missions_localised_description_jap_chosokabe_intro_mission_one	一条氏は我らが領地土佐から追いやられた。それにもかかわらず、北西方面にて依然抵抗を続けている。我らは一条氏の残党を討伐し、実権をわれら在地豪族のもとに取り戻さなければならない。	True
missions_localised_description_jap_chosokabe_intro_mission_three	土佐は統一され我らが手中におちた。それでは四国統一へ向かうとしよう。四国4州すべてを、我ら長宗我部家の軍旗の元に一つにしようではないか!伊予の河野家はすでに我らに対しての動きを見せている。河野家をまず落とすことは二方面での戦いを避けることにもなるであろう。一方で、上質な軍馬の産地をかかえる阿波は、もっとも戦略的に重要な目標である。我らの道を決めるは君に任せるとしよう。	True
missions_localised_description_jap_chosokabe_intro_mission_two	敵が近づいてくる前に弓の雨を彼らに浴びせ、戦力を削り彼らを負かすを良策とは思わんか?我々の弓兵の能力はすでに無比のものである。弓術を極めて、彼らを無敵の兵とするのだ! 	True
missions_localised_description_jap_date_intro_mission_one	わが家では以前より、父、稙宗公の我兄弟への処遇に対しての不満にから起こる民衆の反発がくすぶっていた。大義名分は整った。今こそ、父上から実権を奪い、その座につく時だ。稙宗軍を打ち破り、伊達を再び一つにしようではないか!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_date_intro_mission_three	父、稙宗公を打ち破った。我らは外部の危険な敵に注意を向けるべきだ。伊達家は以前より最上氏を監視し続けてきた。最上氏は伊達家のお家騒動の間に勢力を増し、我が家に脅威を与えている。最上氏の彼らの国を統一するという厚かましい野心は、彼の国を弱らせ、我々が彼の国の北方に足がかりを築くことを可能にするだろう!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_date_intro_mission_two	こちらが、戦場で恐れを知らないということは敵には恐怖を生む。そして、その恐怖が彼らに敗北を確信させることにつながる。一人の猛者が持つ名刀以上に、恐怖を与える武器はない。この道を極めれば、あえて我らに歯向かう者共をたやすく打ち破ることができるだろう!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_hattori_intro_mission_one	Our clan has long maintained its independence from feudal warlords, but the rise of ambitious daimyo has placed our independence in jeopardy. We must be prepared for the coming storm; to this end, I propose we send a ninja into a neighbouring province to undermine our potential rivals and appropriate supplies.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_hattori_intro_mission_three	As warfare escalates across Japan, it is imperative that we extend our rule to neighbouring provinces, strengthening us and ensuring the safety of our people. While it pains me to take up arms against those with whom we have no quarrel, we must strike at any province except for Yamashiro; to challenge the shogun now would surely be suicide?	True
missions_localised_description_jap_hattori_intro_mission_two	War is an old game, yet few are prepared for unusual forms of attack. Our ninja warriors employ their mastery of ninjutsu to move stealthily about the battlefield, ambushing the enemy before melting back into the shadows. By refining our training methods we will further improve their potential.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_hojo_intro_mission_one	The Ogigayatsu and Yamanouchi clans - once bitter rivals - have put aside their differences and allied against our growing influence. Now, an Ogigayatsu army is approaching from the east, intent on pushing us out of Sagami province. Crush the army and their province of Musashi will be ripe for the taking!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_hojo_intro_mission_three	Having dealt with the Ogigayatsu, it is time to strike at their heart and vanquish them once and for all. By taking their province of Musashi for ourselves, not only will we remove the Ogigayatsu threat, but place ourselves in an ideal position to conquer the whole of Kanto.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_hojo_intro_mission_two	Hojo engineers are masters of their craft; we must use this skill to our advantage on the battlefield. Understanding of the strategy of attack will enable the establishment of workshops to craft siege engines and other advanced weaponry, thus rendering us invincible!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_mori_intro_mission_one	Frustrated in our attempts to invade the Amako heartland with our Ouchi allies, we have been compelled to return to our home province to consolidate our forces. The Amako have been quick to avail themselves of the situation and are now invading our territory from the north. They must be repelled at once!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_mori_intro_mission_three	For many years our great clan has been at war with the Amako; they must be shown that it is the Mori who are the true masters of Chugoku! Having dealt with their retaliatory attack, I can think of no better time to mount an offensive. 	True
missions_localised_description_jap_mori_intro_mission_two	Our shipwrights are unmatched in their craft, our seafarers unmatched in their skill. We can use this superiority to our advantage, striking at our enemies' trade. Further improvement of our seafaring knowledge will ensure that we maintain this advantage!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_oda_intro_mission_one	As if it were not enough to contend with the rivals that surround us, our home province of Owari has long been gripped by internal strife. An army of rebels is marching from the southeast; they must be defeated if the clan is to be united. 	True
missions_localised_description_jap_oda_intro_mission_three	As order has been achieved once more, we must strengthen our position in the area. Securing Mikawa province to the east will rid us of the Tokugawa menace and bring us closer to their Imagawa masters. Also, the Saito to the north are scheming against us and may prove less troublesome to overcome. However we proceed, the safety of our people in Owari must be ensured.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_oda_intro_mission_two	In recent years, we have perfected a training regime that enables us to field ashigaru of the finest calibre. Their chief weapon is the spear; cheap to manufacture, simple to learn and effective against both infantry and cavalry. Improving our mastery of spear-fighting techniques will maximise their combat potential.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_shimazu_intro_mission_one	As Satsuma is firmly under Shimazu rule, we can now afford to extend our domain further. Osumi province to the east is an apt target; it is poorly defended and belongs to our old enemies - the Ito. Capturing it will bring them to heel and help secure our position in southern Kyushu!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_shimazu_intro_mission_three	As our clan grows, so do we require additional means to support our military and cultural endeavours. Trade with foreign powers will lead us to commodities and riches that cannot be sought in Japan. By establishing a trade port now we can construct ships with which to conduct foreign trade.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_shimazu_intro_mission_two	The sword; symbol of honour, symbol of strength. Peerless in kenjutsu, our samurai have katana skills that are matched only by their innate sense of honour and duty. We must further our understanding of kenjutsu, so that our men may continue to maintain their advantage in battle!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_takeda_intro_mission_one	While once we may have considered the Murakami allies, our prosperity and might has led to conflict between us. The Shinano warlords now invade from the north; engage their army so that they may bear witness to the might of the Takeda!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_takeda_intro_mission_three	The Murakami invasion has been halted and we must now put an end to their machinations once and for all. To this end, we must march forth into North Shinano and wrest control of the capital from our old rivals. Our position thus-strengthened, we will be better poised for further expansion into Honshu.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_takeda_intro_mission_two	All samurai are trained in horsemanship and mounted combat and, although vulnerable to enemy spears, the speed and power of cavalry can be instrumental in turning the tide of battle. Our samurai cavalry is unrivalled, my lord; furthering our understanding of form will allow us to maintain this advantage.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_tokugawa_intro_mission_one	The warmongering of the Oda and Imagawa clans has compelled us to choose sides and accept the protection of the Imagawa. Now we must stop the Oda invasion force that marches from the west before they take our homelands from us.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_tokugawa_intro_mission_three	The time for our inevitable expansion approaches. Attacking the Oda is the clearest course of action, but their homelands may prove difficult to assail. The Kiso present an easier target, but their neutrality makes them a potential ally. Were we stronger, we should rise against our Imagawa overlords, but we can ill-afford a war on two fronts. The choice is yours, my lord.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_tokugawa_intro_mission_two	Metsuke: using all the cunning at their disposal they entrap enemy agents and corrupt their troops; empowered by our daimyo's authority, they also weed out sedition in our midst. None are as capable as our own, and we must ensure that they can continue to mete out justice and manipulate the corruptible.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_uesugi_intro_mission_one	A coalition of loyal Uesugi retainers, distraught at Harukage's mismanagement of the clan, have urged you to take arms against their daimyo and assume control of the clan in his stead. His army of followers must be defeated before civil turmoil destroys our clan from within!	True
missions_localised_description_jap_uesugi_intro_mission_three	We can ill afford to sit idle whilst rival clans grow stronger about us. Kozuke province is held by our Yamanouchi vassals, but there are many other nearby provinces ripe for conquest. Of particular note are Etchu to the west, held by our Jinbo enemies, and the island of Sado, which holds riches invaluable to our expansion. The choice is yours, my lord.	True
missions_localised_description_jap_uesugi_intro_mission_two	Long have we prospered under the spiritual guidance of the kami and of Buddha. Such guidance helps men find strength both on and off the battlefield; mastering matters of the spirit enables our monks to better inspire the people whilst drawing fervent warrior monks to our cause.	True
missions_localised_description_m_acts_sabotage	Their ability to penetrate deep behind enemy lines without being detected enables ninja to put their sabotage skills to pertinent use. Damaged buildings cannot operate until such a time that they have been repaired; a skilled ninja should have little trouble in infiltrating a rival clan and undermining their production capabilities and infrastructure. I believe we could employ such a strategy to our advantage, my lord.	True
missions_localised_description_m_advocate_of_enlightenment	My lord, I notice that we are not currently fielding monks, despite having the ability to do so. Monks can inspire our troops or demoralise the enemy's, in addition to providing excellent protection against enemy metsuke.	True
missions_localised_description_m_agrarian_matters	Agriculture is the life blood upon which the clan subsists, yet we have farmland that is currently undeveloped. For the benefit of the clan we should ensure that we exploit our natural resources to the fullest.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_artillery	Diversity on the battlefield is key to victory; every weapon has its purpose and every unit has its match. It has come to my attention that our forces are unbalanced, my lord; we are currently deploying comparatively few pieces of siege weaponry.\n\nSiege weapons are key to breaching even the most impenetrable of enemy strongholds, to say nothing of the damage such weapons inflict upon the individual. I strongly recommend that we construct more siege weapons at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_ashigaru	Diversity on the battlefield is key to victory; every weapon has its purpose and every unit has its match. It has come to my attention that our forces are unbalanced, my lord; we are currently deploying comparatively few ashigaru.\n\nWhilst certainly no match for samurai in terms of martial prowess, they make up for their shortcomings through low upkeep costs and sheer strength of numbers. I strongly recommend that we bolster our existing ashigaru at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_cavalry	Diversity on the battlefield is key to victory; every weapon has its purpose and every unit has its match. It has come to my attention that our forces are unbalanced, my lord; we are currently deploying comparatively few units of cavalry.\n\nAlthough vulnerable to spear points, the speed and power of cavalry makes them invaluable for flanking manoeuvres and in charging down ill-prepared enemies and archers. They also provide excellent means of deploying archers to vital support positions. I strongly recommend that we recruit more cavalry at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_heavy_naval	My lord, it has come to my attention that our fleets are somewhat lacking in diversity; such diversity ensures readiness for any engagements in which our ships play part.\n\nWe are currently deploying comparatively few heavy ships; although slow and somewhat difficult to manoeuvre, these ships are effectively fortresses, resistant to attack and capable of holding many crewmembers. I recommend that we construct a heavy ship at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_infantry_melee	Diversity on the battlefield is key to victory; every weapon has its purpose and every unit has its match. It has come to my attention that our forces are unbalanced, my lord; we are currently deploying comparatively few units of infantry.\n\nSoldiers specialised in close-quarters combat are the backbone of any army; to strike our enemies down or have them trampled beneath our hooves means nothing if our forces are no match for them once the battle descends into melee. I strongly recommend that we train additional melee troops at the first opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_infantry_ranged	Diversity on the battlefield is key to victory; every weapon has its purpose and every unit has its match. It has come to my attention that our forces are unbalanced, my lord; we are currently deploying comparatively few foot archers.\n\nThe role that these troops play in softening the enemy before they can be dealt with in close combat is a vital one indeed. How better to thin the numbers and break the spirits of an incoming fighting force than with a volley of deadly arrow fire? I strongly recommend that we train more archers at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_light_naval	My lord, it has come to my attention that our fleets are somewhat lacking in diversity; such diversity ensures readiness for any engagements in which our ships play part.\n\nWe are currently deploying comparatively few light ships; while incapable of holding more than a handful of crewmen and being open to all manners of attack, their size and speed means they can easily out-manoeuvre larger enemy ships while peppering them with arrows. I recommend that we construct a light ship at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_medium_naval	My lord, it has come to my attention that our fleets are somewhat lacking in diversity; such diversity ensures readiness for any engagements in which our ships play part.\n\nWe are currently deploying comparatively few medium ships; good all-round vessels, they are of sufficient speed and manoeuvrability to evade heavy vessels and projectile attacks from lighter ships, while carrying sufficient crewmen to fight boarding actions. I recommend that we construct a medium ship at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_balance_of_strength_samurai	Diversity on the battlefield is key to victory; every weapon has its purpose and every unit has its match. It has come to my attention that our forces are unbalanced, my lord; we are currently deploying comparatively few samurai.\n\nWhilst being somewhat costly to train and maintain, samurai are unmatched in strength of body and mind and are expert fighters across numerous martial disciplines. I strongly recommend that we bolster our samurai numbers at the first available opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_benefits_trade	My lord, I cannot help but notice that we are not currently conducting trade with other clans. Aside from providing us with additional revenue, trade can give us access to resources and commodities that we lack whilst strengthening diplomatic relations with our trade partners. I strongly recommend that we establish a trade agreement with another clan as soon as possible.	True
missions_localised_description_m_breaking_the_blockade	Our ignoble enemies have deigned to blockade one of our ports, interrupting all services and trade that flow through it. We must break the blockade as soon as possible so normal operations can resume.	True
missions_localised_description_m_business_of_peace	It distresses us, lord, to see two of our most valued trade partners here in Japan wage bloody war against one another. We may reap financial benefits from furnishing both clans with our prized firearms, but our mercantile efforts would be compromised should one of you succumb to the machinations of the other.\n\nWere you to make peace and resolve to use our weaponry against lesser clans, I'm sure we could arrange a discount for our services.	True
missions_localised_description_m_cold_blood	The agents of our rivals are everywhere, my lord. We should begin a programme of assassination to assert the superiority of our clan. If successful, we will not only rid ourselves of potential threats to our plans, but will appear blameless in the act.	True
missions_localised_description_m_common_cause	Our reports indicate that there is a clan with whom we share a common enemy. I recommend that we take this opportunity to seek an alliance with them; united in arms we will stand a greater chance of crushing our mutual enemies once and for all! 	True
missions_localised_description_m_constant_foe	This general has been a thorn in our side for too long - meeting our forces in battle time and again and always surviving to fight another day. It is imperative that he be eliminated, lest he continue to wreak havoc with our grand strategy!	True
missions_localised_description_m_counterattack	My lord! An enemy clan has sent an attack force into our domain. Defeat of the invaders in battle will both weaken and prove that they are no match for our military might!	True
missions_localised_description_m_crippling_trade	In order to undermine the military endeavours of the enemy we must attack their sources of revenue. I recommend we sabotage one of the ports that contribute to their income.	True
missions_localised_description_m_cultural_development	We cannot hope to survive through sheer military might alone, my lord. I am therefore curious as to why so few resources have been devoted to the betterment of clan administration and infrastructure of late; surely, by investing in our clan's civil development we can better support our military endeavours?	True
missions_localised_description_m_daimyo_assassin	This daimyo presumes to wage war against our clan, yet rumours abound that he remains within the safety of his homelands like a craven coward. I propose that we end his life as he chooses to live it. There is no honour or glory in cowardice and indolence; assassination is a just reward for such dishonourable behaviour.	True
missions_localised_description_m_delusions_grandeur	This clan's recent rise to power concerns the shogun greatly. Convinced that their daimyo covets power over Japan and all her provinces for himself, the Shogun insists that steps be taken to bring the clan to heel. We have therefore been granted the authority to take military action against them.	True
missions_localised_description_m_demoralising_enemies_buddhist	Forces belonging to a rival clan are posing a threat to our security. By sending a monk to weaken their army's resolve we will gain a distinct advantage should we choose to meet them in battle.	True
missions_localised_description_m_demoralising_enemies_christian	Forces belonging to a rival clan are posing a threat to our security. By sending a missionary to weaken their army's resolve we will gain a distinct advantage should we choose to meet them in battle.	True
missions_localised_description_m_enemies_progress	We come to Japan with nothing but the best interests of both our peoples at heart, yet this clan does nothing but shun our requests for trade and cultural exchange. This persistent denial will surely prove detrimental to Euro-Japanese relations; measures must be undertaken to bring them to heel.	True
missions_localised_description_m_enemy_tradition	The daimyo of this clan has seen fit to fully abandon the Japanese way and cast his lot with the nanban and their false religion. Their narrow-minded cultural views and intolerance of our spirituality are an affront upon the kami, our ancestors and the people of Nippon. It is the shogun's wish that measures be taken to subjugating this man and his clan.	True
missions_localised_description_m_eye_for_eye	The audacity of our enemies knows no bounds, my lord. They have seized our home province from us, striking at the very heart of the clan. We must reclaim our territory and stage a massive retaliation against their own powerbase. This insolence will not stand!	True
missions_localised_description_m_false_justice	An enemy metsuke is operating dangerously close to our lands. It may be that he intends to dispense false justice to our agents or corrupt the minds of our faithful clansmen and turn them against us. Either way this man should be eliminated at once.	True
missions_localised_description_m_firebrand_missionary	This missionary has been wandering our lands, openly condemning the teachings of Buddha, preaching the non-existence of the kami and of our ancestral spirits and all the while evangelising his own monotheistic ideals. The dissent caused cannot be disregarded, nor can his affront upon our spiritual heritage. He must be eliminated at once.  	True
missions_localised_description_m_firebrand_monk	This monk has been wandering our lands, spreading his Buddhist falsehoods amongst our good, God-fearing people whilst poisoning their minds with old superstitions. He must be eliminated before his false teachings lead any more of our flock unto perdition, an example to all those who would presume to abandon the Lord.	True
missions_localised_description_m_fortification	Castles are both the martial and cultural heart of our provinces. To leave a castle undeveloped is to leave a province weak, its full potential squandered. This is especially true in frontier provinces during periods of warfare, where defensive capability and optimisation of production are vital. This frontier castle remains undeveloped, my lord; now may be the time for fortification.	True
missions_localised_description_m_good_fight	We are proud of your endeavours to uphold Christianity in spite of opposition from those who cling hopelessly to false hope and hollow superstitions. If more of your countrymen are to be saved from eternal damnation, however, more must be done to spread the good word of our Lord.	True
missions_localised_description_m_hard_times	Our financial situation is unfortunate, my lord, and unless measures are taken to increase the clan's income we may succumb to bankruptcy. While we could develop our economic infrastructure or even disband part of our military forces, establishing a trade agreement with another clan may present an immediate and effective solution to our financial woes.	True
missions_localised_description_m_home_guard	My lord! We are at war, yet our home province lies barely garrisoned! For the good of the clan I must insist that we reinforce our home province lest it fall prey to our enemies.	True
missions_localised_description_m_indomitable	Intelligence indicates that this man, a servant of our foes, has achieved unprecedented success upon the fields of battle. So indomitable a warrior poses a great threat to our clan's security both in terms of his martial prowess and of the confidence with which he undoubtedly instils his men. To defeat such a man in battle would be a crushing blow to his clan!	True
missions_localised_description_m_instrument_of_justice	My lord, I notice that we are not currently fielding metsuke despite having the ability to do so. Metsuke are experts at apprehending and bringing to justice enemy ninja. Their authority is absolute, abating feelings of disloyalty by their presence and directing clan funds to the bribery of enemy armies and possessions.	True
missions_localised_description_m_instruments_of_war	In this dark period of warfare it is vital that our warriors receive not only the best training but the finest arms and armour as well. As such, I wholeheartedly recommend that we capture this province, reputed for its fine smithing tradition.	True
missions_localised_description_m_insurgency	The collapse of public order in this province has resulted in a local uprising! If we do not move to crush it as soon as possible, the rebels will seize it for themselves. We cannot allow this to happen!	True
missions_localised_description_m_intellectual_matters	Rare is the clan that excels in every field of research, but that should not preclude one from aspiring to do so. By establishing a place of learning we will be able to increase our rate of technological and philosophical progress.	True
missions_localised_description_m_into_fold_buddhist	This province is in turmoil; the predominantly Buddhist populace living in fear of their repressive Christian daimyo. For their sake, let us send a force to capture the province at once to free the people from religious oppression.	True
missions_localised_description_m_into_fold_christian	We have word from our missionaries that the predominantly God-fearing people of this province yearn to be freed from their oppressive heathen masters. For their sake, we beseech you as a just Christian leader to capture this province and bring its people into the clan.	True
missions_localised_description_m_keeping_peace	Public order in this province is low, my lord, and unless something is done soon we may be faced with an uprising. I recommend that we reinforce the local garrison to help keep the population in check.	True
missions_localised_description_m_march_kyoto	My lord! The shogunate, backed by the majority of clans that have so far persisted in aggression, are waging war against us for fear of your power and of our military might. The time has come to fulfil our glorious destiny; march on Kyoto and assume control of the shogunate. Japan will be united under your rule!	True
missions_localised_description_m_master_of_artifice	My lord, I notice that we are not currently fielding ninja despite having the ability to do so. A master of subterfuge, a ninja's skills enable him to spy on enemies or sabotage their armies and possessions whilst remaining undetected. Ninja are also expert assassins, striking from the shadows to kill enemy generals and agents before they have a chance to react.	True
missions_localised_description_m_naval_dominance	The sea gives sustenance and presents opportunities for trade, but is vast and impossible to control. If we are to prevent our enemies from interfering with our sea trade or attempting to land an invasion force on our soil, we must endeavour to maintain martial superiority at sea. By defeating an enemy navy, we will weaken their naval potential whilst strengthening our own crews' resolve.	True
missions_localised_description_m_naval_obstruction	One of the enemy's ports that has been developed to a high level. Left unchecked, it will increase their trade potential whilst enabling the production of high-quality naval vessels. I recommend that we blockade the port immediately.	True
missions_localised_description_m_need_for_allies	My lord, we wage war alone and against all odds. I do not question your ability to lead our clan to glory, but if we are to continue making enemies of those who would oppose us then I implore you to consider making allies amongst the daimyo with whom we share ideals and aspirations.	True
missions_localised_description_m_offensive	Sharing borders with one's enemies is a mixed blessing. Although proximity to such a clan puts our forces and lands at considerable risk, the opposite is also true. We must be the first to take decisive action. As such, I strongly recommend that we undermine their confidence and prestige by inflicting a crushing defeat upon them.	True
missions_localised_description_m_path_of_liberation	Christianity is spreading like a plague throughout Japan, posing a great threat to our cultural heritage. This province has erred too far from tradition and the teachings of Buddha; they must be made to renounce the lies before their influence is allowed to spread any further!	True
missions_localised_description_m_pressing_attack	We are at war, my lord. Supremacy over our enemies must be maintained; by pressing the attack against our neighbouring foes and securing their territory for ourselves we can strengthen our clan's potential whilst weakening theirs.\n	True
missions_localised_description_m_preventive_measures	My lord, our domain has been assailed by an enemy clan! We must deploy ninja to infiltrate their armies and sabotage their supplies, giving us time to prepare defences and muster retaliatory forces.	True
missions_localised_description_m_preying_weak	My lord, our agents inform us that this enemy province lies barely defended, a target ripe for the taking! I recommend that we move to conquer it for ourselves before our rivals get the chance to reinforce its garrison. 	True
missions_localised_description_m_proof_might	A competent leader inspires unyielding resolve in his men whilst employing all his skills and experience to help gain the upper hand; deprive an army of its commander in the heat of battle and this advantage is lost. When doing battle with enemy forces we must take every opportunity to kill their generals.	True
missions_localised_description_m_protecting_our_interests	Our trade partner has had their port blockaded by their enemies. Their economic wellbeing must be ensured if our relationship is to endure; I strongly advise that we move to break the blockade at once.	True
missions_localised_description_m_resource_management_goods	The clan grows strong, my lord, yet we still lack our own source of craft goods. While we might obtain such goods through diplomatic means, the only way that we can ensure a stable supply is by controlling a province renowned for its crafting and production. Our strategists have identified such a province; I recommend that we capture it forthwith.	True
missions_localised_description_m_resource_management_iron	The clan grows strong, my lord, yet we still lack our own source of superior iron. While we might obtain iron through diplomatic means, the only way that we can ensure a stable supply is by controlling a province rich in this metal. Our strategists have identified such a province; I recommend that we capture it forthwith.	True
missions_localised_description_m_resource_management_stone	The clan grows strong, my lord, yet we still lack our own source of superior stone. While we might obtain stone through diplomatic means, the only way in which we can ensure a stable supply is by controlling a province distinguished by its durable rock. Our strategists have identified such a province; I recommend that we capture it forthwith.	True
missions_localised_description_m_resource_management_warhorses	The clan grows strong, my lord, yet we still lack our own source of superior warhorses. While we might obtain horses through diplomatic means, the only way in which we can ensure a regular supply is by controlling a province distinguished by an abundance of the finest breeds. Our strategists have identified such a province; I recommend that we capture it forthwith.	True
missions_localised_description_m_resource_management_wood	The clan grows strong, my lord, yet we still lack our own source of superior timber. While we might obtain timber through diplomatic means, the only way in which we can ensure a stable supply is by controlling a province with an abundance of fine trees.  Our strategists have identified such a province; I recommend that we capture it forthwith.	True
missions_localised_description_m_schism	While once we might have considered this clan a worthy ally, the recent decline in diplomatic relations between us leads us to believe that they will eventually become a liability to our cause. For the sake of clan security, I recommend that we move to subjugate them at once.	True
missions_localised_description_m_servant_of_heaven	My lord, I notice that we are not currently fielding monks, despite having the ability to do so. Monks can inspire our troops or demoralise the enemy's, in addition to providing excellent protection against enemy metsuke - being particularly effective at converting them to a life of peace and self-reflection. 	True
missions_localised_description_m_spiritual_unity_buddhist	My lord! Mounting levels of Christianity in this province have led to an increase in tension amongst the populace. We must re-establish Buddhism as the dominant religion in the area if we are to avoid a religious uprising.	True
missions_localised_description_m_spiritual_unity_christian	My lord! Mounting levels of Buddhism in this province have led to an increase in tension amongst the populace. We must re-establish Christianity as the dominant religion in the area if we are to avoid a religious uprising.	True
missions_localised_description_m_strengthen_borders	Sharing borders with our enemies invites invasion attempts as well as providing a base from which to launch our incursions into their lands. This province borders the enemy yet is unprepared against possible attack; I recommend that we reinforce the garrison here in anticipation of such an event.	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_archery	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our outstanding achievements in kyujutsu for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct a legendary kyudo school before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_cathedral	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our great Christian deeds for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct a great cathedral before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_crafts	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our great accomplishments in matters of trade and craftsmanship for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to establish a kabunakama before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_horse	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our outstanding achievements in horsemanship for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct a legendary bajutsu school before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_siege	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our outstanding achievements in spearmanship for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct a legendary sojutsu school before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_stealth	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our mastery of ninjutsu and for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct an infamous mizu shobai district before a less worthy does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_sword	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our outstanding achievements in swordsmanship for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct a legendary kenjutsu school before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_temple	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our great Buddhist deeds for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct a great Buddhist temple before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_stuff_of_legend_yari	The pursuit of excellence is a worthy pursuit indeed, my lord. We are now in a position to construct a legendary testament to our outstanding achievements in spearmanship for all of Japan to behold.\n\nWe must endeavour to construct a legendary sojutsu school before a less worthy clan does so in our stead!	True
missions_localised_description_m_subversive_strategies	As our influence spreads throughout the provinces we may encounter situations where our strategy is put at risk by enemy forces moving to intercept us or reinforce their allies. By sabotaging an army's supplies as they sit encamped our ninja will be able to halt their progress, leaving them open to attack or preventing them from doing so themselves.	True
missions_localised_description_m_supporting_endeavours	Warfare is a costly endeavour, my lord, and a lack of funds can severely hamper recruitment and development initiatives. By securing provinces rich in precious metals we can ensure a constant source of income. We have identified one such province; I recommend that we conquer it at the first opportunity.	True
missions_localised_description_m_territorial_expansion_early	May I respectfully insist that we expand our borders at the first opportunity? I understand that it has not been long since we began to unify the people of Japan, but I feel that progress has been slow during this crucial period of consolidation.	True
missions_localised_description_m_territorial_expansion_late	As the clan grows greater in strength and size, rival daimyo throughout Nippon continue to seize land from the weak and defenceless. Their increasing power poses a significant threat to our supremacy; we must continue to extend our domain if we hope to contend with them.	True
missions_localised_description_m_territorial_expansion_middle	Long have we been waging war to elevate our clan's power and status within Japan, laying waste to all those who would stand in our way. If we hope to support our cause and our people, it is imperative that we expand our borders further to match the mounting threat from our ever more powerful enemies.	True
missions_localised_description_m_thirst_for_battle	Our men grow restless, my lord! We are at war; our enemies make no attempt to invade our territory, yet we make no move to strike at their provinces ourselves. As our forces stand idle, our foes are free to build up their strength. We must press the attack before they muster an army with which to strike! 	True
missions_localised_description_m_thwarting_nanban	The shogun is concerned about the considerable amount of influence the nanban have had upon our culture. He has ordained that this nanban trade port be blockaded at once so that their baleful influence may be kept in check.	True
missions_localised_description_m_trade_disruption	Without a burgeoning economy to support it, a clan has little hope of supporting the military strength required to attain prominence. Trade by sea provides an easy means of acquiring funds and resources from clans and countries there would otherwise be no contact with. Attacking trade routes is a sure means of hampering our enemies' long-term plans.	True
missions_localised_description_m_turned_against_them	We are at war, my lord, and our enemies have invaded our domain. An attack force is now within our borders, posing a threat to both your power and our people. We must deploy a metsuke to bribe them into joining us; we can turn our enemy's own warriors against him!	True
missions_localised_description_m_undermining_economy	When attempting to undermine the military endeavours of one's enemies, one must consider cutting off their sources of revenue. This rival clan is drawing considerable sums into their economy from commerce through their markets. I strongly recommend sending a ninja to sabotage those buildings, thereby weakening their financial stability.	True
missions_localised_description_m_unification_of_japan	The shogun is concerned that two of his daimyo should be investing so much time destroying one another when, now more than ever, unity of purpose is paramount for the greater good of Japan and its people. He has therefore commanded that hostilities cease between us forthwith.	True
missions_localised_description_m_united_we_stand	Our ally is currently at war, my lord. While we do not share their enmity, by joining their struggle we may reinforce their loyalty and strengthen our own position by preying on the same foe.	True
missions_localised_description_m_unscrupulous	Using  our metsuke we can bribe enemy armies into joining our ranks to bolster our armies in the field. Bribery can be a costly process, especially when such armies are led by a taisho - but even the most loyal of men has his price, and the advantage gained by instantly swelling our ranks is a substantial one. 	True
missions_localised_description_m_war_weariness	Our people grow weary of our perennial state of conflict, my lord. With so many enemies, we risk stretching our resources to breaking point by trying to defeat them all. I strongly recommend that we make peace with at least one rival clan - for the time being, at least - so that we might concentrate on dispensing with the rest.	True
missions_localised_description_m_war_words_buddhist	Strength of body and superior training are key to an army's success in the field, but there are other means of weakening one's opponents when military superiority is not assured. The enemy's morale can be compromised by sending monks to break an army's spirit with words of dread and desperation before the first blow has been struck.	True
missions_localised_description_m_war_words_christian	Strength of body and superior training are key to an army's success in the field, but there are other means of weakening one's opponents when military superiority is not assured. The enemy's morale can be compromised by sending missionaries to break an army's spirit with words of dread and desperation before the first blow has been struck.	True
missions_localised_description_m_way_of_the_warrior	This is a time of great conflict, my lord, and we are a warrior people. It concerns me to see that we are investing so little time in the development of our martial knowledge and techniques, and I must insist that we set our sights upon military advancements at once.	True
missions_localised_description_m_worthy_adversary	Our scouts have spied the forces of a rival daimyo conducting manoeuvres in a neighbouring province. This presents us with the perfect opportunity to strike a devastating blow to our enemies and the chance to prove our mettle against a worthy foe.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_alliance	Establish an alliance with one of the clans on the mainland to help defeat the Miyoshi.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_assassination	Assassinate the enemy general to weaken his army.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_bribe	Bribe the enemy into joining your conquest of Shikoku.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_build_port	Develop the old fishing village in Iyo.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_capture_awaji	Acquire the island of Awaji to push the Miyoshi clan back onto the mainland.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_capture_imabari	Capture the province of Iyo to start your conquest of Shikoku.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_capture_osaka	Capture the province of Settsu to gain a foot hold on the mainland.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_capture_takamatsu	Seize the province of Sanuki to strengthen your grip on Shikoku.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_capture_tokushima	Capture Awa to conquer all of Shikoku.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_civil_tech	Use chi to refine the structure of your society.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_construct_building	Develop Tosa by constructing new buildings.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_demoralise	Demoralise the enemy force to assist your capture of their province.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_military_tech	Follow bushido to develop the art of war.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_recruit_ship	Amass a mighty fleet at your port.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_sabotage	Sabotage a building in the castle town to weaken and leave the enemy in disarray.	True
missions_localised_description_tut_trade_agreement	Establish a trade agreement to bring riches and resources to Shikoku.	True
missions_localised_title_jap_chosokabe_intro_mission_one	Chosokabe Rising	True
missions_localised_title_jap_chosokabe_intro_mission_three	The Conquest of Shikoku	True
missions_localised_title_jap_chosokabe_intro_mission_two	Masters of Kyujutsu	True
missions_localised_title_jap_date_intro_mission_one	Tanemune's Fall	True
missions_localised_title_jap_date_intro_mission_three	The Price of Audacity	True
missions_localised_title_jap_date_intro_mission_two	The Fearless	True
missions_localised_title_jap_hattori_intro_mission_one	The Coming Storm	True
missions_localised_title_jap_hattori_intro_mission_three	A Difficult Choice	True
missions_localised_title_jap_hattori_intro_mission_two	Masters of Ninpo	True
missions_localised_title_jap_hojo_intro_mission_one	Steadfast	True
missions_localised_title_jap_hojo_intro_mission_three	Into the Kanto	True
missions_localised_title_jap_hojo_intro_mission_two	The Engines of War	True
missions_localised_title_jap_mori_intro_mission_one	Repelling the Amako	True
missions_localised_title_jap_mori_intro_mission_three	Striking Back	True
missions_localised_title_jap_mori_intro_mission_two	Masters of the Sea	True
missions_localised_title_jap_oda_intro_mission_one	The Unification of the Oda	True
missions_localised_title_jap_oda_intro_mission_three	Strengthening our Position	True
missions_localised_title_jap_oda_intro_mission_two	Masters of Sojutsu	True
missions_localised_title_jap_shimazu_intro_mission_one	Establishing a Foothold	True
missions_localised_title_jap_shimazu_intro_mission_three	Trade Endeavours	True
missions_localised_title_jap_shimazu_intro_mission_two	Masters of Kenjutsu	True
missions_localised_title_jap_takeda_intro_mission_one	The Shinano Warlords	True
missions_localised_title_jap_takeda_intro_mission_three	Securing Shinano	True
missions_localised_title_jap_takeda_intro_mission_two	Masters of Bajutsu	True
missions_localised_title_jap_tokugawa_intro_mission_one	In Defence of Mikawa	True
missions_localised_title_jap_tokugawa_intro_mission_three	Asserting our Strength	True
missions_localised_title_jap_tokugawa_intro_mission_two	Masters of Intrigue	True
missions_localised_title_jap_uesugi_intro_mission_one	The Rightful Daimyo	True
missions_localised_title_jap_uesugi_intro_mission_three	Expansion Efforts	True
missions_localised_title_jap_uesugi_intro_mission_two	Matters of the Spirit	True
missions_localised_title_m_acts_sabotage	Acts of Sabotage	True
missions_localised_title_m_advocate_of_enlightenment	Advocate of Enlightenment	True
missions_localised_title_m_agrarian_matters	Agrarian Matters	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_artillery	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_ashigaru	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_cavalry	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_heavy_naval	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_infantry_melee	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_infantry_ranged	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_light_naval	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_medium_naval	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_balance_of_strength_samurai	Balance of Strength	True
missions_localised_title_m_benefits_trade	The Benefits of Trade	True
missions_localised_title_m_breaking_the_blockade	Breaking the Blockade	True
missions_localised_title_m_business_of_peace	The Business of Peace	True
missions_localised_title_m_cold_blood	In Cold Blood	True
missions_localised_title_m_common_cause	Common Cause	True
missions_localised_title_m_constant_foe	The Constant Foe	True
missions_localised_title_m_counterattack	反撃	True
missions_localised_title_m_crippling_trade	Crippling Their Trade	True
missions_localised_title_m_cultural_development	Cultural Development	True
missions_localised_title_m_daimyo_assassin	Daimyo Assassin	True
missions_localised_title_m_delusions_grandeur	Delusions of Grandeur	True
missions_localised_title_m_demoralising_enemies_buddhist	Demoralising Our Enemies	True
missions_localised_title_m_demoralising_enemies_christian	Demoralising Our Enemies	True
missions_localised_title_m_enemies_progress	Enemies of Progress	True
missions_localised_title_m_enemy_tradition	Enemy of Tradition	True
missions_localised_title_m_eye_for_eye	Eye For An Eye	True
missions_localised_title_m_false_justice	False Justice	True
missions_localised_title_m_firebrand_missionary	Firebrand	True
missions_localised_title_m_firebrand_monk	Firebrand	True
missions_localised_title_m_fortification	Fortification	True
missions_localised_title_m_good_fight	The Good Fight	True
missions_localised_title_m_hard_times	Hard Times	True
missions_localised_title_m_home_guard	Home Guard	True
missions_localised_title_m_indomitable	The Indomitable	True
missions_localised_title_m_instrument_of_justice	Instrument of Justice	True
missions_localised_title_m_instruments_of_war	Instruments of War	True
missions_localised_title_m_insurgency	Insurgency	True
missions_localised_title_m_intellectual_matters	Intellectual Matters	True
missions_localised_title_m_into_fold_buddhist	Into the Fold	True
missions_localised_title_m_into_fold_christian	Into the Fold	True
missions_localised_title_m_keeping_peace	Keeping the Peace	True
missions_localised_title_m_march_kyoto	The March on Kyoto	True
missions_localised_title_m_master_of_artifice	Master of Artifice	True
missions_localised_title_m_naval_dominance	Naval Dominance	True
missions_localised_title_m_naval_obstruction	Naval Obstruction	True
missions_localised_title_m_need_for_allies	The Need For Allies	True
missions_localised_title_m_offensive	The Offensive	True
missions_localised_title_m_path_of_liberation	The Path of Liberation	True
missions_localised_title_m_pressing_attack	Pressing the Attack	True
missions_localised_title_m_preventive_measures	Preventive Measures	True
missions_localised_title_m_preying_weak	Preying on the Weak	True
missions_localised_title_m_proof_might	Proof of Might	True
missions_localised_title_m_protecting_our_interests	Protecting Our Interests	True
missions_localised_title_m_resource_management_goods	Resource Management	True
missions_localised_title_m_resource_management_iron	Resource Management	True
missions_localised_title_m_resource_management_stone	Resource Management	True
missions_localised_title_m_resource_management_warhorses	Resource Management	True
missions_localised_title_m_resource_management_wood	Resource Management	True
missions_localised_title_m_schism	Schism	True
missions_localised_title_m_servant_of_heaven	Servant of Heaven	True
missions_localised_title_m_spiritual_unity_buddhist	Spiritual Unity	True
missions_localised_title_m_spiritual_unity_christian	Spiritual Unity	True
missions_localised_title_m_strengthen_borders	Strengthening our Borders	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_archery	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_cathedral	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_crafts	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_horse	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_siege	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_stealth	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_sword	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_temple	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_stuff_of_legend_yari	The Stuff of Legend	True
missions_localised_title_m_subversive_strategies	Subversive Strategies	True
missions_localised_title_m_supporting_endeavours	Supporting Our Endeavours	True
missions_localised_title_m_territorial_expansion_early	Territorial Expansion	True
missions_localised_title_m_territorial_expansion_late	Territorial Expansion	True
missions_localised_title_m_territorial_expansion_middle	Territorial Expansion	True
missions_localised_title_m_thirst_for_battle	Thirst For Battle	True
missions_localised_title_m_thwarting_nanban	Thwarting Nanban Influence	True
missions_localised_title_m_trade_disruption	Trade Disruption	True
missions_localised_title_m_turned_against_them	Turned Against Them	True
missions_localised_title_m_undermining_economy	Undermining Their Economy	True
missions_localised_title_m_unification_of_japan	The Unification of Japan	True
missions_localised_title_m_united_we_stand	United We Stand	True
missions_localised_title_m_unscrupulous	Unscrupulous	True
missions_localised_title_m_war_weariness	War Weariness	True
missions_localised_title_m_war_words_buddhist	War of Words	True
missions_localised_title_m_war_words_christian	War of Words	True
missions_localised_title_m_way_of_the_warrior	The Way of the Warrior	True
missions_localised_title_m_worthy_adversary	A Worthy Adversary	True
missions_localised_title_tut_alliance	同盟せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_assassination	暗殺せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_bribe	敵を買収せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_build_port	Construct Harbour	True
missions_localised_title_tut_capture_awaji	淡路を占領せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_capture_imabari	伊予を占領せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_capture_osaka	摂津を占領せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_capture_takamatsu	讃岐を占領せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_capture_tokushima	阿波を占領せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_civil_tech	知を探求せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_construct_building	建造物を建造せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_demoralise	敵軍の士気を挫け	True
missions_localised_title_tut_military_tech	武士道を探究せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_recruit_ship	船を建設せよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_sabotage	建造物を破損させよ	True
missions_localised_title_tut_trade_agreement	通商協定を結べ	True