• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。

advice_levels_onscreen_text_1242837398	資​源​の​眠​る、​遥​か​遠​く​の​大​陸​に​植​民​地​を​所​有​す​よ​う​に​な​る​と、​海​上​交​易​が​大​変​重要​と​な​っ​て​き​ま​す。​交​易​協​定​が​成​立​す​れ​ば、​国​家​間​の​交​易​路​は​自​動​的​に​開​か​れ​ま​す。​自​国​の​ル​ー​ト​は​緑、​中​立​国​は​白、​敵​の​交​易​路​は​赤​で​表​さ​れ​ま​す。​敵​と​共​有​さ​れ​る​交​易​路​は​黄色​と​な​り​ま​す。​外​交​交​渉​に​入​り、​通​商​協​定​の​締​結​を​行​な​い​ま​し​ょ​う。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1243676742	こ​こ​で​は​武​装部​族​民​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1243953931	こ​の​オ​プ​シ​ョ​ン​は​軍​事​同​盟​を​締​結​す​る​た​め​に​使​い​ま​す。​こ​れ​に​よ​り、​戦​時​や、​そ​れ​に​準​ず​る​事​態​に​は​同​盟​国​に​援​軍要請​が​可​能​と​な​り​ま​す。​同​盟​国​が​攻​撃​を​受​け​た​場​合​に​援​助​を​断​れ​ば、​同​盟​は​即​時​に​解​消​さ​れ​る​の​で​注​意​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_124410149	敵​が​攻​撃​の​た​め​に​整​列​中​の​場​合、​前​進​を​続​け​さ​せ​れ​ば、​行進​で​疲​労​さ​せ​る​こ​と​が​で​き​ま​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1244710668	こ​こ​で​は​地​元​漁​港​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1245539238	Extremes of heat or cold will give a fatigue penalty to units not used to living and fighting in such conditions. Some units are naturally resistant to this penalty.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-124656062	こ​こ​で​は​軽​ガ​レ​ー​船​の​建​造​と​そ​の​船​員​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1246754910	最​高​の​戦​術​の​1​つ​は、​敵​を​包​囲​し​背​後​あ​る​い​は​側​面​か​ら​射​撃​す​る​こ​と​で​す。​敵​が​向​き​を​変​え​こ​ち​ら​を​追​い​払​お​う​と​す​れ​ば、​陣​形​が​崩​れ、​騎​兵​隊​の​格​好​の​標​的​と​な​り​ま​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247116376	敵​が​素​早​い​軽​兵​部隊​か​騎​兵​隊​を​多​く​保​持​し​て​い​る​場​合、​自​分​の​軽​歩​兵​隊​を​他​の​支​援​部隊​の​近​く​に​移​動​し、​捕​ま​る​こ​と​の​な​い​に​し​ま​し​ょ​う。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247479159	The order in which reinforcements take to the battlefield can be determined by left-clicking and dragging, the unit on the far left being the first to take the field.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247657405	Spies can sabotage a rival army's ability to move during a turn, effectively sending them on a wild goose chase. Right-click on a rival army and select the sabotage option to undermine their movements.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247739622	Although turning down an invitation to duel can be socially demeaning to a gentleman, sometimes discretion is the better part of valour - especially if he is one of the leading minds of the age and a damned poor shot to boot! Perhaps the best course of action is to reject the offer and run?!
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247826843	It is a crucial time in the war between France and the Coalition. With the majority of French forces engaging Austria in the Rhineland, you have been placed in command of the destitute Armée d’Italie near the French-Italian border. Faced with  impending invasion from Austrian forces stationed in Italy, it is vital that you address your army’s dire situation and secure a foothold in the region before setting your sights on Austria itself; capture Klagenfurt and your forces will have a clear path to Vienna. The stronghold of Mantua may prove to be a challenging obstacle, although its seizure is vital if you hope to weaken the Austrian position in Italy. You will also face resistance from Austria’s Coalition ally, the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. Subjugating this nation, along with any other Italian states that stand in your way, will ensure you sufficient resources to crush the Austrians and overthrow the Coalition once and for all.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1248357663	The seemingly unstoppable armies of Napoleon are a great threat to all Europe, but for now Prussia should keep their own counsel. Britain, Austria, and Russia have requested you join the war effort against Napoleon, but for now the King prefers to observe the progress of the conflict from afar before acting decisively one way or the other - as German states may be under threat from both France and Austria. As the leading German nation, it is up to Prussia to protect the sovereignty of those states. Perhaps it would be better to annex them yourself to guarantee their independence from French imperialism? The best strategy is to build your armies up to full strength whilst France and Austria fight it out, then ally with the power who best serves Prussian interests. All the while the Russian bear looms in the east, eager to sweep the German-speaking parts of Poland into its mighty paw. Whatever happens next, delaying for too long will result in the destruction of Prussian possessions across its rightful homelands - something that must not be allowed to happen.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1248967624	Ambition: instilled in the mind of a child it becomes a powerful force. From an early age, Napoléon was taught that ambition can make a man great. His father had done everything in his power to secure a place for his young son in a school on the mainland, far from Corsica and the confines of island life.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1248971230	Each time a technology is sucessfully researched you will be presented with this message panel. Here you can see information about the technologies that have been researched. You will also see which new technologies will be automatically researched after this turn has ended.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1249032344	You can also zoom in and out of the campaign map by rolling the middle mouse button back and forth.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1249308657	Construct a dockyard at Genoa.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1249604333	他​の​地​域​に​置​き​去​り​に​さ​れ​た​陸軍​は、​周​辺​の​地​方​を​自​動​的​に​攻​撃​し​ま​す。​略​奪​に​よ​り、​道、​農​場、​鉱​山、​港、​天​然​資​源​を​破​壊​し​尽​く​す​の​で​す。​彼​ら​の​チ​ェ​ッ​ク​を​怠​る​と、​交​易​収​入​や​人​口​増​加​に​影​響​す​る​こ​と​に​な​り​ま​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1250177041	If you wish to cancel construction, simply left-click on the building's icon and the building work will stop.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_125086532	こ​こ​で​は​銀鉱​採​掘​コ​ン​ビ​ナ​ー​ト​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1251181837	こ​こ​で​は​村​の​ロ​ン​グ​ハ​ウ​ス​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1253864586	You will now notice the map of Europe will start to change in colour depending on the tax rates you have set for your country. By increasing taxes you are more likely to upset people, as shown in red. By reducing them you will increase happiness, as shown in green.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1254159297	敵​を​砲​撃​す​る​間、​マ​ウ​ス​の​中​央​ボ​タ​ン​を​回​し​て​視​点​を​上​下​さ​せ​て​み​ま​し​ょ​う。​代​わ​り​に​Z​か​X​キ​ー​も​使​え​ま​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255000382	Now select the trading port icon on the review panel. With this selected, click on the change building type button at the bottom of the screen, then pick the dockyard building icon to convert the town into a dockyard.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255005425	Your general can inspire a unit to fight more effectively. Pressing the inspire button displays a radius around the general, any unit within it can be inspired. Once the inspire ability button is activated, right-click on a unit to inspire it. Their morale will be raised and their melee and marksmanship abilities will be improved for a limited time. Targeted units that are outside the general's radius can also be inspired. He will move closer until they are within range before inspiring them.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255110032	こ​れ​を​行​な​う​に​は​殆​ど​時​間​が​残​さ​れ​て​い​ま​せ​ん。​引​き​受​け​た​ミ​ッ​シ​ョ​ン​を​完​了​で​き​な​け​れ​ば、​悪​い​結​果​に​な​る​で​し​ょ​う。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255200065	こ​こ​で​は​ヒ​ン​ド​ゥ​ー​戦​士​隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1255420100	こ​こ​で​は​外​人​部隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255438994	A trade post is the means by which nations within the European theatre trade with the rest of the world, who do not appear in the game. In order to begin trade, build a trade ship, sail to a trade post, and right-click on the anchor icon.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255460539	As an alternative to a straight-forward occupation, upon capture of a settlement there is also an option to loot it as well. Doing so will add a lump sum to your treasury, but there will be a greater public order penalty than that caused by occupation alone. All buildings inside a looted settlement suffer considerable damage, and the associated region's wealth is diminished for some time afterwards.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255519113	Your general has obtained a hot air observation balloon that will join his army on the battlefield. This enables him to view the deployment of the enemy force and reveals the position of any hidden units.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255536732	A drop-in battle is a new feature allowing you to find a human opponent to take the place of the AI nation in a battle in your campaign, or fight a battle in another's campaign in place of the AI. This is achieved via the on-line battle mechanism. If you checked the enable drop-in battles checkbox when setting up your campaign, you will occasionally receive an invitation to fight another player in a battle from their campaign. If you accept, your current campaign progress will be saved before you join them on the battlefield. Once the battle is over, you will automatically resume your own campaign where you left off.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255604288	To start recruiting your fleet, select Genoa and then the naval recruitment tab from within the review panel at the bottom of the screen.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255610942	It is possible to swap between building types anywhere there is a chain of buildings. Select the building you wish to change, then click on the change building type button to the right of the review panel to convert from one to another.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257242139	Intellectual centres are the engines of learning in any nation. They allow the construction of colleges and universities for the gifted to study and advance the sum total of knowledge for the benefit of all. Cairo has one such centre. Capture this region so that you may exploit its educational infrastructure for the good of the Republic. Vive la France!
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1257841388	Toulon 1793: Napoléon was given his chance to control the artillery after the previous commander was injured. Napoléon's attention to detail and confidence, made quite an impression on his superiors, and they sang his praises to Paris. His reputation was being made.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1257913403	こ​こ​で​は​コ​ー​ヒ​ー​倉​庫​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257949582	As your army marches towards Toulon, try using your spy to assassinate the British general or to sabotage one of the buildings within the city.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_125796065	Once the spy enters the city, you will see him in the agents tab of the review panel. From here you will be able to carry out various tasks from the next turn onwards, including assassinations and sabotaging enemy buildings.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257964984	The manoeuvre compass, used for fine-tuning unit orders, is at the centre of the battle control panel. The three arrows within its top half can be used to direct a unit or unit group straight ahead, or turn it to the left or right. The button in the centre of the lower half causes a unit to step backwards. Holding down this button will make them turn and walk backwards. Clicking and holding down the rank and file buttons on either side change the depth of a unit's formation by increasing or decreasing the number of rows the troops stand in.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257998467	現​在​自​分​の​国​家​は​立​憲​君​主​制​で​す。​君​主​の​個​人​的​権​力​は、​選​挙​で​選​ば​れ​た​議​会​に​よ​っ​て​監​視​抑​制​さ​れ​て​い​ま​す。​政​府​は​政​党​の​メ​ン​バ​ー​で​構​成​さ​れ、​選​挙​に​負​け​れ​ば、​対​立​政​党​の​メ​ン​バ​ー​と​交​替​し​ま​す。​適​任​で​な​い​と​わ​か​れ​ば​大​臣​も​解​任​・​交​替​が​可​能​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258103965	When enlisting a new general or admiral you will be offered a choice of candidates, giving you the option to choose the commander who is best suited to your situation. They will be priced according to their capabilities and limited by the size of your empire.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258106865	With your nation close to bankruptcy, it would be wise to increase taxes throughout your lands or disband some of your troops or fleets to increase your income for the next turn.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258457621	When enlisting a new general or admiral you will be offered a choice of candidates, giving you the option to choose the commander who is best suited to your situation. They will be priced according to their capabilities and limited by the size of your empire.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1258571343	こ​こ​で​は​政​府​議​会​の​設​置​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258996206	Selecting the option to liberate turns the region into your protectorate, emerging as a new, allied nation controlled by a government sympathetic to your cause. They will retain ownership of their territory but allow military access, thereby acting as a buffer state on the frontier of your empire. They will also provide an army of conscripted troops for you to control. Financial tribute will be paid to your nation each turn, as with any other protectorate.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1259146729	This nation has now become your protectorate. Protectorates can take advantage of the military might of their "parent" nation in exchange for 50% of their income and unlimited military access, as well as counting towards their protector’s victory conditions. They may find themselves dragged into a conflict not of their own design, and unlike a regular ally cannot decline a request to fight for their protector without automatically declaring war on them.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1259570843	Attrition is the loss of troops from a unit due to desertion, disease, etc. A unit will suffer attrition if it ends its turn in the field during the Winter months or in desert conditions. Armies native to regions in the far north or in deserts are immune to attrition when located in those regions. All elite units are immune to attrition.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1262433918	こ​こ​で​は​王​立​ア​カ​デ​ミ​ー​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1262624287	This panel gives you important information about a particular unit type: number of men, recruitment and upkeep costs, experience, statistics, special abilities, and a detailed description.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1264671506	自​分​の​国​家​は​交​易​で​今​以​上​の​利​益​が​上​げ​ら​れ​そ​う​で​す。​外​交​を​持​ち​か​け、​新​し​い​交​易​協​定​を​結​び​ま​し​ょ​う。​外​交​交​渉​パ​ネ​ル​は​画​面​右​下​の​ボ​タ​ン​で​開​け​ま​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1266097244	自​国​か​ら​「​イ​ン​ド​貿​易​船​」​と​し​て​知​ら​れ​る​商​船​を​他​の​大​陸​に​送​れ​ば、​交​易​収​入​を​大​き​く​伸​ば​せ​る​可​能​性​が​あ​り​ま​す。​ア​フ​リ​カ​沿​岸、​南​ア​メ​リ​カ、​東​イ​ン​ド​諸​島​に​特​別​交​易​地​方​が​あ​り、​商​船​が​交​易​港​で​建​造​さ​れ​て​い​ま​す。​建​造​後​船​を​交​易​地​方​に​送​り、​交​易​を​始​め​ま​し​ょ​う。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_126614197	こ​こ​で​は​タ​バ​コ​小​農​園​の​設​置​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1268693641	空​気​銃​の​研​究​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1270120110	こ​こ​で​は​タ​ー​ク​ル​の​宮​廷​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1270149641	こ​こ​で​は​遊​牧​民​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1270342130	改​良​型​擲​弾​の​研​究​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1271563323	こ​こ​で​は​伝​染​病​が​発​生​し​て​い​ま​す。​流​行​が​過​ぎ​る​ま​で​誰​も​こ​の​地​域​に​出​入​り​し​な​い​よ​う​に​隔離​し​て​く​だ​さ​い​!遅​す​ぎ​る​か​も​し​れ​ま​せ​ん​が、​手​を​こ​ま​ね​い​て​い​る​訳​に​は​い​き​ま​せ​ん。​感​染​拡​大​を​食​い​止​め​る​の​で​す​!
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1271902891	海​戦​は、​し​ば​し​ば​船​同​士​の​一​対​一​の​決​闘​の​連​続​と​な​り​ま​す​が、​で​き​る​限​り​陣​形​を​保​ち、​提​督​と​コ​ン​タ​ク​ト​を​保​っ​て​お​く​価​値​は​あ​り​ま​す。​お​互​い​声​の​届​く​位​置​に​い​れ​ば、​旗​艦​の​近​く​で​士​気​が​上​が​る​効​果​が、​船​か​ら​船​へ​伝​わ​る​か​ら​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1273146092	生​石​灰​弾​の​研​究​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1273390037	高​地​に​囲​ま​れ​た​場​所、​土​地​が​低​く​な​っ​て​い​る​場​所​へ​の​接​近​は​避​け​ま​し​ょ​う。​罠​に​は​め​ら​れ​て、​孤​立​に​追​い​込​ま​れ​や​す​く​な​り​ま​す。​距離​を​開​け​て、​こ​う​し​た​場​所​に​敵​を​追​い​込​み​ま​し​ょ​う。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1277544103	こ​こ​で​は​フ​リ​ュ​ー​ト​の​建​造​と​そ​の​船​員​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1278367614	現​在、​地​元​漁​港​を​建​設​す​る​ミ​ッ​シ​ョ​ン​が​進行​中​で​す。​完​了​す​る​に​は、​ジ​ェ​ー​ム​ズ​タ​ウ​ン​東​の​キ​ャ​ン​ペ​ー​ン​マ​ッ​プ​の​港​を​左​ク​リ​ッ​ク​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1278703861	こ​こ​で​は​親衛隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1279130588	こ​こ​で​は​ベ​イ​の​屋​敷​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1279704252	こ​こ​で​は​ポ​ウ​ハ​タ​ン​戦​士​隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1279863409	こ​こ​で​は​ベ​イ​の​審​議​会​の​設​置​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1282356525	軽騎​兵​隊​は​機​動​力​と​ス​タ​ミ​ナ​が​あ​る​の​で、​戦​場​に​お​け​る​斥​候​活​動​に​最​適​で​す。​厄​介​な​状​況​に​巻​き​込​ま​れ​て​も、​そ​の​ス​ピ​ー​ド​で​素​早​く​危​険​か​ら​抜​け​出​せ​る​の​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1285898376	こ​こ​で​は​伝​統​的​な​大​学​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1289748928	こ​こ​で​は​メ​ゾ​ン​・​ド​・​ロ​イ​隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1290794483	こ​こ​で​は​フ​ァ​ー​ガ​ソ​ン​・​ラ​イ​フ​ル​銃​兵​隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1291133193	お​見​事​!​後​方​か​ら​の​攻​撃​こ​そ、​騎​兵​隊​が​歩​兵​隊​を​攻​撃​す​る​唯​一​最​高​の​方​法​で​す。​し​か​し、​敵​の​援​軍部隊​に​は​充​分​注​意​し​て​く​だ​さ​い​!
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1293715000	こ​こ​で​は​大​型​カ​ノ​ン​砲​の​製造​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1296378373	こ​こ​で​は​大​ア​ー​シ​ュ​ラ​ム​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1296933163	こ​こ​で​は​兵​器​委​員​会​の​設​置​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1297297515	現​在、​タ​バ​コ​農​園​設​置​の​ミ​ッ​シ​ョ​ン​が​進行​中​で​す。​今​す​ぐ​完​了​し​た​け​れ​ば、​キ​ャ​ン​ペ​ー​ン​マ​ッ​プ​の​農​園​ア​イ​コ​ン​を​左​ク​リ​ッ​ク​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_129929020	ラ​イ​ム​ジ​ュ​ー​ス​と​ザ​ウ​ア​ー​ク​ラ​ウ​ト​の​研​究​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1300166217	こ​こ​で​は​イ​ス​ラ​ム​剣​士​隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1300414160	精​錬​炉​の​研​究​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1301444000	こ​こ​で​は​織​工​の​小​屋​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1302257879	発​展​途​中​の​帝​国​は​常​に​よ​り​多​く​の​部隊​を​必​要​と​し​て​い​ま​す。​新​兵​の​訓​練​と​装​備​の​た​め​に​兵​舎​を​建​設​し、​こ​の​町​を​軍​事​化​し​ま​し​ょ​う。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1308226834	こ​こ​で​は​イ​ェ​ニ​チ​ェ​リ​手​臼​砲​連隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1308478569	騎​兵​隊​に​よ​る​側​面部隊​は​敵​に​と​っ​て​大​き​な​脅​威​と​な​り​ま​す​が、​騎​兵​隊​と​歩​兵​隊​の​混​成​部隊​こ​そ​(速​度​は​遅​い​も​の​の​)​よ​り​危​険​な​存​在​で​す。​歩​兵​隊​で​敵​を​攻​撃​す​る​間、​騎​兵​隊​は​自​由​に​殺​戮​で​き​る​の​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_130899555	As an alternative to a straight-forward occupation, upon capture of a settlement there is also an option to loot it as well. Doing so will add a lump sum to your treasury, but there will be a greater public order penalty than that caused by occupation alone. All buildings inside a looted settlement suffer considerable damage, and the associated region's wealth is diminished for some time afterwards.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1310965009	準​備​の​時​間​が​あ​れ​ば、​軽​歩​兵​隊​を​使​っ​て、​敵​騎​兵​隊​を​阻​止​す​る​木​杭​を​設​置​で​き​ま​す。​画​面​右​下​の​木​杭​ボ​タ​ン​を​使​っ​て​配​置​し​ま​し​ょ​う。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1312374983	こ​こ​で​は​イ​ェ​ニ​チ​ェ​リ​兵​舎​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1312920696	こ​こ​で​は​セ​メ​ニ​ー​兵​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1315028949	こ​こ​で​は​18​ポ​ン​ド​砲​近衛騎馬​砲​兵​隊​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_131718024	高​地​の​支​配​権​を​得​た​い​時​は、​敵​と​競​争​す​る​よ​り、​敵​が​急​ぐ​必​要​を​感​じ​な​い​よ​う​に​隠​れ​て​高​地​に​近​づ​き​ま​し​ょ​う。​同​時​に​お​と​り​に​飛​び​つ​か​せ​て​敵​の​気​を​そ​ら​す​の​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1318375946	You have successfully made peace with Sardinia. The waters along our southern coast will be safe again.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1318614585	こ​こ​で​は​陸軍​司​令​部​の​設​置​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1318755131	こ​こ​で​は​レ​イ​ジ​ー​の​建​造​と​そ​の​船​員​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1318888105	こ​こ​で​は​ガ​レ​ー​船​の​建​造​と​そ​の​船​員​の​徴​兵​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1320399401	Welcome to Corsica. You are about to learn how to build an empire through conquest and diplomacy, establish vast and profitable trade routes, research new and exciting technologies, and advance Napoléon's military power on both land and sea. Fame and glory await!
advice_levels_onscreen_text_132393743	山​道​で​の​戦​闘​で​は、​常​に​渓​谷​を​壁​に​し​て​離​れ​な​い​よ​う​に。​斜​面​を​利​用​す​れ​ば​優​勢​と​な​る​し、​少​な​く​と​も​片​方​の​側​面​を​守​る​こ​と​が​で​き​ま​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1324765185	こ​こ​で​は​皇​帝​の​宮​殿​の​建​設​に​専​念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1325546880	Select the policies tab at the top of the government panel.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1326873110	This battle can be fought as a drop-in battle. This means that you can choose to have another player take command of the AI forces in the battle, offering an even greater challenge! Click the drop-in battle button to quickly find an opponent on-line or invite a friend.
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-132949274	ジ​ェ​ー​ム​ズ​タ​ウ​ン​地​域​で​の​農​場​と​漁​場​の​設​置​に​成​功​し​ま​し​た。​今​後​こ​の​領​地​は​発​展​し​繁​栄​す​る​は​ず​で​す。​今​度​は​地​元​の​先​住​民​部​族​の​脅​威​に​対​処​す​る​番​で​す。​北​東​の​村​に​陸軍​を​派​遣​し​占​領​し​ま​し​ょ​う。