message_event_text_text_agent_convalesced 静養と内省により、この工作員は今や万全の状態へと回復し、氏族の都市にて新たな命令を待ち受けている。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_dies_army この工作員は、彼が配属されていた陸軍の壊滅に巻き込まれ死亡した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_dies_navy この工作員は、彼が配属されていた水軍の壊滅に巻き込まれ死亡した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_dies_suspicious この工作員の死を取り巻く出来事は明らかに不審だ。我等の敵の手に血が付いてることだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_dies_suspicious_female 我等の工作員の一人が不審な状況下で死を迎た。この出来事が敵の手によるものであることは疑いの余地がないだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_enemy_assassin_critical_fail 敵の芸者が捕らえられ、対処されました。彼女はもう氏族の安全を脅かす事はないでしょう・・・ 更に言うなら他の誰にも。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_enemy_assassin_critical_success 敵が暗殺の企てに成功した。この人物の命を盗み取り、敵の芸者は闇へと消えた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_enemy_assassin_fail 冷酷な芸者が発見された。彼女はその血塗られた任務を果す事が出来なかった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_enemy_assassin_success ああ!悲しいかな、敵の芸者がこの人物を害する事に成功した。幸運にも奴等はその命と共に逃げ果せ、これからも氏族に仕え続けるだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_enemy_detected 敵が芸者を送り込んできた!我等の張り番により、彼女は如何なる害をなす前に排除された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_yours_assassin_critical_fail 何たる事か!我等の芸者は任務を遣り損じ、敵に処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_yours_assassin_critical_success 我等の芸者が標的の命を奪う事に成功した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_yours_assassin_fail 我等の芸者はその任を果す事が出来なった上に、敵に発見された。彼女にとって万事上手く行かなかったようだ。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_kun_yours_assassin_success この芸者は我等の期待に背いた。何とか標的に痛手を負わせたものの、それだけだったのだ。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_enemy_apprehension_critical_fail 我等はもう我等の領土で他者による偽りの正義に苦しむ事はないだろう。敵の目付が捕らえられ処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_enemy_apprehension_critical_success 民衆に対する犯罪に関わっているとして、敵の目付は我等の工作員を処刑した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_enemy_apprehension_fail 他者が正義と呼ぶそれはここではまるで影響を持たないようだ!敵の目付は我等の工作員の一人を訴えるのに失敗した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_enemy_apprehension_success 敵の捻じ曲げられた正義により、我等の工作員の一人が投獄された。刑は軽いので、工作員は直ぐに職務に復帰するだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_enemy_bribe_critical_fail この目付は我が氏族の一員を買収しようとした。奴はその命でこの無礼な行いの代償を支払った。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_enemy_bribe_fail 我等の配下の者が抱く大名への敬意が、敵に買収されその配下に就く事を防いだ。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_enemy_bribe_success 何たる事か!この人物が敵に寝返った。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_yours_apprehension_critical_fail 我等の目付は敵の工作員に罪を負わせるのをしくじった上に、斬り捨てられた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_yours_apprehension_critical_success 我等の目付が敵の工作員を捕らえた。奴等は非道な悪事を問われた末に処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_yours_apprehension_fail 敵の工作員は我等の目付から逃げ果せた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_yours_apprehension_success 我等の目付が敵の工作員を捕らえた。奴等を有罪にするには証拠が不十分であると分かったが、それにもかかわらず、当面の間は投獄される。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_yours_bribe_critical_fail この男は我等の期待に背いた。彼は敵に買収を試みている最中に捕らえられ、即座に処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_yours_bribe_fail この男は兵士を買収する才覚すらないようだ!我等の期待は裏切られた。これが有り触れた出来事とならないよう願いましょう。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_met_yours_bribe_success 最も高潔な者にさえ賄賂は利くようだ!我等の工作員は敵を魅了し、我等の大義に引き込むべくその卓越した話術を存分に振るった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_demoralisation_critical_fail 敵は、兵の士気をくじくべく我が方へとその宣教師を送り込んできた。我等は見せしめとして宣教師を殺しました。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_demoralisation_fail 兵士の士気を挫こうとしている敵の宣教師が軍で発見されました。奴はその卑劣な任務に失敗したのです。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_demoralisation_success この陸軍は敵の宣教師の口車に乗せられ撹乱された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_incitement_critical_fail 敵の宣教師が反乱を扇動しようとした罰で処刑された。奴の様な人種が許される事はないだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_incitement_fail ここで反乱を引き起こすという敵の企ては失敗した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_incitement_success この集落で反乱が起こった!敵の宣教師が民の間に嘘を撒き散らしているようだ。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_persuasion_critical_fail この敵の宣教師は、我等の工作員にその信念を捨て去るよう説得を試みた。奴は自らが犯した罪により死を迎える事になった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_persuasion_critical_success 敵の宣教師がその信念を打ち捨てるよう巧みに唆し、我等の工作員は懐柔されてしまった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_persuasion_fail 敵はこの工作員に信念を捨てるよう説得したが失敗した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_enemy_persuasion_success 敵の宣教師は、意志薄弱な我等の工作員を邪教に改宗させた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_demoralisation_critical_fail 神の御言葉を広めようとしている最中に、この工作員は敵に処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_demoralisation_fail 我等の宣教師は敵の雑兵の間に不満を広めようとしたが失敗した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_demoralisation_success 我等の工作員の尽力により敵の陸軍は疑念に駆られ苦しめられている。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_incitement_critical_fail 民の間に反乱を引き起こそうとしたが失敗し、我等の宣教師は任務を遂行している最中に処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_incitement_fail どれ程入念に説得しても、この集落の民衆にその領主に対して反乱を起こすよう説得する事が出来なかった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_incitement_success 慎重選び抜かれた言葉は集落そのものを服従させる事が出来るのです。我等の工作員はここで反乱を巧みに扇動した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_persuasion_critical_fail 我等の宣教師は敵の工作員を改心させようとしている最中に捕らえられ、処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_persuasion_critical_success 敵の工作員は我等の宣教師との談話を通じて、意義を見出し、古き信念を打ち捨てた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_persuasion_fail 神の御言葉が全て受け入れられる状態にあるといわけではありません。我等の宣教師は敵の工作員を改心させることに失敗した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mis_yours_persuasion_success 我等の宣教師は敵の工作員にその信念を考え直させた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_demoralisation_critical_fail 我等の兵の士気を挫こうとしている敵の僧侶が捕らえられた。奴は見せしめとして処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_demoralisation_fail 敵は軍の士気を挫こうとしたようだが、兵達が力の限り戦う準備が出来ている事に変わりはない。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_demoralisation_success 我等の陸軍が敵の工作員によって撹乱された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_incitement_critical_fail 軍を介して害毒を流布する為に敵は布教師を送り込んできた。奴はそれに失敗し、今やその命は失われた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_incitement_fail 敵の工作員が民衆の間に紛争を撒き散らそうとしたようだが、民衆の氏族への忠誠が揺らぐ事は決してない。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_incitement_success 民衆は氏族の指導者に疑念を抱き始めている。敵の工作員が民衆の間で不満を煽ったようだ。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_persuasion_critical_fail この敵の工作員が破滅したのは、我等の決意に打ち勝つ事ができなかったからだろう。奴はその罪によって処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_persuasion_critical_success 敵の嘘を真実として受け入れ、我等の工作員の一人は氏族に背を向けた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_persuasion_fail 敵は尽力したようだが、この工作員のその信念を貫いた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_enemy_persuasion_success 良心に問題を抱えていたこの工作員は、自らを孤独な境遇へと陥れた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_demoralisation_critical_fail 我等の僧侶が敵の陸軍で活動中に捕らえられ、処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_demoralisation_fail 我等の僧侶は敵の間に不満を広めることが出来なかった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_demoralisation_success 言葉は剣の様に強力である。我等の僧侶は敵の兵たちの間に彼等の指導者に対する疑念を生じさせた。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_incitement_critical_fail この僧侶は、民衆の間に混乱を引き起こそうとしたとして処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_incitement_fail どれ程入念に説得しても、この集落の民衆にその領主に対して反乱を起こすよう説得する事が出来なかった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_incitement_success 混沌が巻き起こった!我等の僧侶はこの集落で反乱を巧みに引き起こした。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_persuasion_critical_fail 我等の僧侶は、敵の工作員にその職務を放棄するよう説得を試みたとして処刑された。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_persuasion_critical_success 確固たる信念を持たぬ者は簡単に道を踏み外す。我等の僧侶は敵の工作員にその信念を捨てるよう巧みに説得した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_persuasion_fail 一部の者は悟りに達する為には狭量すぎるのだ。我等はこの工作員の心を豊かにする事が出来なかった。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_mon_yours_persuasion_success 辛く厳しい悟りへの道を探求するために敵の工作員が隠退した。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_recruited 我等の大義を支援するために工作員が雇用された。\n\n True
message_event_text_text_agent_released 敵が我等の工作員を牢屋から解放した。彼等は首都へと帰還し、再び氏族に仕える準備ができている。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_returns 自らの信仰を見つめ直したことで我等の工作員は気を新たにして復帰し、首都で役目を果す準備が出来ている。 True
message_event_text_text_agent_sensei_level 人を招致する事への情熱は偉大さにつながる。この先生の功績は氏族にとって有益であると分かるだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_alliance_broken 二つの偉大な氏族間の同盟が崩壊した。 True
message_event_text_text_alliance_broken_yours 我等の友好は簡単に捨てられる様なものではないにも関わらず、同盟は終わりを迎えた。 True
message_event_text_text_alliance_declared この二つの氏族は同盟を結ぶ事を選んだ。この協定はその双方を強化するだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_alliance_declared_yours 我等は他の氏族と同盟を無事に結んだ。これは双方を強化するだろう。 True
message_event_text_text_ambusher_discovered_theirs 伏兵だ!何も知らない敵勢を待ち伏せしている軍が発見された。 True
message_event_text_text_ambusher_discovered_yours 我等の潜伏中の軍が他の氏族の軍に発見された。 True
message_event_text_text_attrition_high_seas 気紛れな波が我等の船団から水夫を奪っていった。 True
message_event_text_text_attrition_winter その凄まじい寒さが我等の兵士達に被害をもたらした。幾人もの兵がこの冬を乗り切ることが出来なかったのだ。 True
message_event_text_text_black_ship_captured 南蛮の交易船は今や我等の物です。殿、この船は我等が海を征するのを確実にするでしょう。船は多数の商品や、現在は首都に戻されましたが、宝物を運んでいたことが分かりました。 True
message_event_text_text_black_ship_sighted 殿!偉大な船が日本への東航路を切り開きました。強力な南蛮の交易船は、我等が建造できるどんな船をも上回る破壊力な力を持っています。我等はこの黒船を自らの物とすべく追跡し、拿捕すべきでしょう。この様な船を保有すれば、我等は海では向かうところ敵なしとなるでしょう! True
message_event_text_text_building_constructed 以下の建物の建設が完了した: True
message_event_text_text_building_their_legendary_begins 我等の競合氏族の一つが伝説的な建物の建設を開始した。 True
message_event_text_text_building_their_legendary_built_first 我等の競合氏族が建設した伝説的な建物に日本中が畏敬の念を抱いている。 True
message_event_text_text_building_your_castle_upgrade_ready この城は人口制限に達した。城を更に改良し許容量を増加させましょう。 True
message_event_text_text_building_your_legendary_built_first 全ての目が我等に注がれています!我等の成し遂げた事はまさに、伝説そのものです! True
message_event_text_text_building_your_legendary_built_not_first 伝説的な建物の建設は偉大な誇りの問題なのです。それは見る者全てから称賛されるでしょう。 True
message_event_text_text_camp_buddhist_revolt 民衆は僧侶と結託し、我等に対して反乱を起こした。 True
message_event_text_text_camp_christian_revolt 民衆はその待遇に怒りを覚え、反乱を引き起こした! True
message_event_text_text_camp_clan_uprising かつて忠臣であったこれらの侍が主君に対して謀反を起こした! True
message_event_text_text_camp_ikko_revolt 民衆は我等に対して反乱を起こしました。 True
message_event_text_text_camp_peasant_rebellion 民衆は彼等の正当な領主に対して武器を取りました! True
message_event_text_text_camp_revolt_imminent この州の緊張が危険な水準に達しています。民の怒りが鎮められなければ反乱が起こるでしょう。 True
message_event_text_text_campaign_lost 我等の地が失われた!氏族の誇り高き戦士達は今や大地の養分となった。 True
message_event_text_text_campaign_lost_your_faction_destroyed 全ての望みが失われた!氏族はもはやこれまでです、我等の戦士達は大地の養分となった! True
message_event_text_text_campaign_won 日本中が我等の前に跪いています!大名は将軍となり、その威光は確固たる物です! True
message_event_text_text_campmap_AI_backstab_warning We have received disturbing news, my lord. Our sources within this once-friendly clan warn us that their daimyo, intent on exploiting our current situation, is now plotting to invade us. We must prepare for any hostilities! True
message_event_text_text_campmap_ashikaga_become_shogun 傀儡に権力が戻された!再び足利将軍の支配が始まったのです。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_bankrupt_desertion Deprived of their upkeep by our clan's bankruptcy, this unit has deserted. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_enemy_army_withdraws 奴等が鷹を前にした鼠のように逃げ出していく様をご覧ください。敵軍は退却しております! True
message_event_text_text_campmap_enemy_naval_invasion 敵が我等の地に上陸しました。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_enemy_navy_withdraws 敵の船団がこの戦いから撤退しました。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_faction_encountered_them 我等がまだ出会っていない氏族が我等の領地を見つけた。これにより彼等と外交交渉を始める事ができます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_faction_encountered_you これまで接触を持ったことのない氏族と遭遇した。これにより彼等と外交交渉を始める事ができます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_food_shortage この州では食料が不足しています。大衆が生き残ろうともがくとき、混乱が広まるでしょう。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_impending_deadline 時が過ぎ去っていく!我等の目標を成し遂げるための時間はもはや僅かしか残されていません。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_kyoto_contested 京都の運命は定かではありません!二つの氏族が首都を支配するために争うのです。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_prestige_emperor_acknowledgement 我等の功績に関する噂が朝廷に届いたようだ。帝は我等の功績に関心を持たれた。我等が征服を続け、偉大なる勝利を磐石なものにするにつれ、我が氏族の名声は高まるでしょう。我等は慎重に歩まねばなりません。何となれば将軍はその威光を脅かすかもしれない者を受け入れる事はないでしょう。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_prestige_enemy_threat_to_shogun この氏族の影響力は広範です。将軍は彼等の高まりつつある勢力を懸念している様です。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_prestige_general_knowledge 我等の功績は日本中至る所で話題となっている。我が大名の名は尊敬と恐怖の念と共に人々の口に上っています。将軍が我等に対して行動を起こすまで、そう長くは掛からないでしょう。この万が一の事態に備えなければなりません。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_prestige_realm_divide 我等の強大さを恐れ、日本が立ち上がった!我が氏族を殲滅するべく、将軍が支援者を呼び集めているとの噂が広まっています。我等の敵、そして将軍に忠誠を誓う者は、間違いなく将軍の手中へと落ちるでしょう。我等は最も古い同盟氏族すら当てにすることが出来ません。時間は殆どありあません。我等は嵐の到来に備えて最善を尽くさなければならないでしょう。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_prestige_threat_to_player_shogun 我等の高まり続ける名声が、将軍に危機感を抱かせたようです。風の便りによると、将軍は我が氏族が権力の座に就く事を阻止するために策略を企てているようです! True
message_event_text_text_campmap_religious_unrest この州の民は我等と宗教を共有していません。行動を起こさなければ、暴動が起こるかもしれません! True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired 重要な資源を獲得しました。これは我等の利点となる新たな建物の建設や徴兵の機会を作り出します。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_cotton この素晴らしい綿の供給源により、我等に暖かく、尚且つ軽くて丈夫な衣服を民に供給できます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_goods 熟練した職人は美しい商品を作り出し、氏族の収入を内外で増加させます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_iron 優れた刀を作るには、技能、根気、そして優れた素材が求められるのです。この上質な鉄の供給源は、部隊の徴兵費を減少させます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_silk 支那の絹の供給源を獲得しました。芸人や貴族に珍重される華麗の着物やその他の豪華な衣類に適しています。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_spices 最も優れた香料を確保しました。これは仏教の儀式を行ううえで重要な要素です。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_stone 石材の優れた供給源を獲得しました。これは優れた城の建設を可能にすると共に、その州の建設費を減少させます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_warhorses 優れた馬を獲得しました。これにより我等は騎馬隊の質を根本的に上昇させる事が出来ます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_acquired_wood 全ての木が船の建造に適しているわけではありません。上質な木材の供給源を確保している状態では、より上等な船を建造する事が出来ます。 True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost We have lost an important resource to the enemy, barring access to certain buildings and units. Recapture should be a priority. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_cotton Our cotton resource was lost, depriving the people of its benefits. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_goods The loss of our high quality craft goods will affect the clan's wealth in every way. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_iron The enemy captured our source of superior iron, affecting trade and recruitment costs. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_silk We have lost our Chinese silk resource, affecting trade in luxury goods. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_spices The loss of our incense resource will affect our ability to carry out our religious rites. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_stone Without access to superior stone resources, we will be unable to construct great castles. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_warhorses We have lost the source of our superior horses to the enemy, greatly reducing the effectiveness of our cavalry. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_resource_lost_wood Losing our superior wood resources will affect the quality of our shipbuilding and prevent us from building military ports. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_they_adopt_christianity In these times of turmoil people seek solace in religion. In its search for answers a rival clan chose to adopt Christianity. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_they_become_shogun A rival daimyo has declared himself shogun and claimed the power for his clan. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_they_meet_europe Men have arrived from overseas to trade with a rival clan. Our agents tell us that the deadly new weapons they bring may tip the scales of power away from us. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_they_renounce_christianity In these tumultuous times opinions are as changing as the wind. This clan reverted to Buddhism, forsaking their Christian beliefs. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_you_adopt_christianity The turbulence of the times calls for radical new concepts. As such, we embrace Christianity. This will affect how some clans view our own and has placed our daimyo's honour in doubt. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_you_become_shogun Fear and wonder are a powerful combination that our clan has used to its advantage. All Japan stands in awe of our mighty shogun, but we must tread cautiously; our enemies and those loyal to the former shogun are sure to take arms against us. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_you_captured_kyoto A great prize indeed! Kyoto is under our control; we must hold it for a year in order to claim the Shogunate. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_you_lost_kyoto Beautiful Kyoto is lost to us, and with it the seat of all power in Japan. We must recapture it! True
message_event_text_text_campmap_you_meet_europe Men have arrived from overseas to trade with us. We can defeat our enemies utterly with the deadly new weapons they have brought to our shores. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_you_renounce_christianity Renouncing Christianity in favour of enlightened Buddhism can only appease those who follow the old ways, but may anger the converted. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_your_general_assassin_wounded This general's wounds were not enough to dispatch him. He has retired to convalesce, but will return to his duty when recovered. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_your_general_convalesced Following a period of convalescence our general returned to duty at the clan capital. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_your_general_killed An honourable death; no warrior can ask for more. The clan will mourn the loss of this great man. True
message_event_text_text_campmap_your_general_returns_to_capital Our general was wounded in the thick of battle. True
message_event_text_text_ceasefire_declared All animosity between our clan and our former enemy is forgotten. Peace has been brokered and all forces have returned to their rightful places. True
message_event_text_text_ceasefire_declared_them These two great clans put their differences aside, declaring a new era of peace throughout the land. True
message_event_text_text_character_dies_natural_causes This man reached the end of his days and met his death at peace. True
message_event_text_text_character_dies_natural_causes_female This blossom of the clan fell from our family tree, meeting her death with the same grace she showed in life. True
message_event_text_text_character_dies_navy_destroyed This noble warrior died whilst serving aboard one of our ships. True
message_event_text_text_character_dies_suspicious This man died at the hands of an enemy agent! We must apprehend the culprit behind this heinous crime! True
message_event_text_text_character_gain_level This man proved himself and received promotion as a result. True
message_event_text_text_character_gains_level_geisha This geisha is ready to develop her skills, having refined her aptitude for assassination. True
message_event_text_text_character_gains_level_general This general is ready to develop his skills, having honed his ability to command through fighting the clan’s enemies. True
message_event_text_text_character_gains_level_ikko_monk This Ikko monk is ready to develop his skills, having fanatically devoted himself to the practice of his Jodo Shinshu beliefs. True
message_event_text_text_character_gains_level_metsuke This metsuke is ready to develop his skills, having honed his abilities through the execution of his lord’s justice. True
message_event_text_text_character_gains_level_missionary This missionary is ready to develop his skills, having fervently devoted his thoughts for the benefit of the clan. True
message_event_text_text_character_gains_level_monk This monk is ready to develop his skills, having diligently devoted his thoughts for the benefit of the clan. True
message_event_text_text_character_gains_level_ninja This ninja is ready to develop his skills, having perfected his mastery of ninjutsu by carrying out his lord’s wishes. True
message_event_text_text_clan_birth_summary The birth of a child is always a joyous occasion, but when a family is blessed with multiple children it is cause for celebration indeed. True
message_event_text_text_clan_brother_comes_of_age Today, a boy becomes a man. Our lord's kin has come of age and is ready to fight at his brother's side. We have seen the beginnings of a fine general. True
message_event_text_text_clan_character_commits_seppuku This man committed suicide at his lord's command, so preserving his family's honour. True
message_event_text_text_clan_character_defects This man abandoned the clan! The maintenance of loyalty is vital and should be considered at all times. True
message_event_text_text_clan_character_disgraced Dishonour on his family! This man's defection is a great insult to the clan, his family have been expelled forthwith. True
message_event_text_text_clan_character_disloyal This man's loyalty is waning. Investigation by metsuke or the offer of marriage may bring him back into the fold. True
message_event_text_text_clan_character_executed Death before dishonour! This man was executed as an example to others who would betray the clan. True
message_event_text_text_clan_daimyo_killed Tragedy! Our noble lord was struck down by the enemy in the heat of battle! His loss will be mourned greatly. True
message_event_text_text_clan_daughter_born A new daughter is born to the clan. May she bring peace and serenity to the clan. True
message_event_text_text_clan_daughter_comes_of_age This beautiful flower blossomed and is now ready to marry. Choose her suitor wisely, she can ensure loyalty to the clan or seal good relations with another. True
message_event_text_text_clan_enemy_character_defects This general turned on his former masters and joined our cause. True
message_event_text_text_clan_enemy_clan_family_destroyed This clan’s ruling family has been eradicated. A distant relative has stepped forth to assume the mantle of daimyo and - for the time being - their clan’s future is secured. However, the turmoil following the loss of their daimyo and his kin will has left the clan vulnerable. We may wish to capitalise on this turn of events. True
message_event_text_text_clan_enemy_daimyo_killed Our honoured foe fell in battle, now sitting with pride amongst the ancestors. True
message_event_text_text_clan_marriage_daimyo Our daimyo chose a wife from the family of one of his trusted retainers. Their union will cement the bonds of loyalty within the clan. True
message_event_text_text_clan_marriage_daimyo_diplo The daimyo chose to unite our clan with another through marriage, easing the tensions between us. True
message_event_text_text_clan_marriage_daughter A faithful general was rewarded with marriage to the daimyo's daughter. This will only increase his loyalty to the clan. True
message_event_text_text_clan_marriage_daughter_diplo A good son accepts the marriage proposed by his father. By marrying the daimyo's son to the daughter of a rival leader diplomatic relations between our two clans are greatly improved. True
message_event_text_text_clan_marriage_son A day for celebration! The daimyo's son married the daughter of a loyal retainer, only strengthening the bonds of loyalty within the clan. True
message_event_text_text_clan_marriage_son_diplo The daimyo is dead! The love of a woman can calm even the most ferocious of men. The daimyo's daughter married into a rival clan as part of a diplomatic deal. True
message_event_text_text_clan_new_daimyo_brother The daimyo is dead! Having left no heirs to continue his great work, the power of our great lord passes to his honoured brother. True
message_event_text_text_clan_new_daimyo_general Tragedy! Our honoured daimyo and his heirs have been destroyed by our enemies! With his dying breath, the daimyo entrusted the fate of the clan to his most trusted warrior and bestowed upon him the honour of bearing the clan’s name. The future of the clan has been secured - for the time being - but the repercussions of our loss will affect the people for years to come. True
message_event_text_text_clan_new_daimyo_heir_recruited This is a day for celebration! Our erstwhile daimyo's honoured son has assumed control of both the clan and our futures. True
message_event_text_text_clan_new_daimyo_heir_unrecruited The daimyo is dead! Following the death of this honoured man his son has entered court life at the clan capital. Long may he reign! True
message_event_text_text_clan_new_daimyo_retainer Tragedy! Our honoured daimyo and his heirs have been destroyed by our enemies! In the absence of male descendants our lord has been succeeded by a distant relative. The future of the clan has been secured - for the time being - but the repercussions of our loss will affect the people for years to come. True
message_event_text_text_clan_other_daimyo_dies The daimyo of another clan died. An honourable man, he is mourned by friend and foe alike. True
message_event_text_text_clan_regent_retainer_hostage A tragic day, for with our daimyo's death the succession is uncertain. A regent was appointed to rule until his son is released from captivity. True
message_event_text_text_clan_regent_retainer_young It is a time of mourning and yet the leadership of the clan is still uncertain. A loyal retainer was named regent until the daimyo's heir comes of age. True
message_event_text_text_clan_regent_wife_hostage Following the death of our lord his honoured wife was named regent until their son is returned from captivity. True
message_event_text_text_clan_regent_wife_young The daimyo is dead! His honoured wife will take control of the clan's interests until their son comes of age. True
message_event_text_text_clan_son_born Every man needs an heir to continue his work when his time of dissolution arrives. Male children are a blessing that will secure the family line in the future. True
message_event_text_text_clan_son_comes_of_age Today, a boy becomes a man. Our lord's son has come of age and is ready to fight at his father's side. We have seen the beginnings of a fine general. True
message_event_text_text_clan_their_hostage_executed Our diplomatic agreement with another clan was broken prematurely. The life of their kin, held hostage by us as part of that agreement, is now forfeit. True
message_event_text_text_clan_their_hostage_returned No longer of use to us, this hostage was returned to their clan. True
message_event_text_text_clan_their_hostage_taken Crippling a man's heart is far more effective than crippling his army. A young hostage was taken to assure the outcome of our diplomatic negotiations. True
message_event_text_text_clan_worthy_bride A loyal retainer offers his daughter's hand in marriage; will this man take her as his bride? True
message_event_text_text_clan_your_hostage_executed Our kin has been put to the sword by his captors following a premature break in the diplomatic agreement between our clans. True
message_event_text_text_clan_your_hostage_given Sometimes a man must sacrifice those things dearest to him for the greater good. A member of your family was made a hostage as part of a diplomatic deal. True
message_event_text_text_clan_your_hostage_returned This clan released their hostage. They have now been returned to us. True
message_event_text_text_copy_protection_message You have loaded a game saved without an authentic copy of Total War: Shogun 2 installed. Consequently, the game may become unstable. To purchase a copy please visit True
message_event_text_text_emergent_faction From the ashes of war rises a new clan. If left unchecked it may gather strength and rise to challenge us one day. True
message_event_text_text_faction_destroyed Even the mightiest of clans are of little consequence when faced with the power of our own! True
message_event_text_text_faction_destroyed_minor These insignificant insects were wiped from the face of the earth! True
message_event_text_text_faction_destroyed_them A powerful clan has been destroyed by a rival. Now the bodies of their warriors are food for carrion! True
message_event_text_text_faction_destroyed_them_minor The weak will always be crushed by the strong. A once-great clan was destroyed utterly. True
message_event_text_text_faction_joins_war War is like a tornado, consuming everything in its path. A clan has joined its allies to fight a mutual enemy. True
message_event_text_text_faction_joins_war_against_player Treachery! This clan joined our enemies in their war against us. True
message_event_text_text_internal_mission_cancelled This mission was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. True
message_event_text_text_internal_mission_failed We failed to complete this mission in the allotted timeframe. True
message_event_text_text_military_access_cancelled This clan has prematurely ended our military access agreement. Perhaps they mean to betray us? True
message_event_text_text_military_access_expired Our military access agreement with this clan has now ended. A new agreement must be brokered should we wish to continue unrestricted movement through their territory. True
message_event_text_text_military_access_prompt Our military access agreement with this clan draws to an end. A new agreement must be brokered should we wish to continue unrestricted movement through their territory. True
message_event_text_text_military_tech_advance Mastery of the arts improves our potential for military and civic development. True
message_event_text_text_movement_blocked We are blocked from moving this way due to the presence of another. We must find an alternative route or attack them. True
message_event_text_text_placeholder PLACEHOLDER! True
message_event_text_text_port_blockaded Our fleet is blockading an enemy port, preventing trade flowing from the province. True
message_event_text_text_prestige_tech_advance Mastery of the military and civic arts increases our standing amongst the other clans, proving our inherent superiority. True
message_event_text_text_recruitment_general_available Loyalty is as priceless as any rare jewel. This man hopes to prove his by offering to command clan forces in battle. True
message_event_text_text_region_captured This province is now under our control. Widening our grip helps to increase overall wealth through taxation and trade. True
message_event_text_text_region_captured_home We captured the castle at the heart of enemy's territory, a crushing blow to their campaign and continued proof of our own limitless power! True
message_event_text_text_spy_detected Our men detected the presence of a rival ninja. We must be cautious. True
message_event_text_text_spy_detected_escape An enemy ninja was detected whilst attempting to assassinate a member of the clan! True
message_event_text_text_spy_detected_escape_army_sabotage An enemy ninja was spotted moving amongst the men! Early detection prevented the poison of dissent coursing through the army. True
message_event_text_text_spy_detected_escape_sabotage An enemy ninja was detected attempting to sabotage our building. True
message_event_text_text_spy_detected_execute Following an assassination attempt we captured and executed an enemy ninja. True
message_event_text_text_spy_detected_execute_army_sabotage An enemy ninja was captured and executed whilst trying to sabotage our army. True
message_event_text_text_spy_detected_execute_sabotage An enemy ninja was captured and executed whilst trying to sabotage one of our buildings. True
message_event_text_text_spy_successful_army_sabotage Some men's hearts are weak. An enemy ninja successfully subverted our army. True
message_event_text_text_spy_successful_sabotage A building was sabotaged by an enemy ninja. The culprit escaped undetected. True
message_event_text_text_spy_wounded_assassination The enemy attempted to assassinate a member of our clan! Having succeeded only in wounding them, the assassin has now escaped. True
message_event_text_text_summary_resources The ebb and flow of war has caused both us to gain and lose important natural resources. Essential to the economy and the business of war, we must strive to keep them secure at all times. True
message_event_text_text_trade_agreement_cancelled Our relationship with this clan broke down to the extent that trade between us is cancelled forthwith. True
message_event_text_text_trade_agreement_cancelled_embargo One of our former trade partners has broken their agreement with us at the request of a third party. They will pay for meddling in our affairs! True
message_event_text_text_trade_agreement_cancelled_port_loss Continued trade between our clan and this valued ally is no longer possible. True
message_event_text_text_trade_route_raided Our ships are raiding an enemy trade route, blocking the flow of money to their coffers. True
message_event_text_text_trade_route_raided_land Raiding an enemy's trade routes prevents them making money from their resources. True
message_event_text_text_unit_recruited A warlord is nothing without his warriors. Our new unit is ready to serve the clan. True
message_event_text_text_unit_recruited_ship This impressive new ship will help us tame the seas to our will. True
message_event_text_text_war_declared When words fail the only option is war. These two clans cannot reconcile their differences until blood has been spilled in their names. True
message_event_text_text_war_declared_you This means war! Talk will not resolve our differences; the only remaining option is to put them all to the sword. True
message_event_text_text_war_declared_your_ally When an ally is attacked it is dishonourable merely to stand back and watch the fighting unfold. We should support him in this latest endeavour. True
message_event_text_text_war_starving_out The men defending this castle cannot hold out much longer; the people are starving and many lie dying in the streets. Surrender is imminent! True
message_event_text_text_your_army_destroyed All have perished! Not a single man remains to carry our banner - it lies trampled in the dust. True
message_event_text_text_your_army_loots_settlement To the victor, the spoils. We looted this province according to the rights of conquest, gaining our clan vital funds. Alas, this action has placed our daimyo's honour in doubt. True
message_event_text_text_your_army_retreats_region Due to the state of our diplomatic relations with the ruling clan, our army was compelled to withdraw from their territory. True
message_event_text_text_your_bankruptcy_no_cash The treasury is empty - the clan is using more money than is coming in through taxation and trade, consequently damaging our daimyo's honour. True
message_event_text_text_your_bankruptcy_upkeep_warning The clan's finances are in a dire state, without drastic measures the clan will soon be bankrupt! True
message_event_text_text_your_capital_lost The heart of the clan has been ripped out by the enemy! Our capital is in their hands; the people at their mercy. True
message_event_text_text_your_capital_recaptured We have reclaimed what is rightfully ours. The people are celebrating in the streets at the Daimyo's return. True
message_event_text_text_your_fleet_destroyed Our fleet was sent to the depths along with everyone aboard. Their spirits are destined to wander the ocean floor forever. True
message_event_text_text_your_port_blockaded The enemy are blockading our port! This valuable resource must be taken back with haste, lest we lose vital trade income. True
message_event_text_text_your_region_captured This province was lost to the enemy. The resources and income it provided are no longer available to us. True
message_event_text_text_your_settlement_besieged Our castle is under siege! The defenders will hold out for as long as possible, but it will not be long before supplies run out and they are compelled to surrender. It is vital that they sally out to meet their attackers before this happens. True
message_event_text_text_your_slot_raided The enemy raided our possessions. Any damaged buildings must be repaired if the flow of income is to be maintained. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_detected Our ninja was detected by those in service of another clan. He may now be vulnerable to the machinations of enemy agents. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_detected_escape Our ninja failed to eliminate his target and was detected, somehow managing to escape the clutches of the enemy and his certain death. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_detected_escape_army_sabotage Our ninja failed to subvert the enemy army and was detected, somehow managing to escape with his life. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_detected_escape_sabotage Our ninja has been detected whilst attempting to sabotage an enemy building. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_detected_execute Our ninja failed to eliminate his target. He was caught and executed whilst trying to escape. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_detected_execute_army_sabotage Our ninja failed to sabotage his target army. He was caught and executed out-of-hand. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_detected_execute_sabotage Our ninja failed to sabotage his target building. He was captured and summarily executed. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_successful_army_sabotage Our ninja succeeded in subverting his target army and escaped undetected. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_successful_assassination Our ninja successfully assassinated his target, using all the strength and cunning available to him. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_successful_sabotage Our ninja successfully sabotaged his target, using all the dishonourable skills available to him. True
message_event_text_text_your_spy_wounded_assassination Although unable to kill his target, our ninja succeeded in wounding and putting his adversary out of action for a while. True
message_event_text_text_your_trade_route_raided Enemy ships raided a valuable trade route belonging to our clan. They must be destroyed before trade can continue there. True
message_event_text_text_your_trade_route_raided_land The enemy attacked a valuable trade route belonging to our clan. They must be destroyed before trade can continue there. True