ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Siege_Engineer	The business of reducing a fortress is a matter of time, guns, and mathematics.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Signals_Lieutenant	Even the finest admiral in the world needs to have his orders seen and obeyed.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Tailor_Euro	A coat cut in the latest style says much about a man's self respect.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Turkish_Bey	An able governor can often apply his skills to many problems of state.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Turkish_Jani_Admin	The defenders of the Porte are the best men to honour the time-hallowed customs of ruling the Empire.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Turkish_Jani_Com	The janissaries have defended the Empire for centuries, and remain its surest shield.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Turkish_Jani_Sec	Loyalty in a secretary is important.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Turkish_Masseur	One man's luxury is another man's necessity.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Turkish_Pasha	There are many uses for a truly able man, one who can cut through the tangle of government as with a sword.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Turnip	Truly, the height of ambition is to possess your own turnip.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Voivode_1	My people understand loyalty, and a whip in their master's hand.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Voivode_2	I do not	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Voter	Sir, my vote was not bought for a pittance! I expected and received proper recompense!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Wife_Faithful	This lady's virtue shines with a noble light, and so illuminates her husband's career.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Wife_Intelligent	A woman's quick wits can do much to advance a husband's career.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Wife_Malaprop	After a battle my husband is always prostate with grief, you know.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Wife_Matchmaker_Euro	Happiness? What has that to do with marriage when there are prospects to consider?	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Anc_Wife_Unfaithful	Being cuckolded may be worthwhile, if it fathers preferment.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_African_Servant	A manservant from the Dark Continent is a most fashionable addition to a household of quality.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Air_Loom_Operator	The power to cloud minds and so control men through the science of fluid magnetism should never be underestimated!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Amazing_Wine_Cellar	There's more to wine than finding the next bucket of claret.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Amusing_Cad	Cruelty can wear a winning smile, even as it drinks and whores and gambles its way through another man's fortune.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_ADC	A clever general surrounds himself with young men of talent.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Aide_Nephew	"Sadly, his mother - while big with the boy - was frightened by a particularly ignorant horse."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Cleric	A prayer is as good as a sabre, when the day is in doubt.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Drillmaster	"An army, Sir, is only of any damned use when it has marched to the right place and can give battle!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_European_Turncoat	This man has changed his allegiance; his savagery towards his own kind quells any doubts as to his loyalties.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Exploring_Officer	A good horse, and enough guts for a regiment of dragoons, have taken this man far across enemy territory.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Galloper	A timely message can avert many a crisis in battle.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Hagiographer	A flattering account of one's life is, well, flattering, but should never be believed.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Merc_Artilleryman	Denied promotion at home, this man has offered his skills to the highest bidder.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Merc_Cavalryman	An interest in horseflesh has taken this man far from home, and into foreign service.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Merc_Infantryman	A life spent watching officers ruin battles has brought this man to some strange new masters.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Military_Artist	The man who can map the significant military features of a landscape can show the path to victory.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Military_Surveyor	The ability to understand the landscape can show the path of least resistance.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Ottoman_Turncoat	Captured in battle, this man has proven to be surprisingly loyal to those who spared his life.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Pox_Doctor	"Your tackle may be aflame, sir, but unless you apply the ointment as I have instructed your breeches will continue to smoulder!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Quartermaster	"Supplies - good boots, say - keep a soldier happy and healthy just as well as not getting shot!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Surgeon	Speed and dexterity with the knife, saw and needle are the basic accomplishments of any good surgeon.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Army_Waggonmaster	When an army marches, it must carry all its necessaries with it.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Artillery_Expert	Well-placed artillery can settle many an argument.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Barber	"Pies are my second passion, Sir, after a well-presented and properly bled client..."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Bodysnatcher	Scholars - medical or not - should never be hampered by the vagaries of law or petty morality. They need flesh!	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Boxer	A man who can stand 167 rounds of bareknuckle boxing can be useful in a tight spot.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Duelling_Hidalgo_Fop	"It will be my pleasure, Signor, to see my principal's name carved into your heart!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Duelling_Minx	If a man won't duel over honour, perhaps he should be provided with another excuse?	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Duelling_Pistols	"BANG!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Duelling_Pistols_Manton	The perfect weapon for a man with a killer's eye.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Foodtaster	"These new almonds are a little on the bitter side."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Garden_Hermit	"It don't suit everyone. The hours are long, you have to like your own company, and the cave's bloody drafty. Still - better than starving, eh?"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Architect	"No structure, placed harmoniously within a landscape, is entirely wasted, Sir!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Comptroller	Accurate accounting is a boon to good government - and to personal wealth, if a man's mind runs that way.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Controller	Building is far more than making sure the bricks are laid properly.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Crimper	If a man wakes up with a hangover and the memory of a warm woman, it may ease the shock of joining the army.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Cypher	There is nothing wrong with reading another man's letters, especially when there are messages hidden within.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Executioner_Nasty	A man who can kill in so many inventive ways should be allowed to practice his skills.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Guardian	"Yes, his tongue was cut out, but he will throw himself on an assassin's blade to save me!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Secret_Policeman	The best place to look for treachery is in the shadows.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Secretary_Efficient	The business of managing an empire necessitates lengthy correspondence, copious minutes, voluminous regulation, and a big bottle of ink.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Secretary_Gobby	"I move in very exalted circles, you know! Oh, the things I could tell you, if I only had the time..."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Spymaster	A man who can weave plots, schemes, counterplots, and counter-counterplots into a web of deceit is valuable.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Thieftaker	"The rich have what is worth stealing. The poor steal. These are immutable rules of nature."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Vampire_Hunter	The cross, the hawthorn stake, the sharp blade and garlic: virtuous tools in the hands of the righteous.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Government_Wrestler	"If you do not tell the truth, I promise my servant will show you the meaning of agony."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Great_Composer	The great occasions of state demand music - new music, original music - to dazzle and amaze the listening crowd.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Grizzly_Adams	A man who knows the backwoods and hidden trails will always find a way to flank an enemy.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Historian	History judges all men, but if the evidence is carefully marshalled the verdict may be kind.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Inventive_Genius_Astronomer	"The finding of new oceans, seas and lakes upon the Moon most assuredly gives the discoverer the right to name them as he and his patron desire!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Inventive_Genius_Loony	"My main study is a matter vital - vital - to our prosperity, Sir. I speak of nothing less than the safe enlargement of trouser mice!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Inventive_Genius_Mill_Worker	"The world will beat a path to your door, Sir. Invest but a small sum in the 'Jiggling Elizabeth', and everyone will thank you!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Justice_Witness	A man who can be utterly damning from the witness box is useful, even when he doesn't know the accused.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Landscape_Gardener	"The village - and the tenants - must be removed, otherwise the proposed lake will be in want of an harmonious aspect."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Madman	Studying the broken mind can lead to fruitful insights into the soul.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Master_of_Lunacy	"I, Sir, not fashion or whimsy or the opinions of the great and good, decide what constitutes sanity at this juncture!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Merchant_Corn_Factor	"Profit, sir, keeps a roof over the heads of honest landowners! If the whining poor choose not to pay the market price, so be it!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Military_Riding_Master	"A good horseman sits well, Sir. Dash and fire come later, to those unlucky enough not to be Hungarian!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Actress	"Please, my love: no more bishop jokes this evening..."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Circassian	Gorgeous, headstrong and loyal to her master, even to the point of death.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Common_Floozy	Cheap entertainment keeps one in touch with common folk.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Gorgeous	Not every lady is ladylike, which is why this lady has an extremely comfortable life.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Molly	Not every lady is as ladylike as he (ahem!) would have everyone believe.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Noble	Knowing the right people to bribe or blackmail can do wonders for a man's career.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Spycatcher_Lady	A woman with the right connections may see things that others do not.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mistress_Spymistress	This woman is a spider: merciless, hypnotic, seductive and, to her enemies, deadly.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mystic_Mysterious	A terribly wise fellow. Close-mouthed, of course, but shockingly wise.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Mystic_Useful	The wise see what the foolish do not. Sometimes they tell the foolish about their visions.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Cleric	Solace can be found in more than a jug of grog.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Flag_Lieutenant	A wise admiral makes use of an extra pair of young eyes.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Merc_Sea_Captain	A life of adventure on the high seas has brought this man far from his Hollander roots.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Naval_Architect	Guns, sails, hull, crew: all must be in harmonious proportion.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Naval_Surveryor	Inspection by an unsympathetic eye may make a captain look like a fool, but can save his ship.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Prize_Agent_Good	The man who gets the best price for a ship and its cargo is a useful - and popular - fellow.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Purser	"What others term short rations, I call prudence!"	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Sailing_Master	"I'll wager, Sir, that you've never seen tunny leaping out of the sea at midnight..."	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Surgeon	A man who can keep his head when the decks are awash with blood is worth his weight in cannon balls.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Navy_Watch	The work of master craftsmen, this precision timepiece is a priceless aid to navigators.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Numismatist	Debasing coinage is a serious offence - unless the government are the people doing it.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Outstanding_Choirmaster	Music is one of the civilized accomplishments of any age.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Pamphleteer_Government	Mostly truthful reporting of government business is a powerful tool for a minister.	False
ancillaries_colour_text_Ancillary_Pamphleteer_Radical	The right kind of truth in reporting of government business is helpful to an agent provocateur.	False