Alliance2_NewState_Text_3c000f Alliance 2 True
checkbox_down_Tooltip_63001d Automanaging taxes||Click to manually manage taxes. True
checkbox_roll_Tooltip_660038 Manually managing taxes||Click to automanage taxes. True
radar arrow L_Tooltip_11006d Next theatre True
dropdown_wind_Tooltip_5b0063 Wind will have the most influence on sea battles.||Be it gale or gust, keep the wind type and direction in mind when engaging the enemy, and use it to gain the upper hand.||Sailing against a wind can slow down your ship, but if you manage to get the wind behind you, it can be used to your advantage. True
south_america_Tooltip_37003b Coast of Brazil||Trade theatre for South America.||Trade theatres work differently from the normal theatres.||You cannot develop cities or take regions here, these areas are for trade only.||Each trade theatre contains slots for your merchant ships to occupy.||Once you have a merchant ship in that slot you will gain a new trade route.||You must defend these trade stations with your navies.||Trade is a cut-throat business and your competitors will take what is not defended! True
label_tx_NewState_Text_50074 SSAO (ambient shadow) True
tea_NewState_Tooltip_650035 Tea True
dy_population_Tooltip_73001c This is the population of your nation across all your regions. True
button_lists_Tooltip_340057 Lists||The Lists panel details all your agents, armed forces, fleets and regions.||From this panel you can get a snapshot of your nation.||To see more information click this button to bring up the Lists panel. True
tab_abilities_Tooltip_240006 Some units will already have abilities when they are recruited.||The majority of abilities will be gained by researching different technologies.||Move the cursor over the different abilities to see what bonus effects they will have. True
end_alliance_Tooltip_3c0050 If you cancel an alliance you will lose all the advantages associated with allied nations.||You may wish to do this if your ally has an enemy you want to impress. True
button_rapier_Tooltip_6e002b Rapier||Before deciding on a weapon check your fencing skills against your challengers.||There is courage and then there is recklessness!||Unless you like living dangerously it is best to chose the weapon with the highest skill level. True
button_invite_Tooltip_700018 Invite friends True
swordfighting_Tooltip_100014 Fencing skill||You can choose to fight the duel with pistols or a sword.||If you can, pick the duelling method where your skill is greater than your opponents. True
title_frame_Tooltip_51ffef Your nation's armed forces, agents and regions are listed here for quick access.||When you have selected your target you can double left-click to zoom to their position on the campaign map.||This panel is divided into four sections ヨ your armies, fleets, regions and agents. True
negative_bar_Tooltip_680017 Negative influences||If they become too unhappy public order will break down resulting in riots and revolts.||The lowest class are not particularly well off, and taxes add another burden for them to bear.||Reduce that burden by lowering the lowest class tax rate and lessen the likelihood of transforming them into an angry mob! True
men_tx_NewState_Text_14003e Deployed True
build_browser_Tooltip_5c000b Building Browser||The Building Browser panel shows all the buildings you have for each region.||Click on this to open up the panel for more details. True
dy_sum_credit_Tooltip_56005e The total of your incomings.||Your upkeep costs will be deducted from this to create your total income for the next turn.||Your tax, trade and other incomes (as detailed above) make up this sum. True
radar arrow R_Tooltip_180072 Previous theatre True
dy_player_no_Tooltip_420077 This shows the number of players in the alliance and the maximum number allowed. True
route_pip_Sea_Tooltip_590079 These goods are being transported by sea True
repeatedly_tx_Tooltip_17001a Offers of regular payments rather than a one off sum is less likely to be accepted as the payments could be easily revoked.||Demanding smaller regular payments may be more manageable for the other nation, and so have a greater chance of being accepted.||Select the amount of turns below. True
button_attack_Tooltip_2e007c Assault||Select this if you have little patience for sieges and wish to storm the walls! True
button_accept_Tooltip_720072 Accept True
swordfighting_Tooltip_30024 Fencing skill||Check this before choosing your duelling weapon.||If you can, pick the weapon you are more proficient in to increase your chances of winning. True
button_attack_Tooltip_3a007b Attack||Fight the battle on the battlemap.||You can choose to autoresolve the battle if you think the odds are in your favour.||However, you have a better chance at victory if you fight the battle manually. True
date_Episodic_Tooltip_7d0063 Turn number True
positive_bar_Tooltip_740064 Positive population growth||The most important influence for a healthy population growth is farming.||Constructing fishing ports will also have a positive effect.||Maintaining a low tax rate for the lowest classes will also promote population growth. True
experience_tx_Tooltip_680047 Units gain experience through fighting battles and both inflicting and gaining casualties.||Experience will improve certain statistics for units, so battle hardened units will be more skilled than a fresh unit of the same type.||If a unit is replenished with fresh recruits the experience of that unit will be reduced.||This reduction will be reflected in the ratio of inexperienced to experienced troops. True
faction_right_Tooltip_39001f This panel contains all the diplomatic information of the nation you are negotiating with.||These details can help inform your diplomatic decisions.||Mouse over the areas below for more information. True
faction_title_Tooltip_39001f This panel contains all the diplomatic information of the nation you are negotiating with.||These details can help inform your diplomatic decisions.||Mouse over the areas below for more information. True
time_limit_tx_Tooltip_450043 Check this box to impose a time limit on battles played on the battlemap.||Once checked, the time limit choices will appear below. True
tx_government_Tooltip_510001 There are three types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and a republic.||Each government type has its own distinct effect - happiness, diplomacy and economic factors will all behave differently according to which type is in power.||To find out more about your government see the ministers tab and mouse over your government's type. True
positive_bar_Tooltip_340037 Positive growth||The factors affecting the rate at which your region wealth will grow per turn.||Move your cursor over the icons to see what is helping growth. True
post_justice_Tooltip_420079 Justice minister||He affects your public order by adding bonuses to repression, garrisons effect and town watch costs.||The level of these bonuses are dependent on his management skill.||If he is incompetent you may wish to swap him for another minister.||He will carry his incompetence to his new post, but perhaps he will do less damage there!||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel. True
tx_government_Tooltip_7f0001 The various aspects of government management are available here.||The panel itself is divided into four different tabs: national summary, policies, ministers and trade.||Each of these tabs focuses on a specific area of government.||You can change settings in some of these, whereas others are purely to provide you with information.||Move your cursor over the different sections below for more information. True
header_NewState_Text_5d001b World Market True
dy_sum_debit_Tooltip_4d0031 The total of your outgoings.||This will be taken from your incomings to create your total income for the next turn.||Your army, naval and town watch upkeep costs make up this total. True
positive_bar_Tooltip_560048 Positive influences||Build government buildings such as a parliament and keep the town well garrisoned to provide a strong guiding hand to help protect the rabble from themselves.||Your lowest classes can't work on an empty stomach - develop your agriculture to provide food and work and improve public order. True
faction_title_Tooltip_60064 This panel contains all the diplomatic options open to you, along with relevant information on your nation.||Move your cursor over the different sections for more information. True
leader_name_tx_Tooltip_30013 This is the leader of the nation you are negotiating with.||Their diplomatic skills may affect negotiations and the deals you are able to make. True
tx_population_Tooltip_73001c This is the population of your nation across all your regions. True
button_europe_Tooltip_5d007e Europe||America, Europe and India are where you can develop cities, recruit armies and wage war.||This is where you build your empire. True
army_disband_Tooltip_6f0073 Disband selected units||Occasionally you will have a unit you no longer have use for.||Every unit you have has an upkeep cost, shown on their unit details panel.||There is little point spending money on a unit that is doing nothing.||It may be cheaper to disband them and recruit a new unit when needed instead. True
offer_tech_tx_Tooltip_15005d New technology can be used to improve your armies, navies and regions and as such is a valuable and useful bargaining tool.||You can only offer technology you have already researched.||All available technology is shown in this panel.||There are three different branches of technology to choose from - military, industry and enlightenment. True
button_txt_save_Text_6e0022 Save Battle Setup True
tab_military_Tooltip_490074 Military technologies||Military technology helps to manufacture and improve weapons, and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True
button_txt_land_Text_14003e Deployed True
button_jumpto_Tooltip_44002b Zoom to the character's location on the map. True
ok_technology_Tooltip_720052 Accept True
treasury_text_Tooltip_24007f Total treasury income||The amount that this region contributes to your funds every year.||It is calculated using your region wealth and your total tax rate.||Increase this number by raising taxes or increasing region wealth. True
tab_military_Tooltip_570079 Military technologies||This helps to manufacture and improve weapons and devise new battle tactics and formations.||Concentrating on this technology will improve armies and navies.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True
dy_title_NewState_Text_520035 Capital Lost! True
cpu_moves_tx_Tooltip_130000 If this is checked, visible CPU player's moves will be shown during the end turn phase.||This can help to keep a track on some of the CPU's locations and movements, but the end turn phase will also take longer. True
cpu_moves_tx_Tooltip_130020 If this is checked, visible CPU player's moves will be shown during the end turn phase.||This can help to keep a track on some of the CPU's locations and movements, but the end turn phase will also take longer. True
tab_ministers_Tooltip_270032 Your head of state, ministers and governors are all displayed here, along with your government's popularity.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more information. True
faction_ally_Tooltip_15002d Ally True
dy_title_NewState_Text_780072 Revolution! True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_4d0070 Recruiting||This shows how many turns left to recruit this unit. True
public_order_Tooltip_63000e The two icons are for the lower and higher classes, as each of them have their own public order.||Green icons mean the public are under control, red means they are likely to riot. Yellow means they are somewhere in-between.||If the public order for a region looks unstable you may want to bring up the region's details scroll to try and find the problems and quell any unrest.||You can order this column according to the best and worst public order by clicking on this column's title.||This will help you quickly pinpoint regions which may give you trouble. True
details_title_Tooltip_10002f Below are statistics for each of your units, including the ones you lost in the battle. True
Turns_queued_Tooltip_21004d Turns||Turns||This is the amount of turns it will take to steal this technology. True
bg_title_frame_Tooltip_60067 Here you can quickly see which nations are neutral towards you and who your enemies and allies are.||You can also open up diplomatic talks.||Move your cursor over the areas below to see more information. True
dy_description_Tooltip_2003f This panel contains details on the battle about to take place.||It shows the size of both armies or navies, information on the location of the battle and any reinforcements either side may have.||Move your cursor over the areas below for more information. True
button_tx_war_Tooltip_120007 This will bring up a declare war panel where you can see potential allies for both sides. True
details_title_Tooltip_10076 Here you can see a character's age, the level of their abilities and find their current location on the campaign map.||Mouse over each of the details for more information. True
button_tx_war_Tooltip_320007 This will bring up a declare war panel where you can see potential allies for both sides. True
dy_title_NewState_Text_480067 Technology Advances True
text_tx_NewState_Text_37004b Do you want to keep the new screen resolution? True
button_delete_Tooltip_d0041 Click to delete this file True
post_finance_Tooltip_49000f Finance minister||He affects your tax and trade efficiency and your economic growth.||The level of these are dependent on his management competence.||Right-click on his portrait to bring up his details panel. True
StatusIcon_Melee_Tooltip_44 Melee True
build_repair_Tooltip_7f0051 Repair||Buildings can become damaged through warfare or the actions of a saboteur intent on slowing your nation's progress.||A damaged building will cease to provide its effects and bonuses until it is fully repaired.||If you select a building card for a building that needs to be repaired, this button will change to colour and become active. True
button_cancel_Tooltip_e0044 Refuse offer True
negative_bar_Tooltip_3d0043 Negative population growth||High tax rates for the lowest classes are likely to be the most detrimental influence on population growth. True
title_tx_team_2_Text_3c000f Alliance 2 True
name_textbox_Tooltip_2b0044 On this panel you can view a character's personal details, traits and entourage.||All of this is useful for judging a character and where best to use them.||Move your cursor over the different areas for more detail. True
title_tx_team_1_Text_3f000f Alliance 1 True
Nation details_Tooltip_2f0020 Your nation's diplomatic details.||You can see your protectorates, allies, enemies and your trade partners at a glance here. True
navy_scupper_Tooltip_1e0059 Scupper selected ships||This will dismantle the selected ships and distribute the crew among your other ships, saving you money on upkeep costs! True
label_tx_NewState_Text_430072 Selection Markers True
protectorates_Tooltip_34001c Protectorates are nations who come under the protection of another nation.||In exchange for protection the protectorate grants full access to its regions, and pays the protecting nation half its income. True
coffee_NewState_Tooltip_6c0040 Coffee True
label_tx_NewState_Text_100016 Depth of Field True
label_tx_NewState_Text_410066 Show CPU Moves True
dy_experience_1_Tooltip_5f004a Experience: 1 True
button_options_Tooltip_7001a Game menu True
dy_experience_2_Tooltip_5f0049 Experience: 2 True
year_txt_NewState_Text_310044 Start Year: True
tab_prestige_Tooltip_4c0054 Your prestige depends on how you measure up against the other nations.||It is a reflection of your achievements during your campaign.||Your conquests will improve your prestige, as well as research in military, naval, industrial and philosophy technologies.||Your total prestige points will be calculated at the end of your campaign and you can see where you stand compared to the other nations. True
dy_experience_3_Tooltip_5f0048 Experience: 3 True
map_tx_NewState_Text_5b003d Map: True
label_tx_NewState_Text_700029 Battles True
button_close_Tooltip_76005e Close this panel. True
dy_experience_4_Tooltip_5f004f Experience: 4 True
effects_icons2_Tooltip_f002e Minister's effectiveness True
tab_industry_Tooltip_6e0002 Industrial technologies||This technology tree is divided into three sections - agriculture, metal industry and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True
tab_industry_Tooltip_44000c Industrial technology||This technology tree is divided into three branches - agriculture, metal and textile industry.||This technology will help increase wealth and population growth.||Move your cursor over the different icons to see more information about them. True