• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
incidents_localised_description_c_ambitious_traders_FIRST_able_sailors	Due to our support of trade by sea, sailors are rallying to our cause in search of their fortune.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_ambitious_traders_FIRST_lucrative_shipping	Our recent focus on sea trade has given us control of the shipping lanes. 	True
incidents_localised_description_c_ambitious_traders_SECOND_prosperity	Our focus on domestic trade has led to increased wealth in our provinces.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_ambitious_traders_SECOND_thriving_markets	Our recent focus on domestic trade has led to increased profits from markets throughout our territory.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_auxiliary_supplies_FIRST_call_to_arms	An abundance of military supplies has led to the enlistment of more fervent clan supporters into the army's ranks.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_auxiliary_supplies_SECOND_master_smithies	Owing to the skills of our own blacksmiths, our troops have been equipped from within rather than relying on arms and armour bought from neighbouring provinces. They are truly excelling in their art!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_auxiliary_supplies_SECOND_merchant_discontent	Our decision not to trade in military supplies has upset our merchants, who feel they might have been able to profit from such an investment. 	True
incidents_localised_description_c_better_agent_metsuke_FIRST_shogunal_deputy	As a result of our recent co-operation with the shogunate, we have been sent an envoy from Kyoto to aid in clan affairs.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_better_agent_missionary_FIRST_nanban_ambassador	Pleased at our recent co-operation with the Church, a papal dignitary has been dispatched to facilitate relations between us.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_conflict_beliefs_buddhist_FIRST_old_ways	Traditionalists within the clan are pleased with the way in which you have dealt with the recent Christian disturbances in this province.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_conflict_beliefs_buddhist_FIRST_rebellion	The recent execution of a Christian agitator in this province has provoked the local Christian populace into taking arms against the clan!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_conflict_beliefs_buddhist_SECOND_nanban_ambassador	Gratified by our compassion for and understanding of the needs of Christians in this province, the nanban have taken measures to facilitate relations between us.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_conflict_beliefs_christian_FIRST_nanban_ambassador	Appreciative of our continued protection of the Church's best interests in Japan, the nanban have taken measures to facilitate relations between our people.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_conflict_beliefs_christian_FIRST_rebellion	The recent execution of a Buddhist agitator in this province has provoked the local populace into taking arms against the clan!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_conflict_beliefs_christian_SECOND_old_ways	Traditionalists across our domain are grateful that we still recognise the needs of those who seek enlightenment and revere the kami.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_desecration_FIRST_nanban_ire	The Church is incensed at our recent handling of disturbances involving their missionaries in this province.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_desecration_FIRST_old_ways	Traditionalists within the clan are grateful that we still recognise the needs of those who seek enlightenment and revere the kami.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_desecration_SECOND_anti_nanban_riots	Angered at the concessions made in favour of nanban missionaries in this province, the people have downed tools and taken to rioting in protest.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_desecration_SECOND_rebellion	Angered that we have cast tradition to the wind and allowed the nanban to do as they please, the Buddhist populace in this province have taken arms against the clan!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_disgruntled_vassal_SECOND_rebellion	Having sworn revenge for the unjust execution of his father, a son of our erstwhile vassal has gathered a fighting force and is moving to seize this province from us!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_disloyalty_FIRST_dread_lord	Fearful of our methods for dealing with treachery in our midst, our subjects will think twice before betraying the clan.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_disloyalty_FIRST_rebellion	Having sworn revenge for the death of his father, a son of this former traitor has mustered an army and is marching on one of our strongholds!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_disloyalty_SECOND_peer_contempt	Rival daimyo across Japan think us foolish for allowing would-be traitors to serve the clan.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_francis_xavier_FIRST_nanban_ire	Incensed because we turned away their anointed envoy, the nanban and their Church are now hesitant in their dealings with us.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_francis_xavier_SECOND_anti_nanban_riots	Riots have broken out across our domain as the people protest the encouragement of nanban beliefs.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_francis_xavier_SECOND_nanban_ambassador	Honoured by our willingness to accept Christianity, the nanban have sent us a representative to facilitate relations between us.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_gaijin_trouble_FIRST_anti_nanban_riots	Riots have broken out in this province as people protest the presence of the nanban there.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_gaijin_trouble_FIRST_nanban_ambassador	An envoy from Europe has arrived to facilitate dealings between us in return for our acceptance of their people and ways.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_gaijin_trouble_SECOND_inspired_endeavours	Grateful to us for dealing with the recent nanban disturbances, the people in this province are carrying out their daily labours with added conviction.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_heralding_spring_FIRST_grateful_populace	Our clanspeople are immensely satisfied at the recent festivities organised on their behalf.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_heralding_spring_SECOND_disaffected_populace	Our dismissal of the efforts made by our people in service of the clan has led to widespread dissension.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_imperial_new_year_SECOND_peer_contempt	Rival daimyo across Japan are angered by our disregard for the emperor's demands.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_intoxication_FIRST_provincial_discord	The people feel dejected by our perceived lack of understanding of their needs during these trying times.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_intoxication_SECOND_lackluster_efforts	Productivity has dropped drastically in this province as the peasants have failed to commit to their daily duties.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_jizamurai_FIRST_vigilance	Owing to the number of jizamurai living here, our domain is more secure than ever before.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_jizamurai_SECOND_war_fervour	The recent strengthening of our ranks has instilled in our troops confidence and a yearning for glorious battle!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_land_dispute_FIRST_rebellion	Deriding our just decision to return lands seized from his neighbour, this traitor to the clan has raised an army to take it back!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_land_dispute_SECOND_rebellion	After you granted his lands to his rival, this former retainer has mustered a warband to take this province for himself!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_martial_priorities_FIRST_call_to_arms	Many clansmen are rushing to join our army in the hope that they might serve the clan in battle against our enemies.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_martial_priorities_SECOND_vigilance	Conscious the need for defence, people throughout our domain are keeping a watchful eye on all comings and goings.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_merchant_accession_FIRST_disaffected_populace	The hard-working masses are embittered at the freedoms we have granted to the merchant class.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_merchant_accession_SECOND_merchant_discontent	The merchant class are outraged by the restraints we have placed upon their activities.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_meritorious_action_SECOND_loyalty	Feeling that his services to the clan have gone unrecognised, this man's loyalty has waned.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_meritorious_action_SECOND_peer_contempt	Due to our reluctance to reward success and honourable conduct, rival daimyo have lost respect for our clan.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_monopoly_FIRST_disaffected_populace	The hard-working masses are embittered at the freedoms we have granted to the merchant class.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_monopoly_SECOND_merchant_discontent	The merchant class are outraged by the restraints we have placed upon their activities.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_fire_fire	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Kagutsuchi! Wild fires have swept through one of our towns!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_fire_volcano	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Kagutsuchi! Fiery retribution has erupted from the earth itself!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_mountain_earthquake	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Oyamatsumi! So great is his anger that the very earth itself has shuddered with fear!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_mountain_volcano	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Oyamatsumi! He has sent forth his fiery retribution from the mountains!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_ocean_stormy_seas	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Owatatsumi! Some of our ships were put at the mercy of the sea-god!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_ocean_tsunami	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Owatatsumi! Great waves are buffeting our coasts!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_wind_stormy_seas	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Fujin! Tumultuous winds at sea have put some of our ships at peril!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_omen_wind_typhoon	My lord! We have incurred the wrath of Fujin! Our lands have been beset by terrible storms!	True
incidents_localised_description_c_ronin_SECOND_ronin_marauders	As we have failed to enlist the ronin encountered in this province, these masterless warriors are now terrorising the local populace.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_tribute_emperor_SECOND_peer_contempt	Rival daimyo across Japan are angered by our disregard for the emperor's demands.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_tribute_shogun_FIRST_shogunal_deputy	The shogun, pleased by our offer of tribute, has sent a representative to aid our clan in matters of state.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_tribute_shogun_SECOND_peer_contempt	Rival daimyo across Japan are angered by our disregard for the shogun's demands.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_urban_migration_FIRST_meagre_harvest	Owing to the favouring of commercial matters over agriculture, yield from our farms has declined.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_urban_migration_SECOND_merchant_discontent	Merchants across our domain are infuriated at the decision to favour agriculture over economic matters.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_wako_threat_FIRST_able_sailors	Our efforts to tackle the mounting threat from wako pirates have led to an increase ship crew skill.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_wako_threat_FIRST_lucrative_shipping	Having worked to keep the shipping lanes free of piracy, we are now benefitting from a significant boost in sea trade.	True
incidents_localised_description_c_wako_threat_SECOND_rampant_piracy	Our neglect for the wako problem has led to an increase in piracy in our waters.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_agricultural_practices	Having ensured that the majority of our provinces are agriculturally developed, we are now enjoying a time of plenty.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_ashigaru_master	Our dedication to the use of ashigaru in battle is unmatched, my lord. Training and maintaining such a formidable force has led to a refinement of their training regime.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_christian_nanban_quarter	Now that we have embraced their faith, the nanban are eager to cultivate the cultural and material exchange between our people. By developing our nanban tade port into a dedicated foreign quarter, we will precipitate the spread of Christianity in our domain, increase our trade income and gain access to nanban artillery that we may use to further our military ambitions.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_clan_might	The clan grows strong, my lord, and support for our cause is at an all-time high. Many citizens have joined the ranks in the hope that they might help you achieve greatness!	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dedicated_builder	Our development of castles and infrastructure has helped our builders increase their expertise.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dedicated_seafarer_able_sailors	The development of our naval capabilities has led to many expert seamen rushing to serve aboard our ships.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dedicated_seafarer_master_shipwrights	The development of our naval capabilities has led to many masterful shipwrights seeking position within the clan.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dedicated_trader	Our eagerness to conduct trade with other clans has helped our own to prosper.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_defection	Disloyalty has driven this general and his army to abandon the clan! We must be mindful of loyalty at all times to ensure that this never happens again.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_disease	Sickness has spread amongst the people in this province, disrupting local production and development.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_drought	A lack of rainfall across this province has seriously affected farming, resulting in a shortage of food and other agricultural produce.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_earthquake	A tumultuous earthquake has struck this province! Construction efforts and production have been frustrated as the populace cope with the devastation.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_fire	Raging fires have spread destruction throughout this province's castle town, affecting local production and ruining the livelihoods of many of the people.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_flood	Flooding has occurred in this province, affecting agriculture and production across the area.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_meagre_harvest	My lord! Unfavourable conditions in this area have resulted in a poor crop. We must be wary of food shortages.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_severe_winter	This province is suffering the effects of a long, severe winter. The heavy snowfall and harsh cold has affected local farming and production.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_stormy_seas	Turbulent waters and raging storms have wrought havoc for this naval force, resulting in the damage of ships and loss of life.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_tsunami	This coastal province has been hit by a tsunami, affecting local port activity and impeding production.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_typhoon	A devastating typhoon has swept across this province, leaving a trail of destruction which has affected local construction efforts and production.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano	This volcano has erupted, smothering nearby provinces with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_asama	Mount Asama has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_aso	Mount Aso has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_bandai	Mount Bandai has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_chokai	Mount Chokai has erupted,smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_fuji	Mount Fuji has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_haku	Mount Haku has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_nasu	Mount Nasu has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_sakurajima	Sakura-jima has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_unzen	Mount Unzen has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_yake	Mount Yake has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_dis_volcano_zao	Mount Zao has erupted, smothering this nearby province with volcanic ash.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_equipment_cache	Whilst moving through enemy territory our forces uncovered a cache of military supplies. It has been transported back to our provinces.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_foreign_trade_network	Having achieved dominance over trade links with a number of foreign powers we are reaping the benefits of an increase in foreign goods being shipped into our clan.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_inspiration_builders_daimyo	Inspired by the presence of the daimyo in their province, construction workers here have intensified their labours.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_inspiration_builders_development	Inspired by the presence of the commissioner for development in their province, construction workers here have intensified their labours.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_inspiration_farmers_daimyo	Inspired by the presence of the daimyo in their province, farmers here now toil with added effort.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_inspiration_soldiers_daimyo	Inspired by the presence of the daimyo in their province, citizens here are clamouring to serve his military objectives.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_inspiration_soldiers_warfare	Inspired by the presence of the commissioner for warfare in their province, here are clamouring to serve the clan's military objectives.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_blacksmiths_smiths	My lord! We now control all the provinces known for blacksmithing. As long as we continue to do so we will be able to equip our troops with arms and armour superior to those of our enemies.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_blacksmiths_supplies	My lord! We now control all the provinces known for blacksmithing. As long as we continue to do so we will be able to equip our troops with arms and armour superior to those of our enemies.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_horse_cavalry	My lord! We now control every province in which the finest horses are bred. Our cavalry recruitment efforts will benefit greatly from this.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_horse_horsebreeders	My lord! We now control every province where the finest horses are bred. Our cavalry recruitment efforts will benefit greatly from this feat.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_iron_smiths	My lord! We now hold all provinces that are rich in high-grade iron. Our new troops will benefit greatly from this.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_iron_supplies	My lord! We now hold all provinces that are rich in high-grade iron. Our new troops will benefit greatly from this.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_stone_builders	My lord! We now control every source of superior stone in Japan. Our new buildings will benefit greatly from this.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_monopoly_wood_shipwrights	My lord! We now control every source of superior wood in Japan. Our ship-building will benefit greatly from this.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_nanban_trade_nondilemma	My lord, we now hold a province whose port had been devoted to trade with the far west. As such, we have now established relations with the nanban traders and may profit from the firearms that they have imported.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_religion_convert_christian_influence	My lord, despite our lack of contact with the nanban their religious beliefs have spread from neighbouring provinces. Unless measures are taken to curb this Christian influence it will continue to spread. You may choose to embrace this religion yourself, but this decision will surely offend those who adhere to the old religions, and should not be made lightly.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_religion_convert_nanban_trade	My lord! Now that we possess a nanban trade port, exchange with the far west has begun. As well as trade opportunities, the nanban have brought their religious beliefs; already, Christianity is swaying some of the people, and unless measures are taken it will continue to spread. You may choose to embrace this religion yourself, but this decision will surely offend those who adhere to the old religions, and should not be made lightly.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_research_balanced	Our dogged pursuit of knowledge has improved our capacity for mastering both the military and civil arts.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_research_ratio_civil	Our dedication to the civil arts has improved our capacity for mastering them.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_research_ratio_military	Our dedication to the military arts has improved our capacity for mastering them.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_research_specific_civil	Our dedication to the civil arts has improved our capacity for mastering them.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_research_specific_military	Our dedication to the martial arts has improved our capacity for mastering them.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_safeguard	The people in this province are encouraged by the substantial garrison stationed there.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_samurai_master	Our use of samurai in the achievement of military goals is unmatched, my lord. Maintaining such a formidable force has allowed us to refine their training regime.	True
incidents_localised_description_i_teeming_sea	The waters of this province are teeming with fish. Local fishermen are currently enjoying an auspicious catch.	True
incidents_localised_title_c_ambitious_traders_FIRST_able_sailors	Ambitious Traders	True
incidents_localised_title_c_ambitious_traders_FIRST_lucrative_shipping	Ambitious Traders	True
incidents_localised_title_c_ambitious_traders_SECOND_prosperity	Ambitious Traders	True
incidents_localised_title_c_ambitious_traders_SECOND_thriving_markets	Ambitious Traders	True
incidents_localised_title_c_auxiliary_supplies_FIRST_call_to_arms	Auxiliary Supplies	True
incidents_localised_title_c_auxiliary_supplies_SECOND_master_smithies	Auxiliary Supplies	True
incidents_localised_title_c_auxiliary_supplies_SECOND_merchant_discontent	Auxiliary Supplies	True
incidents_localised_title_c_better_agent_metsuke_FIRST_shogunal_deputy	The Shogun's Authority	True
incidents_localised_title_c_better_agent_missionary_FIRST_nanban_ambassador	Divine Authority	True
incidents_localised_title_c_conflict_beliefs_buddhist_FIRST_old_ways	Conflict of Beliefs	True
incidents_localised_title_c_conflict_beliefs_buddhist_FIRST_rebellion	Conflict of Beliefs	True
incidents_localised_title_c_conflict_beliefs_buddhist_SECOND_nanban_ambassador	Conflict of Beliefs	True
incidents_localised_title_c_conflict_beliefs_christian_FIRST_nanban_ambassador	Conflict of Beliefs	True
incidents_localised_title_c_conflict_beliefs_christian_FIRST_rebellion	Conflict of Beliefs	True
incidents_localised_title_c_conflict_beliefs_christian_SECOND_old_ways	Conflict of Beliefs	True
incidents_localised_title_c_desecration_FIRST_nanban_ire	Desecration	True
incidents_localised_title_c_desecration_FIRST_old_ways	Desecration	True
incidents_localised_title_c_desecration_SECOND_anti_nanban_riots	Desecration	True
incidents_localised_title_c_desecration_SECOND_rebellion	Desecration	True
incidents_localised_title_c_disgruntled_vassal_SECOND_rebellion	The Disgruntled Vassal	True
incidents_localised_title_c_disloyalty_FIRST_dread_lord	Rumours of Treason	True
incidents_localised_title_c_disloyalty_FIRST_rebellion	Rumours of Treason	True
incidents_localised_title_c_disloyalty_SECOND_peer_contempt	Rumours of Treason	True
incidents_localised_title_c_francis_xavier_FIRST_nanban_ire	Francis Xavier	True
incidents_localised_title_c_francis_xavier_SECOND_anti_nanban_riots	Francis Xavier	True
incidents_localised_title_c_francis_xavier_SECOND_nanban_ambassador	Francis Xavier	True
incidents_localised_title_c_gaijin_trouble_FIRST_anti_nanban_riots	Gaijin Trouble	True
incidents_localised_title_c_gaijin_trouble_FIRST_nanban_ambassador	Gaijin Trouble	True
incidents_localised_title_c_gaijin_trouble_SECOND_inspired_endeavours	Gaijin Trouble	True
incidents_localised_title_c_heralding_spring_FIRST_grateful_populace	Heralding the Spring	True
incidents_localised_title_c_heralding_spring_SECOND_disaffected_populace	Heralding the Spring	True
incidents_localised_title_c_imperial_new_year_SECOND_peer_contempt	The Imperial New Year	True
incidents_localised_title_c_intoxication_FIRST_provincial_discord	In Their Cups	True
incidents_localised_title_c_intoxication_SECOND_lackluster_efforts	In Their Cups	True
incidents_localised_title_c_jizamurai_FIRST_vigilance	Jizamurai	True
incidents_localised_title_c_jizamurai_SECOND_war_fervour	Jizamurai	True
incidents_localised_title_c_land_dispute_FIRST_rebellion	Land Dispute	True
incidents_localised_title_c_land_dispute_SECOND_rebellion	Land Dispute	True
incidents_localised_title_c_martial_priorities_FIRST_call_to_arms	Military Priorities	True
incidents_localised_title_c_martial_priorities_SECOND_vigilance	Military Priorities	True
incidents_localised_title_c_merchant_accession_FIRST_disaffected_populace	Merchant Accession	True
incidents_localised_title_c_merchant_accession_SECOND_merchant_discontent	Merchant Accession	True
incidents_localised_title_c_meritorious_action_SECOND_loyalty	Meritorious Action	True
incidents_localised_title_c_meritorious_action_SECOND_peer_contempt	Meritorious Action	True
incidents_localised_title_c_monopoly_FIRST_disaffected_populace	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_c_monopoly_SECOND_merchant_discontent	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_fire_fire	Kagutsuchi's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_fire_volcano	Kagutsuchi's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_mountain_earthquake	Oyamatsumi's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_mountain_volcano	Oyamatsumi's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_ocean_stormy_seas	Owatatsumi's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_ocean_tsunami	Owatatsumi's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_wind_stormy_seas	Fujin's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_omen_wind_typhoon	Fujin's Wrath	True
incidents_localised_title_c_ronin_SECOND_ronin_marauders	Ronin	True
incidents_localised_title_c_tribute_emperor_SECOND_peer_contempt	Tribute to the Emperor	True
incidents_localised_title_c_tribute_shogun_FIRST_shogunal_deputy	Tribute to the Shogun	True
incidents_localised_title_c_tribute_shogun_SECOND_peer_contempt	Tribute to the Shogun	True
incidents_localised_title_c_urban_migration_FIRST_meagre_harvest	Urban Migration	True
incidents_localised_title_c_urban_migration_SECOND_merchant_discontent	Urban Migration	True
incidents_localised_title_c_wako_threat_FIRST_able_sailors	The Wako Threat	True
incidents_localised_title_c_wako_threat_FIRST_lucrative_shipping	The Wako Threat	True
incidents_localised_title_c_wako_threat_SECOND_rampant_piracy	The Wako Threat	True
incidents_localised_title_i_agricultural_practices	Time of Plenty	True
incidents_localised_title_i_ashigaru_master	Ashigaru Master	True
incidents_localised_title_i_christian_nanban_quarter	Nanban Quarter	True
incidents_localised_title_i_clan_might	Clan Might	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dedicated_builder	Dedicated Builder	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dedicated_seafarer_able_sailors	Dedicated Seafarer	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dedicated_seafarer_master_shipwrights	Dedicated Seafarer	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dedicated_trader	Dedicated to Trade	True
incidents_localised_title_i_defection	Defection!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_disease	Disease!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_drought	Drought!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_earthquake	Earthquake!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_fire	Fire!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_flood	Flooding!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_meagre_harvest	Meagre Harvest	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_severe_winter	Severe Winter!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_stormy_seas	Stormy Seas!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_tsunami	Tsunami!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_typhoon	Typhoon!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano	Volcano!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_asama	Asama-yama Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_aso	Aso-san Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_bandai	Bandai-san Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_chokai	Chokai-san Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_fuji	Fuji-san Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_haku	Haku-san Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_nasu	Nasu-dake Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_sakurajima	Sakura-jima Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_unzen	Unzen-dake Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_yake	Yake-dake Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_dis_volcano_zao	Zao-san Erupts!	True
incidents_localised_title_i_equipment_cache	Military Cache	True
incidents_localised_title_i_foreign_trade_network	Foreign Trade Network	True
incidents_localised_title_i_inspiration_builders_daimyo	Inspiring Master	True
incidents_localised_title_i_inspiration_builders_development	Inspiring Superior	True
incidents_localised_title_i_inspiration_farmers_daimyo	Inspiring Master	True
incidents_localised_title_i_inspiration_soldiers_daimyo	Inspiring Master	True
incidents_localised_title_i_inspiration_soldiers_warfare	Inspiring Superior	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_blacksmiths_smiths	Forges of War	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_blacksmiths_supplies	Forges of War	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_horse_cavalry	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_horse_horsebreeders	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_iron_smiths	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_iron_supplies	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_stone_builders	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_i_monopoly_wood_shipwrights	Monopoly	True
incidents_localised_title_i_nanban_trade_nondilemma	Nanban Trade	True
incidents_localised_title_i_religion_convert_christian_influence	Christianity	True
incidents_localised_title_i_religion_convert_nanban_trade	Christianity	True
incidents_localised_title_i_research_balanced	Master of the Arts	True
incidents_localised_title_i_research_ratio_civil	Master of the Civil Arts	True
incidents_localised_title_i_research_ratio_military	Master of the Military Arts	True
incidents_localised_title_i_research_specific_civil	Master of the Civil Arts	True
incidents_localised_title_i_research_specific_military	Master of the Military Arts	True
incidents_localised_title_i_safeguard	Safeguard	True
incidents_localised_title_i_samurai_master	Samurai Master	True
incidents_localised_title_i_teeming_sea	Teeming Sea	True