*Treaty of Lebensraumとは? [#z7db37c1]
The Treaty of Nova Terraの後を引き継ぎ、
*最新の状況 [#lccabc22]
*現在この機構に参加しているコミュニティ [#j0d0cce9]
- [[Empire Total War the French Empire:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/French-Empire]]
- [[The E.M.P.I.R.E:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/grtheempire]]
- [[Republic of Portugal:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Portuguese-Empire]]
- [[The Republic of Cuba:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TRC-cuba]]
- [[Empire of Bohemia:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/empireofbohemia]]
- [[Empire Total War The Spanish Empire:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Spanish-Empire]]
- [[New Empire:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thenewempire]]
- [[Kingdom of England:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KingdomOfEngland]]
- The Imperial Russian Empire
- [[Empire Total War The Ottoman Empire:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Ottoman-Empire]]
- [[Estherland:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/The_Principality_Of_Estherland]]
- [[Japan: Total War:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/japantotalwar]]
-The State of Venice
-The Republic of Samoa
*JTWと同盟しているコミュニティ [#y6e06607]
- [[Empire Total War the Portuguese Empire:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Portuguese-Empire]](紫色)
*規約と権利 [#x1c0622c]
The series of wars that have shaken the NTW/ETW community namely the Anglo-Franco War has exposed the weaknesses of the previous system that has been in place.
Thus numerous groups of the roleplaying steam community have collaborated with one another to formulate a new enhanced treaty that will insure the perpetual stability moreover enjoyment that the NTW/ETW role-playing community has come to expect.


I. All Nations who enlist in the Treaty of Nova Terra are granted the right to claim any and all historical territory of which that nation formerly obtained. 
I. この機構へ参加する全ての国は何でも要求する権利と、その国が以前に得たことがある歴史的な領土が与えられます。

II. All Nations possess the right to renounce from the Treaty anytime they believe they are being treated disproportionately. Be warned however because the group will not be authorized re-entry and the territory will be either divided between the other appropriate members of the Treaty or be declared ownership in favour of an alternative group.
II. 国が分不相応に扱われていると思ったとき、全ての国はいつでもこの機構から離脱できる権利を保有します。しかし認可された再参加はできませんので、注意してください。領土は機構内の他の適当なメンバーに分けられるか、あるいは代替グループとなるところに所有される場合があります。

III. A Nation has the right to compose alliances as well as to declare war with the nation it sees fit. However this pronouncement of war must be sanctioned, being a justifiable cause, through the two foremost representatives of the Treaty.
III. 全ての国は同盟を組む権利、そしてもちろん適切な他国に宣戦布告する権利を持ちます。しかしながら、戦争の表明は認可が必要となります。機構に参加している2人の代表を通して、正当な理由と認められる必要があります。

IV. No Nation has the right to seek the absolute annihilation of another Nation within the Treaty. This is to insure the continued fair play between Nations. On the other hand to desire the obliteration of an Empire outside the Treaty through means of war is tolerable.

V. If any Nation Hacks or has had someone within their group hack another Nation. The alleged Nation will be brought up on tribunal. If the Nation is found guilty by the two primary legislative body of the Treaty, subsequently the Nation is kicked from the Treaty and its lands will be taken. Conversely if a member from the Nation acts without orders to hack another Nation that member must be kicked form the group and any wars of the said Nation are to be considered negated.
V. 国によるハック、あるいはグループ内の誰かがある国に対してハックしたという嫌疑がかかった場合、その国は裁判所へ召還されます。機構にある2つの主要な立法府によってその国が有罪となった場合、その国は機構から追放され、領土は剥奪されます。反対に、あるメンバーが国による命令なしに他国をハックした場合、そのメンバーはグループから追放され、その国の戦争は無効と見なされます。

VI. Activity within the Treaty is obligatory for each Nation to be recognized. All other Treaties a Nation obtains will not be applicable unless they are member Nations. This is not to say a Nation cannot have treaties and alliances beyond this Treaty it emphatically means that all wars will only necessitate Treaty members. Nonetheless if the Treaty forms a coalition in opposition to an Empire outside the Treaty, providing all Nations comprehend the stipulations of war, it will be legalized.
VI. 規約を各国は認識する義務があります。その他の条約は、その条約の当事国でないかぎり、認識する義務はありません。これは、各国が条約や同盟も結ぶ事を阻害しているわけではなく、これらの条約が適用され、戦争で相手国として指名できるのはNapoleonTotalWarのSteamコミュニティーだけであることを確認するためのものです。ただ、加盟国がこのRPG外でのSteamコミュニティーと同盟を結び、なおかつ各国がそれを承認したのならば、それは合法化されるでしょう。

VII. In order for a Nation to join it must be a serious group, no immaturity will be tolerated and all groups must follow the rules no matter what. Also it must at least play either NTW/ETW.
VII. 国として参加するには、真面目なグループでなければいけません。未熟なことは大目に見られず、すべてのグループはルールに従わなければいけません。そして、NTWかETWのどちらかをプレイしていなければいけません。