avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_army_artillery Engines of war feature prominently in his military strategy. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_army_balanced Follows the philosophy that a balanced army is as flexible as a grove of bamboo before the storm. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_army_cavalry Has a reputation for fielding large numbers of mounted troops in his armies. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_army_melee_infantry Is convinced of the merits of an army chiefly composed of melee infantry. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_army_missile_infantry Has shown a tendency to favour large groupings of missile infantry in his army compositions. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_coward With a history of turning tail and running at the first sight of the enemy, this man lacks the courage even to make an honourable end to his own miserable existence. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_bow_1 Has recently taken up the bow. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_bow_2 Yabusami - 'The Way of Horse and Bow' - is a fitting pursuit for a lord of men. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_bow_3 Dedicated practice has seen this man's skill with the bow progress from the awkward fumbling of the novice to something far more fluid and accomplished. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_bow_4 Through countless hours of practice, his bow seems almost an extension of his own arm. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_bow_5 A true master of the bow, the poets liken his skill to a sublime artform. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_1 Guidance from an experienced mentor has set this man on the road to becoming an effective leader of men. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_2 A calm demeanour, and a hint of steel in word, gaze and deed are useful attributes for an aspiring commander. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_3 Has acquired the skills required to make his men follow him not only from duty, but also with pride. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_4 On many a battlefield, this man's deft leadership skills have held his men together and brought them through triumphant. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_5 A rock in the tempest of battle, his inspired leadership means that while he stands, his men stand with him to face their destiny and write their names in legend. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_melee_1 To carry a fine blade does not always signify any degree of skill, yet this man has clearly mastered at least the basic strokes and guards. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_melee_2 The sword is the soul of the samurai. That this man wears a sword proclaims not only his status but also that he is more than just a soft man of court. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_melee_3 An attentive pupil to the lessons of his sensei, and an alert observer of his opponent, he is forging a reputation as a skilled blade. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_melee_4 The sword is more than a simple tool - it is also a bridge on the road to one's destiny, a road that this man has travelled now for many miles. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_melee_5 True skill is action independent of thought. To behold this man in battle is to witness a kensei, an immortal master of the blade. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_physical_1 No more late nights slumped over the Go board nursing a flask of sake and a rounded companion; this man now takes his physical well-being seriously. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_physical_2 Soft living breeds weakness of spirit. This man consciously strives against such a fate through a routine of daily physical activity. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_text_avatar_trait_skills_physical_3 This man's body is a temple, and the rigorous training to which he subjects it is akin to a prayer to the heavens. True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_army_artillery Favours siege engines True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_army_balanced Favours a balanced army True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_army_cavalry Favours cavalry True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_army_melee_infantry Favours melee infantry True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_army_missile_infantry Favours missile infantry True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_coward Dishonourable Coward True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_bow_1 Novice Bowman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_bow_2 Bowman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_bow_3 Skilled Bowman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_bow_4 Famous Bowman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_bow_5 Legendary Bowman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_1 Novice Leader True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_2 Leader True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_3 Skilled Leader True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_4 Famous Leader True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_leadership_5 Legendary Leader True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_melee_1 Novice Swordsman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_melee_2 Swordsman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_melee_3 Skilled Swordsman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_melee_4 Famous Swordsman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_melee_5 Legendary Swordsman True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_physical_1 Healthy True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_physical_2 Physically fit True
avatar_traits_onscreen_title_avatar_trait_skills_physical_3 Incredibly fit True