore nearby routing units to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units nearby that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_stand_firm_0 Hold Firm Ability. \n \n When active, boosts melee defence of the unit and up to 3 adjacent units and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_spear_skill_stand_firm_1 Hold Firm Ability. \n \n When active, boosts melee defence of the unit and up to 3 adjacent units and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a spear specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_charge_0 Elite Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Charge Bonus. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_charge_1 Elite Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_charge_2 Legendary Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_melee_attack_0 Elite Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Melee Attack. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_melee_attack_1 Elite Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_melee_attack_2 Legendary Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_morale_0 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Morale. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_morale_1 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_spot_distance_0 Greatly Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Enemy Spotting. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_advanced_spot_distance_1 Greatly Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_armour_0 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_armour_1 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_armour_penetration_0 Armour Penetration. \n \n Melee attacks penetrate armour. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_armour_penetration_1 Armour Penetration. \n \n Melee attacks penetrate armour. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_blind_grenades_0 Blinding Grenades. \n \n Blinding grenades temporarily disable the target unit. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_blind_grenades_1 Blinding Grenades. \n \n Blinding grenades temporarily disable the target unit. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_charge_0 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_charge_1 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_charge_2 Greatly Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_melee_attack_0 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_melee_attack_1 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_melee_attack_2 Greatly Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_melee_defence_0 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_melee_defence_1 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_melee_defence_2 Greatly Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_morale_1 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_scare_enemies_0 Scare Nearby Enemies. \n \n Enemies close to the unit will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_scare_enemies_1 Scare Nearby Enemies. \n \n Enemies close to the unit will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_spot_distance_0 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_spot_distance_1 Improved Enemy Spotting. \n \n The range at which this unit spot hidden enemies is increased. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_stealth_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_advanced_melee_attack_0 Elite Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 2 points in basic Melee Attack. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_advanced_melee_attack_1 Elite Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_advanced_melee_attack_2 Legendary Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_advanced_melee_defence_0 Greatly Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Melee Defence. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_advanced_melee_defence_1 Greatly Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_advanced_morale_0 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 1 point in basic Morale. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_advanced_morale_1 Greatly Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_armour_0 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_armour_1 Improved Armour. \n \n Increases defence against both melee and missile attacks. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_banzai_0 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_banzai_1 Banzai Ability. \n \n When activated, boosts the unit's melee attack and charge bonus, and gives them unbreakable morale for a short time. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_charge_0 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_charge_1 Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_charge_2 Greatly Improved Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_charge_3 Elite Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_charge_4 Legendary Charge Bonus. \n \n Increases the melee bonus received by the unit when charging an enemy. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_inspiration_0 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_inspiration_1 Inspire Ability. \n \n When activated, allows the unit to boost the morale, melee attack and accuracy of a single unit. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_melee_attack_0 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_melee_attack_1 Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_melee_attack_2 Greatly Improved Melee Attack. \n \n Increases the melee attack skill of the unit. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_melee_defence_0 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_melee_defence_1 Improved Melee Defence. \n \n Increases the unit's skill in defending against melee attacks. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_morale_0 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_morale_1 Improved Morale. \n \n Units with high morale are less likely to rout in battle. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_rally_0 Rally Ability. \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore nearby routing units to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units nearby that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_rally_1 Rally Ability. \n \n When activated, the rally ability will restore nearby routing units to order (shattered units are not affected). \n \n Units nearby that aren't routing will receive a morale bonus whilst rally is active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_replenish_unit_0 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Unit must be level 5 and have learned 4 basic skills. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_replenish_unit_1 Replenish Unit Between Battles. \n \n Any casualties suffered in a previous battle will be restored before the next battle. \n \n Requires 10 clan tokens. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_scare_enemies_0 Scare Nearby Enemies. \n \n Enemies close to the unit will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_scare_enemies_1 Scare Nearby Enemies. \n \n Enemies close to the unit will suffer a morale penalty. \n \n This effect is always active. \n \n Unit level requirement: level 9. \n \n Requires 20 clan tokens, 8 other skills to have been selected and membership of a sword specialism clan. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_speed_0 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_speed_1 Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_speed_2 Greatly Improved Speed. \n \n Increases the unit's movement speed. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_stamina_0 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_stamina_1 Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
avatar_skills_description_sword_skill_stamina_2 Greatly Increased Fatigue Resistance. \n \n Reduces the rate at which the unit becomes fatigued. \n \n Fatigue impairs speed, morale and fighting ability. True
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