unit_class_onscreen_artillery_fixed	Siege Units	True
unit_class_onscreen_artillery_foot	Siege Units	True
unit_class_onscreen_cavalry_lancers	Spear Cavalry	True
unit_class_onscreen_cavalry_missile	Bow Cavalry	True
unit_class_onscreen_cavalry_sword	Sword Cavalry	True
unit_class_onscreen_general	General	True
unit_class_onscreen_infantry_bow	Bow Infantry	True
unit_class_onscreen_infantry_heavy	Heavy Infantry	True
unit_class_onscreen_infantry_matchlock	Matchlock Infantry	True
unit_class_onscreen_infantry_spearman	Spear Infantry	True
unit_class_onscreen_infantry_special	Special Infantry	True
unit_class_onscreen_infantry_sword	Sword Infantry	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_admiral	Admiral	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_cannon_ship	Cannon Ship	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_galleon	Galleon	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_heavy_ship	Heavy Ship	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_light_ship	Light Ship	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_medium_ship	Medium Ship	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_trade_ship	Trade Ship	True
unit_class_onscreen_naval_xebec	Xebec	True
unit_class_onscreen_siege	Siege Units	True
unit_class_tooltip_artillery_fixed	Armed with weapons designed for dealing with castles and buildings.||Vulnerable to cavalry and in melee in general.	True
unit_class_tooltip_artillery_foot	Armed with weapons designed for dealing with castles and buildings.||Vulnerable to cavalry and in melee in general.	True
unit_class_tooltip_cavalry_lancers	Deadly charge but vulnerable in prolonged melee. Good versus cavalry.||Vulnerable to spear infantry.	True
unit_class_tooltip_cavalry_missile	Can harass enemies and keep their distance but poor in melee.||Able to fire then reposition, they are difficult to pin down. They should also avoid concentrations of enemy missile units.	True
unit_class_tooltip_cavalry_sword	Very effective melee cavalry who are strong against non-spear infantry.||Vulnerable to spear cavalry and to missile units.	True
unit_class_tooltip_general	Gives big morale boost to nearby friendly troops, but army will suffer morale penalty if General dies.||Best kept near frontlines to boost nearby troops, they are vulnerable so should be protected by other units.	True
unit_class_tooltip_infantry_bow	Fast firing and long-range infantry who can fill the sky with arrows.||Very vulnerable to cavalry and weak in melee. Not as damaging as matchlocks.	True
unit_class_tooltip_infantry_heavy	Versatile infantry that are good in melee and against cavalry.||Not as good in melee as sword infantry, and not as good against cavalry as spear infantry.	True
unit_class_tooltip_infantry_matchlock	Armed with slow-firing but high damage matchlocks.||Vulnerable to cavalry and to melee infantry.	True
unit_class_tooltip_infantry_spearman	Excellent anti-cavalry infantry. Vulnerable to sword armed infantry.||Weak against ranged troops.	True
unit_class_tooltip_infantry_special	Infantry who perform very specialised tasks on the battlefield.||Vulnerable to units who perform broader roles.	True
unit_class_tooltip_infantry_sword	Infantry units who excel in close-quarter melee.||Vulnerable to cavalry and to missile units.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_admiral	This ship houses the leader of the fleet.||Castles of the sea, large crew sizes makes this ship good for boarding.||Slow and vulnerable to fire and cannons.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_cannon_ship	Average speed but armed with deadly cannons.||Vulnerable to smaller, faster ships.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_galleon	Powerful European ships armed with many large cannons.||Vulnerable to being swarmed by many Japanese ships.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_heavy_ship	Castles of the sea, large crew sizes makes them the best ships for boarding.||Slow and vulnerable to fire and cannons.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_light_ship	Fast moving ships with missile weapon armed crew.||Small crew number makes them vulnerable when boarded.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_medium_ship	All-round ships, with decent crew size, speed and manouverability.||Not as much crew as heavy ships so vulnerable to boarding, slower than light ships.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_trade_ship	Weak in combat but provide bountiful profit for a clan.	True
unit_class_tooltip_naval_xebec	Boarding specialist which sacrifices firepower for increased boarding potential.||Fast and agile, the xebec can catch most opponents fairly quickly. Her hull is weak though and her armament light, so trading broadsides is not recommended.	True
unit_class_tooltip_siege	Armed with weapons designed for dealing with castles and buildings.||Vulnerable to cavalry and in melee in general.	True