advice_levels_onscreen_text_1242837398 With the advent of colonial possessions on resource-laden far away continents, sea-based trade is of great importance. Making a trade agreement automatically opens a trade route between nations. Your routes are displayed green, those of neutral nations are white, and those belonging to the enemy are red. Those trade routes that are shared with an enemy nation are yellow. Make a trade agreement by entering into diplomacy. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1243676742 こ​こ​で​武装部族民​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1243953931 こ​の​オプション​は​軍事同盟​の​締結​に​使​い​ま​す。​こ​れ​に​よ​っ​て​戦時​や、​同様​な​事態​に​あ​る​と​き​同盟国​に​支援​す​る​よ​う​呼​び​掛​け​る​事​がで​き​ま​す。​同盟国​が​攻撃​を​受​け​た​際​に​発​す​る​支援要請​を​拒否​す​る​と、​即座​に​同盟​が​解消​さ​れ​る​の​で​注意​して​く​だ​さ​い。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_124410149 敵​が​攻撃​を​企​て​て​い​る​のな​ら、​こ​ち​ら​か​ら​打​っ​て​出​る​こと​な​く​前進​を​続け​さ​せ、​行進​で​疲労​さ​せ​る​の​が​殆​ど​の​場合​に​お​い​て​得策​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1244710668 こ​こ​で​地元魚場​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1245539238 極度​の​暑​さ​や​寒​さ​は​そ​の​様​な​環境​に​住んで、​厳​し​い​自然​と​戦っ​た​事​が​な​い​兵士達​に​疲労​ペナルティ​を​与​え​ま​す。​こ​う​いっ​た​環境​に​慣​れ​親​し​ん​だ​部隊​は​こ​の​ペナルティ​に​対抗力​が​あ​り​ます。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-124656062 ここで​軽ガレー​を​建造​し、そ​の​船員​の​徴兵​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1246754910 殆​ど​の​場合、​最良​の​戦術​は​敵​を​包囲​し​て​そ​の​背後、​或​い​は​側面​か​ら​射撃​す​る​事​で​す。​敵​が​こ​ち​ら​に​向​き​を​変​え​た​り、​追​い​払​お​う​と​す​れ​ば​陣形​が​崩​れ、​騎兵​に​対​し​て​脆弱​に​なり​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247116376 敵​が​素早​い​軽歩兵​や​騎兵​を​多数保有​し​て​い​る​場合、​こ​ち​ら​の​軽歩兵​や​散兵​を​他​の​支援部隊​の​側​に​移動​さ​せ​る​事​を​検討​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。​そ​う​す​れ​ば​簡単​に​襲​わ​れ​る​事​は​な​い​で​し​ょ​う。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247479159 援軍​が​戦場​に​到着​す​る​順番​は​部隊カード​を​左クリック​し​な​が​ら​ドラッグ​で​変​え​る​こ​と​が​で​き​ま​す。​左上​の​部隊​が​最初​に​戦場​に​到着​し​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247657405 スパイ​は​競合国​の​軍​の​1ターン分​の​移動能力​を​事実上、​無意味​な​も​の​に​す​る​破壊工作​を​行​う​事​が​で​き​ま​す。​軍​を​右クリック​し、​破壊工作オプション​を​選​ん​で​そ​の​移動能力​を​奪う​の​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247739622 決闘​の​誘​い​を​断​る​と​社交界​に​置​け​る​紳士​の​品位​に​傷​が​つ​い​て​し​ま​うか​も​し​れ​ま​せ​ん​が、​君子​は​危​う​き​に​近寄​ら​ず​と​言​い​ま​す​-特​に​こ​の​時代有数​の​頭脳​を​持​ち、​お​ま​け​に​全​く​銃​を​扱​う​事​が​で​き​な​い​の​な​ら!​恐​ら​く​最​も​良​い​行動​は​誘​い​を​断​り、​大急​ぎ​で​逃​げ​る​こ​と​で​し​ょ​う?! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1247826843 フランス​と​対仏同盟国間​の​戦争​は​重要​な​局面​を​迎​え​て​い​ま​す。​フランス軍​の​大部分​が​ライン方面​の​オーストリア​に​集結​す​る​な​か​で、​貴方​は​フランス​の​イタリア​国境沿​い​に​位​置す​る​貧相極​ま​り​な​い​イタリア方面軍​の​司令官​に​任命​さ​れ​ま​し​た。​イタリア​に​駐屯​し​て​い​る​オーストリア軍​か​ら​の​差​し​迫​っ​た​侵攻​に​直面​し​て​お​り、​オーストリア​本土​を​目指​す​前​に​イタリア方面軍​の​悲惨​な​状況​に​対処​し、​イタリア​に​足掛​か​り​を​得​な​く​て​な​り​ま​せ​ん。​クラーゲンフルト​を​占領​す​る​こ​と​が​で​き​れ​ば、​ウィーン​へ​の​道​が​開​か​れ​る​で​しょ​う。​マントヴァ要塞​の​占領​は​イタリア​に​置​け​る​オーストリア勢力​の​弱体化​を​望​む​の​な​ら​重要​で​す​が、​攻略​は​困難​を​極​め​る​かも​し​れ​ま​せ​ん。​また、​オーストリア​の​同盟国​ピエモンテ​-​サルデーニャ王国​の​抵抗​に​直面​す​る​こ​と​にな​る​で​し​ょ​う。​サルデーニャ王国​を​征服​す​れ​​​ば、​進路上​に​位置​す​る​他​の​イタリア国家​と​オーストリア​を​打​ち​砕​き、​完全​に​大同盟​を​崩壊​さ​せ​る​に​は​十分​な​資源​を​手​に​す​るこ​と​が​で​きる​で​し​ょ​う。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1248357663 ナポレオン​の​一見​と​め​る​事​が​で​き​ぬ​軍隊​は​全ヨーロッパ​に​とっ​て​恐​る​べ​き​脅威​で​す​が、​今​の​プロイセン​は​フランス​の​勧告​を​守​る​べ​き​で​す。​英国、​オーストリア、​そして​ロシア​が​ナポレオン​に​対​す​る​闘争​に​参加す​る​よ​う​求​め​て​い​ま​す​が、​国王​は​立場​を​表明​し​断固​と​し​た​行動​を​取​る​前​に、​当面​の​間遠​く​から​争​い​の​成​り​行​き​を​見​守​る​べ​き​だ​と​考​え​て​い​ま​す。​主要​な​ドイツ国​と​し​て、​こ​れ​ら​の​小国​の​主権​を​保護​す​る​か​は​プロイセン​次第​で​す。​も​し​か​した​ら​フランス​の​帝国主義​か​ら​彼​ら​の独立​を​保障​す​るた​め​に​プロイセン​に​併合​し​た​ほ​う​が​良​い​の​か​も​しれ​ま​せ​ん。​最良​の​戦略​は​フランス​と​オーストリア​が​死闘​を​演​じ​て​る​間​に、​軍隊​を​限界​ま​で​増強​す​るこ​と​で​あ​り、​そ​の​暁​に​は​プロイセン​の​利益​に​最​も​寄与​す​る​国​と​同盟​を​結​ぶ​事​が​で​き​る​で​しょ​う。​た​だ​そ​う​す​る​間​に​も、​ロシア​の​不作法者達​は​東​か​ら​不気味​に​迫​っ​て​お​り、​ど​う​や​ら​ポーランド​の​ドイツ語圏​を​一掃​し、​我​が​物​に​し​た​がっ​て​い​る​よ​う​で​す。​次​に​何​が​起​こ​る​に​し​て​も​余​り​に​長​い​間、​静観​を​続​け​て​し​ま​う​と​プロイセン​の​正統​な​国土​が​破壊​され​て​し​ま​う​か​も​し​れ​ま​せ​ん。​そ​の​様​な​事​を​許​し​て​は​な​り​せ​ませ​ん。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1248967624 野望​:​幼心​に​刻​み​付​け​ら​れ​た​そ​れ​は​強力​な​力​と​な​る​の​で​す。​幼​い​頃​か​ら​ナポレオン​は​野望​が​偉人​を​作​り​出​す​の​だ​と​教​え​ら​れ​て​​き​ま​し​た。​ナポレオン​の​父親​は​コルシカ​か​ら​遠​く、​島​の​生活​と​は​隔​て​ら​れ​た​フランス本土​の​学校​で​幼​い​息子​に​教育受​け​さ​せ​る​事​に​に​そ​の​力​の​全​て​を​傾​け​ま​し​た。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1248971230 技術​の​研究​が​終了​す​る​た​び​に​こ​の​メッセージパネル​が​提示​さ​れ​ま​す。​こ​こ​では​研究​が​完了​し​た​技術​の​情報​を​見​る​こと​が​出来​ま​す。​ま​た、​こ​の​ターン​が​終了​し​た​後​に​ど​の​技術​が​自動的​に​研究​さ​れ​る​か​​を​確認​す​る​事​も​で​き​ま​す。​も​し​他​の​技術​を​研究​し​た​い​場合​は​手動​で​選択​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1249032344 マウスホイール​を​前後​に​動​か​す​事​で​キャンペーンマップ​を​ズーム​す​る​こ​と​が​で​き​ま​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1249308657 ジェノバ​に​造船所​を​建設し​て​く​だ​さ​い。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1249604333 他​の​領土​に​孤立​し​た​陸軍​は、​周囲​の​地方​に​自動的​に​損害​を​与​え​ま​す。​略奪​に​次​ぐ​略奪​で​道、​農場、​鉱山、​港、​そ​し​て​天然資源​が​破壊​さ​れ​てし​ま​う​の​で​す。​略奪者達​を​野放​し​に​し​て​し​まう​と、​最終的​に​交易収入​と​人口増加​に​悪影響​を​及​ぼ​す​で​しょ​う。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1250177041 建設​を​取​り​止​め​た​い​の​な​ら、​建物​の​アイコン​を​左クリック​し​て​く​だ​さ​い。​そ​う​す​る​と​建設​は​中止​さ​れ​る​で​し​ょ​う。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_125086532 こ​こ​で​銀鉱産業​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1251181837 こ​こ​で​ロングハウス集落​を​建設​す​る​こ​と​に​専念​す​る​べ​き​で​す。 False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1253864586 You will now notice the map of Europe will start to change in colour depending on the tax rates you have set for your country. By increasing taxes you are more likely to upset people, as shown in red. By reducing them you will increase happiness, as shown in green. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1254159297 Whilst you are shelling the enemy, practice raising and lowering the camera by rolling the middle mouse button. Alternatively, you can use the Z or X keys. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255000382 Now select the trading port icon on the review panel. With this selected, click on the change building type button at the bottom of the screen, then pick the dockyard building icon to convert the town into a dockyard. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255005425 Your general can inspire a unit to fight more effectively. Pressing the inspire button displays a radius around the general, any unit within it can be inspired. Once the inspire ability button is activated, right-click on a unit to inspire it. Their morale will be raised and their melee and marksmanship abilities will be improved for a limited time. Targeted units that are outside the general's radius can also be inspired. He will move closer until they are within range before inspiring them. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255110032 Little time is left now for you to do this. Non-completion of a mission you have agreed to undertake may have negative consequences. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255200065 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Hindu Warriors here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1255420100 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting Regiments Etrangeres here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255438994 A trade post is the means by which nations within the European theatre trade with the rest of the world, who do not appear in the game. In order to begin trade, build a trade ship, sail to a trade post, and right-click on the anchor icon. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255460539 As an alternative to a straight-forward occupation, upon capture of a settlement there is also an option to loot it as well. Doing so will add a lump sum to your treasury, but there will be a greater public order penalty than that caused by occupation alone. All buildings inside a looted settlement suffer considerable damage, and the associated region's wealth is diminished for some time afterwards. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255519113 Your general has obtained a hot air observation balloon that will join his army on the battlefield. This enables him to view the deployment of the enemy force and reveals the position of any hidden units. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255536732 A drop-in battle is a new feature allowing you to find a human opponent to take the place of the AI nation in a battle in your campaign, or fight a battle in another's campaign in place of the AI. This is achieved via the on-line battle mechanism. If you checked the enable drop-in battles checkbox when setting up your campaign, you will occasionally receive an invitation to fight another player in a battle from their campaign. If you accept, your current campaign progress will be saved before you join them on the battlefield. Once the battle is over, you will automatically resume your own campaign where you left off. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255604288 To start recruiting your fleet, select Genoa and then the naval recruitment tab from within the review panel at the bottom of the screen. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1255610942 It is possible to swap between building types anywhere there is a chain of buildings. Select the building you wish to change, then click on the change building type button to the right of the review panel to convert from one to another. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257242139 Intellectual centres are the engines of learning in any nation. They allow the construction of colleges and universities for the gifted to study and advance the sum total of knowledge for the benefit of all. Cairo has one such centre. Capture this region so that you may exploit its educational infrastructure for the good of the Republic. Vive la France! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1257841388 Toulon 1793: Napoleon was given his chance to control the artillery after the previous commander was injured. Napoleon's attention to detail and confidence, made quite an impression on his superiors, and they sang his praises to Paris. His reputation was being made. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1257913403 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Coffee Warehouse here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257949582 As your army marches towards Toulon, try using your spy to assassinate the British general or to sabotage one of the buildings within the city. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_125796065 Once the spy enters the city, you will see him in the agents tab of the review panel. From here you will be able to carry out various tasks from the next turn onwards, including assassinations and sabotaging enemy buildings. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257964984 The manoeuvre compass, used for fine-tuning unit orders, is at the centre of the battle control panel. The three arrows within its top half can be used to direct a unit or unit group straight ahead, or turn it to the left or right. The button in the centre of the lower half causes a unit to step backwards. Holding down this button will make them turn and walk backwards. Clicking and holding down the rank and file buttons on either side change the depth of a unit's formation by increasing or decreasing the number of rows the troops stand in. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1257998467 Your nation is currently a constitutional monarchy. This means the monarch's personal power is kept in check by a parliament of elected officials. The government are all members of a political party, if they lose an election they will be replaced by elected members of an opposing party. Ministers can also be fired and replaced if it is felt they are not performing adequately. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258103965 When enlisting a new general or admiral you will be offered a choice of candidates, giving you the option to choose the commander who is best suited to your situation. They will be priced according to their capabilities and limited by the size of your empire. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258106865 With your nation close to bankruptcy, it would be wise to increase taxes throughout your lands or disband some of your troops or fleets to increase your income for the next turn. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258457621 When enlisting a new general or admiral you will be offered a choice of candidates, giving you the option to choose the commander who is best suited to your situation. They will be priced according to their capabilities and limited by the size of your empire. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1258571343 We should concentrate our efforts on building Government Chambers here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1258996206 Selecting the option to liberate turns the region into your protectorate, emerging as a new, allied nation controlled by a government sympathetic to your cause. They will retain ownership of their territory but allow military access, thereby acting as a buffer state on the frontier of your empire. They will also provide an army of conscripted troops for you to control. Financial tribute will be paid to your nation each turn, as with any other protectorate. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1259146729 This nation has now become your protectorate. Protectorates can take advantage of the military might of their "parent" nation in exchange for 50% of their income and unlimited military access, as well as counting towards their protector’s victory conditions. They may find themselves dragged into a conflict not of their own design, and unlike a regular ally cannot decline a request to fight for their protector without automatically declaring war on them. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1259570843 Attrition is the loss of troops from a unit due to desertion, disease, etc. A unit will suffer attrition if it ends its turn in the field during the Winter months or in desert conditions. Armies native to regions in the far north or in deserts are immune to attrition when located in those regions. All elite units are immune to attrition. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1262433918 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Royal Academy here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1262624287 This panel gives you important information about a particular unit type: number of men, recruitment and upkeep costs, experience, statistics, special abilities, and a detailed description. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1264671506 Your nation could be making more money through trade. Instigate diplomacy to make new trade agreements. The diplomatic negotiations panel can be accessed through the button on the bottom right of the screen. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1266097244 Your nation could greatly increase its trade income by sending merchant ships known as "Indiamen" to other continents. There are special trade theatres off the coasts of Africa, South America and the East Indies. Merchant ships are constructed at trade ports. Once built simply sail them to a trade theatre to begin. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_126614197 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Small Tobacco Plantation here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1268693641 We should concentrate our research efforts on Airguns. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1270120110 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Thakur's Court here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1270149641 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Nomads here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1270342130 We should concentrate our research efforts on Improved Grenades. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1271563323 An outbreak of disease has occurred here, impose a quarantine by not moving anyone in or out of the region until the epidemic passes! It may already be too late, but there is no need to assist the malady in spreading further! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1271902891 Naval battles are frequently a series of individual duels between ships, but there is value in maintaining formation and contact with the admiral for as long as possible. The morale-boosting effect of being close to the flagship can be passed from ship to ship, as long as they are within hailing distance of each other. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1273146092 We should concentrate our research efforts on Quicklime Shells. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1273390037 Avoid approaching places surrounded by heights, where troops can be entrapped and cut off, or where the land is sunken. Keep your distance and draw the enemy towards these areas. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1277544103 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Fluyt and recruiting its crew here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1278367614 You currently have an active mission to construct a Local Fishery in your region.To accomplish this, left-click on the port on the campaign map to the east of Jamestown. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1278703861 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Guards here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1279130588 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Bey's Mansion here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1279704252 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Powhatan Warriors here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1279863409 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Bey's Council here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1282356525 The mobility and stamina of light cavalry makes them ideally suited to scouting the battlefield. If they stumble into a sticky situation their light mounts should be swift enough to get them clear of danger. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1285898376 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Traditional University here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1289748928 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Maison du Roi here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1290794483 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Ferguson Riflemen here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1291133193 Excellent! Attacking infantry from behind is the single best way to kill them with cavalry, but always keep an eye out for enemy troops supporting them! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1293715000 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Great Cannon here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1296378373 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Large Ashram here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1296933163 We should concentrate our efforts on building an Ordnance Board here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1297297515 You currently have an active mission to construct a Tobacco Plantation. If you wish to complete this mission now left-click on the plantation icon on the campaign map. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_129929020 We should concentrate our research efforts on Lime Juice and Sauerkraut. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1300166217 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Islamic Swordsmen here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1300414160 We should concentrate our research efforts on the Puddling Furnace. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1301444000 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Weaver's Cottage here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1302257879 A burgeoning empire always needs more troops. This town could be militarized by constructing barracks to train and equip new recruits. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1308226834 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Janissary Hand Mortar Boluk here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1308478569 A flanking force of cavalry can be a serious threat to the enemy, but a mixed force of cavalry and infantry, although slower, is more dangerous. Your infantry can engage theirs, leaving your cavalry free to kill. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_130899555 As an alternative to a straight-forward occupation, upon capture of a settlement there is also an option to loot it as well. Doing so will add a lump sum to your treasury, but there will be a greater public order penalty than that caused by occupation alone. All buildings inside a looted settlement suffer considerable damage, and the associated region's wealth is diminished for some time afterwards. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1310965009 If they have had time to prepare them, light infantry will carry wooden stakes to deter the attentions of enemy cavalry. Deploy them at any time using the stakes button in the bottom right of the screen. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1312374983 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Janissary Barracks here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1312920696 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of Semenys here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1315028949 We should concentrate our efforts on recruiting a unit of 18-lber Horse Guard Artillery here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_131718024 Rather than racing the enemy to get control of high ground, try to approach it out of sight so they see no reason to hurry, while distracting them with bait they cannot resist. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1318375946 You have successfully made peace with Sardinia. The waters along our southern coast will be safe again. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1318614585 We should concentrate our efforts on building an Army Headquarters here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1318755131 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Razee and recruiting its crew here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1318888105 We should concentrate our efforts on building a Galley and recruiting its crew here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_1320399401 Welcome to Corsica. You are about to learn how to build an empire through conquest and diplomacy, establish vast and profitable trade routes, research new and exciting technologies, and advance Napoleon's military power on both land and sea. Fame and glory await! False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_132393743 When fighting in mountain passes, stay close to the valley walls. You may be able to take advantage of the slopes, or at least use them to protect one flank. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1324765185 We should concentrate our efforts on building an Imperial Palace here. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1325546880 Select the policies tab at the top of the government panel. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-1326873110 This battle can be fought as a drop-in battle. This means that you can choose to have another player take command of the AI forces in the battle, offering an even greater challenge! Click the drop-in battle button to quickly find an opponent on-line or invite a friend. False
advice_levels_onscreen_text_-132949274 You have successfully built a farm and fishery in the Jamestown region. The settlement should now grow and prosper, so it is time to deal with the threat from local native tribes. You must send an army to capture the village to the north east. False