• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
title_NewState_Text_29000a	United States	True
button_zoom_Tooltip_78007d	Toggle zoom	True
east_indies_Tooltip_6b0076	East Indies||Trade theatre for the East Indies.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended!	True
tw_tx_NewState_Text_5c0007	Classic Total War Camera	True
dy_weather_Tooltip_22004b	Certain weather conditions will affect the way you fight a battle.||Heavy rain can dampen firearms, resulting in slower firing rates and even misfires.||A soggy battlefield will stop cannonballs from bouncing so much, meaning they will not travel as far and do less damage.||Movement can be affected as well, heavy snowfalls will slow down an army as it struggles through it.	True
LandBanner_1_Tooltip_370070	Men in unit	True
dy_treasury_Tooltip_7a0062	Next turn, your income (detailed below) will be added to this.||Your treasury is the total sum of money you have available to spend on building and recruitment for this turn.	True
dy_theatre_Tooltip_3b0037	Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right of the theatre banner to switch theatres.	True
upkeep_cost_Tooltip_5b006d	You will have to pay this amount of money every turn that you have this unit.||If you are not using this unit it may be cheaper to disband it and recruit it again later rather than paying for its upkeep.	True
status_slow_Tooltip_680079	Slow connection	True
button_txt_land_Text_50054	Kills	True
kills_tx_land_Text_42001b	Enemy Killed	True
map_overlay_Tooltip_3c002c	India||Any regions in green are already owned by your nation.||Any regions in red are not owned, but are needed to complete your victory conditions.||The regions you need are detailed in the bottom right of the panel.	True
marble_bar_Tooltip_6e0041	Options||From here you can view the units that are available to recruit, their cost and the amount of turns it will take to recruit them.||Right click on a unit card to see detailed information on that unit.||Left click to add it to the queue, and left click on it again to remove it from the queue.||As your town grows and your resources develop more units will become available to you.||If a building enables you to recruit a unit it is listed in it's building details panel.	True
120_tx_NewState_Text_3d007c	2 Hours	True
map_overlay_Tooltip_1f007c	Europe||Any regions in green are already owned by your nation.||Any regions in red are not owned, but are needed to complete your victory conditions.||The regions you need are detailed in the bottom right of the panel.	True
map_overlay_Tooltip_47004c	America||Any regions in green are already owned by your nation.||Any regions in red are not owned, but are needed to complete your victory conditions.||The regions you need are detailed in the bottom right of the panel.	True
charge_bonus_Tooltip_20066	This increases a unit's melee attack when charging in.||Researching a new model bayonet will improve this bonus.	True
button_siege_Tooltip_20008	In these battles you will play as either the defender or the attacker.||Attackers will need to siege and capture a settlement to achieve victory, whereas defenders will have to hold the attacker off until the time limit expires.	True
dy_tax-income_Tooltip_7f0063	Income gained from taxing the wealth of all your regions.||This number is based on your current tax settings.||If you change the tax levels before the next turn this will change accordingly.||To change tax levels, and to see more information on your taxes, see the tax tab of this panel.||To see each region's individual tax details, view the region capital's settlement details panel.	True
title_panel_Tooltip_30006b	This panel will appear if your army has remained stationary for a turn on the campaign map.||This has allowed them time to dig in and fashion some defences.||Different units will have different defences available to them.	True
copy of plus_Tooltip_740064	Positive population growth||The most important influence for a healthy population growth is farming.||Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.||Maintaining a low tax rate for the lowest classes will also promote population growth.	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_3b0037	Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right of the theatre banner to switch theatres.	True
_title_frame_Tooltip_80064	After every battle this panel will appear.||It concentrates on the forces from both sides and how they stand after the dust has cleared.||Sometimes you will have captives to ransom, or a ransom yourself to pay!||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information.	True
status_ready_Tooltip_d0075	Player ready	True
total_title_Tooltip_2d0016	You can increase this number by gaining more trade partners.||Negotiating a trade agreement with a nation will open up a trade route between you.||You can do this in the Diplomacy panel.||Trade income will contribute to your overall national funds.	True
copy of plus_Tooltip_340037	Positive growth||The factors affecting the rate at which your region wealth will grow per turn.||Move your cursor over the icons to see what is helping growth.	True
button_all_Tooltip_56002e	When this is selected any messages you send will be sent to all players.||To only send to the players on your team switch to the team button.	True
button_save_Tooltip_8000e	Save army	True
cmp_diff_tx_Tooltip_a0043	You can increase or decrease campaign difficulty with the slider.	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_100021	Currently selected theatre||Each theatre has its own tax settings.||Use the arrows to the left and right to switch through the theatres.	True
button_gun_Tooltip_25005b	Pistol||Before deciding on a weapon check your marksmanship skill against your challengers.||There is courage and then there is recklessness!||Unless you like living dangerously it is best to chose the weapon with the highest skill level.	True
traits_title_Tooltip_20051	Traits are earned and created by the character's actions and experience over the game.||They can provide additional bonuses on the campaign and battle map and give a strategic use to specific characters.||Some may be economically minded and suited to running a city, whereas others are more at home on the battlefield.||Move your cursor over the traits to see their effects.||Not all traits are desirable, some traits are effectively penalties!||If this happens some damage control may be in order - move the character into a position where they can play to their strengths rather than fall prey to their weaknesses!||Move the cursor over the traits to see their effects.	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_4d0035	Theatre||The world map is divided into three theatres: Europe, America and India.||View the other theatres by clicking on the arrows to the left and right.	True
button_txt_Tooltip_7e0061	Once saved, you can reload this by selecting the saved battles option from the previous screen.	True
 button_kick_Tooltip_580067	Kick this player	True
TX_Theatre_DY_Tooltip_360076	The map above depicts the regions owned by your nation and the nation you are negotiating with.||Your nation's regions are coloured in green, whereas theirs are coloured red.||Mousing over the regions marked on the map will tell you their names so you can choose them from the two panels below.||Switch to another theatre view by using the scrolling buttons to the left and right.	True
tax_rate_tx_Tooltip_6e003d	You can change the tax rate by clicking the change tax policy button below.	True
refused_tx_Tooltip_10001f	These allies have refused a call to war.	True
percentage_Tooltip_76004a	You will have more public order with populations that follow your national religion.||You can use your missionaries to start converting a region by moving them into that area.	True
timer_face_Tooltip_77007f	Timer||This shows how much time you have to win the battle.	True
arrow_down_Tooltip_73006c	Scroll down	True
emblem_enl_Tooltip_1a003a	Philosophy||This technology includes political thought and economic ideas.||This can improve your wealth and cut some recruitment and building costs.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
heading_txt_Tooltip_e0060	Select sides, invite friends and recruit units here.||Move your cursor over the different sections for more information.	True
title_frame_Tooltip_8000f	This panel provides you with information about the selected unit.||Here you can see a unit's statistics, abilities and historical background.	True
button_add_AI_Tooltip_590023	Add AI Player	True
ammunition_Tooltip_6f0078	The amount of ammunition this unit can carry into battle.||Once this has been used up the unit will be forced to switch to melee mode for any more fighting.||After the battle ammunition will be fully replenished.	True
text_box_normal_Text_60050	Victory is yours! You can choose either to end the battle now or continue playing to run down the routed enemy !	True
positive_bar_Tooltip_b0062	Positive effects||A cultured region is a happy region.||Opera houses and theatres will keep the elite amused.||Improving government control through garrisons will curb some of their more decadent tendencies and help keep order.	True
tx_Ordnance_Tooltip_f0032	The metal industry tree will help develop factory machinery and improve your trade resources.||As each new technology is gained it will lead you onto the next step up the chain.||Sometimes, technologies are unattainable until other technologies have been gained.||Use this technology tree to plan the path to the technology you want.	True
furs_NewState_Tooltip_60034	Furs	True
button_tx_war_Text_3a0026	Declare war	True
population_Tooltip_4c0054	If your population is estimated to grow next turn there will be an arrow icon pointing upwards next to the population number.||If the population is not increasing you may want to bring up the region's details panel to see how to help it grow.||As a region's population increases, villages will turn into towns and harbours into ports.|| You can order this column according to the lowest and highest population by clicking on this column's title.||Left-click on each region to jump to its location on the campaign map.||Right-click to bring up the details for the selected region.	True
tx_Naval_tx_Naval_Text_54	Naval	True
advisor_tx_Tooltip_5a0048	Check this box to receive gameplay tips from the in-game advisor.||The advisor will appear in the top left-hand of the screen.||If this is your first time playing the game, it is probably a good idea to have the advisor on.	True
options_bar1_Tooltip_f0034	Do not plunge your nation into war simply because you have the option!||Consider the implications first - there are plenty of battles to be fought, battles you can plan for.	True
TX_header_normal_Text_290070	Diplomatic Relations	True
options_tx_Tooltip_6e0041	Options||From here you can view the units that are available to recruit, their cost and the amount of turns it will take to recruit them.||Right click on a unit card to see detailed information on that unit.||Left click to add it to the queue, and left click on it again to remove it from the queue.||As your town grows and your resources develop more units will become available to you.||If a building enables you to recruit a unit it is listed in it's building details panel.	True
fac arrow L_Tooltip_f000f	Scroll through the minor nation buttons.	True
tx_theatre_Tooltip_1a002b	Develop trade resources in each theatre to increase the flow of trade.||You can do this by taking regions with plentiful resource slots and developing your industry.	True
dy_miniflag2_Tooltip_550074	Player 2	True
dy_miniflag1_Tooltip_560074	Player 1	True
button_melee_Tooltip_400015	Toggle melee mode||When melee mode is on, the selected unit will engage in hand-to-hand combat.||If this button is locked, it means the unit can only melee.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_2d006b	This panel gives you a historic context for your campaign and offers hints and tips on how to proceed.||Each nation will have its own advice to offer according to its tactical location and its potential for expansion.	True
heading_tx_Tooltip_3e000a	This section details your nation, territories, campaign year and season at the time of saving.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more information.	True
fac arrow R_Tooltip_f002f	Scroll through the minor nation buttons.	True
ok_end_trade_Tooltip_120057	End trade partnership	True
dy_wind-gauge_Tooltip_150032	This shows whether the wind is in your favour or not.||This will depend upon the wind direction and whether you are sailing against it or with it.||Try to sail with the wind where possible as this will increase your speed.	True
line_abreast_Tooltip_520077	Line abreast||This arranges your grouped ships into a single line abreast of each other.||Using this formation will deny the enemy any room to manoeuvre as they would have to run through your field of fire.||This formation particularly suits ships with guns in their noses, such as galleys.||This formation will still work with ships that fire broadside, but you will have to move them into position to fire.	True
TX_port_NewState_Text_3b0018	Port:	True
call_help_tx_Tooltip_660061	When this box is checked you will ask your allies to join you in war.||Note that this box is always automatically checked when you declare war.||Your allies may turn down your request, so make sure you're ready to fight alone if needs be.||||If a nation is the aggressor then an ally can turn down the request without breaking the alliance.||If the request is made by a defending nation then the ally must help or break the alliance with them.	True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_310039	Turns||This is the amount of turns it will take to steal or research this technology	True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_460054	Recruitment turns	True
cancel_access_Tooltip_6e0048	Cancel	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_78000b	Cancel changes	True
negative_bar_Tooltip_720050	Negative influences||If the higher class become too unhappy, public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||High taxes will vex the higher classes and cause them to raise their voices in disgust.||Lowering taxes will improve their moods and stop any trouble from being stirred up.	True
TX_save_game_Tooltip_5a0073	This panel helps you to move between theatres quickly and easily.||This is triggered when you move into one of the transition zones between theatres.||Use the map below to select your destination and when you are happy click the tick button.||To cancel a move select the cancel button - this will return you to the map.	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_690043	Clear offer||Clicking this button will remove any offers or demands you have made from the panel above.||If you don't have any offers or demands to clear, it will cancel all diplomatic talks with the nation and take you back to the diplomatic options panel.	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_6e0048	Cancel	True
melee_attack_Tooltip_180076	This skill determines the chance of a successful hit on the enemy when the unit is engaged in melee.||Battle hardened troops will gain experience in melee and this skill will increase.||Researching bayonets in military technology will improve melee attack.	True
button_cancel_Tooltip_6e0068	Cancel	True
state_gift_tx_Tooltip_1c0027	Presenting a gift helps to improve relations between nations.||If their public opinion of you is poor this gift may help turn things around.||Giving a gift is not part of diplomatic bartering - although they can help smooth the way for precisely that.||There are three types of gifts to offer - each ascending in value.||When offering a gift, take your own wealth into account.||If you are wealthy it won't look sincere if you skimp on the gift!	True
Experience_1_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_2_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_3_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_4_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_5_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_6_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_7_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_8_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
Experience_9_Tooltip_7f0041	Experience	True
button_tx_peace_Text_450046	Request peace	True
dy_Population_Tooltip_16001a	Population||As the population increases, more slots appear.||These slots can be built upon to develop your region.||The growth section to the left will help guide you on how to increase this number.	True
ok_stategift_Tooltip_720052	Present state gift	True
army_promote_Tooltip_430044	Recruit general||This will recruit a general and change a unit to a generals bodyguard unit.||Generals can build forts, add morale bonuses in battle, rally and recruit units on land.	True
button_dagger_Tooltip_3e001d	Sabotage||Click here once you have chosen your target.||You will then receive the result of the sabotage attempt.||Skilled rakes can perform sabotage and escape with their identity secret.||If this happens, the victim's nation will place the blame at the feet of their most hated enemy, and your nation will be overlooked.||This is a great way to escalate tension between two nations and play them off against each other.||However, if you are discovered it will affect your diplomatic relationship.	True
dy_government_Tooltip_510001	There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||To find out more about your government see the ministers tab and mouse over your government's type.	True
Alliance1_NewState_Text_3f000f	Alliance 1	True
hull_strength_Tooltip_42004e	The hull strength determines how much damage this unit will receive when hit.||You can strengthen a hull by researching seasoning in naval technology.	True
button_close_Tooltip_560050	Close this panel	True
effects_icons1_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061	経済成長	True
effects_icons1_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064	駐屯効果	True
effects_icons1_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_1a004a	陸軍雇用費	True
effects_icons1_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b0079	陸軍維持費	True
effects_icons1_ministers_effectiveness_Tooltip_f002e	大臣の効果	True
effects_icons1_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045	海軍雇用費	True
effects_icons1_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_550014	海軍維持費	True
effects_icons1_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	海軍研究	True
effects_icons1_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	警備費	True
effects_icons1_prestige_Tooltip_d0026	名声	True
effects_icons1_repression_Tooltip_63005b	鎮圧	True
effects_icons1_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	税効率	True
effects_icons1_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036	貿易効率	True
effects_icons2_army_research_Tooltip_80016	陸軍研究	True
effects_icons2_diplomacy_Tooltip_b0043	外交	True
effects_icons2_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061	経済成長	True
effects_icons2_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064	駐屯効果	True
effects_icons2_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a	陸軍雇用費	True
effects_icons2_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b000a	陸軍維持費	True
effects_icons2_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045	海軍雇用費	True
effects_icons2_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_260014	海軍維持費	True
effects_icons2_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	海軍研究	True
effects_icons2_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	警備費	True
effects_icons2_prestige_Tooltip_d0026	名声	True
effects_icons2_repression_Tooltip_63005b	鎮圧	True
effects_icons2_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	税効率	True
effects_icons2_Tooltip_f002e	大臣の効果	True
effects_icons2_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036	貿易効率	True
effects_icons3_army_research_Tooltip_80016	陸軍研究	True
effects_icons3_diplomacy_Tooltip_b0043	外交	True
effects_icons3_economic_growth_Tooltip_7f0061	経済成長	True
effects_icons3_garrison_effect_Tooltip_6e0064	駐屯効果	True
effects_icons3_land_recruit_cost_Tooltip_69004a	陸軍雇用費	True
effects_icons3_land_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_4b000a	陸軍維持費	True
effects_icons3_ministers_effectiveness_Tooltip_f002e	大臣の効果	True
effects_icons3_naval_recruit_cost_Tooltip_660045	海軍雇用費	True
effects_icons3_naval_upkeep_cost_Tooltip_550014	海軍維持費	True
effects_icons3_navy_research_Tooltip_3a0057	海軍研究	True
effects_icons3_policing_costs_Tooltip_6b000a	警備費	True
effects_icons3_prestige_Tooltip_d0026	名声	True
effects_icons3_repression_Tooltip_63005b	抑圧	True
effects_icons3_tax_efficiency_Tooltip_30004a	税効率	True
effects_icons3_trade_efficiency_Tooltip_470036	交易効率	True
Effects_NewState_Text_770033	効果	True
effects_title_Building_Text_770033	効果	True
effects_title_Building_Tooltip_160047	それぞれの建物は異なる効果を持ちます。例えば部隊、富、抑圧や社会秩序に効果があります。||これらの影響を見ることで、希望する領土を最も後押しできる建物を選ぶことができます。||建物が損傷したら修理が終わるまで効果はなくなります。||カーソルを効果アイコンの上に載せて、より多くの詳細を見てください。	True
effects_title_Building_Tooltip_c002e	それぞれの建物は異なる効果を持ちます。例えば部隊、富、抑圧や社会秩序に効果があります。||これらの影響を見ることで、希望する領土を最も後押しできる建物を選ぶことができます。||建物が損傷したら修理が終わるまで効果はなくなります。||カーソルを効果アイコンの上に載せて、より多くの詳細を見てください。	True
effects_title_Technology_Text_770033	効果	True
effects_title_Technology_Tooltip_6e0022	この技術を持っていればこれらの効果がある	True
Effects_Tooltip_1a0062	下記のアイコンは現在の税率が二階級に与える効果を示しています。||税率によって二階級が異なる影響を受けることに気が付きます。||民衆の大部分を占める下層階級に高税を課すと人口増加を鈍らせます。||支配階級は地域の富の多くの要因となるので、彼らに高税を課すことは富と成長率を鈍らせます。||豊かであっても貧しくても、全てに一つの共通点があります - 税に対する嫌悪。||高税を課すことは両階級にとって不幸なことなのです。||税率スライダーを動かすにしたがって影響が変わることに気づくことでしょう。||それぞれの効果の特定の価値を見るために、カーソルをアイコンの上に置いてください。	True
Effects_Tooltip_360064	下記のアイコンは現在の税率が二階級に与える効果を示しています。||税率によって二階級が異なる影響を受けることに気が付きます。||民衆の大部分を占める下層階級に高税を課すと人口増加を鈍らせます。||高層階級は地域の富の多くの要因となるので、彼らに高税を課すことは富と成長率を鈍らせます。||豊かであっても貧しくても、全てに一つの共通点があります - 税に対する嫌悪。||高税を課すことは両階級にとって不幸なことなのです。||税率スライダーを動かすにしたがって影響が変わることに気づくことでしょう。||それぞれの効果の特定の価値を見るために、カーソルをアイコンの上に置いてください。	True
Effects_Tooltip_5f0077	下記のアイコンは現在の税率が二階級に与える効果を示しています。 || 高税は二階級の経済成長を鈍らせ、彼らを不幸にします。||税率スライダーを動かすにしたがって影響が変わることに気づくことでしょう。||それぞれの効果の特定の価値を見るために、カーソルをアイコンの上に置いてください。	True
election_turns_Tooltip_280024	次の選挙||もし現在の内閣の維持を望みながらも支持が低いならば、世論の風向きが変わることを切望するだけです!||応急処置として減税を試みることはできますが、遅すぎたかも知れません。	True
embed_Tooltip_2a004d	放蕩者には浸透によって軍と都市に影響を与える能力があります。||彼らの注意深い洞察を通して、他の国の隠された詳細を学ぶことができます。||この詳細を見るには、放蕩者が浸透した軍や都市を単に左クリックするだけです。||発見されるリスクは常にあり、たとえ放蕩者が殉死や捕縛を逃れたとしても貴国は疑いの目で見られるでしょう。||成功するチャンスが低ければ、浸透を試みる前によく考えるべきかもしれません。	True
embed_Tooltip_2b000e	放蕩者には浸透によって軍と都市に影響を与える能力があります。||彼らの注意深い洞察を通して、他の国の隠された詳細を学ぶことができます。||この詳細を見るには、放蕩者が浸透した軍や都市を単に左クリックするだけです。||発見されるリスクは常にあり、たとえ放蕩者が殉死や捕縛を逃れたとしても貴国は疑いの目で見られるでしょう。||成功するチャンスが低ければ、浸透を試みる前によく考えるべきかもしれません。	True
embed_Tooltip_330046	スパイには偵察と浸透によって軍と都市に影響を与える能力があります。||彼らの注意深い洞察を通して、他の国の隠された詳細を学ぶことができます。||この詳細を見るには、放蕩者が浸透した軍や都市を単に左クリックするだけです。||発見されるリスクは常にあり、たとえ放蕩者が殉死や捕縛を逃れたとしても貴国は疑いの目で見られるでしょう。||成功するチャンスが低ければ、浸透を試みる前によく考えるべきかもしれません。	True
emblem_enl_Tooltip_10060	これは哲学技術です。||哲学技術は政治と経済の発想を含みます。||これらは富を増やし徴集や建設の費用を低減させます。	True
emblem_enl_Tooltip_1a003a	哲学||哲学技術は政治と経済の発想を含みます。||これらは富を増やし徴集や建設の費用を低減させます。||それぞれ新技術を得るとそれらは連鎖し、次の段階へと導きます。||時々、他の技術を得るまで到達できない技術があります。||希望する技術への道程表を立てるために、この技術ツリーを使用してください。	True
emblem_ind_Tooltip_78000c	これは産業技術タブです。||この技術ツリーは農業、鉄鋼、そして織工の三つを包括します。||この技術は富の増加と人口増加に役立つでしょう。||より多くの情報を得るために、カーソルを異なるアイコンの上に乗せてください。	True
emblem_mil_Tooltip_42002b	これは軍事技術タブです。||軍事技術は武器の製造と改良、そして新しい戦術や隊形の工夫に役立ちます。||陸軍と海軍の改善を望むのならば、ここから盗むべきです。||このタブは三つの異なるツリーに分割されています。軍事、軍需、そして海軍技術。||より多くの情報を得るために、カーソルを異なるアイコンの上に乗せてください。	True
end_alliance_Tooltip_3c0050	同盟を破棄すると同盟国との連携上の利点を失うことになります。||同盟国の中に感銘を与えたい敵がいたら、こうすることを望むかもしれません。	True
end_trade_Tooltip_3b0061	通商協定の破棄は二国間の全ての通商路を閉鎖します。||これを破棄すると、この国からの交易収入を失います。||輸出品も停止されるので、彼らから価値ある資源を奪うことになるかもしれません。	True
end_trade_tx_NewState_Text_7f000d	この国との通商協定の終結を望みますか?	True
enemies_NewState_Text_5c003a	敵:	True
enemies_Tooltip_1e0023	敵を作ることは避けられません。しかし、敵を選ぶことは友人を選ぶことと同じくらい慎重に行うべきです。||交渉している国と共通の敵を持てば、彼らは共通の立場であると思って申し出を受け入れてくれるかもしれません。	True
enemies_Tooltip_710051	共通の敵を持つことは、同じ立場にるその国から信頼を得れる兆候かもしれません。||他方、彼らの敵の内一人と関係したならば、疑いの目で見られるかもしれません。	True
enemy_combatants_header_Tooltip_3f0062	勝利の可能性を審査して戦いの前の準備を完璧にするために、敵の詳細を自分と比較してください。	True
enemy_combatants_header_Tooltip_4f0032	勝利の可能性を審査して戦いの前の準備を完璧にするために、敵の詳細を自分と比較してください。	True
entities_title_Gentlemen_Text_110046	紳士	True
entities_title_Gentlemen_Tooltip_6f0043	任務を任せられたエージェント。||彼の肖像画を右クリックすると詳細パネルが開きます。	True
entities_title_Universities_Text_4a0068	教育施設	True
entities_title_Universities_Tooltip_5e0047	保持する教育施設につき、一度に一つのアイテムを研究することができます。||教育施設は下記に示されています。||紳士が研究している場所には紳士のアイコンが表示されています。||紳士はそこで受け持つ研究の速度を向上させます。||アイテムを研究し終えたら他の研究を始めることができます。	True
EU_map_Tooltip_18005e	地図上の緑のエリアは、選択した国の支配下にある領土であることを示します。||これは帝国の発展する方法に影響を及ぼし、どの国として遊ぶかを選ぶときに重要な要素になります。||他の地域も見てみてください - アメリカやインド。選択された国が所有している領土があるかもしれません。	True
EU_map_Tooltip_1e003b	これはヨーロッパにおける、あなたの支配下にある領土を表示しています。||緑色の領土があなたのものです。	True
europe_Tooltip_5c0077	ヨーロッパ||アメリカ、ヨーロッパそしてインドの各地域は都市を発展させ、戦争のために兵を徴集できます。||つまりあなたの帝国を建設できる場所です。	True
Exempt region.._NewState_Text_28005a	税金を免除	True
Exempt region.._Tooltip_1d0010	領土から税を免除することは、民衆の幸福への大きな後押しです。||これは手に負えない領土の対処に効果的な処方で、暴動の鎮圧と抑制に役立ちます。||この領土を税の重荷から解くことは、領土の経済成長を助けます。	True
Exempt region.._Tooltip_66006f	領土から税を免除することは、民衆の幸福への大きな後押しです。||これは手に負えない領土の対処に効果的な処方で、暴動の鎮圧と抑制に役立ちます。||この領土を税の重荷から解くことは、領土の経済成長を助けます。	True
Experience_1_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_2_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_3_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_4_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_5_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_6_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_7_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_8_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
Experience_9_Tooltip_7f0041	経験	True
experience_new_0_Tooltip_680041	戦闘後の経験: 0||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_0_Tooltip_6a0049	戦闘後の経験||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_0_Tooltip_6a0069	戦闘後の経験||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_1_Tooltip_480040	戦闘後の経験: 1||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_1_Tooltip_680040	戦闘後の経験: 1||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_2_Tooltip_480043	戦闘後の経験: 2||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_2_Tooltip_680043	戦闘後の経験: 2||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_3_Tooltip_480042	戦闘後の経験: 3||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_3_Tooltip_680042	戦闘後の経験: 3||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_4_Tooltip_480045	戦闘後の経験: 4||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_4_Tooltip_680045	戦闘後の経験: 4||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_5_Tooltip_480044	戦闘後の経験: 5||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True
experience_new_5_Tooltip_680044	戦闘後の経験: 5||これはこの部隊がこの戦闘で得た経験です。	True